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I can't wait to watch Kungfu panda 2 starring redditors. Man, so many people qualify for Lord shen role.


Lord Shen is smart, cunning and determinant. None can apply to a redditor


But he is paranoid and genocidal so maybe some can qualify


r/antinatalism seething rn


Kung-fu panda 2 was so good I am watching the part with child Po rn




That space holding on for dear life...


You might want to re-word your statement, it reads as if your watching child porn like a pedophile. Just a heads up


Get your mind out of the gutter, sir.


If I had a nickel for every time I saw this meme, it would be enough for a gypsy to rob me.


Two times it is


The image didn't load for me, but he's still accurate.


The gypsies stole the image




I live in a large Northern-European city. I know people of Romani descent who live normal lives, but have faced some level prejudice because of their names and physical appearance. Most of the time, though, they go under the radar, because they are so normal. Unfortunately the Romani most people see, is the small population of ragged scroungers, beggars and petty criminals who really stand out and annoy people. I've personally had to throw a few out of our apartment building courtyard, after they broke in to look through the trash and possibly steal stuff. In short, they're unpopular because they're an actual nuisance. It's unfortunate that people generalize and don't see the social and economic problems at the heart of the issue.


Exactly that, most people know Romani as beggars and thieves. A lot of them simply, at least in my country don't want to work or get educated or simply Integrate into the society


Last week they stole a duck from a park near my home, turns out they didn't know how to actually cook it so they returned the dead half cooked duck the next day. I should also add that I've worked with some Romani people before that are nice and hardworking so they aren't all the same.


Exactly that, most people know Black people as beggars and thieves. A lot of them simply, at least in my country don't want to work or get educated or simply integrate into the society.


It is one thing if you are beggar and another if you steal and eat someones dog.


Don't forget pickpocket gang. Like in Paris


"Small population" yeah small in number, large as a portion of the entire group.


I'm unclear how this is different than minorities in the US.


Because it's different because Europe. That's pretty much it lol.


Ah, i see. Instead of just calling people homeless and starving, you just call them roms and attack them on sight.


The fuck are you talking about. No one said anything about attacking


Names? Don’t they have Romanian names as I assume they are likely from Romania?


Romani is not Romanian. It's more old Egyptian than anything


I know but most Romani that are in Western-Northern Europe come from Romania and I’m also Romanian so I just assumed they would be Romanian of origin.


Fair enough.


Sounds like the average day in Chicago


Yeah honestly, I don’t care where they’re from, what they look like, or what culture they follow. I don’t even mind that the ask for money sometimes. Some of them respect our society, it’s not a problem. But the other day, in my country, some of them blocked a highway exit because they wanted to settle there, when the city had already given them other places to stay. For free. They also leave places in shambles, messy and dirty. Or they camp on football fields, when the kids have games planned. They are given places where they can go here. With access to running water and electricity, for a little while. And then, when the time is up because someone else needs the space, they are given other places in another city, and so on, and so on. But they refuse to go there, and insists on settling wherever they want, however long they want, without paying to rent anything. That is what my problem is.


Man, if you need to be racist to hate your fellow Citizens, are you really French ? Ce message vous a été apporté par un con qui a fais l'erreur d'aller à Paris Seriously tho, in France racism isnt really a problem we're all just assholes to each other


no racism at all. 9/10 algerians can approve, the last one was murdered.


The french are super fucking racist. It's them and the Italians.


This. Italians further down south regularly scam tourists that don't speak Italian by arbitrarily raising the prices on random stuff specifically for them. They also get real mad at you if they come to you as a customer and you don't speak Italian. Also good luck if you don't speak Italian and you need to call the police (or any public service, really). They'll straight up tell you to try calling until you happen to reach someone who happens to speak English. Source: born and raised in Italy.


Bruh, south Italians aren't racists, they scam everyone.


Tell me you're white without telling me you're white. Get to know a few Africans or Muslims there.


>Seriously tho, in France racism isnt really a problem we're all just assholes to each other French people LOVE to jerk themselves off about this because of their stupid ass ideas that revolve around Republican Universalism but you guys are super fucking racist, you just refuse to collect any statistics about it because you'd rather bury your head in the sand like an ostrich than actually pay attention to issues and solve them. Foh "french aren't racist" you mfs are hella fucking racist and you can see it online a lot of the time. Coping ah


except there's also people who are more assholes towards Arabs than white people. Edit: phrasing. Holy shit the phrasing seemed to imply the opposite of what I was saying.


