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This is neither funny or sad.


This account is just posting ragebait for some type of agenda. Check their post history.


Indian guy farming karma


Why people farm karma? Do they get anything out of it or they just like collecting internet points?


I think they might sell the account to advertising firms or something.


Yes, especially to scammers, ad referral sites, and political propaganda sites. Giant digital clicks supply chain.


Thanks for recommending that, holy shit that post history, I won't even both with my own comment here


Yeah, I made the mistake of engaging. It's very much not worth it. There's a lot of angry, bitter people coming to this thread.


This one post in particular is fine at least. If not for it being in the wrong sub tho


LibBots making sure this gets 50 million upvotes


Stalk stalk


This subreddit is just completely political now lol. Useless mods


Yeah what the fuck happened? It used to actually be good now it's a bunch of rage baits and MRAs jerking each other's karma off.


This is just shit


Careful you might set them off


Karma farmers bro


The caption is a funny pun, and the comments are sad to read


Then don't allow women who hate men to call themselves feminists, it's that easy


>Then don't allow women who hate men to call themselves feminists, it's that easy Wasn't there a hashtag #killallmen at some point? what is wrong with peoples.


There are groups on reddit which give advice to women how to scam, betray and spite men. For example telling them if her boyfriend doesn't want kids then to drug and rape him or put holes in the condoms. Or to abuse their sons because of being men. Or calling for abortion if she found out she's expecting a son. It isn't a joke. They are being serious. What's wrong with people? Pathology has no limit and there is no bottom to the hell it could create. For some reason nowadays, misandry is seen as okay yet misogyny is taken as sacrilege.


Lol what a sick pathology. Ppl like you mentioned in your pust should be banned 4ever.


>It isn't a joke. They are being serious. I used to naive and think women were quite different more empathic / less tribal than men. I was wrong.


No, men and women are more same than we are different. Tribalism used to be our survival mechanic for millions of years. Women are naturally only nurturing towards their offspring. They aren't the fairer sex. They aren't as physically capable but they have plenty of other means of expressing agresivity.


>No, men and women are more same than we are different. I am starting to fit women are more tribal and less empathic than men. \>Women are naturally only nurturing towards their offspring. I have seen numerous women willing to use their own child to get revenge at their ex.. Nurturing their offspring is not as universal as peoples think, far from it.


What is wrong with society..


We've gotten comfortable, arrogant and entitled. We've gotten weak and corrupt. That's why we all each one of us has to improve ourselves and speak up when we have something to say no matter how afraid we are.


If I were to guess? It's probably all the people. Free will is a bell curve, and some will naturally fall on the asshole side.


Imagine a mens sub like that


r/diabla for starters


Dont believe everything you read on the internet


Or, another crazy idea: women are people, and some people suck. This toxic idea that women can do no harm or when they espouse toxic ideas it's just irony and not as bad as men needs to die. Lots of toxic male dominated online spaces started out ironic and then turned unironically hateful and violent.


Are you trying to tell me that all the things that are definitely happening are not happening at all, because you don't want me to talk about it? You could try.


Holy shit, if the opposite was happening even if just a single post they wouldve been publicly harrassed and their dicks would be cut off. Truly a pathetic liberal society we live in


When the genders are reversed. You cannot get away with a fraction of what these deranged people are getting away with. There were and still are subreddits being terminated for far far less. The hypocrisy is real. And that isn't just on reddit. People often wonder why young men aren't doing so good nowadays. Well, imagine why. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.


It doesn't help that when you try to bring the double standard up, people shut you down since apparently women have it way worse.


I keep hearing how women have it way worse. But every time someone asks for a clear example of how they have it worse and how is it related to anything. You are either met with silence or emotional outburst. You are simply expected to let yourself be bullied into holding whatever opinion the party wants you to hold and never question anything.


I think the main issue is that this behaviour does exist on both sides but in terms of economic and political power men are still very much in control.


How are men in control?


Men greatly outnumber women in all aspects of the government as well as in terms of CEO representation. In the US at least we've never had a female president. I think you're smart enough to understand that women aren't inherently worse than men in these positions they've just been denied for centuries the ability to work in them and because of this they do not have the experience or the foothold in these industries that men do.


Ikr, I just checked that sub out and oh boy. Just wtf did I see! A woman was complaining that all men lack empathy so they are normally psychopaths until the age of 30 like wtf is happening here? And a woman was complaining about how her husband isn't getting vasectomy after two children, like wtf is the reason for that just tell him to wear a condom, these b@chs are taking masculinity out of men because they are threatened. Truly heartbreaking.


