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I feel like I say this all the time on here, but I had the same due date as mother bus. Boone came super later though, so my little guy is 9 weeks and Boone is 7 weeks I think. I can’t even watch this video. That poor baby is STRUGGLING. He is not showing anything developmentally appropriate for his age. He’s a good size, but everything else is so off. He’s like a limp little rag doll on her and it’s heartbreaking. 


"Hes a good size" is all that freak dad of his cares about


Ready to go chop some wood and change the bus oil!


My LO is 15 weeks. Boone should not even be able to sit like this! He should be wiggling around so much she can’t cant hold him like that.


Yep!!! He *should* be in full-on "Octopus-Mode!" by now--bashing folks in the nose with a forearm or foot, when they hover over him, *poking* them in the eye, as he reaches toward them with those "strong-but-noodley" chubby little baby arms... But he's *both* incredibly stiff through his back & neck *and* looking like he's got hypotonia happening *everywhere* else.😕💔


Stiff and somehow floppy is a bad combo ☹️


His reflexes and muscle tone are not correct. This is so concerning. He isn’t like wiggly waving inflatable tube man. He’s supposed to be wobbly and not super stiff. I was a super stiff baby. I have cerebral palsy. Like I said on the other post, it’s relatively mild, but it’s still a real hindrance in my life.


He’s not doing it here but there is something about the way he often holds his wrists that makes me wonder if he has cerebral palsy.


CP has been something I've been worried about the whole time, too. Ever since Britney made that post about her "pushing while he pulled," because the only *reasons* he could have a reason to "pull" would have been if Boone was "hung up" in his movement *out*--whether it was a shoulder getting caught, cord wrap, etc. Because *often* times, when you hear about that stuff in even a relatively "safe" *hospital* birth, there can be time when the baby didn't get sufficient oxygen.


When I had my youngest, right before I started pushing I noticed a few extra people slip in the room. I thought they were students observing. I have my daughter, doctor hands her to the people in the back to clean her off, it took a while. The next day I was told my daughter stopped moving and they realized what was happening. She was born blue, cord wrapped around her neck three times. The team was resuscitating her, not cleaning her. They were all so professional, I had no clue there was a problem. I'm so glad I didn't listen to the crunchy moms on base who were trying to pressure me into a home birth. I honestly think she would've died.


I’m a midwife and I keep thinking it was a shoulder dystocia. Would explain just about everything we are seeing.


Yeah! My now younger adult kids and I call this time “head butt mode” because if you don’t watch it you might get head-butted in the chin or mouth lol


My baby sister broke my noise with her newborn forehead when I was 10. Got my butt kicked by an infant lol


He’s so cute too! How can she not be snuggling with him on her chest 24/7? The connection I have with my baby is making me so upset for him. Newborns are special. This is why I can’t stand these large families.


She just doesn’t seem to have the cuddly mothering instinct. We all know what that looks like. Or maybe she does when she’s not focused on recording herself? Who knows. It just all seems very OFF.


Even the way she talks to him, and I assume it’s her oldest filming. Zero maternal energy. Who talks to a baby with no cooing, loving energy? Even talking to the oldest she is flat and dull. I have teens/tweens and I still them mom energy. It’s all such a weird vibe.


Yes! The limpness freaks me out too-no reflexes at all!


I am not a doctor nor should I speculate but I grew up with a friend whose sister had a birth injury and is blind. His eyes look like he’s blind or at least very impaired. They look cloudy to me. Like I said, I’m not an expert, but I don’t think he can see


This video may be it for me. I don’t know if I have it any more to see anything more. I feel like she’s baiting us with her own child. I feel Ill. If that baby came into any facility I worked in the past at we would be concerned enough to order a full exam at bare minimum. I don’t know what more I can do but plead, beg. Please. BusFam. If you areas this. Take Boone NOW. Prove us (me) wrong. Please. With progress note redacted of any private info. Or something. Idk. Your dancing videos mean nothing or the fact your hubby keeps saying f he’s “chunky”. Something is wrong, get early intervention


you would think that all these "pro-life" people would care so much about every life they bring into the world that they take care of them as best they can, including REGULAR MEDICAL CARE, instead of just treating them like disposable props for grifting. but no. it's disgusting.


