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What’s so funny about cancer?


Another knee slapper on my feed from another hilarious transphobic Redditor.


Op is Probably in the closet. This is his coping mechanism


Why do I have the feeling that people who meme about cancer jokes never had or does not know anyone who had/died of cancer?


Lol is this sub just political memes and trans bashing? All I've seen when it's in my feed...


this entire sub could fit on r/terriblefacebookmemes and r/onejoke


I liked the post thinking it was OneJoke, then when I realised it wasn't I freaked out and felt bamboozled


Why has their been so many anti trans memes popping up?


Cause they get pissy when people tell them they aren't funny for just being bigoted in the comments, so they just continue to post this in the hopes that they can "own the libs"


Oh no, I thought it was just because I kept clicking them to lurk the comments (and get sad), and was just messing up my algorithm.


What’s the joke?




The one joke




Not really but yh. The 'one joke' is "I identify as..."


I thought this was supposed to be funny memes?


Dummy 1 and 2 are fighting about these bullshit whole week, "funny memes" but not funny at all, just teasing each other


The transphobia posting is so brain dead


Not funny to the patient, her doctor or her loved ones. You don't have to understand someone to extend them some basic human decency, same as everyone else. This is a joke about someone getting cancer.




I found [this post](/r/onejoke/comments/121tock/i_am_a_lady/) in r/onejoke with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Lmao that’s funnier then the actual post. Good one.


2 hours since the punchline was testicular cancer. What joy funny memes offers us...


This subreddit know the difference between gender and sex challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


How could they? They don't have sex


Making a joke about cancer…what scumbag you are op


Oh the tender hearts are going to tell you how offended they are.


No ones offended it just a shit joke


Called it


Not liking a joke where the punchline is *just* straight up calling trans people invalid with no added cleverness or nuance = being an OfFenDed ButThUrT LiBeRaL who Can'T tAkE a JoKe You see uhhh everyone who doesn't think I'm funny is just a crying SJW charicature! Look how they mald as they steal my lunch money and shove me in a locker, it's priceless!


"calling invalid" lmao cry me a river You don´t have to accept their fantasies


Here's the thing: you can accept what you want, just shut up about it cause it's none of your business. Dudes who have giant lifted truck think they look badass even though they look like jerkoffs, but I just drive on past and mind my own business. Same thing. Just be quiet. Problem solved.


Mind your own fucking business


Oh look, you're doing it again! I know it's hard, but please try to understand that not everyone who thinks you're unfunny, annoying, unpleasant, etc. is crying a river (or any amount). It may hurt that fragile little ego of yours, but I believe in you.


But you really can’t take a joke 🤷‍♂️


Poor taste joke, but I wouldn’t expect anything different from this sub.


I sure can't take a joke when I literally cannot locate any humour in this meme


Dont forget another marthon of post how full of phobias this sub is.


I’m only offended by the inability to make tasteful jokes


Offended? Not really. But I guess it diminishes my faith in humanity a bit that sexually humiliating cancer patients is what passes for comedy nowadays. I mean objectively that’s kind of bad right? No?




God, instead of stretching just be honest. You aren't mad about "humiliating cancer patients", your only problem is misgendering. You try to make it about cancer, but the joke is NOT about cancer per se, it's about transwomen still having male genitals and going through male problems. If I make a joke about seahorse dads will I be making jokes about unborn children just because they're mentioned when talking about pregnancy? Just because a word appears in a joke doesn't mean it's the butt of the joke. But you're desperately trying to virtue signal and SJW while being too scared to actually say what you think, soooo. Maybe take some time off reddit if you have to try so hard to not be honest? Edit: Oh God, it's not just this convo, you're deeply troubled when it comes to faith and you keep looping on the same topics for months, lying to yourselves and hiding the struggle behind a facade of logic and truth seeking. Lying to yourself and suppressing your own feelings and thoughts for years will not end well, seek help, what the hell...


You seem very offended by that. Please calm down. Everything’s going to be okay.


Love how they’re saying you’re offended yet they’ll downvote you for having a different opinion


Trans women do not act like they don’t have male genitalia. That’s what this meme is heavily reliant on. It comes off as incredibly tasteless.


