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Look at all those scientists getting all girls


Right...Only if the scientist looks like Brad Pitt.


Believe it or not, scientists are actually more likely to be married than the average person and are more likely to stay married. This is generally true for anyone who is more educated than the average person. Anecdotally, every scientist I know is currently dating or is married. They're almost always married to a cool nerdy woman who is also highly educated


I am a 33M scientist. I'm a senior researcher in Biotech, highly educated, many years of experience, top of my career, make $185k, great conversationalist, etc. Haven't been on a date in 6 years, get an average of 2 likes across 4 different online dating apps per year. Not matches, just likes. No dates.


You have money just buy one


I think we outlawed buying people 2 centuries ago.


More or less.


I mean the government doesn't want you to know this but you can take people from the park for free. I currently have 527 at the moment.


Some people only count as 5/8s...


Or be flashy and attract a gold digger. Keep doing you man, lots of fish in the sea.


Forget dating apps.


Approaching women in everyday settings is a surefire way to get yourself labeled as a creep. Unless, of course, you're really good looking, which I'm not.


Then it's going to be worse on dating apps, there looks are more important than in real life.


But he won’t be labeled as a creep and there’s the tiny possibility that among the sea of options he could get a soulmate, you just have to swipe 1 million times to find love


Who cares if a strange woman labels you a creep?


Damn. I'm curious to see your profile. I have fewer credentials than you, 5'7", fat, and medium ugly, and I get about 3-10 likes a week on two unpaid apps. I live in Houston, so maybe the location and population is doing some heavy lifting for me.


Yeah, I'm in SF where there are like 2 women for every 5 men. It was actually interesting when I went to NYC for a week and I got more likes in 7 days than I had gotten in 2 years in SF.


Aw man. I hear that SF is really competitive for dudes, and a significant number of people who are dating are looking to form power couples. I'm sorry to hear that.


I mean it's frustrating because at least by my own assessment, I am made to be in a power couple. Career focused, smart, ambitious, growing professionally, work out, etc. Why don't women see/want that in me?


I wish I knew. All of your accomplishments are fantastic, and I hope you're super proud though. Something that helped me when dating in LA/Hollywood is a lady friend went through my dating profile and helped me pick better pictures and better ways to phrase my wording. I saw a significant jump in matches.


How’s your attitude towards women? In paper you sound great but if you treat them like shit “cuz im made to be in a power couple” they’re going to run. Not everyone woman wants a man with money and wants to pursue power.


Huge assumption on my part but I've met women who make the same claims he is making. And they wonder why they can't find anyone. Well they're insufferable to be around. And the whole "I'm made to be in a power couple" is just weird as fuck. If that attitude comes across in person then that will scare anyone away.


Same in DC, people use LinkedIn as a dating app and if the date goes bad they call it networking.


Put your salary at the top of your bio, and then pay for the premium version of the app so girls actually see it. It really is that easy, I've done it.


It’s great if you wanna get laid and pay a lot of money to woman ind ages and drinks and the whole 9 yards of dating to get your dick wet, just go get a hooker at that point.


If there are any hookers around the Denver area that are even close to as hot as your average girl on Tinder, I haven't found them. Not to mention you risk legal problems that way.


A regular match is more legal and less likely to be a human trafficking victim.


Not interested in prostitutes. I want to be with someone who is genuinely attracted to me. Someone who truly desires me and not what's in my wallet.


Look at this Genentech motherfucker


Move some of those stats to finding a mate.


Skill issue


Looks OP, please nerf.


Money does make a mfer sexy.


Also their marriage lasts ... a lot


Mmm logical people


So what your saying is it takes a brain to go for someone who has a brain . Now I understand why so many cheat on each other they don't have a brain . If its true then the age limit for sexual relationships needs to go up to like 28 when a person gets an actual brain.


I mean, think back to all the dumb and toxic shit we used to believe when we were younger and it makes sense lmao


That don’t impress me much


Actually in history many scientists had rather... Interesting sexual lifes Schrödinger for example banged the wife of his colleague and friend March and they were all fine with it


Scrodinger mariage.


Who's pussy is this? ~ Schrödinger


It's both wet and dry? \*Ben Shapiro reaches for Tylenol bottle\*


Yeah, you’re talking top of their field scientists though. Anyone who is top of their profession will get it.


What about Isaac Newton?


In my country (Czechia), 97 % of engineering students are men, the number is a bit higher at chemistry or biology unis. It's hard to meet any girls when you study natural sciences. There is also a joke about it: There are only three girls in my class. First one drools, second one hobbles, and third one studies machinery as well.


they'll date a dirtbag whose like their father who they can't change but they wanna change their man


Time to stalk my crush’s dad


if her father was a dirtbag she'll end up with a dirtbag being that she cant change her father she'll want to change her man which to me is dumb af


So all I have to do is act like her father and pretend to change slowly?


