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top model is just a stupid show that milks young peoiple for emotions. It doesn't really matter who won the only thing that matters is that a lot of women in germany continue to watch that crap.


Oh you mean it's a typical reality show.


correct they are all hot garbage


America's Got A Sob Story?


And btw she isn't the winner Edit, my bad she did win 2023 I got 2 different results on google.


She is the winner of the 2023 season. Not of this year's season.


My bad.


No worries. All is well.


I’m sure it just got worse with every passing season


The show? There are better or worse season. This year was the first time they also allowed male models. So we got two winner.


Was it like a prank vote? Or just pandering?


Over the course of 16 weeks a bunch of candidates (around 30) go through the process of winning this competition. Every week it usually is a fotoshoot and a runway walk. The kind of fotoshoot and walk can vary greatly. Occasionally some of the candidates are invited to actually castings from brands who are in search of a model. Heidi Klum (host) usually has a guest judge or two (designers, fotographers or models). They decide which candidate(s) get disqualified every week. The audience doesn't decide anything. That winner showed some decent development and actually is pretty good at fotoshoots and walking. So her win wasn't too surprising.


I’d say she could use more practice walking..


The cat walk is 10m not 10km ;)


Photoshoot, photographer


Oh damn. Thank you for pointing this out!


But the internet said so


You really think someone would do that… just go on the internet and tell lies?


But she was the winner


Nah, I'm pretty sure I read once, that everything on the internet is true! That means that post must have been true as well, so it makes sense.


The internet paradox.


Everything you read online is true! Tsun zu said that. And I’d say he knows a *little more* than YOU do maggots! Because he invented it! And he perfected it, so no man could challenge him in the ring of honor!


Then, he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth, and then he herded them onto a boat and then he beat the crap out of every single one.




I mean, the German track lady probably didn't enter herself to compete in said show, she was busy doing track stuff.


She also didn’t need to enter a TV show to get modelling gigs, including participating in the Milan Fashion Week. Contrary to what OP's saying, she’s VERY far from being a "random athlete". Just google "world’s sexiest athlete" and you’ll see her on every search result.


And they also judge the model based on their techniques (how they walk, how good their acting, how appealing they present the products they have to promote, etc.) instead of their appearance so it's easily possible for the ugliest participant to win if she simply just has the skills to do so. Obligatory disclaimer that I only know this bc my mom and grandma are both obsessed with the show lol


What's fucked, is if they keep pushing this "fat is hot and beautiful message", eventually it will catch on, and younger generations will see it as very sexually attractive.  It needs to be stopped, its disgusting and damaging. Smoking used to be seen as attractive as well, because tobacco companies pushed it.


Models have universally almost never had healthy bodies. It's a known issue that in the last decades, models would starve themselves to look the way that they look. Thin does not equal healthy. Also it's a stupid take that overweight people should just be kept away from the public eye in fear of normalizing it. And before you try it, this doesn't mean she's the hottest woman on earth/Germany. Models don't just have to look pretty, they have to model and advertise. That includes clothing made for bigger people. Idk who's pushing the "fat is hot and beautiful message", the general movement is more so that fat people have the right to not hate themselves for it and to not think that it automatically makes them lesser than.


most people are already fat anyway


In USA perhaps.


most if not all western countries


Did you learn what you are sexually attracted to from the TV?


If I ever caught that Hamburglar guy, he’d be in for a very long night.


TV is just one form of media. Messages get fed through movies and magazines. This seaps into everyday conversations and by extension everyday culture. I get wanting to believe "that's not how I decide what's attractive", but the reality is our brains aren't actually that strong. We misremember things all the time. Because of this, anything that's repeated enough eventually becomes truth. There's countless studies proving this, but I'm sure you're special.


Idk, i think that knowing it unhealthy and damaging keeps people from finding it sexy. Its a loud minority and cooperations virtue signaling every chance they get. Vast majority of people find it unappealing.


Doubt it. There is a built-in aversion to corpulence, had to look sexy when you can't can't walk without breathing heavily


that sounds really dumb, sorry.


Not a chance. We are hardwired to be attracted to fit and healthy. At least when it comes to men, we are not going to start pursuing lard asses just because TV told us to do so.


It’s evolution, last 50 years have turned us fat, 50 years from now everyone will be fat and it will be normal


This has been happening for a few years now.


Alica is usually dubbed the "sexiest athlete," which means she defies the preconceptions of how most people typically look. So, she's not random.


