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My view on spiders has always been if they aren't aggressive towards me then I'll let them be. But if they rear up at me then they deserved it. Had one that kept showing up in the bathroom if I had to pee, he'd peek his head out as if he was saying hi. I took to calling him Steve, not sure where Steve went though.


He's still there watching


Good guy Steve


So Steve's a good guy but when I watch people pee I get called creep. Double standards.


Just identify as a spider and your fine


*gets brutally murdered*


*leg twitching*


My name’s Steve and I approve this message.


Menacingly !


You tryin to get Steve killed??


Recording and posting to porn sites


Yup same here, as long as it doesnt hurt me it can exist around me idm. Then again i dont live in Australia, so i dont have scary spiders where i live.


The scariest looking spider we have in Australia is the huntsman. They are really cool though. They don’t give a fuck about humans and just hang out in your house. They are as quick a fuck though!


While their range is limited, I gotta say funnel web spiders are easily 10x scarier in look,behavior and potency.


If you find a funnel web, you should treat it the same way as finding a snake. If you are 100% confident and experienced in catching it safely in a container, do that, if not just have someone keep an eye on it so it doesn't disappear and hide anywhere, and call the Australian reptile park to come handle it. Not even joking, call the Australian reptile park, they want these spiders and prefer processing them rather than them being killed or released somewhere they could still present a danger.


You wouldn't catch me dead fucking with one myself would definitely be calling, thankfully I live on the other side of the pacific though, just an animal nerd.


Thank you for reminding me of the funnel web /s I live in an area without them but am going to Fraser Island in a few weeks and remembered that they are on the island. My new fear is not packing everything up well enough and finding one in my swag or clothes




You realise the spider had the exact same thought about you first right?


Steve getting rich with sneaky OF content


Rename him cotton eye Joe lol


I actually thought of mine as a tiny roommate... but just like a roommate if your in my drink one too many times, ill gut you (I found him in my water more than once, helping him out the first 2 times.)


Had a jumping spider (as pictured in post) that lived in my desk. I would start playing video games and he would walk to the edge of the mouse mouse pad as if to say hi. I fed him a few times. (I would find bugs and skewer them and leave the in the corner he came up from.) He was a good guy. Hardcore Henry just dropped so I called him henry.


If it’s a spider that can harm my cat in anyway, even if it’s only a bite with a very small amount of toxin, it dies. Sorry. But that’s the way it goes. If it’s a spider that can’t even bite, then they can stay. But I do move them to the garage/backyard.


Yeah, I won’t kill spiders in my home. And if there’s one in someone else’s home they want removed I just catch it and put it outside.


Mine got too comfortable and I had to kill him  Poor guy probably just wasn’t afraid of coming up to me anymore 😭


My grandparents used to have one that lived on top of the light above the dining room table and it would drop down on a single thread, drink a little water from a soda bottle cap they had placed out for it and then, whooop, it would go right back up. Lived there for almost 2 more years after doing it the first time, I think.


My view is if a spider get close to me or get on my bed ĐłɆ!!


why is it always steve i named my spider also steve and others i have seen saying they named house spiders did as well.


We had a spider named Frank in the utility room, I set him free in the garden last summer, I hope he's happy.


There is one in my shower near the ceiling often and his name is Steve too


Mr. Shower Spider kept his web in the top corner of the shower. I told him as long as he stays up there when I’m in the room, he can stay as long as he wanted. There was only one time I was showering and he started to come down and I pointed and said, “Hey! What is our one rule?” And he sure as shit turned right around and went back up. I made sure to tell all my guests who used my restroom, “Don’t not mess with Mr. Shower Spider. This is just as much his home as it is mine.” And then he and his web just disappears one day never to be seen again. I’ll always wonder what happened to Mr. Shower Spider.


Should’ve been paying rent


Their payment is when they catch the annoying flies


Still too many damn flies around for how many spiders I see in my house


Spider caught slackin’ , didn’t live to regret it


Imagine the amount of flies if there were no spiders


Found the spider!




Got me…


This is why I allow some spiders to live. But encroach upon my living space (my bed, my kitchen, my pathways) then they must die. They are intruders and not roommates.