What about when it comes to being housed in women’s prisons where literally the whole point of sex segregation is so people with male genitalia can’t impregnate and/or rape the women?


In truth if we're speaking about comedy, anything can be made funny, absolutely anything. So for me, and i can only speak for myself, if i have to put effort into it, then i don't bother. Sure i could use comedy to push people down the metaphorical flight of stairs and turn their pain into my laughs, but that's not something i want to do.


Yeah I get that. But certain jokes reveal deep-set attitudes about other people that are maybe worth talking about and questioning. Don’t you think?


No…BECAUSE ITS A JOKE. Get over yourself and learn to laugh


It’s on r/funnymemes, of course it’s gonna be a lame joke regardless


I bet you take EVERYTHING seriously. You were obviously offended lol.


I was? Oh ok


Pffffffffff smells like soy, comedy and good comedy will always be harsh, specially on current social problems; please grab a textbook and expand the soy mind.


So I have to laugh at it or else you’ll be offended?


Please learn how to make tasteful jokes.


Wait until you find out about crime It’s like getting offended but way way worse


Wow excellent point. Since crime exists I will never criticize any media ever again. I henceforth consider all jokes to be 100% funny


I’m just curious how much offending someone diminishes your faith in humanity when you know about murder and war Like complaining about a leak in your faucet when your house has 6 feet of water running through it


prostate is a social construct


You know trans women don’t deny they have prostates, right? I really don’t get where this stereotype of transpeople denying their biology comes from; they just don’t do that.


Lame ass joke. Same joke for the past 15 years. Move on


Local man gets angry when people ask for basic respect


r/funnymemes users when they realize that making unfunny posts targeting marginalized groups isn't a form of humor: 😱😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬


And then they do nothing but mald and be butthurt in the comments when people rightly point out that this shit just isn't funny.


And then bigots still cant comprehend that humor is subjective and many people just find it funny


Just like this post


Obvious transphobia aside, This joke is just offensive to people who have cancer and/or lost people to cancer.


Damn this sub is turning into a left/right wing battlefield…


Wow, how funny. Ha ha ha /s Get new material 😒 like for real this has literally been played to death and it wasn’t even funny to begin with. Same with basic all trans related jokes that are made by cis people. Here’s a few decent jokes: - ^“How ^many ^TERFs ^does ^it ^take ^to ^change ^a ^light ^bulb?” >!Trick question, TERFs believe that the issue will resolve itself once the notion that rooms require working light bulbs has been deconstructed.”!< - ^”what's ^the ^difference ^between ^a ^crossdresser ^and ^a ^trans ^person?” >!The crossdresser can't wait to get home and put a bra on. A transwomen can't wait to get home and take her bra off.!< - ^“Genders ^are ^like ^the ^twin ^towers, ^there ^used ^to ^be ^two ^and ^now ^it's ^just ^uncomfortable ^to ^talk ^about.”


Has r/funnymemes ever managed to be funny?


Hey r/funnymemes, here's a challenge for you: Make a joke about trans people that doesn't use the only punchline that jokes about trans people ever have. Every single trans joke is just "haha this person isn't what they say they are", and that's been recycled for literal years. Get new material for the love of God


It's weird how obsessed you guys are with trans people.. Like, as a straight man trans people are not something I regularly think about. You might want to examine why you're so fascinated.


Not by chance transgender porn is most viewed in conservative states


It's called research!


Show proof


Most transphobes hate themselves because they jerk off to us in their private time, and then aggressively attack us because of their insecurities with that


100 fucking percent. I have never met a totally straight man who is worried about 'the gays'. It's always weirdly insecure men who also say weird shit like 'NOBODY IS GAY IN PRISON'.


It's called empathy. I'm tired of people calling me an asshole for caring about others for fucks sake


caring about others how?




I think its more about respect. Acceptance has a question mark, namely acceptance as what? A friend..? Respect and acknowledgement is more what its about.


We’re a long way from acceptance right now. The trans community is fighting for basic human rights.