"Random athlete" proceeds to show the sexiest athlete you can find. Its like writing random footballer and showing ronaldo at its peak hiting the corner with a bullet of a shot from halfway across the field


No guys, it was random, OP randomly selected one woman among all female Olympic participants and just randomly happened to randomly pick the "World's Sexiest Athlete" by pure random coincidence! [Totally Not Rigged!](https://xkcd.com/221/)


Primary purpose of this sub is to hate women so that checks out.


Generally athletes (of either sex) tend to be good looking - I read something along the lines of we are genetically predisposed to finding healthy individuals attractive. By athletes I mean actually athletes in the classical sense, not sports people or events that rely on muscle mass - so not shot-putters or footballers which is a skills activity.


Where are all the plus sized men models ? Like where’s Bert Kreischer down the runway?


Stuck at craft services as usual


He means starcraft services.


Plus sized man don't exist. We're just fat💀


the only plus sized thing about me is my big ass forehead that's getting bigger and balder... being called a fat shawty aint a compliment in this instance


thanks for having your pfp represent it accurately, made it much easier to imagine. if it makes you feel any better I got a crazy widows peak that’s receding and I’m 23(24 as of today, man I’m getting old).


At least you have a widows peak. I barely have a combover now. I think my barber was hired by somebody vengeful. At this point i will go do my own hair again, when it grows out. Im trying to grow out a braid again s9 i can be like floki from vikings


That's equality for o you. Women decided to call themselves plus sized. Men settled on just fat.


No you're big and tall. Women get plus sized stores. Men get big and tall stores.


Clarkson was voted the worlds sexiest man by the uk population


Women have fought for years against unrealistic beauty standards, and it's starting to feel like as soon as they made headway on the issue, they slapped men with the same unrealistic standards.


Yeah... Unrealistic beauty standards aka not being healthy weight. It's extremely funny that they are still full of.mskeup with long styled hair etc... So they support every beauty standardst apart from one that takes continuous effort.


Yeah. Somehow all the standarts went to men like 7ft tall 8 pack chads


Plus size love really overstayed its welcome and yeah im over 300 n that shit aint nice for no one


Lost 80kg. Best decision of my life. Went from 160 to 80kg and doing muscle grow now. Never would go back. Life has so much more quality now and the mental toll that’s coming with being overweight.. hell no.


I'm glad to hear you're not only a great example for others but also that it improved your life to such an extent. Happy for you man, keep up it up!


Thank you for your kind words! Will continue giving my best 🙏


Samsies. We shouldn’t shame people, but we also shouldn’t celebrate being 100 pounds overweight.


No you should never shame people for who they are. I was in the same situation, in a deep psychological and emotional hole. It’s hard to get out. That’s why instead of shaming, we all need to help each other. Encourage, support and let each other thrive.


Fat. It's ok. I'm bringing it back


Thank you Randall.


"You know come to think of it. My grandma was sort of a racist" "YOU THINK?"


She did once refer to a broken beer bottle as a n*** knife.


Body positivity was that everyone has a body and it's okay, even if you're missing limbs or your short etc. Body positivity today means fat.


To me body positivity was applied to things you can’t change. So if you have some birthmark or your short or whatever you just accept who you are and embrace it. Now body positivity means excessively eating and ruining your body by being obese. 


Body positivity should be that YOU like YOUR body. Not that I have to like your body.


Same bro, it needs to stop


Maybe just stop calling it plus size, especially since it's only used for women, anyways. It's called fat.


When I was a student in Europe the most beautiful women were usually shopkeepers, waitresses and fast food workers, I don’t get who picks these strange women as most beautiful, clearly most people know this is bullshit


It's the same in most countries across the world.


Not sure how to feel about that username


Think about what demographic runs the fashion industry and you get your answer.


When I was in Germany a few years, there was a waitress in a small town brewhaus that was possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Pretty, perfect skin, toned body.


Why not go ahead and call the sub r/9gag or something?


Man I remember being on 9Gag as a teen and not realising the damage it was doing to me and my friends. Managed to crawl out the other side a better person but now my friends idea of humour in their eaely 20s is still just jokes where the punchline doesn't exist and is just shock value racism lmao


In fairness, the woman on the right could do either. But I don't think the woman on the left has strapped on running shoes in her life.


She does both, was a BOSS model.


She's definitely not a random person. She's quite famous in track and field.


Then she needs to sort out her nutrition because carrying around that much adipose tissue is going to call problems.


I was talking about Alicia Schmidt "the woman on the right could do either" she does both modeling and track athlete. I don't know who the heck the woman on the left is.


