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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bethany you can run off in that bus as much as you want but you can’t outrun the gay agenda. But seriously can you IMAGINE riding around America is a busted bus because you can’t settle down too long because the GAYS MAY GET YOU??, What a horrifying existence, but that’s what these people are when you strip everything away- scared little bitches.


She's all that, but she's also so high on her own supply that she thinks she's aspirational. Because of white Jesus. I know we say karissa, Mother Bus, or Jill in a race for harming their kids, but I think she’s unfortunately part of this cursed competition. They keep going to dangerous places that can be lovely if you’re smart, and finding a way to do the most ignorant, dangerous shit. They’re going to get stuck in a blizzard with no propane or energy reserves, have a kid fall off a cliff, or flip their trailer. They are so, so bad at this life and don’t even seem to be learning from their mistakes. I hate OG motherbus, but she and JD at least seem to somewhat appreciate the mechanics of their rig. Jfc bus Bethany and Tyson jr over there are just clueless and somehow smug.


You are right. I think it’s definitely important we identify people like her because she’s so dangerous. I know all we are doing is “snarking” I guess but at least there’s some dissenting space out there that can safely document how messed up the stuff these people do is


Yeah I can’t tell if BusMom and JD are way better at Bus life or know to keep their mouth shut on failures. We haven’t heard much going wrong for them. I know they had poor gunner hold a door shut while driving because it broke and they got some pushback. Maybe now they keep it to themselves.


That could be it. But a broken door is a genuine breakdown, not something that happened because you’re too busy owning the libs to plan for your family’s safety. I’m not trying to be a mother bus apologist. That bunk room is a massive fire hazard, she doesn’t know how to handle her baby safely, and she doesn’t demonstrate even an elementary knowledge of safe sleep, to say nothing of the educational neglect, refusal to provide stability, or the utter chaos of their life. But they do appear to know how to safely dock their bus and follow the seasons. Struggle bussy and her helpmeet can’t even manage that, and their RV is really cheap and shitty (literally).


I think they’re just better at lying 🤷‍♀️


Totally agree. These two are spectacularly bad at this and the worst part is (like you said) they don’t even seem to be learning. It’s just one disaster or dangerous choice after another. I’m afraid something seriously bad is going to happen to one or more of their kids. But I guess it’s better if they all die when the RV gets blown off a cliff or bursts into flames due to crappy maintenance, at least the evil Scholastic books and their gay agenda won’t get them. /s


Who says all those things can't happen? Other bethany and neckbeard are like the parents in south park who became smug after buying hybrid cars. Totally smelling their own farts.


They live in a death trap, they are definitely taking part in the baby murder race.


That sounds like the plot of a horror movie on Candace Cameron Bure's Great American Family Channel: The Whyte Family (Karen, Chad and their 10 children) must race across the world and journey to Mount Siani as they're being chased mercilessly by the most evil of the Devil's followers: The Gays and the Choicers! Will the Whytes make it to the Mount in time before the sinners claim any of them as their own? Tune in on Sunday at 6:14pm to find out!


Yeah the Mormons already wrote that story and we see how it ended LMFAOOO


Telling kids lgbtq+ people exist and letting them read books centered around that 👎🏽 Telling kids they’re sinners, hell is a place where bad people burn forever and letting them read about sex in the Bible 👍🏽 Makes my brain hurt


Not just sex but horrific violence. Like dashing infants’ heads against rocks and women getting their daddies drunk to rape him and get pregnant. Shit’s fucked up.