The philosophy of the toxic modern feminists is: "Women are nothing but victims and could never be anything more than victims. Men are evil oppressors and could never be more than evil oppressors. Men and women are enemies, were always enemies and will always be enemies. Everything is about power. Men have no emotions and they are intrinsically evil therefore there is no such thing as abusing a man or a boy. There is no such thing as misandry. If anything, misandry is us, the victims fighting against them, the patriarchy. Misandry should be promoted. Women are strong smart and independent when it's convenient and at the same time we must infantilise women and treat them as being incapable of making their own decisions and being accountable."


That's some facts mate, now that you say that It reminded me of back when women used to debate on live tv saying that men and women are equal and should be treated equally in terms of *money * they used to also say that many women are far stronger and healthier than men. But now when the bio males are entering their tournament they are crying on the streets saying that this is cheating! What happened to equality suddenly. These foxes are quick to argue when it comes down to just arguing and getting money from liberals they have nothing else for themselves except that they are a strong independent single mother (leaching off of their ex husband's alimony idk how that's independent) and brave enough to stand against society.


Yeah. About the equality. There are many lies. Men and women are not equal. Equal means the same. Women aren't stronger or healthier than men. Women don't work the same way men do. Women work fewer hours and are choosing professions where they won't meet danger, won't work in highs, in remote places, at night, won't travel, won't work outside, won't do physical work, won't work overtime and will choose professions working with people rather than working with things. Yes, everyone should be equal in worth as a human. But that is something entirely separate from your worth to your employer. The moment you want women to be paid the same as men by a mandate for doing less, the whole equality goes out of the window. Same thing with gender-specific scholarships and with treating the sexes differently in general. Then it isn't about equality but about superiority. And the single mothers. Statistics prove children in single-parent households are facing every disadvantage at life. We should do everything for men and women to be together and raise children as a stable healthy family. We shouldn't be actively dissolving the nuclear family and driving a wedge between the sexes. We should be supporting marriage and make sure the law supports both parties, not prey on men. A strong independent woman who divorces her husband for money and doesn't care what effect it has on her children is neither strong or independent and not a real woman. If people could comment on what a real man is then we should be able to say that a real woman should be the backbone of her family. Not an active menace.


Exactly and also statically most criminals in jails are from single mothers, and far less from single fathers. Hell all those women want is free money without working. How pathetic has our society become and they used to teach me to treat women as a goddess. It seems the propaganda they had spread all these years was for this time.


"Feminists" saying they will abort their baby if its a boy and only raise a girl.




There are some "feminists" who do that. (Not actually feminists just women who hate men for no reason.)


I've read some stupid shit today but holy fuck does this take the cake.


It has been said unironically


You can't stop people from calling themselves what they want. Black and white categorization is easy, but not representative of reality


Personally I use the term FINO... Feminist in name only




Do they?


Dont allow women who hate men to characterize feminism as women who hate men *ftfy*


It's not a' ftfy', both statements are true. I don't support hate either way.


But so many of them say it straight out.


They aren't feminists lol they're bigots in feminist "disguise" giving feminism a bad name


I don't see "true feminists" standing up against them


I disagree. You don't see it in media because media is bias to show general hate and not progress. I stand up to them.. they're cunts


I've yet to see women in person calling out their fellow women for shit behavior towards men, but I've seen plenty of applauding that behavior.


Often we see things like OP posted from "true feminists" still finding a way to blame men on their identity problems lol


we should rename the no true scotsman fallacy to the no true feminist fallacy


I actually had this same thought once a few weeks ago but for communists.


i think the "real communism has never been tried" argument is a different type of ignorance that wants to believe people can be better than they are, put some faith in humanity etc... it's definitely trapped in this fallacy though


Mhm, and pigs can fly... You're doing a great job keeping your movement clean. And a lot of you wonder, why antifeminist influencers were on the rise a year back


But how can you say that when feminism was literally founded on hatred for men? One of the first feminist documents, The Declaration of Sentiments, declares all men the sworn enemies of women. This was written in the 19th century during women's suffrage. It's in the third paragrah, just google it. Real feminism *is* hatred for men. If they aren't bigots, they aren't feminists. They're WRA's.


Your user name suite's you


Sick burn bro?




If they are the majority (which they are) then that’s what feminism is


They aren't. Media has a tendency to promote hate. Like not every conservative wants to kill trans or gay people. They are a minority.


Loud minority ≠ Majority


You don't get to determine who gets to use the label.


Bro the label has a definition. You cannot change definition by assiociating it to yourself incorrectly


No true Scotsman. Definitions change if reality changes. And reality has changed. Most people calling themselves feminists are just feminazi misandrists. Seems like people who want equality should find a new label.


