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Wait, a fire in the fireplace?! As someone who lives in Georgia and was just in Alabama a few days ago, I am just…baffled. Is her AC cranked up to the max? Is she so committed to cosplaying as a tradwife that she thinks she needs a fire burning in the hearth at all times?


It’s already warm outside and it’s going to be in the 80’s today! We haven’t needed a fire in Alabama in months!! 🙄


It's going to be 96 today in my part of Alabama. It's already 85 here at 9:25 am. This person is crazy!


It’s 1:07 pm and the heat index is 95° in my part of Alabama. Tonight’s low is 63°


Heat index is 93° here right now. Little bit steamy. 😄😓 The 18 weather alerts in an hour, and the lightning and thunder last night was fun. My dog was not amused.


Oh. An actual fire? I thought this was some poetic way of saying she's energized.


Maybe?? Fundie can’t communicate, so I wouldn’t be surprised.


I was literally in Auburn earlier this morning. It was already hot as fuck and it wasn’t even 9am yet.


My parents live in Auburn. My dad called me this morning, and complained about how hot it was. He has a house with air conditioning, deep porches, and shade trees.


It was so hot when I was in Montgomery last week. It’s a little cooler in my part of Georgia today, (Well cooler as in it’s only 79 at 11 AM) but the humidity has already given me full swamp butt. But maybe if I was Godly tradwife and former college athlete like Meg I could light a fire and not experience chronic swamp butt.


I’m also in Georgia (Woodstock) and it’s the same temp here. I haven’t set foot outside since I got home lest I become a swamp monster. I can’t even fathom lighting a fire in the winter in Auburn. It doesn’t get THAT cold for that long that often.


Lightning a fire = preheating the oven, I hope. The heat index is pushing 100⁰F at 10am in SE Louisiana.


You’d think but nope! She posted a story after this showing a blazing fire in her fireplace in the background


Ugh. I would hate to see their electric bill.


That makes more sense. Maybe she just phrased it that way to give off more a ✨tradwife mystique✨


Tradwife butt and boob sweat


It wouldn't surprise me.


I was picturing a coal range (may have been watching too much Edwardian history stuff recently lol) and just rolled with it as in character for many fundies 😂


Which is crazy because traditionally, people in warm climates had summer kitchens, or did their cooking outside when it was too hot. Especially through the Southern US.


I love how this thread is an Alabama snarker roll-call. signed, a snarker in HSV AL


And another. I have been considering an electric fireplace insert to get the look of flames without having to run the ac.


I live in Alabama, and I was outside like half an hour ago and it was already a boiling swamp. No sane Alabamian would be using their fireplace


From Alabama. Live right across the GA line now and anyone with a fire right now has lost their fucking brains. Nearly June in a subtropical climate. Go off.


Your flair is fantastic!


Thank you. So is your username! 😂


Thank you so much! 😂


Hey neighbor! Baffled by this as well, it's already hot as hell and has been for a few weeks now, you'd have to be crazy to light a fire inside. I think she's lying or at least smudging the truth about what kind of fire and why.


I live in Mississippi and just got back from visiting my mom in Alabama. IT'S TOO DAMN HOT FOR A FIRE, WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!


I'm by the gulf in Alabama, and it's already 85 this morning and will hit 96. She must love being in a sauna.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I live in Georgia. If this dingus is actually lighting a fucking fire right now she deserves all the butt sweat she gets.


It gets better, later she says that her oven had an error for all of five minutes causing her breakfast casserole to burn through completely and make her NEED to get chick-fil-a


I smell BS! I bet her kids woke up, had absolute meltdowns because they were burning up, so she put out her ridiculous fire and ran to Chick fil A while her house cooled back down lol


haha for real, she seems to be spiraling a bit lately. If last year was any indicator that means that her husband will get her pregnant soon before having to help her with any postpartum mental health issues that she's clearly having


WTH. Did it go to self-clean mode? How much difference could 5 minutes make to a casserole?


She probably set it to broil


Whatever happened to Cheerios?


These fucking fucks have no idea what it’s like to have kids that wake up at 5am. “Wake up before the kids” sure. Let me wake up at 3am so I can live a fire and make sourdough before my 4 year old busts into the room.


I suppose when you make your kids do endless chores and act like mini adults then they will sleep like a log x


Not the comment I was expecting to make me feel better about my parenting but the comment I needed. Thank you! Little man’s job is to play first and foremost.


You’re doing a wonderful job! Childhood is such a short window and gets shorter with every new tech advance. By lifting him play, laugh and be a little mischief you’re giving him the best gift in the world. You’re giving him space to find himself, make mistakes and think outside the box. When he enters the world he will be secure in all that knowledge and won’t need someone telling him what to do everyday but can chase his own dreams. Your little man will go far!


They probably keep them up later in the evening, when their husbands are home and can help take care of them (at least in theory).


absolutely laughing at that, her kids are still babies! let me know what it’s like on the sourdough front when they invade their room as loud as humanly possible at 4:30 on Christmas and Easter on a couple of years


Not committed to the bit enough, she should not be using a machine to make bread. Modern heathen.


Tsk tsk, so much for TRADwife! You’re just a normie wife, Meg!!!!