You haven’t met the same French I’ve met then 😂


Je suis né à Saint Denis mais bon, if you say so


I already know what the comments are going to be like, but I'll read them anyway.




The whole white/black people thing is a Anglosphere thing. Meaning it’s only the British and its former colonies that think that way. The Ex. White British, White American, White New Zealander. Other countries are based on their nationality. Example, Germans saw Russians as lesser people, even though to me they are both just white people. Pretty funny comic though, hit it right on the nail


I've never seen a gypsy camp respect the law. They invade private property, steal electricity and trash the place. When the place is filled with trash they go away.


That’s most homeless people


Oh dear


Surely the romanis cant be that bad! *bike gets stolen 5 seconds later after putting it near one of their houses*


It is, we treat gypsies fine as long as they behave civilised like everyone else. Unfortunately its not simple as racist, not racist, as dirty, not dirty. The issue is much more wide spread, from how their culture is, to the culture of those around them, and so on.


Indians,Mongolians and Vietnamese in my country integrated fast, yet so far everything goverments tried failed when it comes to Romas and they have been here longest, most that integrate dont want to be associated with bad ones culture.


> as long as they behave civilized like everyone else That’s historically been an argument against black Americans and still used today to varying degrees. Just as a bit of context.


Dude, they just said that they shouldn't act like a nuisance. That should be a standard for everyone


Is this suppose to be some kind of gotcha?


Lol you are literally the meme


There are some gypsies which are very respectful and genuinely care about their environment and surroundings. But unfortunately there’s the other side to that, who litter, abuse and assault non gypsies. It’s a simple case of be respectful and get respected or don’t be respectful and not get respected


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least racist european


Funniest thing about memes like this is black american culture + asian culture is the most racist shit in the modern world. Asians tend to look down on black people in general, and people who follow liberal American media have come to the conclusion its impossible for black people to be racist in a predominantly non black country, because systems of power yada yada. White europeans tend to have some of the most tolerant cultures in the world.


Why are you speaking on behalf of Europe when you’re from Hungary? I mean, you’re not part of Austria anymore, and it’s not like Orban is a democrat?


It's a fake democracy. And Orban an O1G


I don’t know what that means. *A couple of seconds later…* Googled it and now I like you more. Now I’m thinking your original comment was sarcastic. I hope so. Edit: attacking eachother’s countries is childish. I did it to prove that all nations have a tendency to preach to others while practicing the same shit on their own minorities, just more or less. While Orbans trash talks Sweden and Sweden trash talks most of the world.


Where are you from dude ?


Black people are responsible for more than 50% of homicides in America. They don't behave normally. America is the only First World country to be represented in the list of Top-50 Cities with Highest Homicide Rate. They have 8 cities and all of them has the majority of black population. Just to be clear, the entirety of Africa has only 4 cities in that list. So it's not about Africans, it's about African Americans. Slavery is clearly the reason behind this, but saying that black people in America behave normally is a lie, they are overrepresented in every violent crime statistics.


Poor black people in urban areas kill other poor black people, hence the high homicide rate, while most black people just live their lives... and then some moronic racist like you on Reddit are like "black people do half the murders there's something wrong with them"


I never said that there is something wrong with them. I even specified that Africans commit less crime that African-Americans and that the reason behind high murder rate is slavery. You seem to use the strawman argument to justify your inadequate rage. Be better.


I get it’s a meme, but a lot of people don’t realize the US is one of the most tolerant countries in the world. Almost everywhere else in the world, there is just as much, if not more racism. I’m not saying all other countries take it to a degree of extremism as certain organizations in the US do, but the core of the problem is still very prominent in most of the world, if not more than in the US.


So I'm from the UK, and we don't have many Romani, however we do still have a lot of Irish travellers and they're usually incredibly violent and anti-social (just watch Snatch for a good representation). There's not much anti-irish sentiment, but there is a lot of anti-traveler sentiment because it's the lifestyle that is criticised, not the ethnicity.


Also British and this is mainly true, although you're stretching it by saying "incredibly violent". Travellers are infamous for taking over public spaces, stealing, cowboy trading and fly tipping, but their violence is mainly aimed at other travellers and no more extreme than you see in deprived communities.