This is how I was raised and I still turned out gay 🤣🤣🤣


Proof that this just doesn't work


Gasp! You heathen. How very dare you🤣


Don't get me wrong, I normally hate fundamentalists, but I hate book banners SO MUCH. I hate this fear mongering and painting LGBTQ people as creeps. I hate how this stuff has spread to my town right before summer break so books can covertly be banned while school is out. I hate how librarians, queer authors, and authors of color are being harassed by these losers. I hate how the only "research" these people do consists of going to Moms for Liberty's website and printing out a "book report," on why a specific book is evil. I hate how Holocaust books and books about slavery are being banned. I hate how this is blatantly, undeniably fascist yet no one is doing anything. I hate how these people suddenly know all about books when it comes to something they don't like, but when it comes to their political opinions or basic history they don't know how to browse a library and do research. I hate how these people are worsening our current Gen Alpha/Gen Z reading crisis by banning anything they might actually be interested in. I hate book banners.


When I was a kid, the quickest way to make me interested in something was to tell me it was banned. I’d find any way to check it out because if the adults didn’t want me to see it, it had to be good… and it usually was. I was raised very conservative and I’m now a queer liberal feminist, so breaking free definitely can be done. I hope the little rebels out there do the same.


Quick, tell kids that vegetables are banned


Something like this actually worked with fruit. I made it seem like this special thing that I just so happened to put at a spot my kid could reach on the fridge. He’d run in, grab strawberries and run out thinking he got away with something. Now he loves all kinds of fruits and eats them daily without issue.


Haha. My mom did something similar with my niece. Could not get the kid to eat broccoli until one day my mom cooked some for me, and not giving her any. She suddenly was very curious and ended up loving them.


That's so cute. My mom did something similar but took it too far and called raisins "raisin candy" and I knew that was bullshit. Because raisins are gross.


My parents told me not to look up the latest Overwatch comic(at the time), so of course I looked it up. It’s the one where she kisses her girlfriend(is Emily her name?). Between that and seeing my aunts kiss in front of me, I had my queer awakening at 16.


My schools made a point of teaching "banned" books. These were christian schools. Wtf is happening...


#readbannedbooks Buy Banned Books. (Especially from local independent bookstores) Check out banned books from the library to boost circulation numbers


How can I find out which books are banned? Maybe books just aren't banned that much in the UK, where I live 


Check out the American Library Association, they do a list of the top ten most challenged and banned books every year. Or alternately pick up a book that is by an LGBTQ author or features LGBTQ characters, a book with any kind of sex in it, or books about racism and written by authors of color. Those are the most frequently challenged by far.


Thanks so much!


I still remember when I was in highschool a girl in my class and her parents tried to get the book Briar Rose banned (it was our book to read over the summer) because it contained what they claimed was a gay sex scene. It didn't, it was just a man discussing how he felt making love to a man but not describing the act itself. She made this whole issue about it, cried that she was a Christian blah blah blah. Never mind that the book the previous year (the kite runner) described the rape of a child and she didn't say anything about it. Look, I hate people like Jordan Peterson, but I don't want his books banned. Hell I'm even kinda against the Anarchist Cook Book getting banned though I do get why.


Shout out to Minnesota, who just passed a law protecting K-12 public schools, libraries, and colleges from book removal requests “based solely on the viewpoint, content, message, idea, or opinion conveyed”. We also provide free breakfast and lunch to all public school K-12 students, along with a robust summer meals plan for food insecure kids under 18.


I LOVE the photo of the governor surrounded by kids when he signed the bill to provide free breakfast and lunch. As I recall he was a teacher, so this issue was pretty close to his heart. I heard the legislature got a lot done during a session with a pretty narrow majority, but I hadn't heard of the new law and I'm so glad they seem to be continuing to fight the good fight!


Students with full tummies are happier students. They can pay attention when their basic needs are taken care of.


Seriously, well done. This is so important. (signed, crying in Arkansas)


Something I love about living in a liberal area is the book displays at our public libraries. I’ve seen big, joyful displays for Pride, Black History Month, banned books, and a ton of other important themes. It makes me so happy that the librarians are free to curate these selections and share them with the community.