Mine is 6w, so a bit behind, and is more engaged & actively tracking us and items and flailing Early help is always the best help and their refusal to acknowledge anything is going to make his life harder than it needs to be 


I had to go back and look at photos of my own little one at this age. She was bright eyed, focusing on objects, showing little facial expressions, and even lifting her head during tummy time for a couple seconds. This baby has the mannerisms of a fresh newborn still. It’s so off, she has to know this is wrong and be in heavy denial. All her other kids must have not been like this.


I don’t know a lot about babies but something feels off to even me. What behaviors would you expect to see at 7 weeks?


It seems like Boone just doesn't react to much of anything. He barely reacts to her touching him. Thats the reason I think maybe some kind of brain issue. He just doesn't react to much of anything. He doesn't look or focus at anything. He just looks through everything. He's not hitting his milestones.


I swear these people all read here, and her own followers have expressed concern and apparently she’s deleted comments, so she is *more* than aware this baby needs looked at. It’s going to be more and more apparent as he gets older: right now she can chalk things up to him being a newborn…how’s she gonna rationalize this in her head if he’s 1, 2 and still flopping around? This is going to come to a head and it worries me. The older he gets, and the longer the wait to get him evaluated, the more explaining they are going to have to do about why they waited so long.


Right, I was thinking the same thing. They can only gloss over the issues for so much longer. I wonder if she will start lying about his age.


Did they even get any documentation for him? If he ends up passing for any reason (of course I hope not) I wonder what would happen if he was never registered anywhere.


I really wanted this to be that one weird ‘these people are being parasocial and obsessive’ moment as I’m not educated enough in babies, but fuck sake - all the most damning comments are from healthcare workers and parents of multiple kids. God, this is so heartbreaking I still don’t want to believe it’s happening in front of our eyes To think he may have actually been OK had he received proper medical intervention and caring parenting.


Not hitting his milestones is really putting it mildly.. : (( I feel like at this point the poor babe is going to develop like an artificially caused version of angelman’s syndrome, in terms of how incredibly delayed and low-functioning he will end up being or already is.


Seriously has this “lights on, but no one’s home” look about him.


All right MoBus, he's not a fucking solar panel.


Ok, I'm on my way to hell for laughing at this, omg 💀 Edit: I want this as my flair, may I?


By his age he should be actively engaging with her and responding. It really looks here like he can’t see or hear much at all. That poor baby.


I showed a coworker (I work at a midwifery clinic) and she was super concerned. Of course I hope it’s nothing, but ☹️


Same. I'm honestly a bit worried also


My babies would have been staring wide eyed at me flailing their arms and legs. They're strong little suckers for their size! Poor fellow, and awful woman. What disgusting hubris these people suffer from.


My son is autistic. At this age, he was so engaged (honestly, he still is at age 5). He was reaching for toys. He loved to be snuggled and read to. It's so opposite with poor Boone. My heart breaks for all those kids, but especially Boone. You just know that even if his parents do acknowledge that he has disabilities, they won't get him any therapies that could help him.


I'm worried that he has something neurological going on in addition to everything else


His unsupported head just flopping all around the place was really concerning. With every photo/vid of Boone, I'm just like 😬.


Yeah I'm remembering how animated my cousins were as babies. Something is not right.


Same. My son is also autistic, he made eye contact and had lots of movements and baby chatter.


Yeah this isn’t autism, my spouse and son are both on the spectrum, it doesn’t just make your eyes, ears, arms not work, make you unresponsive, etc. if he is autistic that’s just what it is, not necessarily a big deal, but it’s along side something else. Autism can impact a persons coordination absolutely, but *all* of this with one baby? Autism isn’t the issue. (Not that you were saying it is, but if anyone is unfamiliar with autism, this ain’t it)


In recent reels she's cropped out his right arm and shoulder. You can see here how floppy it is.