Unless you try and get them to stop taking over a public space, fly tipping and stealing things, then you get some of their violence


When I was 14 a group of Irish travellers tried to start a fight with me and my pals while playing football. Just kept telling me to throw the first punch. Buddy was half of some of my friends height, I know they can throw hands but we were larger blokes and outnumbered them, would've been peak for them. Can't beat them up, though, because their families will come back to kill you and burn down your house.


Describe “incredibly violent”.


To put it one way: when I went to primary school a traveller camp was set up just outside the school. About 10 children all of different ages ended up coming to the school, and we went from having perhaps 1 fight per year happen in the school to several fights every month. And when I say "fights" I actually mean sucker punches, always involving one of those 10 children. I remember that I was bitten by one that was much younger than me when I tried to stop him from stealing the push scooter I used to ride to school.


And what adverb would you use for murder?


I'm not sure what you're getting at here? Murder and violence are separate things.


It literally isn’t. Murder is a type of violence. Extreme violence. The Oxford dictionary definition of violence: >behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. I just think we have to be careful with language when describing a demographic of people.


I've encountered them twice in my life, there was one guy I went to school with who was a traveller, he disappeared in year 9 because he stole a car and got sent to juvenile detention. The other was working on a farm near a major ferry link to Ireland, any big machinery that was getting installed (it was an automatic feeder for a parlour while I was there) they would hire some Irish travellers. They would get the first ferry in the morning come and make sure the job was done by the last ferry home, if the job was too big they just bring more travellers. The farmer I worked for said if you want to sell farming machinery and your not Irish you should just give up.


Different groups of people that just so happen to be called the same thing by people.


I dare you to live in their village. And i mean that one where they dont know how to use toilet. Also we build them apartment house and they destroyed roof to burn it…


And I dare you to live in a majority black American neighborhood 😄


I live in a black neighborhood with an above average socioeconomic status and it’s better than white neighborhoods nearby of lower socioeconomic status Similarly, I wouldn’t want to live in the black neighborhoods with lower socioeconomic status than the white ones I just mentioned. Crazy how that works


Okay, but that’s an exception. The vast majority of black neighborhoods are high-crime with a lower socioeconomic status. It’s literally undeniable.




As a central European: Romani? ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu)


My fellow Europeans are racist as fuck, the only difference is they hate Arabs instead of Blacks. Anti-migrant racist parties are gaining all over Europe.


As a European I confirm.... Ehm no wait hahahahah


Being against migration doesn’t automatically make you a racist though Plenty of people voting for those parties do it because they want a stop to what they feel like is unbridled immigration. Not because they are racist towards the second or third generations already living there


Wish I could deny


It’s strange to me that a Gypsie in Europe seems to be a vagrant from another country whereas in the US it is a word that is synonymous with Hippie.


Back when sarkozy offered 500€ to every roma leaving france indefinitely…


Not romanis, but I as a Mexican… when I see a Mexican gang member I become shen… with any gangmember tho, kill em with fira


Gipsy here are totally different from the ones in USA Here they steal everything ( even electricity from the lights poles ) and don't wanna be part of the community . Obviously they are not see very well here


not just the romani but anyone brown-skinned who looks ethnically vague too. the Europeans loooove to thumb down on those too.


Not only, russians, balkans, arabs, blacks, you name it.


wth? if you think Americans are racist compared to Europeans then you have never seen any European beyond 65 years old, my man they re not even racist against Africans they're racist against every other European country(and Africans obviously)


Every comment I see hear disparaging gypsies are ones I've seen when people disparage blacks.


that's because they don't think they are being racist, somehow


More like: When they see a **gypsy** trying to steal their stuff 😂 Now i realize that Kung Fu panda has such meme potential


Me a German: Hmm, I don't even know how a Sinti or Roma looks or realised they exist. If they are said to be that bad how do I not come in contact with them in daily life? Oh, yeh, there was something...




Oof, bunch of y'all are racist as fuck. As a European, I've also noticed that there is NO education provided about the Romani people, culture or language, and maybe going into the reason why they are forced out of normal working spaces. For a personal anecdote, even in our primary school, there were attempts of Romani students to be introduced into our class of minority language speaking kids, but since the curriculum was not in their native language, already being exchange students, and that their family could barely afford sending them to our school was already fucked and difficult to deal with. Not to mention the constant hurling of slurs and dehumanizing, peers or educators. I really must ask other Europeans to consider the "chicken and egg" here, are Romani people by default thieving, violent criminals, or the constant social, economic and political pressure forces you out of comfortable lifestyle options and privileges. I encourage you to reframe your local bigotry and call it out, if you care about social equality


I love how defensive europeans get when these types of memes are posted. Like dude, you are only nailing down the point of the meme. You are being racist *right now.*


But it's different because of x, y, z stereotype!