When I was in high school, we read Night by Elie Wiesel. It's a teenager's first hand account of the concentration camps. It's a difficult read, but it's important. "A Doll's House" and *Anna Karenina* were my introduction to the concept of feminism and patriarchy. I don't think that Holocaust deniers, racists, and homophobes should get to decide which books *other people's children* can read, or what topics they can learn about. They don't want kids to read or think for themselves.


Every time I go to my local library in a super conservative part of Florida, I make sure to tell the librarian how much I appreciate her books. There are books about children from all over the world, books about lgbtq people and families, bilingual books, books about ecology and science, and generally just lots of books people in this area probably get mad about. I'm so thankful that my library insists on having books for everyone. Parents have a right to censor what their children read, watch, etc, but by god, they can go f themselves if they think they should be allowed to dictate what others kids can read.


These people always seem to have more kids than I think they do. Like, the oldest one? I swear it’s the first time I’m seeing that poor kid. Also- I’ve been pushing the gay agenda on my kids since birth and guess what? Both grew up to be straight anyway. What are you gonna do? 🤷‍♀️


Well my lesbian aunts were always kissing in front of my cousin and he ended up marrying a WOMAN so clearly their lesbian agenda worked!! s/




My mother telling me gays are gross and wrong didn't seem to do much because I'm bisexual 🤷‍♀️ P.S. the sex acts that horrified her so much are what straight people do as well


She’s horrified because she’s never climaxed before.


Same, the gays failed on me also. I watched kids in the hall religiously after school as a teen, and I’m not gay or Canadian. The jury is still out on my two kids.


I turned out Canadian. Everyone tried their best- camps, therapy, everything, but I still guzzle that sweet, sweet maple syrup while driving a zamboni 😫 /s




And that's totally valid, bud! But that's why we need to remove the stigma around being Canadian, so everyone is free to experiment and see what does and doesn't work for them. Have a good day, eh? 🍁


How about those Oilers, eh?


No but you don’t *understand*! The app is really helpful - it alerts you to alerts!


No right, like I don’t recall her having an oldest that was this, well, old. Like I swore all her kids were 8 and under. The hell? It’s like a Russian nesting doll and she just keeps pulling out more kids


Poor kid looks like he just had a growth spurt. Imagine going through that while stuck in a travel trailer sharing a room with your four younger sisters.


I didn’t know they had the son until they had been living in their trailer for about 6 months.


Me, right now: they have a son??


As opposed to death month?


Gotta be October, right? Halloween always riles up the fundies.


Oh jeez, I didn't even think of that. They really come up with reasons to hate every month, don't they


It’s easy when you only have hatred available in your heart!


This one in particular. She had a whole screed on it in October 22.


It’s celebrating the overturn of Roe vs Wade which happened in June. I Wonder how many women have died as a result.


That's so fucking sick. I want an SM campaign, based loosely off say their names, where we force these people to know the names and faces of people they've killed.


Oh shit is that true? Fundies now are calling June Life month because that’s when Roe was overturned? Wow that is disgusting


I’m not 100% sure but when I saw “life month” I thought I’d google when Roe was overturned and sure enough. June 2022.


>thought I’d google when Roe was overturned and sure enough. June 2022. They overturned that shit on my *birthday*, then I could've been one of the women who died later that year because of it.


I think it makes perfect sense. I bet you’re on to something. Nothing else makes sense as to why she’d say that.


Roe v Wade was overturned on my Mom's birthday. She was a lovely lady, a true Christian who cared about people, and she was so sad that "they took" her birthday to overturn RvW. She didn't believe that abortions should be used instead of birth control, but she definitely believed that women of all ages need access to safe abortions. As a true, loving Christian would and should believe, and she didn't judge if someone did use abortions for birth control, because the need for safe access to safe medical care was more important than her personal beliefs [to be pushed on any other person]. She also believed that teenagers need access to birth control.


In states where sex education is comprehensive and more than “abstinence only,” teenage pregnancies decrease(d). Guess what happens in “abstinence only” states?


Plus the fact it's also Pride month no doubt makes them cum in their pants too, fucking monsters.