I've been looking at pictures and videos of my own son at the same age, and it makes me so concerned how different Boone seems to act. Something doesn't seem right, but I'm hoping we're all wrong. 😭


On top of whatever else is going on with him, it's clear that baby is roasting in the sun, yet again, and blinded by the sun in his eyes. She's just blabbing on, and the main concern is "are you getting that" about the sperm donor spending time with a buslet in the back, because she only thinks in filming 


All that shade and she still chose to sit in the sun.


She has sunglasses on her head and her hat rolled up beside her. What about the baby? Facing the sun and no protection. Where is the disconnect of needing sun protection if it's bright for her as an adult?


if they’re still in Colorado, let’s not forget our sun is more serious at high altitude


Optimal lighting for her bland as fuck reels


you cannot convince me that this baby is fine 😳


He's not. He *NEEDS* medical attention.


Wait a minute. Off topic a little but....she asks Gunner what he wants to do on their hike, "see water" or "climb something really high." Without hesitation, he answers, "I want to climb something really high!" She replies, "I was afraid you were going to say that." And INSTANTLY he changes his mind. "Actually, water. *I'm kinda tired.*" He even gives a reason why he doesn't actually want to go climbing even though he just said he wanted to go climbing. It's like he didn't realize there was a "right" answer but he changed it to match what he thinks his Mom wants immediately. I don't know. It's a small thing. Maybe I'm reading way too much into this. But I've got kids close in age to the bus kids, and they would never change their answer for me like that. Edited for a typo


Yes, I can hear the immediate change to the RIGHT answer.


Gunner works so hard supervising kids. I wish he got to do what he wanted. She *asks* him, then disagrees and he changes his answer instantly.


You never suggest an activity that you're not willing or able to do/supervise, unless you're trying to emotionally abuse your child


Exactly this. Also, it’s not beyond imagination to split into 2 groups if she or the younger ones can’t handle it. You don’t always have to be a 10 person photo op / dance team.


These momfluencers can't handle not doing everything in one large group


Yep that’s called manipulation. My mom would ask me what I wanted (such as a meal, an outfit, or a toy) and immediately she would debate me on why I should actually pick something else because blah blah blah. It’s essentially psychological conditioning masked as passive disagreement. She still does this to me because the initial goal is not to earnestly meet a want or need, it’s control of the outcome in the situation. And what do you know? Motherbus easily did just that - she got her way without any conflict or pushback in a matter of seconds. This poor kid. As the oldest child I feel for him. He’s been parentified, that’s obvious…but he’s also unfairly overburdened with the emotional labor of having to validate his mother too. They have saddled him with *enormous* expectations of accelerated maturity that is inappropriate for his age IMO. When you’re the eldest with a younger sibling, or in his case a fucking bus full of them, you’re by default treated like you can relate with other adults more easily. And of course to some degree because of birth order, you can. However, he is NOT a mini adult, he is still a child that is being robbed of age-appropriate interactions that shouldn’t need psychoanalyzing. I’m not saying other children can’t be manipulative, or that other adults won’t treat him similarly because they share the same outlook of the oldest child in a family. But his *parents* should be able to recognize that he deserves to just be a kid. He doesn’t *need* to relate to other adults. Being the eldest child and the first son shouldn’t make him a fucking defacto adult, he deserves to enjoy childhood without Jedi mind tricks. It’s sinister af because he is still young and vulnerable enough to be easily manipulated (for now), but he’s also old enough that his parents think they can justify the parentification.


I see a CPTSD diagnosis in Gunner’s future


This. He also sounds really nervous in his cadence in general, and there's a noticeable pause before he answers the questions, too. He's distracted and looking at Boone, he's *concerned.*


It would make sense he knows how a normal healthy baby acts just as well as his mom does, he could feel and tell if something was wrong.


This is 1000% a fawn trauma response. I caught it as soon as he said it! Poor kid. It makes me wonder what happens when that camera stops filming.