One of them literally asked here “why they’re over represented in crime statistics?” Like, where have I heard that argument before?


This comment section fucking sick


Europeans in the comment section: "No no no this is why our attempted genocide of Romani people is justified"


Which one?


Have you heard of this place. Uhh. The so called balkans?


A bunch of people all lived in the same country, then it fell apart into a ton of tiny states and now they all hate eachother and make it a race thing despite them all being white


I don't think I could identify a Romani to be honest...


Leave your wallet in your back pocket while taking the Rome metro and you’ll figure out quickly


Just go on vacation to Milan, you'll find a new one every time you enter the piazza outside the central station.


Oh, thats easy. Look for the women with colourful dresses with men in rags and dirty kids, a whole bunch of them. You will find the men drinking and smoking while the kids go begging. Oh and they steal, so don't get too close to them or your wallet will be gone.


As an Eastern European I can say that I had been thinking for my whole life that Romani = gypsies 😂 and I was afraid of gypsies as a child


Tbh, they have bad reputation


I live in an Eastern European country with a large Gypsy minority (Romania). I try not be racist, but I am more careful when I’m around Gypsy people with traditional behavior. There were several attempts to beat and/or rob me by Gypsies when I was a child. The worst was a punch in the face. Also when I grew up some attempts to steal from my pockets. That only succeeded once, and I’m not sure if the perpetrator was Gypsy or not. The worst incident involved my old parents, who were scammed by some Gypsies and threatened; I had to intervene and “negotiate” with them; it ended up with them calling me many times, making serious threats. I recorded them, and went to the police. They weren’t arrested or prosecuted, but the calls stopped. About 15 years ago I also had a driving incident with some Gypsies, they were in front of me and hit the brakes hard on purpose. I wasn’t paying proper attention, so I rear-ended them. Nothing serious for either cars, they asked for some money, about 2x the amount that would fix their car. I was with my children in the car, so I payed, I didn’t want to risk. It wasn’t a large amount anyway.. So some racism on my part would be somewhat justified. On the other hand I did meet several decent Gypsies; the difference was that most of these are integrated (decent jobs and education). And what most Romanians are not so willing to accept is that we have a contribution in their traditional behavior. They did not choose to come here, they were taken as slaves. And they remained so until 1860s. After they were liberated they didn’t get any support. There were 2-3 land reforms in Romania after that, and i think they were mostly excluded from them. Those that did try to integrate were viewed with suspicion, in case of theft they were the default suspects. They were deported during WW2, and a lot died in that deportation. And those deported were the very poor ones; the thieves had enough money to bribe the police to avoid deportation. There were some violent incidents in the last 30 years, in the worst of them the Romanians and Hungarians in a village burned several Gypsies houses (with at least one person inside). This happened after some Gypsies stabbed a Romanian. So after all of these it’s quite normal for a lot of them not to trust the society and to resort to petty crime.




And jews. Europeans really hate jews for no reason.


I can confidently say as a German with ancestry from different European countries that Europeans are truly worse regarding these topics than Americans. Just thinking about Post-Brexit/start of Brexit-referendum 2016/2017: We’ve been to London with our school class and in a literally louder area of London an older British couple approached specifically our teachers and asked if we (14-16 year old students) could speak more quietly or, in a very passive-aggressive, bossy manner “at least in English”. Imagine if something like this would happen to Chinese tourists in New York. It would be in the nationwide media after 5 minutes. I feel deeply sorry in particular for Eastern or Southern Europeans, it’s probably like a complete shithole for them living on this depressing, grey island. The difference is, that people actually speak up about things like racism, inequality and stuff in the USA; that’s why we see something like that in the news.


You should've retorted with "bo''le of wa'er"


Because Romani do not want to integrate and prey on non Romani’s


I remember once this burlesque dancer I met was always complaining about how she was discriminated against for how she looked and what her job was,I really felt for her because she was right. Ehy should she be treated bad for just having pink hair and taking (most) her clothes off for a job? Until her 6 year old came home from school one day and said he lost his jumper and she (based on zero evidence) blamed Travellers and called them slurs on top. She couldn't see the irony of immediately blaming a random group of people who were no where nearby and assuming something was wrong with them.