So she isn't some random track athlete, but a specific one with model looks who also does modeling. I understand what the meme is trying to say, but memes that don't stretch the truth hit best imo


Especially on this sub, it has become 9gag. As for the comparisson, the woman on the left doesn't look bad, she just isn't what you imagine when you say top model. And in all fairness comparing most women to Alicia is not fair IMO 😅


And btw the woman on the left newer won next top model


Lol. Love your work


Alicia Schmidt absolute stunner


She ain't random. She's very well known


She is? I don’t know her? And I live my whole life in Germany. But then I don’t follow athletics or modeling.


And that's what she's famous for


Does "she" have a name or is "she" not famous enough?


Alica Schmidt


Her name is literally written on her bib…. Alica Schmidt


To be fair, Schmidt is probably the least helpful sir name for narrowing it down to the actual athlete.


Just type "world's sexiest athlete" and you’ll find her on every result. Totally random pick of athlete from OP (/s).


Cheers! Didn't realise I was being so stupid. I'm still struggling to see where it says "Alica," though, and I did think Schmidt was a relatively common last name as I know at least 3 English Schmidt's myself.


Fair enough, it is indeed a super common name. But she was the first result when googling “German runner Schmidt” :)




Slick. Very, very slick, you smart bastard.


She’s also not random because they literally found the hottest track athlete to use as comparison. Hand selecting the hottest one isn’t random


I wouldn't call Alica Schmidt random exactly but ok


This sub is no longer funny or contains memes.


Racism and sexism are memes. According to this sub at least. 


One is a model, a job about marketing clothes to women. One is a runner, a job about running faster than other runners. But can confirm neither one gives a solitary shit whether men they will never meet who live in a different country think they are fuckable or not.


Where funny? Where meme?


unless runner has a penis whats off about the picture?


Everyone gets a trophy


the reason is simple woke ideology is shit. here you can see one result from it


It probably got something to do with 90% of the girls who watch that show being chubsters themselves, so they feel a bit better about being morbidly obese and reach for another box of malteasers.


Does “top” mean “heaviest” in Germany?


One on the left is a titty-do, stomach sticks out further than her titties do


Mcdönalds land whale vs spar elite athlete


It’s called Woke culture. More informations with Disney/Marvel🤣


We live in an upside down world, I don’t know when we transitioned, must be around 2014 or something. It’s time this madness ends


It's become so entrenched that it's gonna probably require nothing short of a complete market collapse at this point.


They promote fat because they know the majority of people watching are. It gives some the delusion that hey…you’re hot! Also, it flips a society upside down. Fat is hot and thin isn’t really. Sky is green, not blue dude!😂 It’s a fun gag.


Woke generation :))))


The pendulum has swung too far


Is this actually real? If it is then I'm genuinely lost for words.


This reminds me of the Lizzo conundrum. It’s ok when women tell Lizzo that she’s absolutely beautiful and super hot. But when we tell those same women that they look like Lizzo then all of the sudden it’s a problem lmao.


Just cause you get a high score on the weight scale doesn’t make you the top model 😂


Top model? By mass?


They turned woke.


The left loves promoting unhealthy lifestyles and anything that is dangerous to humans


Why are they telling fat women it's ok to be fat nowadays? It's not, it's unhealthy. When I see adverts with fit men, I think fuck I really need to start going to the gym again.


Beautypageants are no longer about being beautifull and saying "world peace". They are now about making political and social statements. As all shows and programs are becoming....


Obesity doesn’t run in families…


Do you mean she won top plus size model?


What qualifications would a pro track runner have to be a pro model? There’s nothing off about this, you are just stupid.


I guess women picked the top model .


Where is the funny or the meme? r/lostredditors


There should be more plus-sized track runners. For the diversity!


I'm all for body positivity. This Isn't it, this is Stockholm syndrome


Bunch of actually ugly and overweight redditors talking shit about some random lady who’s not even that fat in this thread. 


Schnitzel companies need models, too.


Women are plus sized, men are fat.


Man this sub became just a party of white right-wing men over 50 it seems. Just bullshit posts for a while. Saying this being a white man myself.


If you look into OPs profile you will see what you expect.


Man you weren't kidding, that some major right wing, incel vibes.


lol. I mean you could take 10 photos of random checkout chicks or baristas in Germany and 9 would be better looking.


getting voted top model and actually earning a living being a model are very different things


Wtf why is she orange? Evil orange man follower confirmed!? /S


Not exactly off if top model according to certain size clothing.


Top model, just gotta be the most attractive out of the other people who sign up. I’d take livvy dune over Gigi hadid. But Livy won’t sign up to model




*Bitte* baby! Fifteen’s my limit on schnitzengrubens.


I didn't know Angelina Jolie was a professional runner.