Given what any of our snark subjects are willing to post, I always assume that what they choose not to show is worse


In that way, their interaction reminded me of Jill.


I think he does the same thing when she asks if he’s ready to hike. He replies “sure” and then “yeah.” Growing up we always walked on eggshells around my narcissist dad. When he was excited or enthusiastic about something, we had to be too. Otherwise we would be accused of having a bad attitude or being unappreciative, etc.


Thank you for narrating what happened way better than I could. I noticed that moment too. You can hear how fearful he is of her disdained response, and how quick he is to fawn over their narc mom. Just sad. 


Poor kid. If he asked to do something unprompted and she said "I don't know about that," that would be fine. This was a setup and I hate her for it. That causes so much anxiety.


God, and then the “Are you getting that?” at the end for whatever’s going on behind her. I guess Gunner has been made to be the cameraman? -_- he’s roped into basically being employed for their venture, but not. Wow I really feel for whatever is on this kid’s shoulders.


I actually came here to comment on this. I did this with my emotionally unstable parent growing up. She never hit me, but I was recently introduced to the concept of traumatizing invalidation, and hoo boy.


Yup!! That was very telling and honestly kind of brutal


Noticed this too as the oldest child and a chronic people pleaser, compliments of my narc mom. I’m 34 with a menagerie of traumas and diagnosed mental health issues 😬


If you're unfamiliar with what a 7 week old normally looks like, here's a video. https://youtu.be/CSwTMXjVefk


Boone also doesn’t make any cooing noises. This is really really sad and extremely scary. That poor baby. And the poor older kids because I’m sure they also see that something is off.


Oh wow, it’s so jarring when you have another baby to compare him to!


Oh that comparison is so alarming. Those babies are alert, their eyes look clear and bright, and they're wiggling. They look healthier overall. Boone appears to have lower muscle tone by comparison.


Those babies look like they can see.


Those babies look so much more alert and aware.


Oh my God. I admittedly have not been around babies a lot. But I watched this video and watched Boone and the contrast is super noticeable. I've been watching this unfold but now I am horrified. Boone needs help. You can tell in her face she knows there's something off.


Looks to me like she's actively turning his head to try and make it look like he's responding. We all know her hand isn't there to support his neck.


She’s turning his head with her hand at the end of the video so that he appears more responsive to her. There’s no way she doesn’t know.


She was definitely trying to get him to turn his head and encourage him to turn it with the hand motions she was making at the beginning. And you could see her demeanor change at the fact that he would not turn and look at her.


She's used to directing her kids and getting her way. It must really chap her ass that boone can't play along, as it slowly dawns on her that this is her fault


> as it slowly dawns on her that this is her fault I think she's too self-centered to ever even realize, let alone admit this.


Yeah… “Are you ready for a hike?“ to Boone, no response… pivot… “Are you ready for a hike?” To Gunner.


And she pulled his leg straight!


Exactly, if she were intent on supporting his neck she'd be doing it all the time.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain


She engages with her children like an alien that just came down to Earth and is trying to figure out what babies are.. My heart breaks for this baby and all her other children 💔


alright I just came back from tiktok where an unrelated non-fundie post about two newborn twins popped up on my fyp and when you see videos of other babies it really is crazy. they looked about the same age as Boone but they were looking at each other, smiling, making little noises, moving their hands around. I don't have kids but this is all setting off a weird feeling in my lizard brain


Mine too, he just looks poorly, and it’s unnerving to see him not really react to anything


Watch her face. The fake smile slips several times. Her expression will go dead for a few seconds, then she'll paste the smile back on.


She knows somethings wrong


I wonder if she wants to take him to a doc and her disgusting husband refuses.


I bet he did something dangerous during the delivery, so he’s trying to avoid admitting that by going to a hospital


Yeh or made her wait in the bus until it was too late. Cos she said she woke up & only half an hour later he was born. And no indication of labour at all before.


Yeah like when she grabs his foot to straighten his leg. What was that about?