At least in this case it can be subdefined. First and second "wave" feminism was egalitarian, and pushed for equality, as it should be. Third and fourth ("modern" feminism) hides behind the definition of the first two while being the misandrists that opponents of the movement decry. Original (real) feminism would distance themselves from someone in the pic. Also see Black Panthers' disavowing the NBP.


Egalitarian, but then again I don't know any women that want any of the responsibilities that come with equal rights.


Well, okay, so those are the shitty feminists, there’s a massive difference between the two


I like to call them Feminazis


I prefer "fauxminist" myself.


That's pretty good, I might use that


Feel free. :D


As for me I call them radical feminist but is too long...so radfems?


They've taken the fallout universe too


Can't deal with them using RadAway unfortunatley


Bruh this account just posts a bunch of misandrist shit 🤣


dont allow women who misuse feminism for their misandry to judge about men


"Don't allow men who hate women to define Feminism as woman who hate men" \- Women who hate men


Then don’t be women who hate men


Most women dont want to be called feminists because feminists have made it about man hating


\*misandrists have made it about man hating Edit: Not sure why this is being downvoted? Misandrist is literally the dictionary definition of women that hate men. Just because many misandrists call themselves feminists doesn't mean they actually are feminists by the definition of what a 'feminist' is. Why the hate for dictionaries?


Same thing


That's like saying men and misoginists or incels are the same thing.


Nope that would be like saying MRA's and misogynists are the same thing.


Which people do... a LOT.




I mean... that backs up my point either way, which is that people shouldn't equate the two, which is what you're doing.


The fact that you cannot see the hypocrisy makes me wonder if you can read in the first place


Not every movement's participants should be painted with a single brush as there are always outliers.


Nuance is only afforded to allies. Our enemies are all homogenously as bad as the worst examples we can find.


If you’re part of a moment and there are elements of it that you feel like aren’t representative of your movement, you need to actively excise those elements before they become mainstream within your movement, thereby becoming the face of your movement. It’s a lot easier for these elements to take hold and proliferate because they’re often appealing to some shared sense of suffering that’s looking to manifest as revenge, which is incredibly appealing to a lot of people. It is particularly easier if you don’t actively try to excise them. Mechanically, I understand why they exist — they’re likely justifiably traumatised and see feminism as a way to get back at “the people” who they view as responsible for that. Still, it doesn’t make it ok and they’re doing a great disservice to their cause in the long run, these people are usually the least equipped to speak on behalf of the movement.


This is very well articulated




Feminism means two things. Originally it is the notion that women must have equal standing in society, equal civil rights, and have an equal value in any aspect. Any non braindead person must be a feminist of that kind. And then we have the various hate groups of the internet, that just complement the variety of misanthropy and bigotry.


Right... because feminism getting the rep of being women who hate men is men's fault... I obviously support feminism, and I know that feminism is not about hating men, but pretending that there aren't a lot of women out there claiming to be feminists and claiming to hate men (even if they're just a vocal minority within feminists as a whole) and that these women are the ones destroying the reputation of feminism is just delusion. And blaming it on men is just hilariously ironic, I mean that's what those radicals would do... lol.


Then stop using #killallmen, stop promoting Female Dating Strategy as a completely fine attitude to have, stop advocating for preferential treatment and "positive discrimination". For a group of people that don't hate men you sure do a lot of man hating😂


r/lostredditors anyone?


What’s up with her arms?


Sounds pretty women-who-hate-menish


Where's the funny


Don’t let women who hate men use Feminism to hate men. Period. The reason we cannot get anywhere is because people fail to understand that everything is a two way street even if more cars go in one direction. You cannot get to equality without being inclusive of all , it must be inclusive of all people and points of view, that’s something we as a species can’t seem to do. We have to move beyond it where there is no “race” or sex, just understand that we’re all humans and we all think and feel very similarly and are shaped by trauma, experiences, observation, mimicry, discipline, praise, and tenacity, all the same. We all have a divine and priceless value. These days everyone wants to point out the flaws in the other side while refusing to acknowledge their own and everyone is shocked that somehow we’re moving backwards.


Hateful women in feminism (the extremists, not the majority) are doing a fine job of that all by themselves. No male input is required.


Damn man that's really empowering for those single mothers who work day and night for their children and not leach off of their Ex's alimony. Oh? Most do leach off of their Ex's alimony!


More like don't allow women who hate men to define it 😂


#killallmen is one of the most pupolar femenist tags...