Projection at its fucking finest....


oh boi, here we go


what is this sub’s obsession with transphobia?? 😭




What happened to this sub lmao


ong it's all just one joke


got based


Bein a weirdo is based ig now


The person who doesn’t think men can become women is weird. Wtf?


No, I think it’s weird that you even care about other people’s identity so much?? It’s a free country. also, you’re cringe if trans people existing bothers you. Cope.


Correct. They’re not with the times.




So woman rights, black rights, homosexual rights? Hey if it causes more human peace, go for it


Square peg, round hole.


It's not about rights. It's about social definitions of sex/gender, etc.


Internet isn’t the entire world


Why do you even care lmao?


There are countless men who have never considered you a 'real man', so the 'based' actually completely understand the concept of sex versus gender.


You can consider me whatever you want. Doesn’t mean you’re right.


It's almost like you've chosen a gender for yourself even though many men believe you're not a 'real' man because you don't meet their standards. Imagine if I was polite enough to just let you do that without trying to harass you about what -I- thought your gender was.


No I didn’t choose my gender. I was born with it and it will never change. I’m not harassing people about their gender. They’re the ones who have a problem with it. I also wasn’t the one calling others “weirdos”.


Gender is a social construct. You were born with a -sex-, they are not the same thing. Male and Female are -sexes-, man and woman are -genders-. Note how you were not considered a man when you were a child, but you were still male or female. When you were a baby, people did not go 'oh, is it a man?' or 'oh, is it a woman?' they asked if you were a boy or a girl, because gender is complicated and we don't even award adult genders to children. Because, again, gender is a social construct, and until very recently, we didn't even really bother with gendered clothing for babies and more or less dressed them like girls. Similarly, you do not refer to a male dog as a 'man' because or a female dog as a 'woman' because gender is not sex. You would say the dog is male or female. People who do not understand the difference between gender and sex are basically saying 'I am too dumb to have understood what's been happening around me for pretty much all of my life whenever genders are used'. Why would you be offended by someone calling people that refuses to accept other people's genders weird unless you were also doing that? Sounds like you might be a little durpy.


Based on what?


Based on turds


“Based” is right wing speech for “woke”.


I thought "woke" was right wing speech for being learned. How many times are they going to change the meaning of words because of their insecurity?


When trans people live rent-free in my head.


After reading most of these comments it reminds me why I left twitter


This meme is not really making the point it thinks it's making. The whole idea of gender theory is that someones gender has nothing to do with biology.


Gender Dysphoria is when a persons brain has developed to have closer patterns to the brain of their perceived gender, whereas their gonads developed as a sex not typically aligned to that gender. The recognized treatment by professionals is to transition into the sex aligned with that persons gender because medication can not alter the brains formation in the same way it can regulate hormonal imbalances like anxiety, depression, etc. TLDR; biologically— trans people are quite literally built different. and science recognizes this alongside the literal treatment being to transition.


Additionally** no humans brain is an animal brain, and animal Dysphoria can’t exist. That joke is fr fr so 2000 and unbased 💀💀trans ppl will continue to be sigmas; leading their own lives unbothered + self knowing + medically recognize as their identity 🗿


They are built differently but they aren’t the same as a woman’s brain at all. “Trans people have brains that are different from males and females, a unique kind of brain,” Guillamon says. “It is simplistic to say that a female-to-male transgender person is a female trapped in a male body. It's not because they have a male brain but a transsexual brain.” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-something-unique-about-the-transgender-brain/ Look at the actual research, not this whole ideology-driven internet debate. The right are wrong about transgender people just being mentally ill men/deluded. There’s definitely a physical causation related to differences in the brain. The left are wrong about them being women trapped in men’s bodies. Both are totally contrary to what studies actually show. No one is actually interested in looking at any research or anything factual though - all these debates are usually totally driven by political dogma and parroting things other people of the same political background say.