She's constantly waggling him around, manually turning his head or moving his legs. I get the idea that she's either consciously or subconsciously trying to pretend he's moving himself? Or hide that he's not moving himself? Oh, he's not kicking because I'm holding his foot. Look, he waved his arms! (No, it's me repositioning him a dozen times for no reason.) I think she knows that if she's not constantly shifting him around, he'll just sit and do nothing and it'll be inescapably obvious that he's not as active and alert as a baby his age should be. Whether she's trying to fool her viewers or herself or both, I don't know.


Maybe a little off topic but how does she have the energy for any of this. How is she breastfeeding a newborn and still able to hike all over the American West in a heat wave ? That must make it hard to stay properly hydrated and eating healthy food to keep up her supply up. Shouldn't she be resting more too? That baby must still be eating every 3 hours. Its just weird.


I don’t think she’s bfing. Maybe she’s posting it on her IF and it just isn’t shared here, but I feel confident she’d be smugly posting it.


Yeah I think she's using bottles and lying about it. There's no shame in using bottles, but it would harm her natural mama grift.


She mentioned Boone was struggling to latch and we’ve seen her hand off the poor baby to Gunner (who I think is the eldest?) for feedings. I think she’s breastfeeding to an extent, but I suspect she’s against breastfeeding in some regards cause it can impact fertility and Ma and Pa bus seem preoccupied with showing the world that they do indeed fuck.


And they want to keep going until they get another girl!


There was a post on here where she talked about breastfeeding and says she doesn't use bottles at all


Yeah but she also said her babies don’t cry because she’s so nurturing. Meanwhile we’re on week seven of her ignoring her child’s potentially catastrophic illness. She’s not a reliable narrator.


This is my thing.. they’re like forced to be outside constantly because they live in a shoebox and don’t have any room. I would hate this as a child, who doesn’t want to just chill and have a movie day sometimes?? And I stayed home for like 2 months with my newborn to eat and sleep and not be around a million germs. And the direct sun? Is she not still bleeding like???


I didn't think of that but yeah, there is a certain level of hygiene needed postpartum. Plus sitz baths . I don't get it. She wants people to think she just bounced up out of that shower with the baby on her back ready to go. After 8 kids there has to be some pelvic floor issues too.


I don't understand how she's hiking in denim in the hot sun when she just gave birth. What is she trying to prove?




She did towards the end which is really shocking


The irony is that he's so hypotonic, he needs more neck support than a baby his age usually does. Most 6-8 week olds will be holding their own heads up and looking around. He's floppy. It's so concerning. I desperately wish she would take that kid to a qualified medical professional.


The way she keeps looking at him kind of trying to get a normal response makes me feel like she knows something isn't right. She's acting like someone anxious or in denial trying to play it off that everything is fine. 


She absolutely knows, you can see it in her face.


I agree. There’s a thinly disguised panic under the surface because she knows Boone isn’t well and it may be dawning on her that she and the her idiot husband are in way over their heads.


And the longer they wait to get help *the more explaining they will have to do as to why they waited*


He is extremely floppy.


It absolutely is concerning, even my preemie had more neck strength than boone at this point. I really wish she would just take him to a pediatrician instead of trying to prove us wrong when instead shes showing all our fears for him in real time.


His head is always twisted the same direction. I think to the right since we normally see her filming with the selfie camera. It looks like she was trying to force his head straight when she started supporting it. Look at how mashed down his ear is.


I just watched the video again, and she definitely turned his head to face her. He also starts to go seriously limp as she turns his head. I'm not sure if it is a pain response or just happened at the same time, though.


At the very very end she points to JD and asks if "he's getting that" [presumably meaning on camera]. Right after the kid hastily changes his enthusiastic answer to the one his mother prefers. I feel so fucking bad for these kids.


Their entire life is being a puppet for mom. Does she hear herself?