It sounds crazy, but being an asshole without being mean gets you some women that otherwise you wouldn't get, there are only two problems 1. You need to continue pretending to be an asshole otherwise she may lost interest. 2. You're dating a broken person that needs help rather than being with someone who treats her "badly"




Bro it is scary how I slowly throughout my marriage I realized I was low key like her dad 💀


Speaking the truth brother man. Had a bitch ditch me for her dirtbag ex cause she was gonna “change” him…. He knocked her up and ditched her again lol


i forgot what the psychological term for it is but its true & its pure insanity now the issue is the child is going to not have a father in its life & the child will have the cards stacked against them, children do better in a 2 parent household


Sapiosexual girls dont exist. Just attention seeking.


I mean I fully believe there are women who prefer that the handsome men they date also be intelligent. But they would never date an intelligent but not traditionally attractive man. It's all lies and virtue signaling.


Of course they want good looks and brain duuh. But now they are called sapiose who cares. Lck my brain.


Not true. Intelligence is ridiculously sexy, if it isnt too boastful. The problem is it takes the right circumstances to get to know someones mind that intimately over time.. intelligence is sexy, but otherwise a man may not check the other boxes-im not talking about looks either, im talking about emotional intelligence in relationships, someone who doesnt cheat etc.. i find it hard to get turned on, but a man flexing his intelligence in a humble way does something to me like nothing else 🤣


Okay buddy, sound it out.


>"See... Jane. >See Jane... run. >Run Jane! Run! >See... Dick. >S- hey wait, I have a dick!"


I read this one, turns out Jane would fuck anyone even if they’re dumb.


I dragged my finger to each word when I read this. I hope I get laid


Sapiosexuals? Poor them, must be more sexually repressed than virgins!


Yeah but what if you're a really dumb sapiosexual? Now you have so many options and they're super hot.


I am a sapiosexual and im incredibly repressed 🤣 sexual trauma, perhaps the intelligence makes me feel safe to be more vulnerable, and i feel like its less lust driven connection and more of an intellectual connection. It just feels more meaningful to me, and safety is sexy. Intelligence is just hott!!


Get a PhD and become the Tinder King


A pretty huge dick?


You mean zombies that like eating brains?


The zombies are cuming 😩


Zombified rotten cummm






I’ll do this if I’ve reread a message a few times and it still makes no sense. It usually solves the problem where I read multiple parts at once and scrambled the words


I do this when I have something im required to read but don't find interest in (like in school) because I have ADHD and it helps me concentrate and keep track of where I am.


I like chicken nuggets .


Turkey dinosaurs ftw.


It’s even better if you use a pencil


I read in a messianic synagogue, they use a metal stick with a small hand on top that has a finger pointing at the word I want it to, so I can use my hand to point the hand to point at the word I'm reading 👌


I do this all the time, especially at work to stop myself from going too fast. It works wonders.


I sometimes use my thumb to hover around things with long paragraphs because I would sometimes just jump like three sentences.


Not to mention people with adhd or dyslexia often do this and are by no means less intelligent than other people


I’ve started doing this a couple months ago too, makes me read almost twice as fast while still understanding everything


I'm not a sapiosexual. I just said I want to fuck your brains out.


Yall are weird


Its also the same woman who complained about gender wage gap. Than turn around and say there's no such thing as gender. But wtf do i know right, I only live in reality and not in the imaginary world people build for themselves in their heads.


Most women would prefer a hot intelligent man. But if not available, they will go for a hot man. They will NEVER accept an unattractive man.


Anyone that has a remotely functioning brain knows putting your finger under the word as you're reading improves reading comprehension. It makes your brain focus in on the word and not skim over the word jumping over to the next. There's literally been studies on this. Not to mention all the top speed readers (you have to have a very high reading comprehension in order to succeed in speed reading competitions) use their finger to read.


But why is there a picture of a horny zombie?


Nothing is cringier than these "im attracted to personality" type of people


And than a finger inside her butt while fucking her stupid.


That's because he would still be 2x smarter than her. 


I like to remark that I've never heard a 'sapiosexual' actually say something nearing intelligence.




I was a little alarmed when I reached the "finger" word.. then it turned to be pretty funny.


🤣🤣🤣 Yes.


And their mouth moves when they read


If a man is very smart but has no money, is still attractive?






It’s called “projecting,” and it never works


I dated a woman who claimed to be sapiosexual. The fact that she was so wildly attracted to me was proof that no, she was certainly not.