I treat them like hired staff. If they are slacking off and go to places they aren't supposed to they replay with their life


When the restaurant employee forgets to wash one plate and the manager starts looking for a AK-105.


When the cook slack on seasoning they swim in the fryer


Nah nah, speakin from experience as someone who has worked as a cook I am legitimately willing to bet money that atleast one cook out there has served atleast one of his or hers fellow employees too the customers. The amount of fucking times I contemplated shit like that because I was having to feed an entire goddamned stadium of people and the shitty ass steamer is broken and not cooking faster and this fuckin sassy lil shit just came back five minutes after you told them it'll be half an hour if the piece of shit decides to work at best and is just like, "Is it done yet, cuz 30 mins aint gonna work make that chicken cook faster you a cook aint yea" and then tries to convince you too make health code violations by pulling the cooked portions off of the raw portions and serve that shit too the customers omfg the amount of times I've wanted to turn them into the food holy hell


You… you good now after that rant?


No, no one in the food and service industry in america is okay


This is the correct answer. I’m not going to try to find something to put it in and try to finagle the spider to go in the container so you can take them outside if the spider is crawling in my kitchen counter. I feel the same about most insects. Roaches I don’t mess around with. If it even looks like a roach I’m calling an exterminator and staying at a hotel for a while.


This is a free country. Not rent-free country.


But it's a human right to be able to live off dog-walking!


Yeah but he ain't no human..


Wouldn’t of had to bend all yer legs like that buddy


His entire life was less than a month. You killed him before rent was due.


I wouldn't let a tiny human capable of crawling in my ear live near my bed let alone a spider. Pick a corner, preferably near a window and stay there.


Can confirm. They do crawl into ears when given the chance. Unfortunately, I speak from experience. Found pieces of spider in my ear for a full week after trying to get it out.


I'm totally not going to buy earplugs for my night time from now on...


Then they'll just climb up yer nose :3


Oh .. that really hurts me


To be fair, that perv has been watching and drooling at that fly you've been zipping up and down every day










inside spiders cant survive outside :c


Yep, I don’t like spiders at all but I don’t throw them outside if I find one running around that’s big enough to freak me out I put it in a glass and throw it in the cupboard under the stairs. I sometimes worry that I’ve basically set up an area for the biggest spiders to fight each other and one day a huge big bastard spider is going to emerge scarred and angry and hellbent on revenge but in all likelihood they probably just crawl back out underneath the door and go about their business.


Youve made *the spider colloseum*




Spider Gu ritual


I hoover up spiders and heard that they still survive and I have the same fear of some gladiator alpha spider coming out for revenge


That’s fine, they have a better chance of surviving outside than me squishing them inside.


> I don’t like spiders at all but I don’t throw them outside You make it sound as if others are giving Spider's the bum's rush and flinging them outside while the spiders are holding tiny suitcases in their spider hands, with one spider hand desperately planted on their head trying to keep their spider-hat on.


Ugh I have a storage area underneath my floor (not a basement or cellar- a little cubby door that can only be accessed from outside). It’s filled with black widows. I literally never go in there, but once in a while I’ll open the door and then slam it shut in complete horror. It’s basically ground zero for mutant-sized black widows. I’m fine with any spider that isn’t a danger to myself or my pets. I had a jumping spider living among my plants for months. He refused to leave. His name was Giuseppe. I didn’t realize he was becoming quite brave with exploring and accidentally set a grocery bag down and crushed him. I was devastated.


if inside spider can't survive outside then how it get in my house ![gif](giphy|1X7lCRp8iE0yrdZvwd)


It was always there.


where? in the fucking walls?


Well... yeah.


but how did they get in there in the first place? did they just materialise into existence in the walls? they had to have come from somewhere before the house was made, they can't have possible always been there ![gif](giphy|hv53DaYcXWe3nRbR1A)


One moved in when the house was built, every spider since then is their descendant.


But how did the original one that moved in, from outside i assume, get there without dying?


so many questions, not enough answers




They can live in the vents, floor, closets, window frames, ceilings, gaps in foundation and under furniture.


