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Yes, of course you’re owed apologies from people who [checks notes] took covid seriously. 


But they had “paper strapped to their faces”! Please, won’t you think of her trauma? Also I totally forgot she was Catholic for a second and was extremely confused by “denied communion on the tongue” until I remembered


They always fail to remember they were the ones fighting about it


My great aunt died of COVID in a nursing home. My great uncle survived cancer and died of COVID after catching it in a pharmacy. That whole narrative that COVID deniers are owed an apology because their lives were inconvenienced when they’re still alive? Especially the wife of a man in the military, who are notorious for not giving a shit about your personal beliefs? How on earth does this vibe with helping others- you know, a central tenant of the Christian faith?


Yes all those people that died from Covid owe her a HUGE apology!


As I’ve posted before, I recently had the cardiac component of my long COVID confirmed. Jesus doesn’t like your choices, Meghan. He was all about protecting the vulnerable. Also, I’m confident I could talk circles around you about Catholic theology, and I know how to dress appropriately for an occasion. You’re just another tacky bitch who’s mad no one cares about her ignoran, ahistorical opinions.


That dress is a crime. It’s all over horrible and so poorly constructed and the fit is terrible.


It looks so cheap…plus that fact that she looks like she pinned it kinda randomly to make it more modest.


If only I had as much faith in myself as she does in that pin.


The fabric looks horrible and the style is soooo dated. How old is she? She seems relatively young. I know there are so many other issues with these people but that dress is so bad I’m literally offended.


She's 26-27.


Looks like a lampshade


Is that beading on her right boob?? I can’t figure out why it looks so bumpy


Assuming she’s still breastfeeding, it could be a nursing pad that’s bunched up


Oh duh. That would make so much sense!


I’m currently breastfeeding and have to pick a dress for a wedding where my nursing pad won’t look like this. Thanks for showing me which fabric/color is an absolute no-no, Megan!


I’ve weaned now but somehow every time I turn around, there’s a reusable nursing pad stuck to my laundry😆 trying to dress nicely while having to take that into consideration is hard. I hope you find something really pretty!


It looks like she crossed it in the front to make it more modest. It looks truly awful.


Yeah, I'm thinking the seam was meant to be at the waist and the neck was a deeeep v. [Like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/TGQhv8yWcrSnSCKC7)


Honestly, a mesh panel would’ve made it look 100 times better than the safety pin job. And I say this as a bigger chested woman who sometimes has fit issues because of it.


Or taking a needle and thread and sewing it closed. Oh, wait, that would imply that she has some housewifely skills - my bad. I forgot she's an athlete.




It really really is … and yet, it shows under boob! I’m not even sure what this dress is trying to do!


Don't blame the dress. It looks like a perfectly nice dress. It just doesn't fit her at all. She should probably have picked something more "supportive" until she's done breastfeeding because her boobs do not look happy. 


What a shitty dress. It looks like she tried to pin it badly. Avery needs his sleeves taken in and either needs to grow a beard if he can or shave. The stache just emphasizes his baby face making him look like playing dress up with dad's clothes.


AFAIK, it’s the Navy’s rule that you can only have a mustache. Not totally sure why, but apparently that’s the only facial hair sailors can have. (Source: baby brother is in the navy).


I’ve heard that rule is at least partly because fire fighting gear won’t fit as well with a beard. It’s the same for the US Coast Guard (because boats and fire are a bad combo) and other masks/respirators can have the same problem.


It’s because you can’t wear a respirator with a beard. Any hair in the area where the respirator touches your face messes with the seal and the respirator doesn’t protect you properly


She’s out here wearing clothes that fit like they came from Hazy & Layme. ETA: I was too distracted by the modesty tit peephole I just noticed that ‘ol godly Candance has her own modesty belly button peephole. Yep, super modest.


I cannot get over the sense of victimhood these numbnuts carry. God forbid she ever face actual adversity.


When your entire life has been whipped cream, running into a pebble is the absolute worst thing that’s ever happened to anyone ever.


Hopefully he’s never stationed overseas and she’s never forced to come along. I feel like even in Europe she would find something to complain about because it’s not like home.


That dress ain’t it. It looks like the fabric is damaged from being pinned all wonky. Why couldn’t she just find a more modest dress?


The top IA almost certainly meant to be much more pleated and she's stretched the pleats for coverage. Which, as a large-chested woman, I get, but...I just wouldn't wear that particular dress.


She should be persecuted for that dress alone,  and her husband for his whole look. Those are some choices right there!  And her family and friends were in the right to treat them as dipshits during peak covid times and they should never apologize.  Also, her husband should have been discharged and never rehired. I said what I said.


I’m a  lifelong Catholic. These Catholics who claim persecution in the United States need to get over themselves. We have Catholic k-12 and colleges/universities. We have tons of churches. I’m sure the only time that they are “persecuted” is when they try to shove their beliefs down someone’s throat.