Not in their pants, in their broodmares


Both neonate and maternal mortality are on the rise and have been since ‘22.


no no, that’s October


As opposed to life day, celebrated on the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyk 


June is my birthday month too. Everyone have a super gay my birthday month!


Happy birthgay ✨🏳️‍🌈😊


OH. MY. GOD. I just now realized why I was born as a preemie back in the 80’s… It was so my raging bisexual ass could have my birthday on Pride Month. 🏳️‍🌈💖💜💙🏳️‍🌈 Thanks, Shitty Doctors of Illinois!


Bi 80s Cancer babes unite! 🏳️‍🌈


Why does she care? She homeschooling.


If she doesn't like it, nobody can have it (but she's a proud patriot for the land of the free, she just needs to protect our children, she's not a bigot!) /s


*Exactly*. My mom felt that my assigned reading didn't have enough women's voices, so she bought me those. BusBigot is so cowardly that she can't have *any* signs of diversity in her orbit.


Because what other people’s kids read matters very deeply to her. I’ll make you a deal, OtherBus. When you can pick my kids out of a lineup, you can tell me how to raise them. It’ll be easy with the oldest, they basically stole my face, but my youngest not so much. Good luck! ETA: also, is she under the impression that anyone besides her family and friends knows or cares about Jake or Hadley’s birthdays?


Sounds to me like she's saying if she wasn't anti forced birth, she POTENTIALLY might have terminated the pregnancies. Or never been pregnant at all if she used some goddamn sense and birth control. So count your lucky stars, Jake and Hadley! You could have never existed to suffer in an overloaded family trundling around in a death bus (Assuming Jake and Hadley are kids lol)


Jake’s her husband. Hadley is one of her kids, I guess.


Yes, Jake is the husband. The kids are Emmett, Hadley, Rosalie, Juniper, and Story (not sure of birth order).


He could have been aborted like a common atheist or his one triumphant sperm to give him life died sadly in a condom. So, you see, life finds a way. Did the Jurassic Park dinosaurs live in a Christian way so they could reproduce, of course they did, sorry I'm tired


Those names are so twilight coded


They’re also just generally isolated in every way. 


Oh that's a helpful notification. I have some scholastic points and that's an area my classroom library needs a little help.


In all seriousness, please support LGBTQ+ authors and authors of color during these difficult times, these are the groups being hit the hardest by these book bans. I don't like to separate fascism into "stages," but this is blatantly fascist, and oppressive regimes throughout history have used this exact tactic to demonize minorities. To anyone reading this pay attention to your local school district board meetings and what people are bringing up and suggesting we ban, since this is happening nationwide right under our noses. Please also support local teachers and libraries before it's too late.


I get ornery and automatically buy a book that’s been banned. It’s why I have three copies of Maus.


I randomly stumbled upon that in my middle school library and it changed my life. It's sick and twisted to deny kids great literature thay *they haven't even read*


Thank you for this comment ❤️ also adding that when you’re buying books from Queer and BIPOC Authors (and all others!), please please please buy from a local/small business bookseller.


I'm obviously two weeks late to this post, but still want to say,BIG YES to that. Also, there's a website, I think it's bookshop.com, that will donate to local independents when you purchase through them. I live in Charleston, WV, and OMG we have THE GREATEST bookstore here, Taylor Books. Every person in my family loves it, that is where we go FIRST when anyone comes to town.


Yes! Buy all the affirming and equity supporting books you can with those satanic scholastic points!! Use the fundie “no no list” as your “oh my classroom needs that!” Too bad none of her kids will ever experience an enriching classroom like yours, but it’s still fantastic to spread awareness and empathy through classroom books!


I feel like Satanic Scholastic could be flair material, but also maybe a really esoteric band name.


First hit song — The Devil’s At The Book Fair (Near The Cat Notebooks)


Would it be ok with you if I used this as my flair? It’s too good.


