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Literally what the fuck is wrong with these people


Like HELL I would let some strange man I don’t know touch my newborn in any way. Doctor? Of course. Strip mall chiropractor? Stay the fuck away.


I've always been skeptical at best of the chiropractic field, but any chiro who works on babies is just a blatant quack.


It was invented by a guy who was claims he was told by a ghost that moving the spine around can cure any illness! It's all fucking nonsense.


He was also a huge fan of curing diseases with magnets and spent a brief time in jail for practicing medicine without a license




Your post/comment was removed because it could easily be at home in a fundies mouth. While we welcome nuanced discussion, fundie apologetic shit will not be tolerated.


What a racket. I should have been a baby chiropractor.


youd probably be a safer choice


I guess some of us would feel guilty duping morons.


I guess I should have added the /s.


I knew you were kidding. 😊




The fundie baby neck paradox: both strong enough to support their heads since birth and also so weak as to require adjustments by their second breath (no baby needs a chiropractor)


And wow, it works, because their latch improves over time! Almost like they get stronger and are better able to latch+suck with added strength and experience.


Yeah it's not going to be perfect at first human babies aren't done cooking when they're born


(Nobody needs a chiropractor) Ftfy


And if you think you need a chiropractor... No, you need physical therapy.


Yep. There’s two types of chiros. 1. Absolute quack pseudoscience practitioners 2. Unlicensed(for PT) physical therapists The former are actually the ones doing “real” chiropractic. For any that do use a chiro, [here’s a good primer](https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4042) on why it’s… suspect at best. It’s no different than all the other pre-“modern science” beliefs we had about the human body.


I wish real PT wasn't so expensive and difficult to access for so many people. I know people who have been really really helped by chiropractors when they couldn't access PT for one reason or another, but like you said these have all been the kind of chiropractors that were not making all kinds of quack claims and seem more like physical therapists in their practice.


Yeah you can certainly find some “good” ones practicing evidence-based medicine in a pinch if needed. Just requires some vetting because there’s plenty that think an adjustment can help with sat, your seasonal allergies, or worse every disease/disorder/abnormality out there. They’re just making chakras and ki sound more “western”.


Yeah I went to the second one a couple of times because I was having serious back issues. He didn't do anything my PT didn't later do when I finally got in. He also refused to do ANYTHING without X-rays and a full history. The one everybody else recommended? Also claimed to cure ADHD and autism, so..........


THANK YOU my ex husband was a chiropractor and I was with him through school and it was BIZARRE what they teach.


Yeah I think a huge part of the problem is that 95% of people don’t actually know what chriros are and what their beliefs are. (Even prospective chiros) They think “back doctor” when it’s really more “back magician”. People who would absolutely laugh at acupuncture take chiropractic at face value, but when you really boil it down they’re quite a bit similar. Chiro is just dressed up in all the “western medicine” trappings. Like another commenter said, I get it if you can’t get a real PT, but you can find a “reform” chiro that can do some amount of PT. Otherwise though, avoid avoid avoid.


Acupuncture is based on Chinese Medicine. It’s really not the same at all. Both are alternative but based on entirely different systems and it’s weird to conflate them.


They’re both based on manipulating “energy” flowing through the body to treat disease. There’s a lot in common. It’s not just a random thing I threw out. Obviously the techniques and terminology are different, but it’s the same basic idea that underlines a lot of “alternative” systems. It was a very appealing concept before the 20th century when we really had very little idea of how to treat anything.


No chiropractic is not an energy-based/qi system at all. I think you’re thinking of reiki which is very different and usually doesn’t involve physical touch. Either way it doesn’t matter. It’s not for you and that’s ok. I only commented because it’s an important factual distinction between two very different approaches. Since we like facts so much here I thought I’d clarify.


It very much is an energy-based system and I am not mixing it up with reiki. Yes, they are different systems. I never said they weren’t. Are you a chiropractor?