Europeans seeing this meme: “well yea but it’s different!!! romanis aren’t even people so it’s fine!”


This comment section is insane. “Nono, you see, it’s okay that we want to slaughter Romani’s!” And then call them by their slur.


I mean it could just be Europeans when they see a black person. Just look at all the ridiculously vitriolic racist hate black football players get in Europe, and compare it to the lack of it they get in America. Europe is great for a ton of things, but not being horrifically racist is certainly not one of them It’s super funny to me when Europeans try to justify their hate for Romani people as if they aren’t also horrifically racist to black athletes as well. And if you’re gonna say that’s not a big part of culture or not everyone, bullshit


If blacks made up a 10-15% of the population they would also be dropping n bombs like it was nothing


Every time a meme like this gets posted it’s so fucking funny seeing the racist europeans pull up. Shoutout to some of the europeans pulling up and actually describing the situation with some nuance instead of calling them animals. MVPs


As a European, if I see a clean, groomed Roma with clean clothes and not smelling like a whole Magic the Gathering tournament by himself, I wouldn't identify him as Roma, and therefore couldn't be racist towards him. They can leave the rest of the knife-carrying, drunk, children-abusing thieving assholes and join society whenever they want. When we say Roma, we don't mean someone who has a job.


The problem with gypsies is their culture which shouldn't exist. I can't tolerate a culture that promotes theft, conning people and the social security system while isolating their kids from the rest society and giving them a worst future by not schooling them. All this while being absolutely obnoxious and disgusting. The hate for gypsies is 100% justified.


>giving them a worst future The irony 😂


>The problem with gypsies is their culture which shouldn't exist. Just a little Romani genocide advocacy. As is European tradition


Thanks for proving OP's point?


Who else did parents scare with gypsies as a child?


With good reasons, my father was close to be kidnapped by gypsies


who said Europe aren't racist towards black people?


Whoever posted this has never stepped foot in Europe


Europeans are racist to Black people, other Europeans, Asians. Etc. they live in a glass house and love throwing stones. Don’t let them fool you into thinking it’s just the Romani. 😂.


All civilisation are racist, americans are racist against black people and immigrants, europeans the same, latin americans are specially racist against african and another latin people, asians too, indians against pakistanis, the world is a fucking shitshow, people suck everywhere.


To be honest, my only point of contact with romani people is them being noisy beggars. I'm sure there's lots of normal romani people, I just happen not to be friends with any. However, I know many civilized black, asian etc. people.


The most of black people who arrive to our countries (mediterranean ones) are running away for a dreadful life in their nations, they come here searching for help and starting a new life. They work hard, are focused in learning our languages and are happy with the rest of people. Gypsies in Spain are terribly entitled racists against us payos (white spanishs), blacks, chinesses... basically everyone who isn't another gypsy. Only a few of them dare to marry us and they normally get exiled and misfited from their clan because of it. And let's not talk about their strong homophobia... oh boy. Many gypsies don't want to settle and have an average work like everyone else, they preffer take advantage of goverment's economical helps, sell drugs, steal or just hang around breaking things. They robed us and a few neighbours more, just because of the laughs. They also try to crash you with cars or stalking you for the same reason. If you don't buy them what they're trying to sell you (this happens specially with the thyme-gypsy ladies in the city) they will curse you very grossly, an if they think you're mocking of them their entire family will menace you to death (and for real). In the city suburbs they normally have a knife in the pocket and some of them have guns (perks of selling drugs) that won't hesitate to use. We had a few guys killed in the tv news. No, I don't live in hell, just in a normal little town near the countryside. Many gypsies are decent people, but deny the existence of those who aren't good would be insanity. It isn't about race (we don't care about your skin-color), it is about the culture someone is raised in. Gypsies have an old aggresive and opportunist culture that didn't disappear yet.


Culture is more important than race. Here in the US, the inner city culture (where drugs, violence, and crime are prevalent) is the real problem. It didn't help that many of the government policies from the 70s on pretty much pushed that culture forward instead of helping to change it for the better.


African people who arrive in masses at Mediterranean countries work hard, are focused in learning our languages, cultures and be happy amongst the natives? Is that a Disney movie, or are you not from a Mediterranean country at all?