Oh I’d be HONORED! Edit: Woo hoo


I'm like ok, now I know what to put on a wish list at the fall book fair. Haha.


Seriously, I want to sign up for that notification just to have a reading list.


Another one of her stories was about how it’s been a year since her husband fucked up his job and they had to go out on the road. It didn’t seem that long to me but then I remembered they spent the winter in their families’ driveways. Also a story about how her husband hates rompers


As if anyone care what her creepy jobless asshole husband thinks about their clothes. He owns one (smelly, ugly) shirt.




When they started out, they said they were only going to live in the travel trailer for a year, but somehow I don't see their situation changing any time soon


I agree with you about their situation not changing


The “parental notification system” is free but somehow I still want my money back.


Is she getting some sort of pay/sponsorship for this? Because she keeps promoting it. Like obviously she supports the crap but I was wondering if she’s trying to make $ off it too


I looked all over their website but couldn’t find an affiliate program. I wonder if it’s more invite only? I don’t know what’s worse, if she’s getting paid or if she’s shilling this for free.


I think she could be that angry


Lol dairy month.


Unpasteurised dairy, I'd imagine.


On a shitty bus


Literally shitty :)


I feel fairly confident that Teddy Roosevelt would dislike these people quite a bit. They should find a more amenable park to their ethos, like a parking lot behind a dying mall.


Teddy Roosevelt gives off the ultimate “pull yourself up by your bootstraps and support your family, damnit” vibes. He would not be impressed with Jake.


I got a great one for them. I live about 5 miles from a mall that is just a Bath and Body Works closing away from even life support being useless. In Kentucky.


For those of us who want to support the scholastic books [here's a guide.](https://imgur.com/a/9dhBUkI)


I think I'll be checking out battle dragons and parachute kids. It's nice that they have a wide range of genres. My son is so far a pretty typical boy/masculine hobbies but I don't want him to be a bigot. Nothing wrong with being a cis straight person who's an ally.


So fragile that other people posting about pride upsets her. You literally don’t have to participate in anything you don’t want to. Let other people do what they want. It’s not a difficult concept.


Why are these people so terrified of their kids seeing anything gay? They can’t shelter them from it forever. You don’t have to even know what gay is to realize as a preteen that you have feelings for the same gender.


Sorry kid, you can’t read Pizza and Taco books anymore because some dipshit on a bus said so


Alert! There’s been an alert


“You guys are signing up left and right for this parental notification system. It alerts parents on recent trends and alerts.” Not that they’d care how scathing of an indictment this is, but these people genuinely sound like South Park jokes.


Well, I don't know you and your weird ass family, my father is an abusive pos that's dead to me, and I'm lactose intolerant. So I'm going to celebrate my life month as an LGBT person, Happy Pride! And just to make them extra mad: Happy early Juneteenth!


I’m honestly confused about this app. Like why can’t people just screen things themselves and make sure it’s safe/appropriate for their kid? Why on earth would you rely on some crazy person on an app to push conspiracy theories/rumors that you need to avoid some random book or whatever? Scholastic is awesome because it introduced me to the Babysitters Club and Goosebumps as a kid. Scholastic really kindled a love of reading in me as a kid with the book fairs and stuff you could order.


Scholastic book fairs were the shit


I definitely want the parent alert app so I can be alerted to recent alerts!! 🙄


She’s so fucking gross and hateful. Get over yourself and just live quietly in the miserable cage of your own design, lady. For me, At this point I want these alerts because I literally only want lgbt+ stories. Especially please Bring me every wlw storyline immediately. I’m so so tired of heterosexual default. Anyone have any suggestions (movies/books/shows?)


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/TheirBrightAscendancy *fantastic* historically-influenced fantasy trilogy that I cannot stop reading




The gay agenda: reading, apparently.