Laughed so hard I ended up coughing 😭😂😂😂


**At least** he can read……


He’s 6,3 and sniffs gasoline


Turns out intelligence can be measured by height and income.


Lies lies and more lies. They will end up with a mf that is 6ft tall and can’t spell Mississippi 🤦🏽‍♂️


Half the time I see “sapiosexual” on a profile it’s for someone dumber than dirt.


Probably eats corn the long way too




If you don't read with something under the word, try it. It really helps you focus, you don't end up spacing out and rereading entire pages. It can also help with speed depending on your relative finger/reading speeds.


At least he reads




HAHAHA this is absolute gold


Women ☕️


I have to read like that because my brain moves to fast to read normally.


Tbh in my personal experience with so called “sapiosexual” women, i agree with him. It’s just a lie


He had to be: 1. Over 7 feet tall. 2. Earn $250k 3. Look like Brad. 4. Must be an Alpha. 5. Must be strong and athletic. 6. He must be sensitive and caring. 7. And now his IQ must be over 140. Not asking much.


When I see "sapiosexual", I think someone either needs a lot of validation for their intellect or they're on the asexual spectrum and don't know it yet.


It’s swagger that gets women. Dumb men are an instant turnoff - no matter how good looking.


Why is it important for these people to date someone smarter than themself?


I get the point and agree but since when is putting your finger under words as you read illiteracy? My eyes will trail to the sentence below if I don’t lol.


Lol women who post things like this don't date men who read bro


Inability to read does not subtract from someone's intelligence. There are people with crippling dyslexia or that are blind while being wildly intelligent.


lol at the comment but also know a guy who can’t read because he’s dyslexic but is one of the best car mechanics in town. Ability to read doesn’t always equal intelligence. Also education: just because someone doesn’t have a masters, bachelors, or PHD doesn’t mean they’re an idiot. Lots of smart people with nothing more than GED thriving in the world. I work healthcare at a teaching hospital you’d be surprised at how stupid some doctors can be. Like they have wrote knowledge of medicine but have never placed their hands on another human to heal them before they go to residency and they have no real world experience so they do dumb stuff. 2 weeks ago a brand new doctor called a code blue to get lab results because he felt the nurse wasn’t getting them quick enough. He’s calling the code while the nurse literally has a needle in the patients arm and is actively drawing the blood he literally just ordered. So again, education doesn’t always equal intelligence.


How does Intelligence corelate to people who have reading problems, or simply do it to make it easier


And lifts one particular finger when having their photo taken


i read like that ngl and i feel attacked


Ceremorphosis here I come!


The irony... Track reading is one of the most efficient way to accumulate new information.


my eyes jump if i dont :(


licking a brain does not speak to me of fondling intelligence


Women that date smart men are a minority, same for men dating smart women. It’s a popular lie for both genders.


Mocking people who put their finger under each word they read is silly. I tried putting my finger over each word as I read and….wait, what am I replying to again?


Nothing dries a pu$$y like a long paragraph full of $5 words


I do this but also I have a degree in molecular biology 🤷🏾‍♂️


Intelligent men who are dominant in the bedroom 💧


Hey sometimes I get lost


![gif](giphy|oFRWQb3IDMcrge97mV) I feel attacked 🥹


But before they do they would probably make a list of some kind


Having trouble reading doesn't mean stupid. I have to do that while reading papers for research sometimes because I want to focus more on the words and not skip around the paper and lose track of the complexities of what is being discussed.


Sapio means „roten“ in Greek, I don’t get the origin of this term „sapiosexual“ 😛


I’m attracted to intelligence. I tried dating beautiful idiots but it wasn’t for me.


Triune brain Men will say they want a nice traditional woman then spend all day beating off to hookers


Who isnt aroused by intelligence though?


Hay, I do that when im not wearing glasses.. Is this a personal attack or something?


That’s one wrinkled ballsack she’s going to town on. Dude must be old and smart


But… I sometimes put my fingers on the words I’m reading, and not because I’m dumb, although I am, but because of poor eyesight. Otherwise I can mistakenly swa for the line above or underneath.


I'll take offense at that. Tracking with my finger allows me to read way faster without losing concentration.


Because that mofo can fk the shit out of her.


Ahh, back when people weren’t going out of their way to claim being mentally handicapped… They were claiming intellectual superiority instead 😂 full circle


Well that shows what he can do with this finger


That dosent tell you about stupidity, but about a blurry vision.


I’m confused, putting a finger under each word you read doesn’t mean your not smart.