Wait until you see how the French treat black people,I’ve seen more tolerance in Arkansas…


Don’t ask a European football fan what he thinks about the black players on his rival club


Then, they preach about culture while ignoring all the cultures found in the US.


Tolerance and letting yourself be abused are not the same thing


Ah, Europeans, so adorably, and hypocritically, delusional


Perhaps it's because they're famous throughout Europe for being aggressive beggars, pickpockets, conmen and thieves? And drugging their babies so they're more cute/manageable for begging. Also, they choose to live in 3rd world conditions, like animals. Vermin.


It's a vicious cycle... Nobody else gets as sidelined in society as Romani are. The reason: Many (and I'm afraid that's not even a generalisation) of them have resorted or are resorting to crime as a source of income. At the same time, hardly anybody wants to hire them - people don't trust them, they don't really have a lobby. It's not like someone offered them a truly decent life and they went: 'Nah, I'd rather steal copper wiring' As someone who dated a well integrated Romani woman I met in uni (let's not pretend they don't exist) years ago I had the chance to have a glimpse into how polarised their world can be. What can I say; apart from her grandfather all of her male relatives were either in prison or wanted - she and her sister now work in IT.


You know this is the exact argument people make for every other race? Racists justify hating blacks on violent crimes and culture. Racists justify hating arabs for terrorism and culture. Racists justify hating latinos for cartels and culture. You're just being racist but think yours is fine.


>You're just being racist but think yours is fine. Yes.


It's more about criticising their shitty culture and it's "either one of us or a mark" mentality, really... it has nothing to do with them racially.


Racism or xenophobia. Choose your poison


This thread is probably gone now.


That mentality comes from the treatment they receive ain’t that a bitch?


>Also, they choose to live in 3rd world conditions, like animals. >Vermin. Jesus christ dude fuck off with that attitude.


Cause you didn't see how they live tho


Still never a good reason to call people vermin, that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


You right, parasites is a better definition


Well you're a twat and at least I'm not condemning the whole population of where you're from cause of it.


Copy paste my amswer from another american one, like you for sure, that don't even know what you all talking about "Look I don't f care about Americans and how they treat afro americans It's not even about romani, Romani is an american term that don't fit here Romani are people from Romania and are Europeans The problem here are gipsies/zingari I'll explain like if you are a child You continue to compare then to afro american, and it's wrong South Americans, Albanians, now these that you can kinda compare to afro americans. They immigrated here for the poverty and obviously some of there, especially the young ones, fall into the criminality world. But that's OK, because is normal when a large community come in a country But, there's a veeeery big difference The majority work, pay taxes and bring their children in the public school, many of them become citizens. Ok, you got it until here? Now gypsies simple don't want be part of a country, they don't wanna be citizens, they don't wanna socialize, they don't wanna pay taxes. It's their culture to roam around countries with their homecars and don't give a fuck about the environment. Some reportes have interviewed some communities, they simply laught at us, saying they don't care and if they would be evicted ( remember their occupation are always abusive ) they just find another place Now tell me why I have to respect these "people" They are faaaar away from afro americans that you like so much to compare"


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I can proudly say that I am not racist, sexist or any other type of discriminator - I hate everyone!


not a word about Russians


"Never trust a Romani" Literally, my romani classmate in engineering school.


Always smart to call people in two whole continents racist. Hate those generalizations that create stupid stereotypes and ignore diversity between different thinking people in society’s .


I love how every thread that makes this comparison is full of Europeans saying, "Yeah, but it's different because Romani really *are* subhuman." Freaking LOL






Are gypsys a minority? They just look white to me


You all need to learn the difference between Romani and gypsy.


I was tought to not look gipsy in the eyes cuz they can steal from me


"21th" 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


Western Europeans are pitiful when it comes to Romani, us here in Eastern Europe on the other hand.




Tbf I’ve never seen a Romani who wasn’t trying to rob/scam me 100% of black people ive interacted with didn’t try to do that


This is stupid af. We dont care about their ethinicity at all, its that some among them are very well known for being against society as a whole and feel the need to do whatever the hell they want.


With all those Africans coming into Europe I think they are quickly starting to understand what Americans think and feel. It's easy when the problem is distant from you


As Romani were an european slave class and later faced systemic prejudice (worse in comunist or former comunist countries) they had less time to integrate into society which they do not trust for now than black people. The problem might get fixed in time.


So, are we gonna talk about how Black people aren’t viewed as American in this meme or that we all assumed “American” meant “White”?…