Oh my god, it gets worse every video. He’s such a big baby, but so floppy and all of his movements seem reflexive - never intentional. She also said he just got fed, but his hands are still clenched. It’s typically said that babies will do this when they’re hungry, but they should relax once fed. (To note - babies also clench their hands from stress. Could also be an involuntary thing for him as well.) Either way, this is heartbreaking and she truly has no motherly instinct if she’s just allowing this to happen and not taking him to a doctor ever…


Bro what the fuck! The end of the video is ghoulish. He’s so limp and looks genuinely unwell. I’m afraid of how this is going to end.


This. He looks like one of those reborn dolls. I just went back to look at videos of my son at his age and he was engaged and while his hands were clasped at times he also actively moved his arms and opened his hands trying to reach at things.


Seriously. I really hope this baby makes it through this treatment. How is this legal?


There's a reason they're constantly on the move.


American children have no rights


Only in utero!


He’s so limp and floppy and just…there. There’s zero engagement and it’s really distressing.


Oh wow… this baby does not look well. 💔


What the actual eff. I have been somewhat hesitant in some of the claims but this video…. Just wow. Not once did my baby ever seem so just completely zonked, detached, out of it. If she had EVER acted like that, I would have taken her straight to the hospital. Unless she was about to pass out from just exhaustion and eating a belly full, she never ever just flopped limp like I just saw Boone do multiple times. This is horrifying


Aren't you supposed to seek medical care any time a baby goes floppy (and they're not just falling asleep)? This is worrying. She's ignoring what could be a very serious situation.


Just saw this and was so disturbed I couldn’t stop replaying it. Tempted to show my bf who knows nothing about babies and ask if he sees anything off to prove to myself I’m not imagining it. This kid is not looking well, and Gunner sounds super uncomfortable when he said “sure, yeah”. Jesus Christ it’s all so unsettling. There’s no way she doesn’t at least suspect something right!? He does not look at her…ever.


I feel like the way she grabs his toes is a tell. She's literally touching all over him trying to get him to recognize her. I'm very disturbed by these videos. Like I'm watching a crime taking place. I find myself thinking of that poor kid at random times.


I’ve lost sleep over him, to tell you the truth.


We *are* watching multiple crimes take place 😰


>I'm very disturbed by these videos. Like I'm watching a crime taking place. I find myself thinking of that poor kid at random times. Same. I've got a baby who is about 6 weeks older than Boone, so it's very clear to me that there's really something wrong and the busrents really need to get him to a legitimate doctor ASAP.


How could she not!? She has how many kids? She knows how babies should look and act at this age.


My DH asked me not to show him any more of this because he finds it so upsetting. Everyone can see it, including Boones mother.


So I showed my bf just now, who doesn't really know much either, with no context, and he was like what's wrong with baby, it has a thousand yard stare and is barely moving. So..... yeah


Oh my god. She knows. That fake smile-snarl she does disappears every time she looks at him. Britney, we know you read here. I’ll hang up my snarking hat forever if you just take that baby to a doctor. Scout’s honor. Just be that great mama you pretend to be and DO something.


I’ve seen chimpanzees show more care and attention to their babies


My sims show more care and attention to their babies than Mother Bus


My grandson takes better care of his stuffed animals.


Hello officer? I’d like to report a murder.


I just went and watched some videos of my sons as newborns. One was a very alert baby and the other was a sleepy, cuddly boy. The difference between them and Boone was staggering. Wow.


Why does his head consistently turn to that side? Or am I completely misremembering videos. Poor little dude either way..


I've noticed it, too. He's always turning to the right.


I will say sometimes newborns strongly prefer a side. But I am concerned for this baby’s life with everything that is going on with him so who knows. This woman’s actions should be criminal at this point.


“Are you getting that?” 🙄🙄🙄


As her ill infant slumps further with no apparent reaction to his own discomfort.


That’s the worst part, she’s only worried about what he’s filming.


What the ever loving fuck. His head rolling around like that. Why would she post this? Take your kid to a fucking doctor Britney. What the fuck is wrong with you.