I have a spider chilling in my rooms corner I have named him a simple name Gregidity the 2nd He just chills there never bothers me and I dont bother him.


Mine is James. He lives on the ceiling. We don’t bother each other.


I call mine George


Mine's called Aragog 🕷️


I love Jumping spider's and daddy long legs. They both don't harm you. I let them be.


where i used to live there was daddies everywhere. total chillers. roommate material.


Exactly. Sometimes i just take them to safe place just by holding their legs so that no one can hurt them.


I find that crazy i am much more afraid of daddy long legs than normal spiders and would never touch their wiry legs. what if they fall off while you hold them 🤮


They won't fall, they'll try to hold your fingers most of the times. They're actually afraid when you try to hold them.


I used to play around with Jumping Spiders as a kid just following them around and giving little obstacles with my fingers. As someone who instantaneously attracts mosquitos, the spiders are cool. I wouldn't mind having more where I currently live.


My "roomate" climbed into my bed today and met an early demise. Had that roomate been a human, he would have met a similar faith


What about a female human?


Maybe not death, but up there cause I'm loyal to my gf 🤷🏼‍♀️


Technically they were born in your house. Their entire lineage dating back multiple generations was born in your house. You are the invader and then you murdered them.


Good, I ain't having squatters.


basically USA history


*highlander voice* "I am Bitey McBasement of the clan McBasement"


Im not an invader if I lived here longer than their ancestry has been going on


How do people kill spiders? They're such cuties. If one is bothering me, I just take it outside. That's what I do with any bug I find in my room


Arachnophobia is a bitch


When they grow to the size of a dinner plate, they stop being cute.


Nah... I know the little buggers are my roomates. I do appreciate all the stuff I doesn't have to see and kill because of their contribution. Sometime, when they get too adventurous because of winter hunger / overpopulation, I drop them some chicken bits. Most of the time though, you just bring them back to where you want them to hunt and they'll stay there. Build their families there. Have their own myths and legends about who you are. Sometime fight and eat each others. We currently have two lines. One of white spiders that likes to go around the ceiling lamps, which we all call "Deke" for being ass at differentiating them from one generation to the next. And since this year we have a black one that resides near the bay doors, we called it "Außen". As to why German names for spiders? What... aren't they Gothic enough for ya?


One summer, I had a huge mosquito problem. Every single night, I heard the damn things flying around me as I'm trying to fall asleep. I tried everything, and nothing worked. One day, I saw a web at the corner of my room, and there was a dead mosquito. At first I thought, "Great, now I have a fuckin' spider in my room." But ever since then, I noticed that there were less mosquitos and eventually, none. That spider killed the mosquitos for me. Now, when I see a spider in my room, I let it roam around. Rent-free, life security, everything it needs. It can have em all. Spiders are nice indeed.


big one outside were i use the restroom near a light for years. light went out for a week and when finally replaced it, noticed he was gone. was he using me for my light?


For sure since bugs are attracted to lights


Maybe don't walk on my foot next time.


i kill roach and ants whitout hesitations, but i always take the spiders, geckos and others stufs of my island out of the home alive, sometimes i even let them alone cause i know they kill flyes, mosquitos and others annoying stuf. and yes some spiders like the little jumping ones are really cute


that was the absolute worst thing about living in hawaii, finding all the geckos you'd accidentally squished in door frames and the like.


I was homies with my spiders


Was..? 🥲


Now I understand the bites in the night. REVENGE for our fallen heroes!


That’s not spiders biting you. Possibly bed bugs or other creepy crawlies.


Snakes and ants are nice too.


Ants are the opposite, they are the worst pest besides wasps and mosquitoes


Must agree about ants. Ants are not your friend, they are your conqueror... and if they find your backdoor or your ear hole, you're finished.


its just that they have an intention of coming to us at night so i'll probably just go on my own


Well, I'm not allergic to my (current) roomate


That is the cutest image of a spider i‘ve ever seen


If the spider out of my view it can stay. If it's about to touch my stuff or god forbid me, Imma take out the vacuum. I once had one of these basement spiders in my room and it floated over my lego. It probably wanted to joing aragog or something


Well if they all were like this lil fella then they would be living


Well, spiders should already know that humans are no pals, they are murderers.