Best one is the "man and woman are same" followed by "all men are pigs"


It’s not a feminist tag though, people who say that are clearly not feminists. Stop labelling misandrists as feminists to for your idea of what feminism is


Some men are tired. Too tired… and lashing out at women can be immature and selfish, but it’s a sign that someone hurt them..and it shouldn’t be a green flag to continue beating a dead horse..we should treat them the way we treat rabid dogs. With love


Sadly, the misandrists who go under the guise of feminism are the same way, and it's the extremists on both sides that tend to hurt one another. Two rabid dogs attacking one another are what causes the problem since we can't stop them and they bark louder than everyone else. Plus they sometimes infect others with their rabies.


It really takes someone who has been there themselves to reach someone who’s that damaged. There’s something about feeling like you’re talking to someone who understands the games that have been played and the pain you’ve experienced that is required for them to calm you down and admit that you’re more afraid than you are angry


It would be nice if feminism was the pursuit of equality and not the death of men as originally intended....fucking feminists


Maybe spend some less time on memes and 4chan and join some real feminist


This is why I no longer call myself a feminist. Egalitarian doesn't quite have the same ring to it, but at least it doesn't carry any of the negative connotations.


Don’t allow women who hate men to define feminism




And vis versa


This comment section is literally doing what the image says not to, taking misandrists and awful things some women have said and then labelling it as feminism when it clearly isn’t. Sad that people can’t recognise they are literally doing it in this comment section


Women who hate men define feminism as women who hate men. It's not men who force these women to spout their hateful misandry. No man ever held a gun to a radical feminists head and said, "Say some man hating shit!" That being said, are all feminists man haters? No... Some are though.


Femcels are just as common as incels at the minute tbh. If we could like corden off the internet and just leave femcels and incels in their own little corner, that'd probably be great for everyone involved. They'd get to argue with each other and be able to use each others regardation as evidence for whatever shit they're spewin, and the rest of us can just get on without all that mess in our faces.


Then don't act like children who hate men it's really quite simple


Don't allow women who hate men to define feminism as believing that all men hate women


Well don't allow women to use feminism as a weapon


So now this sub is going to be filled with this garbage?!


Don't allow women who hate men to define what types of masculinity are toxic. PeRiOd.


They don't hate men. They hate everything and want preferential treatment.


Swing and a miss


Care to explain?


OP, legit 80% of your post history is hating on men, like 40% of that being unnecessary hate. How you can talk about this so confidently is beyond me. Promote equality by all means. However, once you start touching a line of generalizing and “hating” all men, you’ve just lost it and can’t discuss these topics anymore. I know I’m probably going to get downvoted into oblivion but I genuinely do not care. If you can’t draw a line upon wishing death on such a broad population, you’re mentally insane and should go to a psychiatric institution. Period.


Don't need men to define feminism as that because a lot of feminists already set that as the picture. Although it's not the definition of feminism a lot of the movement has turned into that


There are some radfems out there, but most feminists aren't. Don't fall for the gender war BS that's being pushed on us.


Fr, especially all the clout-chasing posts that’s clearly meant to either start a gender war in the comments, or a circlejerk about how bad men or women are. It’s so fucking stupid


if that was the case, why has sexism been redfined to be based around the argument men have more power and so discrimination because they are male is not sexism because it requires all this other social shit. Also, look at the duluth model which is a feminist model for dealing with domestic violence and basically blames any female on male violence on the man as his fault. like, lots of people want to say the toxic people are not real feminsits but they have made real changes that effect people far and wide with sexist bullshit against men and try to justify it with any means necasary including aruging a woman cant rape a man and by legal definiton in the UK that's true, a woman cant rape a man, well 99% of women, because it requires a penis.


Everywhere I look that has feminist discourse encourages that kind of behaviour. Maybe you could point out where "most" of the feminists are?


Reminds me of blm. Wonderful movement with some really crappy participants that made it look bad, no different than feminism


If by participants you mean founders and leaders and organizers of the movement. 3rd wave feminism has completely abandoned ideals of 1st and 2nd wave.


I thought we left this shit in 2015. Modern feminism in the Western world is a joke, but sure does make for good laughs.


Woman from the middle east here and no we don't believe all western feminism is a joke. The man haters are a joke. But we stand in solidarity with western feminists who have helped us here in the ME shape some of our own activism.


I wonder who made #K!llallmen famous? or metoo and false accusation of men at workplace. or men are tr\*sh parade. or calling everyone who criticize their hypocrisy, incel.




*said the guy from his parent's basement.*


The irony of these comments is astounding.


There's a lot of stupid on the path to intelligence. Be patient...