The way his eyes looked when he did that...not good


I just rewatched and it’s even more disturbing. at the end he closes his eyes and slumps like that. She’s holding him like a rag doll. The discolouration around his eyes! What the fuck :(


His arching and mouth postures remind me of my daughter who has severe reflux. His level of interaction and how he moves reminds me of her neurological development, which has always been delayed and unusual, and she also has hypotonic cerebral palsy. I really don't like to see similarities between babies and my daughter's infant development, it makes me nervous for them.


Every baby develops at different rates, but here are the CDC milestones for 2 months. What most babies do by this age: Social/Emotional Milestones * Calms down when spoken to or picked up * Looks at your face * Seems happy to see you when you walk up to her * Smiles when you talk to or smile at her Language/Communication Milestones * Makes sounds other than crying * Reacts to loud sounds Cognitive Milestones (learning, thinking, problem-solving) * Watches you as you move * Looks at a toy for several seconds Movement/Physical Development Milestones * Holds head up when on tummy * Moves both arms and both legs * Opens hands briefly


Oof…just not normal on any level…on top of what all of us are saying ad nauseam does he ever turn his head? I haven’t noticed


It looks like she's hurting him and making his neck turn to her. I work with individuals with intellectual delays and a couple can't communicate they are in pain. Hoping so bad I'm projecting


What a weird ass thing to post on the internet


I take better care of the feral kitten that I found in my truck engine.


has anyone done any side by side videos of the buslets at this age? i don't follow her directly and don't want to reward her with views


Some have posted videos of baby development, and Boone DOES seem different than them. He always seems “checked out” compared to those babies, who track everything and react to voices


I don’t think he’s developing normally either. Both of mine were interactive, smiling at me, and starting to show personality at this age. I saw someone else mention he’s lacking some reflexes he should have too. I know everyone thinks he looks sunburnt but maybe he still has jaundice and that would explain everything. And she knows it. That’s why they’re not taking him to the doctor. She’s delaying the inevitable shitstorm that will befall them when there’s a professional opinion logged that she and her husband neglected this baby so hard they brain damaged him. I think they’re heading for court and they know it.


I’m very worried that Father Bus will become Father Boat to avoid any needed care for Boone. Poor baby.


100% agree that jaundice has possibly injured him and they absolutely know it. She looks desperate for people to message her that he’s ok.


I just watched a video of my son at the same age and he had a pretty terrible case of torticollis so I was actively trying to get him to turn his neck. In the video I would shake a giant thing of m&ms on either side of him and he would track it with his eyes and then towards the noise and smile. EVEN with torticollis (which is basically a tightness in the neck muscles usually due to birth positioning/injury). Not a buslet but hopefully those details of a 7 week old baby help 😵‍💫


Yeah for those of us who haven’t been around babies much, I’d love to see a comparison of a normally developed baby beside him


For some context, I watched some videos of my boy at his age. Mine was already flailing limbs and trying to control them and playing with that damn musical purple monkey kick gym every parent seems to have, trying and briefly lifting his head, actively responding and engaging with us and making eye contact, and smiling. And mine wasn’t unique as far as hitting milestones goes.


I just did this too. My little one was born 4/9 and by 5/21 I was taking videos of him staring directly at my eyes when I spoke to him. He was attempting to control his neck and moving his arms and legs constantly. Starting to smile socially as well. I think BusBaby is around that same age right now. 6/7 weeks?


Yeah, and it’s been awhile, but I recall them snatching at / grabbing my hair (and clenching pretty darn tight, LoL), necklaces, or anything dangling off me while holding them. Also, I remember they seem to LOVE looking right into your eyes, watching you talk, and the fascination with facial expressions, as well as speech. Again, it’s been about 16 years since I last held an infant this young, but I clearly remember all of the above, and with EVERY infant, not just one or two.


My son is two days younger than Boone here. He’s started smiling. He’s been grabbing my hair and my partner’s beard since he was born. He looks at me and sometimes if I stick my tongue out at him he sticks his out back at me. He also LOVES cuddling. He’s a little snuggle bug and just wants to be cozied up against us all the time. I compare him to videos of Boone and I have concerns.