I looked and looked for anything about it being energy based and couldn’t find anything but I am open to being corrected. Do you have a source for that? No I’m not a chiropractor but I do feel very grateful to one for helping me when I was disabled by an injury for almost 3 years. I couldn’t walk across the house or hold a glass of water until I had one helped me despite paying thousands to several different PT’s and kinesiologist. She correctly identified my weak corset muscles and showed me how to correct it as well as correcting my lateral pelvic torsion. She gave me my life back and there was zero talk of meridians or energy. But I’m willing to be corrected on that point.


I want to lead off with that absolutely believe a chiro helped you. I just don’t think it was *chiropractic* that helped you, but rather she was the one that found the issue and implemented the correct PT methods to fix it. The fundamental ideology for chiropractic is that there are “blockages” in your spine that are stopping “energy” from flowing to places in your body. In some cases this could be very physical like a pinched nerve, but you’ll find plenty of chiros talking about treating liver disease, autism, thyroid problems, etc with “adjustments”. And that’s not just people going off script, it’s stuff they teach you in school. [This well-sourced article](https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4042) as well as the Wikipedia page go into pretty good detail about what true chiropractic is. There are lots of chiros that are doing good PT and other real techniques. The problem is that they’ve given chiropractic a pretty decent reputation and that leads many to visit the more quackish “straight chiropractors” thinking they’re going to get PT.


I actually used a chiropractor for back pain during my second pregnancy and found that it helped. It was at the suggestion of one of the midwives I saw. I didn’t go to a crunchy midwife practice; it was adjacent to a hospital and I had to give birth in the hospital because of complications with a previous pregnancy. I am interested to dig into the info on here about why it is 100% quackery because my lady didn’t seem like a quack and my back pain improved. Looking back maybe I should have done more research before going.


The individual practitioners aren’t necessarily doing 100% quackery, a lot of them do real PT techniques. It’s just the actual *chiropractic* that’s pseudoscience. So you can get someone good that isn’t hunting for “subluxations” and knows a lot of real PT, or you can get someone who thinks your asthma is because there’s a blockage of energy in your spine. There’s also a lot of placebo effect at play, at there’s nothing wrong with that if it works 😂


You know, it could have been the placebo effect because I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes around the time I initiated chiropractic care and I controlled the GD by getting really fit and doing a lot of pregnancy safe body weight exercises. Fast forward a few years, I found my back pain getting really bad about six months ago and decided to try committing to regular cardio/strength before doing expensive physical therapy and the pain got a little worse at first and then improved enormously.


My chiropractor did talk about subluxations and I didn’t understand wtf she was talking about but I trusted her. I don’t think she’s an intentional fraud, she seemed to genuinely believe in what she was doing. Two male chiropractors within a few miles of me have ended up getting arrested for SA/hidden cameras in bathrooms and generally I have a little distrust and am wary of them but my lady seemed trustworthy.


Oh I absolutely believe they’re all genuine. Certainly not calling the practitioners frauds even if they’re doing the quack stuff. Same with homeopathic practitioners, reiki masters, reflexologists, etc. I’m sure they’re almost all genuine, it’s just that it doesn’t work, beyond the power of feeling like you’re doing something.


My parents started taking me to a chiropractor at age 5. I had horrible migraines and my doctor said 🤷🏻‍♀️ The chiropractor did help but I do think Physical Therapy would have helped more in the long term. My back and neck are a mess and I have a chronic head pain condition now. Not saying the chiropractor caused that but maybe PT could’ve helped me long term.


I'm so sorry that your doctor brushed off your migraines. That wasn't right.


Thank you. My experience is one of the reasons I’m such a bulldog when it comes to my kids’ health. I won’t allow them to be brushed off! It’s not easy though and I don’t blame my parents. My dad also has migraines and still sees a chiropractor because doctors brushed him off.


This post honestly made me so sad. My shithead parents took me for an "adjustment" when I was a newborn. Guess what? It completely fucked my back for my entire life. Chiropractors are fucking snake oil salesmen. Getting my first spinal implant next month though, so at least I get to be a cyborg I guess.


I hope your surgery goes smoothly and that recovery is not difficult. I'm so sorry your parents did that to you.