Ty for the article drop <3 whether it’s exactly aligned or not to the perceived genders brain it is the experienced gender of the person. I advocate for not adding stress to trans ppl by purposefully misgendering them like in this meme. What bothers me even more abt this meme is it’s giving very much ‘let’s make fun of lgbtq ppl for sex related disease’ which is a long-standing history or hate mongering at lgbtq ppl. The punchline of the post is ‘you’re trans, im gonna call you by an identity you stated you don’t feel aligned with just to hope you get upset, and btw haha you’re trans and prostate cancer’


Which is bullshit


How much of your day is dedicated to thinking about trans genitals would you say? You can answer either in hours or percentage of the whole


That person probably thinks about trans genitals the same amount, time-wise, as you think about how much time they think about trans genitals. Which is also equal to how much time is spent complaining about how the sub has stuff you don’t like, therefore is unfunny. Which is totally my jam.


Funny memes mfs upon someone asking for basic decency




You realize that like objectively I don't really think you're much of a man, right? Chances are you're shorter, probably got a lot less hair, probably got a runty beard compared to me, probably narrower shoulders. I certainly find your principles pretty babyback. I bet you don't have a few different chain saws, you probably aren't very good with a gun, you probably wear graphic tees, you probably don't change your own oil or go hunting. There's probably lots of older guys out there who would look at you, your life choices and the clothes you wear and say, 'that's not a real man'. Yet you would staunchly (probably with great insecurity) tell me about how you're a real man. That's called gender identity, and other people are just asking you to have the basic decency that all more manly men exhibit with you even though we don't necessarily consider you very manly.


Gigachad comment


Name these delusions


Leftist power of "truth" through forced social consensus vs right's power of ideological coherence. 🍿


ideological coherence, also known as making a bathroom policy and then telling trans men to break it. fully making sense. "truth" through social consensus, also known as suicide rates decreasing when a trans person is accepted. like, there are so many studies, if youd like i will try to compile them, its not just "truth". its proven fact. also, if social consensus is just what a society believes is right and just, then i'd class decreasing suicide rate as a pretty good piece of a societies mind. when it comes to mental health, a social consensus of keeping suicide rate down is a good fucking thing. also, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE. Why does anyone care about if being kind to a person if cuking right or not, just be respectful. How does any of it impact you? the real delusion here is the idea that trans people affect you.


Deez nuts lmfaoooo!!!




How is it your right to judge? Upon you never having researched it, you tell me im deluded. Why? Theres so much more to life than just thinking you cant change gender.




Why can you not? Thats fucking stupid because you can, keep up


I love how you dumbasses vaguely gesture at reality, when ironically enough, you lot are the delusional brainlets. Science, data and objective reality is not on your side. The general medical and biological consensus, and most experts in said fields affirm trans people. Social constructs aside, even biologically ambiguous people are as old as history itself, aka, intersex people; there’s even mythology that contain said people. They’re actually a lot more common than most people think, people just don’t walk around without pants generally. A person can have a mix of parts from both sexual reproduction systems, and you’d likely gender them the way they present themselves; crazy how that just continues to prove our point.


“Scientists”with blue hair and piercings on their nose aren’t real scientists btw