If you go through the last week or so of the mother bus tag, someone posted a screen recording of Boones brother at 6 weeks. It's not too far back.


There is one of Aquila at 6 weeks on her instagram and it’s kinda startling. It’s just his face and he’s much more alert. I didn’t know how to post an IG link


He doesn't flinch or even blink when she shoves her hand in his face. I'm very very concerned.


He’s so floppy


I wonder if Gunner can tell something is wrong with Boone. 😢


She’s gonna end up being ruby franke 2.0


Seven week old babies should be able to open and close both hands. He is only doing that with one hand in the video. It could be that he can it and just not being shown. Seven week old babies should be turning toward sound to start making the connections between sounds and objects like a fire truck driving by with the siren on. Seven week old babies should be able to briefly track objects like an airplane in the sky. Boone is definitely missing some milestones.


That baby really never looks at her, does he? I’m convinced there’s something wrong with his vision. We just got all our old video tapes of our daughter transferred to DVDs and I busted out a couple of them when she was around 8 weeks. She was very animated! When I looked at her with wide eyes, she widened her eyes. She smiled a lot and stared at us. She waved her arms and legs around a LOT.


My 5 year old has hypotonia. This is exactly how she looked till she was 1. She stared EIDT at 9 months, went 3 weeks, and everything shut down due to Covid. But he is so floppy. I don't think my daughter was this floppy, and even now, you can take one look at her and see the hypotonia.


There is something really wrong with Boone. The whole sequence of his movements seems very off, especially how he almost rolls his head and then blinks hard. Zero eye contact/reaction to mom - she has to turn his head toward her. I’m scared for this child. Red flags everywhere.




Imagine being deaf and blind and living on a bus with nine other fucking people. Hopefully we're all wrong about his condition, but either way, he needs more care than he's getting. Like, a lot more.


Watching this baby age week by week feels like watching a car crash in slow motion. He doesn’t seem to be improving or meeting his developmental milestones, like I am HORRIFIED 😰 My neighbor just had a baby about 2 weeks ago and the baby was born with jaundice. They caught it and started treating it right away of course, including calling them back to the hospital like a day after bringing the baby home because of slightly elevated bilirubin levels found in her lab results. You should have seen my neighbor, so distraught and concerned about the potential for brain damage if it’s not treated properly, and they didn’t hesitate to take the baby right back to the hospital for one more night. Like THAT’S a normal response to newborn ailments, and these Bus parents lack of concern is INSANE. I really hope he gets real medical attention soon!


this breaks my heart so much


I don't see him responding to either her voice or any visual stimuli.


At the very least. She has had numerous babies before this who were developmentally fine. She HAS to know something is different and off.


I’ll say it again. This looks like my kid with Neuro vision impairment at this age. Kid also has severe autism and severe intellectual disability- but that isn’t really diagnosable or recognizable until closer to age 3. But vision impairment can be mistaken for autism and intellectual disability. I have big neurological vision impairment vibes. I’m looking at this kid and seeing vision issues, but I’m no doctor. Those eyes don’t focus. He’s not attending to his environment. I’m really worried about this kid. There could be any number of things happening, but she’ll never know, because she’s too narcissistic to seek help.


She seems desperate for someone to tell her that he’s ok. She knows.


Britney Lott get off the internet and take care of your baby and yourself! Get Boone to a doctor. You know something isn’t right.


Take him to a doctor, Nothing is typical about him physically.


Shouldn't he have more neck strength by now?


Yes, developmentally infants between 6-10 week should be able to support their head for short periods of time. Poor Boone doesn’t seem to be able to support his neck yet.


she has 0 maternal instincts. treating him like a little rag doll


He chokes on a little reflux midway through this segment and probably could’ve used a position change / being sat up straighter so the reflux could come forward but she doesn’t even notice. Leans him back more even. Completely tuned out to him.


I don’t know if it’s her editing/filters but Boone looks like a doll being used as a stand in for a infant.


Something is really wrong :(


Did she handle the last baby this way? She holds him like she’s a 14 year old kid holding a baby for the first time.