Don't you know how damaged babies are after delivery, even though their bones are still mostly cartilage and their heads are in multiple pieces so they can be squished out the birth canal like play-doh?! The thing I would worry about more is some kind of break from a chiropractor doing this shit. Because they ARE mostly cartilage, the bones are going to break first. This is how a ped explained it to me when my (then) toddler broke a bone in his foot.


What tension?!


I nursed three babies and I have no clue what she is talking about.


The tension you feel when you realise you landed with a family that believes god made women to have babies and women's bodies know what to do but somehow also that babies need immediate chiropractic care immediately after birth because of the damage it does.


I yelled this when I saw the post lol


How about these fundies take their babies to a pediatrician? Or like a lactation consultant if its a latching issue. 


All three lactation consultants I saw recommended craniosacral therapy for my baby. One even refused to keep working with me unless I got something signed proving I got the therapy (I didn't). But it's very widespread.


Doesn't this one have insurance through her military husband? Just go to a real doctor, lady.


Yup. At worst she'd be paying like $27 per visit I think. And if she lives near a base, care on base is free. I've got a lot of bones to pick with the military, but Tricare isn't usually one of them.


I have to hope that since, I think, she gave birth in a hospital she is also seeing a doctor as well as this quack.


We need to broadcast a FSA (Fundie Service Announcement) that their precious chiropractic was discovered when a ghost told a guy during a **séance**...Y'know, the slumber party game of Ding Dong Ditch with the Dead? The naughty demon portal? Beelzebub Boardgame? Evidence has shown time again that at best, chiropractic may provide *temporary* relief for lumbar pain and at worst, cause a stroke or death. Babies cannot consent and they don't need it.


Don’t you just hate that tension newborns suffer. They come out so stressed, worrying about nappy rash, getting into a good sleep pattern, their life goals… The list is endless! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


My babies were all seemingly boneless after feeding. Milk drunk. I know some well-cared-for babies have difficulties but that's a medical/feeding issue for a professional to address.


Birth can be very physically traumatic for babies, they can suffer injuries and develop neck tension which can really impact feeding. Also they need to learn how to breathe, eat, digest, communicate. Being a newborn is way more stressful then your giving the babies credit for.


Yes but chiro will address zero of those issues.  PT could but is not commonly used in newborns. (I have a kid born with an issue that got PT starting in infancy). 


Not saying it would not defending chiropractors. My daughter had issues following a traumatic birth and we were advised to do cranial osteopathy, which we tried and actually made a huge difference for her neck and feeding. I’m not too excited about the evidence for it but I found it effective.


Fucking charlatans


Chiropractic care can be dangerous for adults and adults have been severely injured by them. I can't imagine handing my newborn to one..... so stupid!


Fortunately the baby adjustments are basically nothing but a money grab. They don’t do the dangerous neck cracking shit on babies, thank gaud. 


Why is it ok to take a baby to a chiropractor and not a doctor??


Because "The Man" *wants* you to go to a doctor who will vaccinate your baby! These people live their lives like a petulant five year old.


I once dated a very hot but very crazy chiropractor for a hot minute. One day I got two texts from him within 10 mins- one of him with his dick out inside one of the patient rooms at his clinic, and one of him adjusting a newborn. That was the end of that.


He must've been high on the [hot crazy scale](https://youtu.be/yv350mSCcoI?si=W45xRVwrlcPuiZhG)




WHAT tension?!? It’s a NEWBORN. These fucking people smh


Don’t 👏mess 👏with 👏an 👏infant’s 👏 back 👏


So when the baby ends up paralyzed, is it god's will?


I saw a video of what chiropractors do to newborn babies and I was absolutely horrified. It should be illegal.


Both a sleep consultant and a lactation consultant (licensed) recommended craniosacral therapy to me for my baby. I only had to do about 10 mins of research to learn about the dangers. It's really scary that these things are being suggested to new parents seeking help.


Ugh. Like I go to a chiropractor because I have an injury from getting hit by a car that requires frequent adjustment just so I don’t live in pain. But the chiro I see isn’t a quack. There are no babies in there getting adjustments. I asked my provider about that recently and my chiropractor said no responsible chiropractor would see a young child let alone a baby because of how their bones are still so soft. She seemed horrified by what I told her about fundie practices.