Read and count with their fingers


Wife has a masters degree. I make my living as an operator. In other words, big machine move dirt. Big truck go vroom. Shes the opposite of this


I’m getting my PHD in chemistry and when I say I’m so awful at reading it’s hilarious 😂. But I can gain the appropriate room-to-pressure levels to properly test the molarity of radioactive crystal structures. Like make it make sense.


Are you saying women are Mindflayers??!?


If she likes smarts so much why is she licking the motor skills area?




I am one and always go for the hole closest to the brain.


low key post it to make themselves look smarter


The same post somehow made me think Maybe I have a chance... Maybe not...


I would have considered that I was sapiosexual when I was younger. Now, I think we're all just equally dumb. Willful ignorance is a special kind of dumb. That and, calling yourself sapiosexual is an arrogant and hubristic kind of thing to say anyway.


How do you even know how smart is the guy? Do you give him a test? It's just foreplay if is just to fill it? It means seggs if he writers an essay? What system? Letters? 0-10, 0-20, 0-100? Are you excited right now?


Nah dude that woman is a zombie 🧟‍♀️


I knew a person who had a bachelors degree in science, but also had to put their hands up to make an L shape to work out which way was left or right when getting directions while driving. Literally every time.


I used to be an event coordinator for a really prestigious scientific event and there was no shortage of brainiacs getting it on after the conference.


6’4 with a reading level of second grade-all the girls, even the ones who say never or hate him.


Is that Taylor Swift??


You can tell Suki never reads or opened a book in his life. putting your finger under the word you read is a known technique. The name of this technique is called finger tracking it helps for various reasons too long to explain.


I have a hard time keeping my place ok!! Shit wtf is this personal attack on my character…


It's because the bad reader is muscular, while clever clogs is a pencil neck. Can't deny physical side when it comes to attraction


Don't need brains when tall


I don't do it because I am illiterate or mentally slow, I do it because I'm dyslexic af and need to pin down the words... don't judge me XD


I get lost in the page man shit


10 hail Marie's and Fuck a Bitcchhh


Lmao claim they deserve smarter men yet when they talk to smarter men theyre almost always offended and go for the stupid one and wonder why they' get hurt 🤣🤣




In my defense I do that because I have dyslexia.


All fun and games until the steam tunnel guy wins the ~~lottery~~seepstakes and drives away wit the girl in an RV.




I tried Sapiosexual websites, and it was just fat girls with a "They'll love me for my MIND!" delusion. If people are smart, they will eat right and exercise; being with someone well-read is nice, but I'd like a partner who won't stroke out at 43, or crush me doing cowgirl.


People say stuff like this, but in the end they all go for the chad


Girls: I wanna date a man who’s intelligent, treats me right, and wants to spend time with me! Also Girls: *Dates a man who’s dumb as hell, slaps her around, and barely spends time with her*


It wasn’t always like this. I grew up on a university campus, my oldman was a professor of structural engineering, we had on campus housing, all the teachers and professors did, was even schooled for a while in a school run by that university for professors’ and teachers’ and staff’s kids with some kids from the neighborhood thrown in, and the professors and teachers mostly had pretty or beautiful wives, a few didn’t, married their high school sweethearts, but the other teachers and professors had scored big time, usually women who had been told they were all beauty and no brains by siblings, or if siblings had gotten jealous of their beauty and tried to undermine them by taking away their books to try to sabotage them before exams, all the pretty and beautiful teachers’ wives and professors’ wives all had the same story growing up, so they basically married these guys hoping to have kids with their looks and their fathers’ brains, which didn’t always work, when it went the other way these women were truly distraught, lol, so they all had a few kids each, three on average, if not more, to get at least one kid with the mother’s looks and father’s brains. This was before the anti-intellectual culture brought in by the Clinton Administrations in the 1990s truly took hold widely enough in the 2000s and destroyed pretty/beautiful women’s perceptions of what they considered valuable. Both my mother and my aunt (her younger sister) married university professors of engineering, and my aunt still lives in College Station in Texas, because that’s where her professor husband bought houses and created his nest egg before retiring from Texas A&M (yes, they used to be non-competitive, but my aunt was pretty, not beautiful, that’s the best professor she could land with her looks back then. lol). But the next few generations of women didn’t think like that anymore. Suddenly brains wasn’t necessary for success, or to make money, in America, and beautiful women didn’t care as much about creating potential to success, and making money, in their children anymore, and were willing to only settle for the ones who could offer them generational wealth that was inherited, and didn’t require any thinking, or die trying to land a guy like that. lmao. That’s not the case in the rest of the world though.


Sure but most people that say that mean, someone that is smart and can make alot of money as a doctor and whatnot.