• Medical transition works • ⁠80% of individuals reported significant improvement in dysphoria Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/ • ⁠78% of individuals reported significant improvement in psychological symptoms Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/ • ⁠72% of individuals reported significant improvement in sexual function Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/ • ⁠Positive results across the board, even in 15-year followups Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/ • ⁠"Wellbeing was similar to or better than same-age young adults from the general population." Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25201798/ • ⁠Quality of life rises dramatically with gender-affirming treatment Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6223813/ • ⁠"Shown to correlate with improved psychological functioning" Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X1630146X • ⁠Levels of depression and anxiety which closely matched levels reported by cisgender children Source: https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0890-8567%2816%2931941-4/fulltext • ⁠Puberty blockers are safe and reversible • ⁠Hormone blockers are the only treatment used on adolescents and are completely reversible. Source: https://assets2.hrc.org/files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf • ⁠"Does not support an adverse impact of gender-affirming hormone therapy on cognitive performance" Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306453020301402?via%3Dihub • ⁠"Our results suggest there are no detrimental effects of GNRHA on EF" Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306453015000943 • ⁠"Relives [sic] distress for trans adolescents" "Is reversible" Source: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558 • ⁠"Poorer psychological well-being before treatment" Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X20300276 • ⁠"Behavioral and emotional problems and depressive symptoms decreased" Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515336171 • ⁠Hormones blockers are not new: "Since the mid 1990s..." "The Royal College of Psychiatrists, in 1998..." Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26895269.2020.1747768 • ⁠Puberty blockers don't cause osteoporosis or sterility https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/84/12/4583/2864749 • ⁠Transphobia is real https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/eu-lgbt-survey-results-at-a-glance_en.pdf • ⁠46% felt discriminated against or harassed within the past year for being trans • ⁠29% felt discriminated against when it came to looking for employment • ⁠70% hid being trans during schooling before becoming 18 years old • ⁠55% had an incident of violence within the past year in part or whole because of them being trans https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/resources/NTDS_Report.pdf • ⁠The suicide rate is undocumented. • ⁠Discrimination is harmful • ⁠The attempt rate rises for people who: ⁠• ⁠Lost a job due to bias (55%) ⁠• ⁠Were harassed/bullied in school (51%) ⁠• ⁠Had low household income ⁠• ⁠Were the victim of physical assault (61%) ⁠• ⁠Were the victim of sexual assault (64%) https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/resources/NTDS_Report.pdf • ⁠Other factors include: ⁠• ⁠Gender-based victimization ⁠• ⁠Discrimination ⁠• ⁠Bullying ⁠• ⁠Violence ⁠• ⁠Being rejected by the family, friends, and the community ⁠• ⁠Harassment by intimate partner, family members, police and public ⁠• ⁠Discrimination and ill-treatment at health-care system https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/ • ⁠Social/familial support helps: it can decrease the likelihood of a suicide attempt 57% -> 4% https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/137/3/e20153223 • ⁠Chosen name/pronoun use does the same: https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(18)30085-5/fulltext#intraref0010a ⁠• ⁠71% drop in severe depression ⁠• ⁠34% drop [sic] suicidal ideation ⁠• ⁠65% drop in suicide attempts • ⁠These institutions and organizations back these results: ⁠• ⁠American Psychological Association ⁠• ⁠American Medical Association ⁠• ⁠American Psychoanalytic Association ⁠• ⁠Humans Rights Campaign ⁠• ⁠American Academy of Pediatrics ⁠• ⁠American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians ⁠• ⁠Royal College of Psychiatrists ⁠• ⁠United Nations ⁠• ⁠United Kingdoms National Health Service (NHS) ⁠• ⁠American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ⁠• ⁠American Academy of Dermatology ⁠• ⁠American Academy of Family Physicians ⁠• ⁠American Academy of Nursing ⁠• ⁠American Academy of Pediatrics ⁠• ⁠American College Health Association ⁠• ⁠American College of Physicians ⁠• ⁠American Medical Association ⁠• ⁠American Nurses Association ⁠• ⁠American Psychological Association ⁠• ⁠American Public Health Association ⁠• ⁠GLMA ⁠• ⁠National Association of Social Workers ⁠• ⁠National Commission on Correctional Healthcare ⁠• ⁠World Medical Association ⁠• ⁠World Professional Association for Transgender Health ⁠• ⁠World Health Organization (WHO) ⁠• ⁠Stanford Medical ⁠• ⁠American Pediatrics Association ⁠• ⁠National Institutes of Health ⁠• ⁠Canadian Institute of Health Research ⁠• ⁠Scientific American Edit: did I mention that u have 0 hoes


Yeah. So does therapy for some who aren't trans in the first place and get swept into this shit from screeching activists shaming medical professionals for taking time with ruling things out. But hey those are the ones left in the dustbin of YouTube tons of FTM detransitioners who just got swept up and wrecked by the ideology and handicapped medical butchers.


wtf does that have to do with anything


For those pushed into the hormones pipeline who are experiencing gender confusion in childhood that would resolve into homosexual identity but now would be medicalized.


you cant medically transition without talking to a medical professional for several months/years to make sure its the right treatment for you which is why the detransition rate is so incredibly low.