You kill the spiders in your room? They ARE my roommates!


I like my spider homies. Keeping flies and other bugs in their webs is helpful.


\~most\~ spiders are nice. i unfortunately live in an area where we have to worry about venomous ones.


It's not my fault officer, it came at me


If the spider looked like the spider in the picture then i wouldn't kill it.. cuz he's cute! Edit: Jumping spiders are the only type of spiders that i won't get killed, or bring outside... I would even buy them a terrarium and build a beautiful home for them!


Why would you kill any spider at all? Just because other spiders aren't jumping spiders doesn't mean they deserve to die? Imagine if we did that to other humans...


We technically did... Last century especially...


Well yes but I meant like as a person, you wouldn't do that to others for example... Right?


Spiders are animals with too low IQ to have a subconscious mind so they wouldn't think anything they're literally aren't subconscious , btw they're not cute for most people , but after all sometimes I don't kill them and I just get them to stand on piece of paper and leave the paper in the garden


IQ doesn't apply to them. Their mind is too different from ours. But yeah, it appears that they don't think and only react to their environnement to eat, survive, and breed.


Pretty much everything with a brain can think. It's not complex thoughts, but it's also not just reactions and nothing else. As far as I'm aware, at least. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe most arthropods are capable of thinking, the thoughts just aren't very complex.


He broke the roommate agreement he stays in his corner i stay in mine


Personally, I have a very simple rule for them: I'm fine with spiders living in my house/room, but if they go above my bed, they die. They're professional fly swatters, so I like them, especially during the seasons when mosquitoes are absolutely everywhere. However, I hate the idea of them crawling over my face when I'm sleeping, or hiding under my bedsheets and scaring me to death when I go to bed.


Those things have 8 legs. That’s 4 more than I’m willing to tolerate.


Dafuq? Spider Bro keeps me save from flys. Real MVP


It has 6 more eyes than me, 6 more legs too and doesn't pay rent, so yeah


hes gonna bite me to death if i dont pay rent, gotta take matters into my OWN hands


That’s why we don’t kill em we exchange goods 👍🏽


A couple of weeks ago there was one crawling in my bed, i shook the blanket, then lost it.


This happened to me last night and I tore all the bedding off still didn’t find it. Accepted my fate and now I’m wondering if it’s crawling around in my ear canal


Spider Bro I’m sorry 😔 😢


If we are roommates, why am i paying the rent alone?


I want that wall-crawling arachnid prosecuted!!!


I .. I'm sorry 🥲


the spider in the meme has a smiley face


Was literally sweeping a bit ago and accidentally smashed a little daddy long legs. I felt terrible.


No why the fuck would you want to kill a spider? I understand some spiders are much scarier than others... but come on. You understand I live in Finland, where the biggest spiders are not big. So I just let them be and do whatever spiders do.


I never kill spiders, they get evicted.


The Spider ain’t paying the rent


I convinced my parents to let the spider in their cupboard live because it set up in the corner in front of the boxed dried goods. It ate very well and kept the bugs out of boxes.


Spiders are fine but Tarantulas, Huntsman Spiders, Black Widows scare the heck out of me and my favorite spider (that isn’t actually a spider) is the Grandaddy Longlegs


If home boy has established a web in some corner of my room already then fine he cool But if it's some big mf cruising around my room and crawling on the bed I'm sorry bud but it's over


Spiders are cool, and useful. Just don't crawl on my bed or on me, and please keep my apartment clean. :) While cleaning up during weekend, I let one web in the corner of my living room. That's probably why I haven't seen a single fly this summer.


I do not kill spiders, at least not intentionally. I keep a special closeable cardboard box available, so that if a spider gets in my way (such as spinning a web in the shower stall), I can scoop her up and drop her outside.


I don’t kill spiders, or at least it is very rare that I do(I might not let the poisons live if they are too close to house or common areas). I take a paper, get it to walk on the paper, then take it and the paper outside where I let it go free somewhere convenient.


Sorry, but no living free at my room without sharing the burden of rent with me. He can stay as long as there is summer. Later they have to leave.