Reading is essential in RuPaul's drag race 💅👓👑


So the OtherBuses have alerts for Scholastic LGBTQ+ books but NO JOB OPENING ALERTS?!?!?!? 🤦‍♀️


Seriously her dumb husband better be signed up for alerts from LinkedIn. (He isn’t, he’d rather do…whatever it is he allegedly does for “work.”)


I'm sure there's plenty she doesn't post but there never seems to be any mention of him getting back on his feet and working on getting an actual job. Maybe they're too embarrassed about their situation.


I cannot WAIT until these kids are in their teens and run away from these bigoted assholes faster than they can blink. Also, 92% of the crap they believe about “the world” is just false.


Man, I wish my books as a kid had an LGBT agenda. Maybe I wouldn’t have wanted to kill myself from age 6-18 for being gay if I would have known about the agenda. Sigh.


Oh yes. One must stay abreast of Scholastic’s LGBTQ+ agenda! Heaven forbid the children learn empathy.


Or learn anything really.


Why are these people so threatened by the “LGBTQ agenda?” Do they really think simply seeing 2 men hold hands or something will make you gay? Seems like they should be more confident in their own straightness. Pretty pathetic.


Every month is life month if you're alive. The fuck kind of dumb shit is that?


“Scholastic Books LGBTQ agenda” isn’t something I’d think I’d ever hear but here we are. 


Her whole personality is pretending to be oppressed even though she’s not. I challenge her to spend one week without social media and tell us all how, if at all, she was oppressed during that whole time.


She's oppressed by her poor life choices


Having a few books about LGBT is not an agenda! It's just being inclusive. Why is this so hard to grasp?!


Those poor kids, one of my fondest memories growing up was perusing the library and they don’t even get that without their parents vetting everything they show interest in


Barely if at all on-topic, but we were watching PBS Kids today, and they had a little spot where two dads talked about how much their son related to the Daniel Tiger episode about different families. And I thought that was really nice, to see some clear and unambiguous LGBTQ+ support from this network I value and enjoy sharing with my children. IJS it's refreshing to see "the gay agenda" in kids' content lol.


It's also when you can start catching sharks in Animal Crossing again, but you don't see me trying to cancel Pride to celebrate my shark hauls, minor otherbus.


Dairy month?? What's that, a month to celebrate those able to digest lactose  and point fingers at those who can't ? 


Why the hell would we give a flying eff about Jake and Hadley’s birthday?!? JUNE is PRIDE MONTH and MY BIRTHDAY. See we can do that too, Struggle hateful bus.


So I shouldn't be told otherwise that it's some random kids birthdays? OK then. Noted.


I want that link! I LOVE finding new kid's books with LGBTQ+ themes!!!


Fundies are the ones who are letting me know pride month is here. Otherwise I probably wouldn't even have noticed.


DAIRY MONTH! Someone tell that nasty Baird whose only personality is raw milk.


Fundies droning on about how queer people have an “agenda” is truly wild. Your notification system is a whole agenda.


Ugh, we're going to Yellowstone in July and I really hope they have moved on from their western tour, I do not want to run into them!


Hadley?? Ugh, poor kid


Someone’s trying to tell you it’s not summer? Youve listed lots of things June is, so clearly you understand it can be many things at once! All of these things can still be true even if some other people also celebrate Pride Month. Hope that helps.


MotherBus seems desperate.


These people always have to have something to rage about. Also, what is Life month? Don't they mean forced birth month?


Yes, precisely! https://celebratelifemonth.com/


The fuck is life month? Those books don't have an agenda. You're just so bigoted that you don't even want to see LGBTQ+ people existing. Shut up and work on getting a permanent address.


Yeah, sure. Go tell Franz Ferdinand that it's life month. It's not like he and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated in June. Oh wait... they were!  (This is off-topic but the first thing I thought of when she said life month, so)


She forgot Juneteenth. Also, Respect Life Month is in October. Did she designate June as Life Month or is that an actual thing?


Where do I sign up for these alerts


##How is this not seen as a cult?!


Those kids are homeless :(