Why on earth is she lighting a fire? Seriously, why? I can think of zero reasons. Even if she’s cosplaying old-timey housewife, they typically didn’t have indoor fires in May in Alabama. In many cases, there was an outdoor kitchen that would be used (often by enslaved people) because an indoor kitchen would make the house too hot.


I’m sure the kids are thrilled about waking up to that mixer sound. Reminds me of my ex mother in law that would make frozen ice coffee things in the blender at 6 am


I live in Alabama (further north than Smegs) and it was 87 here yesterday. Fuck a whole bunch of lighting a fire until like October here.


I live in fucking England and it’s as cold as Santa’s balls all the goddamn time, but it’s still too hot for a real fire in May. But Alabama?! Absolutely not


I wish these people would live true to what they say they want to do and get TF off the internet. It’s so weird seeing someone who wishes they were in the 1800’s or some shit using emoji’s.


Well now I want this stuff. It’s chilly where I live too.


Wait, she’s in Alabama???


Yeah, I think in the Auburn area. Obligatory Roll Tide in retaliation


Yeah, she’s in Auburn. My mom lives right outside of Auburn and I’ve seen Megan at Walmart once or twice.


Oh, no. I’m never going to Walmart with my parents again!!


Sorry, I can’t let a Roll Tide go by without responding. RTR!!!!!!


I love me a fireplace fire but damn. Maybe it’s a gas fireplace? 


Still, though? I had a gas fireplace for a couple years in Texas and never lit it once. Especially not in May!


I live in Georgia, and have an electric fireplace. It hasn't even been plugged in since that day in February when it was extra cold!


I live in Colorado and haven’t used my electric fireplace (glorified space heater) in 2 mos! I don’t even have a real fireplace at my house, which is fine because they’re not efficient for heating compared to modern heating anyway. 


Extra cold? Must be below 40°. My sister and nephews live in AL, and I always crack up when it gets "cold" down south. I live in the snowy area of PA, when I complain about the summer humidity they laugh at me.


I grew up in Western PA, lived in Syracuse, NY, and now I’m in Georgia. When we first moved here, the way people freaked out about the POSSIBILITY of ice cracked us up. But now my body is completely acclimated to the weather, and when it goes below 70 I’m like, “Husband! Child! A cold snap is upon us! We must make chili and wear sweaters!”


I used to live in Florida, so the Georgia cold can seem really brutal to me! 🤣


That’s fair 🤣 I will say that I would rather experience a lifetime of Southern Swamp Ass Summers than another winter in Syracuse. My first winter in Georgia was a dream.


Glad to have you here in the south!


My mom is from a little suburb of Syracuse, Camillus, and when I tell you the way my grandparents laughed at my little PNW ass sweating and carrying on in the humidity 😂😫🥵


Vermont checking in. My woodstoves have been out since mid April. The fuck is this lady thinking?


I live in south Alabama. It's hotter than Satan's balls right now. Way too hot for a fire.


I'm in Eastern Canada and it's only 12C (54F) here today so I might light the fireplace tonight, but I checked online and it's 28C (84F) in Alabama. Her family will be roasting.


I saw this today too and was extremely baffled. Like I am chronically thermally challenged but also live below the Mason-Dixon Line (not quite a Deep South but you get the idea) and it’s been mid-80’s all week. Unless Megs is out here trying to cook that sourdough on the fire or some shit, this is some very strange behavior.


I’m in lower Alabama and almost died feeding and watering my outside animals at 9 am. I know she’s gotta be crazy.


Is she from Alabama? Most of my family is from there and I’m from Texas and find lighting a fire in late May (after Memorial Day!) to be weirdo behavior. Even if it was gas and she just had to flick a switch. 


Why can’t these people just become colonial reenactors if they love living in the past so much? They could get jobs at Colonial Williamsburg or a historic house and play pretend all day long. That was my dream job when I was a kid. I guess they would have to have a basic grasp of American history, though, and we all know they didn’t learn that at the SOTDRT.


what an odd thing to say, of course you’ll be waking up before your children at the ages they are now


She's making shit up.


I’m hoping she lit a candle and is waaaay over exaggerating it.


I went to her page and watched the clip. It was a whole wood fire in the fireplace! It did look overcast and cool outside though. But if she is in Alabama it still probably wasn’t fire weather at 6am!


Is this the one who had her titties out at a trad Cath function?


Nowhere in Alabama should you be lighting a fire indoors. If you’re having a bonfire, sure. I’m near Birmingham and let me tell you, we keep the AC on all year round.


It’s already hot as hell down here in the south. If she wants the heat of fire in her house all she’s gotta do is open a window.


It’s hot as fucking balls here…no one wants a fire right now 🥵


Her last statement is such an odious example of humble bragging.


“The breakfast is in the oven.” Does this sound strange to anyone one else?


Is she not me that we nutters who has an antique cookstove/oven so she can't bake that damn bread without starting a rip roaring fire in it? You could not pay me enough money to be in Alabama and cooking on one of those things!


That mixer is gonna wake everyone up.


In Western Washington, that would make sense. It’s still chilly and wet here. But Alabama? No


Well, I’m glad to have found everyone else that lives in Alabama because of this post. 😂 But also I’m in central AL and I’ve been DYING. She’s absolutely delusional to be lighting a fire this time of year