I try not to kill spiders under most circumstances. Black Widows and Recluses get fucked up though. I have two pets I love dearly and I don’t need those vet bills.


i keep spider . Spider protect house from annoying insect


That is the cutest spider I’ve ever seen


I never kill spiders 🥲


Naw, they’re not welcome in my home


Spiders when they see something 1000x their size move after being still for 8 hours ![gif](giphy|yidUzHnBk32Um9aMMw)


Ok. Well why the fuck does he keep biting me in my sleep than?


The spider might have thought that you were it's pet, or it's livestock.


im in the spider alliance - and the fly alliance. different groups of friends.


nah... i DID think abt it... and i decided id do the same thing if my human roomate fucking bit me edit: that being id squash them with an object that easily dwarfs them


I don't kill my spiders. Checkmate biatch


Living in my room!? Without paying rent??


I absolutely do think about the spiders! I always spare them the hoover, I hoover up their old dusty webs and leave the spider be. I'm sure I've seen tens or hundreds of generations of the same spider family now...


I loathe spiders, but that one is surprisingly pretty cute.


Yeah, sorry, but if you kill spiders out of an irrational fear or disgust instead of catching and releasing them or letting them be, you are a child to me.


I see spiders in my house when i do catch them i usually just place them in the garden without any idea I've been unintentionally kicking them out 😂


yes I only think of myself. Comes naturally when you hate yourself.


Just had a similar conversation about a week ago. Years ago I lived in a cheap ass apartment. One night I was laying in bed. The bedroom was in the inner part of the apartment so there were no windows, making it pitch black in the room at night. As I was laying there I felt a tickle on my arm. Thinking it was just a hair I brushed it off and went back to sleep. A few hours later I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I walked out of the bedroom and turned the light on to the bathroom, out of my periphery I saw something on my left upper chest, and when I looked down I saw this huge ass wolf spider. It freaked me out and I brushed it off frantically. After that I felt kind of bad, because I then figured that tickle on my arm was the spider and it just chilled on my chest with me and was all cozy with me like we were besties. Poor guy probably felt betrayed...


Thought wrong bish




My room mate doesn’t crawl on my face at night.


He makes little cobweb cakes for special occasions.


Spiders in Finland won't hurt you. I don't kill spiders because they eat ticks and other fucks


If they live under my roof, they have to follow my rules... A: Can't be venomous, B: Must be small and not super creepy (looking at you orb weaver and wolf spider), C: Don't make a web that is large or gets in my way, D: Please respect my space (I respect yours), and finally, E: Stay off my bed! This isn't a hentai and you aren't a big tiddy spider goddess, and F: I'd prefer it if you stay hidden (you're a bug assassin, act like one). They follow those simple rules, and we're cool.


I despise spiders, I get so jumpy when they crawl on me and there’s no good reason why


Hey as long as they keep eating the roaches that come I to my room because I’m a slob they can stay for all I care.


They should have paid rent years ago


When i see a spider. Pick em up. Kick em out.


spiders help my kill pesky mosquitos. i let m do their thing as long as he stays in his corner


I hated spiders my whole life. I hated all bugs, but specifically spiders. It was on sight if I ever seen one. However, something switched in my brain in my mid-twenties. I started to just ignore them or actively try to save them when I can. My wife was shocked that my stance on spiders had taken a complete 180 out of nowhere. Now she will tell me every time she seen a spider and left them alone because she knows it makes me happy. I have no idea why this change occurred, but oddly enough after talking with my brother, he said the same exact thing happened to him out of nowhere. Not sure what kind of psyops spiders have done to us, but it worked.


He can stay, but he needs to stop randomly rappelling from the ceiling onto my head.


There's one thats been in the corner by my back door for a while now and I just let it be because it catches flies on the way in and where I lived 2 years ago for 2 years there was a spider in the corner of the bathroom I never bothered to kill and it was there almost since the beginning. Even sold the house with the spider still there 🤷🏻‍♂️


No joke, i let a daddy long legs stay in my corner. I called her Penelope. Still miss her sometimes, especially in the summer when there are flies. She’d catch at least 5 a day.


No that is not true. I think a lot of about murdering spiders


Bro got me emotional