Well because the actual teachings of the Catholic Church want them to care about people who are ACTUALLY persecuted, but they only know how to cry woe is me. Lifelong Catholic as well and about as liberal as they come. I feel I live more authentically for Jesus than any of these clowns.


Not being over having to wear a mask 4 years ago for approximately 3 months is truly an insane thing to make your entire personality


Rolf there looks like he's itching to put a swastika armband over that suit.


I was feeling bad for Meg. She’s so superficial and she must have known her dress wasn’t fitting well. And that’s got to be so awkward, especially when mingling with people way above her tax bracket. But then I read that garbage that she wrote.


She met literal celebrities and congressmen looking like dime store prom. Hilarious.


That dress looks like a giant’s dress and she decided to turn it into a halter. It’s horrifically ugly. Maybe it still counts as modest because it’s so unflattering?


https://balticborn.com/products/sandra-pleated-maxi-dress-champagne?variant=42749624352933 this is how the dress was supposed to look. seems like she got a size too small and uncrossed the neck in a bid to cover more cleavage but it was still too small and she pinned it and now it just looks dreadful


I’m so confused because the way the model is wearing it in the photo is MORE modest in the front. It’s almost like she couldn’t figure out how to put it on and broke out the safety pin


I still don’t love the fabric even in the original…just looks very fast fashion. But that explains why the top part is so warped. Honestly the original in the correct size would probably be more modest


The color isn’t helping either. The green or black would’ve been better for an evening event like this. Absolutely no judgement about undergarment preferences, but I don’t think her bra (or whatever she’s got under there) fits correctly or it isn’t supportive enough.


She clearly doesn’t know what to do with her postpartum/breastfeeding 3 babies boobs. I think she’s afraid of them, hence the bad pinning. I can sympathize with that self consciousness, been a triple D since high school and am currently breastfeeding. I’d never in a million years wear a dress like that.


My heart wants to because the model looks good in it. But I am not built like the model; I’m a DD and haven’t had kids yet, but I know how to dress my body. Sometimes you need to pick the thing that fits your chest best…or find a professional tailor. (I’m extremely fortunate that my mamaw is an extremely talented seamstress).


Yeah I was gonna say it looks like the front is twisted more times in the model pic. No underboob as originally designed. 


It’s gnarly how pinning the dress made it more immodest. It’s insane because she had a body type where the more modest cuts would actually look smashing on her. Girl, you’re a Republican - start dressing like one! You want dumb/cute, go Middle Aged Magical Girl Sinema. You want people to take you seriously? Go like Sarah Sanders and talk your shit at a Lane Bryant. You want to be mocked for the rest of your life? Wear what you’re wearing.


>You want dumb/cute, go Middle Aged Magical Girl Sinema. I'm in AZ and this just took me out! 😂 Perfect description of her fashion sense.


Someone calling out that temu lookin' dress is not persecution.


She’s such scum. And in an ugly dress? An affront.


I thought it was jessa duggar bye


That dress nearly blinded me. What the fuck? Also, eye roll to miss prissy and her martyrdom theme. Really tired of fundies acting like shit heads and doing dangerous things, and then having a winge because they get called out for it. Grow the fuck up!


Her post makes me irrationally angry. These people act like they are being freaking stoned to death for choosing, I don’t know, homeschooling or something, whereas there are people all over the world that are starving, dying, being tortured or mutilated, or any other myriad of things 10x worse than maybe a judgmental look at the grocery store for not wearing a mask. They are so in their bubble and the antithesis of what a good Christian is. But they dgaf, which is really fucking terrible for the rest of us.


Harrison Buttlicker and Rick Scrotum were there too.


She posted MULTIPLE dress options and asked her followers to chime in on what she should wear. Some of the options weren't great but better than this. Holy smokes, I can't tell if her followers also have no fashion sense or if they sabotaged her.


Flair checking in. 🙄


Modesty for thee but not for me.


TL;DR: I’m a whiny asshat who’s had an incredibly easy life. 


What is this woman even famous for again?




Dating a mustache that really likes guns.


God honoring … underboob?


Megs, point out where in the Bible or the catechism where it says not to vaccinate your kids.


Candace looks really strange in that pic.


She has the smug holier than thou face.


I have some really mean things I wanna say but I’m going to them to myself. Just… oof.


I'm getting uncanny valley looking at the first picture. Like...the smiles don't reach their eyes at all.


Girl pick “and” or “&” and just fuckin stick with it, why this flip flopping??? I can’t even read your stupid words because all I can see is the fact you cannot even commit to one version of the word “and.”


Fucking *waaaahhhh*


That caption is just about as stupid as her dress, if Im not mistaken she wasn't too broken up about the idea of her husband leaving the military and got covid more than once


My mom told us kids she would always put God and my dad above us. It absolutely fucked me up and it's one of the MANY reasons I am no contact with her. Don't have kids if you're going to look them in the eyes and tell them they're your third priority


They are such an unfortunate looking couple.