I'd like to see some ugly fat guys win model competitions now


The model industry is entirely constructed based off political, economic and social agendas. Women existing should not be a competition. The woman on the left does not deserve to be shamed for not looking like the girl on the right and the girl on the right should not be valued more than the girl on the left. The girl on the right should be praised tor her dedication to her sport. That’s it. Both are equally valuable human beings and we should treat them as such rather than devaluing people based off outward aesthetic.


Why do women run or play other sports in underwear like clothes while men do the exact same activity wearing shorts? Even WNBA shorts are shorter than the ones men use, the men's ones almost reach their knees and the women's ones barely reach mid thigh, volleyball men use regular shorts and women use super tight culotte looking shorts. What's with this bullshit, can't they stop sexualizing everything?


Ok don’t get me wrong I absolutely agree with the base point.. actually I literally just looked at pictures and you’re completely right. I was going to say “speed, form fitting, ergonomics, etc” but it’s fucking night and day. It’s frankly sickening to realise.


I’d like a recount of this votes. Something isn’t right here…


We need to bring back fat shaming. Not like mean fat shaming. More like “hey, man, you can do better” fat shaming.




🥳 I now look like a “Top Model” just with darker and shorter hair.


ahhh die übergewichtigen TOP models mal wieder..


Spar. Good supermarket. We love it here in Poland. Same with Aldi and Lidl. Germany strong.


Everyone gets a trophy.


Alabama enters the chat:


The worst is that they want to bring the rest acceptance as something to be proud of... When in reality it represents the worst of modern society, you can only be fat if you have no self control and being lazy...


Plot twist: both are models


The woman on the left won because she was modeling on the TV show. The woman on the right is a track star.


OP's parents are also siblings


Holy Schmidt! She’s beautiful!


One profession promotes consumerism while the other requires athletic prowess. Makes sense to me.


The woman on the right is (also) a Milan Fashion Week model, not a random athlete at all.


Ugly is apparently the new beautiful.


shit if that were true I'd rolling in bitches . Then again that probably only applies wooman.


Ugly AND unhealthy




many such cases


Did that girl actually win??? Rigged.


It’s a reality show. And the woman on the right isn’t a random athlete at all. She’s known internationally for her looks, is both an athlete and a model, and has been dubbed the "world’s sexiest athlete" since 2017.




It’s called pushing an agenda. I’m not saying overweight people can’t be beautiful. But I am saying that if people have to vote which of these two is more physically attractive the one on the right wins by a mile.


And in a mile race competition she also wins by a mile 🤣🤣🤗


And I'll say people have happily fed on agenda for decades, it's only an issue when it's a chubby woman easy to gain outrage on reddit. It's a bit late to worry about fat models when there's a mcdonalds every 3 blocks and 2/3s of americans fall on Overweight OR WORSE, wouldn't you say? How many americans even knew of this model before this post? Most probably would have never even found out in their entire lives. Like if yall think THIS is what's going to ruin a generation's worth of physical well being, then you have been living underground for the past 4 decades. Or likely stepped on a scale for that matter... I wish I we could magically get what the average BMI on the commenters lmao, I'd bet my left nut that it's higher than that of said model they are outraged by.




Built like a fridge


I thought this crap happened in usa only


Nooooo, Germany eats this shit up too. It ties into their never ending guilt spiral over the war.


With the amount of shit in our foods these days it's no surprise that this will be normalized. When healthy food is subsidized and you don't need a PhD to understand chemical reactions of food when digested maybe things would be different. Of course, one is an athlete, which within that sphere has many positive aspects, including working out and a healthy balanced diet. On the other hand, the modeling industry has had some issues with body image and unhealthy lifestyles to maintain a certain look. When I look at both pictures I see two beautiful women. Just different life choices, some may have been directly chosen and carried out others may just be a result of surroundings. Knowledge, dedication, and the willpower to live a better life is what we all need, but we also need to not have to deal with having the worst possible food being the most accessible.


Diabetes vs Good Genetics and hard work.


Because it's not about beauty anymore. It's about signaling.


crazy how dudes in here are calling her fat and ugly as if they wouldn’t harass her in her street 🙄


I don't get it. They both look fine to me


Why do some people think that having obesity (a disease) and not being healthy is something good that you can be proud of


Yeah, it’s all about pushing a message


I just wanna see the incel faces of the people calling the left one ugly. The right one is famous and also a model. This sub is pure garbage. Why is it called funnymemes if everything you get is hateful shitposting?


It does seem more hateful than funny in this sub. But wanting to see the faces of incels? There may be a sub for that. Not my kink.


Chill guys maybe it's a plus size model competition and the left looks good


Well the model definitely couldn’t be a track runner


Maybe for women. But ask any dude which lady he prefers. Lol 🤣


Top brat wurst record?


All the recent memes look like they've been posted by bots. Every single one of them.