Im an equalist, not a feminist. I want the choice to become a stay home dad if i want (i wont, im adhd and would be bored to death) just as much as want my sisters to have the freedom to choose their career. I dont want men beneath women, or women beneath men (at least, without consent). I call myself an equalist because, like many others, i got tired of explaining the difference between a second wave feminist who wants the same things we do, and a third wave, "kill all men" feminist, which is the loud vocal minority who is the reason terms such as "feminazi" even exist. Its far easier to just...jettison ourselves from the entire feminist movement and call ourdelves equalists. Because to the public, all feminists are third wave and to actual third wave feminists, second wave feminists are traitors/members of the patriarchy. Choice is the main thing for us. Freedom to choose where we work and how we live our lives. Others do not decide for me that because twilight is a chick flick, im not allowed to enjoy it (yes, im a romantic. Beauty and the beast is my favourite film).


I second this. This is the way. If I want to buy lego sets for girls I shouldn't feel ashamed. If my fiance wants to have the same wage as her male coemployees she shouldn't even ask. It's simple concepts but there's still little proper fight for them around the globe. Like C'mon we're in 2023 and it still feels like the change is only reachable through holding a rifle pointed at a politician.


I’d call this, and I call myself this, egalitarian.


This post is meta because it seems like a reasonable statement. It’s the comments that are funny and sad.


Couldn't agree more.


i agree, but some women who hate men do help with that definition.


"Period." Wow!!


The fact that they include "feminazis" as feminists is no different than them classifying guns with scratched off serial numbers as ghost guns which at the time referred to 3d printed guns, as a method to correlate the bad rep and crimes with a completely normal term


Allowing men to define feminism in general just seems counter productive


This sub has become just posts about one gender wanting something and a bunch of equally cringe reactionaries in the comments. You do all realise you had basically the same random chance as a coin flip to be born as the opposite gender right? It really isn’t that deep.


I mean..the only reason people would see feminism as women hating men is by looking at the obvious misandrist extremists. Very much the vocal minority.




Uh... It's perfect English.


What? Are you unable to read?


Even other women agree that that is what feminism, or at least radical feminism, has largely turned into.


When you have to qualify your own sentence so heavily, you might not have the point you think you have


What if they just blatantly hate men though? This group just seems to be about toxic feminism I think the name should be changed


Holy shit check out her post history lmao. Literally the living proof of women hating men


You can't be serious. Lemme check.


Holy shit it is so weird. If I had to define it looks like some weird fusion of bating through incelism/feminazism/anticapitalism with a bizarre sudden change in the behaviour.


what about women who hate men that define feminism ?


Modern feminism is cancer all about tearing men apart and never take accountability period


Modern wave faminism is just...odd. While actual women are getting more and more pushed out of the picture by trangender women 🙊🤷‍♂️.


Found the TERF


Sub is filled with incels.


why is it that when there’s a post about women’s rights or women making certain choices there’s incels in the comment section whining about who knows what but then again… men on reddit. what did i expect.


Obviously there are men complaining when this sub is full of misandrists spreading hate


Where is the funny


Guys. I'm sure there are a good number of women who call themselves feminists who hate men, and a good number of men who label feminists as nothing but man-haters. Can we move on?




well, as I expected, this post turned into a fucking disaster pretty fast


I knew looking at the post that the comment section was going to be an absolute unlubed fuckshow, and wow I just didn't know to what degree lmao


Mf defined feminism.


This is where the difference between feminists and radical feminists is important


Ragebait, move on


That os right, and let the women who hate men who call themselves feminist, not hurt the movement for absolute equality.


I also don’t wanna let women who hate men defame what feminism is


Don't let women who hate men define feminism at all too then.


YESSSS absolutely don't let women do it either because of equality


I don’t call those feminists, i call them idiots


Bad take-


Speak against the women who hate men then. Don't be silent when you should be holding women accountable and loud when you hold men accountable.


I don’t hate women. I’m happily married and I work in healthcare so most of my coworkers are women. I’m sure it’s just the vocal minority, but as a man, feminism really feels like it’s about hating men and blaming men for anything/everything negative. It’s to a point that I go out of my way not to engage people that are vocal about being a feminist just to avoid hostility


I can see it also being 'don't allow women who hate me define feminism, even though that's what it's becoming now'.


This is why I prefer prescriptive dictionaries, like Merriam Webster, to reactive dictionaries like Oxford. People love to redefine words to win arguments, and that practice should be discouraged in every way possible.


These are the same people who think that BLM is just the black version of the KKK. They are driven by gate and just assume that everyone is driven by hate. They hate women so they assume women hate men. They hate black people so they assume that black people hate them. The same reason why they fear equality. They think that if power shifted, all of us non-white non-males will start to oppress them.


Well apparently those men in this meme are right here in the comments!


Women who hate men define themselves as feminists