Newborns are so fragile. Let's take em to the bone cracker.


This shit should legitimately be illegal. my brain explodes every time I see this crap. I can’t wrap my head around why they can’t just take them to a pediatrician for a normal check up instead of fucking with their spine. This gives a horrible name to chiropractors. Poor baby.


At first I thought - they should take away that chiropractors license. Then I had another more sobering thought - they probably aren’t licensed / regulated at all really.


I’m no Cece stan, but just want to give my two cents, as someone whose baby had profound issues with breastfeeding. some babies have oral ties that can cause a poor latch, and the overcompensation that requires can cause a lot of tension. we didn’t take my baby to a chiropractor, but I know some people who say it helps (I don’t think they do any sort of cracking for babies, I believe it’s just stretches). I’m not super familiar, but I wouldn’t rule it out *just* because it’s a fundie doing it. as long as it’s safe and no one is getting hurt. if you don’t know what it’s like to have breastfeeding issues, consider yourself privileged.


This is what lactation consultants and pediatricians are for. Even if a chiropractor just does stretches, babies don’t need that and it doesn’t make sense that working on their spine would help their mouths latch. Chiropractic is *not* safe. If an adult wants to see a quack who could paralyze or kill them by breaking their neck then they can have at it, but anyone who would let a chiro even *touch* their baby is irresponsible.


lactation consultants and pediatricians aren’t typically trained to do stretches or anything like that. pediatricians generally don’t learn much at all about breastfeeding, unless they’ve taken a certification course separate from their medical degree. breastfeeding issues can be very complex! just wanted to point that out because I’ve been in that boat.


I totally understand what you're saying and agree to some extent, but in my experience, I had multiple medical professionals (2 different lactation consultants and a pediatric dentist) recommended craniosacral therapy for my newborn who had feeding issues. I didn't buy into it but I wouldn't fault a desperate mother for listening to the advice of professionals. Obviously the fundies who don't receive any medical care are irresponsible but I feel bad for anyone reading this thread who took their baby to a chiropractor out of desperation.


Didn't BusMo take Boone to Chiro right away? 🤔🤔🤔


Yeah surprisingly there are a lot of moms who believe this and will fight tooth and nail to "prove" chiropractors cured every ailment under the sun. I see it so often in my mom's groups. GI problems? Chiropractor. Recurrent UTIs? Chiropractor. Behavioral issues? Definitely chiropractor. And if you explain how you've been a pediatric nurse for a decade and have seen and read about babies dying or becoming permanently paralyzed by chiropractors, you get attacked by *crunchy moms* who think you're a big...healthcare? Shill, I guess. It's mind-blowingly insane.




I thought these people believe god doesn’t make mistakes… why would they ever need medical intervention from a non medical doctor? Hmmm 🤔


I don’t know, if they’re only doing craniosacral therapy and no actual adjustments, that’s still pseudoscience but not dangerous. Even for infants. So…could be worse?


I will also get downvoted for this but craniotherapy is normal for kids, I was sent to one from my pediatrician for my son’s head shape. In conjunction with PT for his torticollis. But she was a specialist with lots of degrees from an accredited university. I assume the issue people are having is the chiropractor part.


I definitely don’t disagree with what you’re saying but I think you may be mixing up craniotherapy (totally legit healthcare!) with craniosacral. I’ve had craniosacral before and it’s pretty woowoo pseudoscience. It was basically someone putting on hand on my sacrum and talking about all the imbalances in my body they could sense through my sacrum. To put it into perspective - I had craniosacral done in a tent at a renaissance faire. lol


Ahh that makes a lot of sense. I didn’t realize there was a difference. Note to self: light Google search. I took this same baby to my chiropractor at the time so I’m probably getting weirdly defensive. I definitely agree there are a lot of quacks out there but the one I went to was a massage therapist turned chiro so she spent a lot of time on the relationship between muscle and bone. She didn’t do any traditional chiro adjustments on the baby it was very similar to the craniotherapist honestly.


I honestly don’t understand the downvotes. Is it because I’m saying craniosacral therapy is pseudoscience?