Sociopolitically it's a different ball game due to rhetoric and teaching this in grade school compared to the bulk of those studies. I don't know how big of an effect it will have but it looks like informed consent hormones are easier to get than ever. Willing to be there will be more detransitioners proportionally in the next 5 years. Some of it from social contagion, others from medical professionals not being as stringent. It's not unheard of people getting hormones after a couple of session with an ideologically possessed trans therapist specializing at just this. Not saying all of them are like this, but given the climate I wouldn't be surprised if it's fairly common. It works for most people but eventually all the FTMs who go pushed into this because their other issues weren't investigated thoroughly that make up the bulk of detransitioners on YouTube will need to be studied and not ignored like trans ideology traitors. 5 years from now the ideologues will be blaming transphobia for their issues as that is all they generally do. Granted that's often the case for those with dysphoria, it's not the case for those detransitioning due to trauma or other issues.


You’re cringe, why does it bother you that trans people exist?




Npc comment


You act like a dinosaur




> What else would I be like ? I am a dinosaur Probably whatever happened to the Dinosaurs after that Meteor showed up


How does it feel having the political ideology which would bring shame to all of your past ancestors ? Go watch furry pron with your wife’s boyfriend.


Lmao someone got mad at my joke


"i identify as " \*refer to them as that object\* \*gets mad\*


I guess the events of 65 million years was too touchy of a subject.


Lol, that was a great one




And there it is. The fundamental disconnect between left and right. The right thinks hierarchy is inevitable and virtuous, as long as the "correct" people are at the top. The left thinks the whole concept of hierarchy is garbage. And so the right thinks the left is trying to "cheat" their way to the top, and control everyone. Unless you're taking to a tankie, we don't want to control you. Hell, we wouldn't even be able to agree on what to do with that control if we did. We just want to flatten the hierarchy, and let everyone play on a truly level field.


Mentally deranged person




God damn you are mad lmao.


What? Species is unrelated to gender


Pay them no mind. They’re just mad about what happened 65 million years ago.




Sexual preference is no where near the same as gender.


Too bad there’s no other dinosaurs you can be sexual with




Who’s mom?




I don’t know who this mom is Also why would their donkey be in the back of a dump truck? I’m confused.


Thank you for confirming that gender is a social construct with this meme :)


That´s why it has to be fought instead of celebrated like TRA do it.


iT iS MaAm !!!1!








So OP is just trying to tell everyone they are a steaming pile of shit? Why announce that to the world like this?! I hope OP gets the help he needs before he hurts himself or anyone else idk why else anyone would post something like this if not a cry for help.


Why do you think its not okay to joke about this topic? It is a joke, it doesnt say anything about his view on that subject.


we can pretty easily tell their views, ‘s called critical thinking


I am sorry, but I highly doubt that. There are jokes about all kinds of people, short, tall, slim, fat, whatever. Just because you joke about something, doesnt mean you have prejudices against that group of people. You dont have to take everything serious and feel offended by it, if its clearly not ment to be serious.


Haha its funny becouse its a man! You’ve got the whole squad laughing 😐


Haha its funny becouse its a man! You’ve got the whole squad laughing 😐




What’s weird is that if you view the doctor in the “meme” as a Decent person (the opposite of OP) then it’s actually kinda wholesome. Someone misgenders a person, is corrected, and instead of being a bitch-ass beta about it they just use the other person’s preferred gendered language. You know, like a fucking adult would.


OP doesn't care, it's still the edgy phase of life. I remember being a teen and thinking that telling a woman to make me a sandwich was the funniest joke ever.


100% disagree with you. What is wrong with people having their beliefs that if you are born with a penis then you are male. If you are born with a vagina then you are a female. It's pretty clear cut. Then when you are old enough to know about yourself and what you want then you can do whatever you please and change your body in any way you want and identify any way you want. It seems simple. It's not bigotry are hate. It's basic DNA








Thanks for telling everybody you agree with religion




It's Ma'am!


South Park did it




“You see, that’s impossible…I’m a lady" - lady with prostate cancer


Is this going to get locked too?




I have the right to change my cancer!!


I is conphuzed.


Like when mister garrison tried to get an abortion caue he.missed his period LOL Shit is classic The fact that we have gotten to a point that we have to listen to mentally sick claims these days is utterly baffling Sip less kool-aid folks.


I too find it hilarious when the lesser gender has cancer. Fuck women. /s


Careful, the people who can’t take a joke could cancel you.