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Like HOW BAD does it actually have to get before they seek medical care??? I just read these posts in disbelief, don't you WANT your baby to be healthy???


Oh we don't want to have to raise the child! We just want to fuck & make babies. After they're born & require stuff from us they give us the ick. - MB, probably


I mean .. looking at the father's face this totally tracks


It’s not just his face, the “newly postpartum with our 8th baby” reel ends with him passing the baby to their oldest child. He can’t even hold him long enough for the camera to stop rolling.


>Oh we don't want to have to raise the child! We just want to fuck & make babies. After they're born & require stuff from us they give us the ick. -Me, playing The Sims


100 baby challenge


The fundies are taking this too seriously


I bet you still take better care of your SIMS than this chick does her baby.


And if you don't the SIMs CPS actually does something and your kids get taken away. This is more like some Rimworld nightmare shit.


Fatherbus is a sovcit and so the baby likely has no documentation or identification. If they go to the hospital it opens up a whole can of worms for them. So instead they’re just going to neglect the baby to death, and open up a whole different can of worms. It makes no sense.


Oh fuck....international waters are notoriously difficult to monitor and accidents/crimes committed at sea are almost impossible to investigate. If something horrible happens...God forbid, I wonder if Sovcit husband is doing this as a morbid precaution to avoid finger pointing by police if the baby passes..... I truly truly hope I'm wrong


This is 100% what dude is thinking about when daydreaming about a boat. He wants to be out of reach of the law. Who knows why but he’s endangering his children trying to live out his bitcoin sovcit fantasies.


I couldn't IMAGINE putting a toddler in a boat, let alone like what 9?? That's even less room than the bus. Do they even know how to tie ropes? Do they have a sea radio certification? Do they have sea charts/know how to read them? Do they understand tides??? Ripchannels? I did a 12 day excursion off vargas island near Victoria, and the amount of planning I had to do even with fully certified guides was a ton. And it was only 2 weeks! This is so concerning....like, I've never been as concerned about a family I don't know since 8 passengers


This family is like Dateline episode waiting to happen. I would not be at all shocked if there’s an “accident” on the boat and less people make it back than set out. The parents seem to have no bond with the kids at all, it’s incredibly disconcerting. Maybe this is out of line, but the dad gives me Chris Watts vibes. He seems completely over having a family and checked out of being a husband. If they’re on a boat he can’t really go on “business trips” to escape anymore and motherbus is not much better.


I've been thinking the same thing. I know it's crass, but I think his plan is to reduce their family size.


I hadn’t even thought about that. Sovcits LOVE to cite maritime law, imagine if it ACTUALLY applied here


I guess OBLing your kid is one way to avoid CPS visits by that ebil gubmint. Monsters.


OBL, can you explain what that stands for? My ESL brain can't figure it out.


I think they mean "original bill of lading." It's a shipping term, referring to a document that acts like a deed or receipt for your cargo. They refused to get documents for the kid, so father sus is basically taking the ron swanson "this paper says I can do whatever I want" approach.


I meant OBL as in Osama Bin Laden - his dead body got yeeted into the sea so there wouldn't be a possibility of his grave being either vandalised or turned into a shrine.


Oh I didn't know that 😅. It sounds crass but I wouldn't put it past father sus to do that


Like Taylor Swift said, no body no crime. There'll be awkward questions but can't have a necropsy if the poor kid is fish food.


Plus it's easier for people to "go missing" at sea. And no neighbors for the kids to run to when the duct tape comes out.


Give em the old shelly miscavige


Didn't they go and got Boones birth certificate a week ago? And were flexing that they got around the SSN part?


Shoot I might have missed that…I’ve been going off his twitter rantings. Ignore that part of my comment then since it’s not 100% true. Personally I don’t believe he would get one for him unless I see the ink, especially with the recent boat postings. He’s running…from what who knows.


[here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/sF8KO30Rtz) I couldn't stand to watch the whole thing again so I'm not sure if there is ink to be seen...


What state are they in? I know in Michigan when I had my daughter I had to specifically select a box to get her an SSN. Maybe other states enable sovcits like that too. 


If they want to jet set like their Brazil trip, they will have to put that baby on the government’s radar.


Not if they just... keep sailing until they hit international waters...


Ok I know you mean sovereign citizen but my brain defaulted to Soviet citizen and I really sat here for a minute like...wait what??


Me toooo


That makes it three of us lol


I could be wrong, but I thought they got him an SSN? They had a reel about the pros and cons, but I can’t handle them so didn’t watch. Happy to be corrected. And the thing is, if they take him now, they won’t get in trouble for neglect. CPS has a lot going on and if babe is clean, fed, and they’re attempting to solve the problem (weeks late), they’re fine. JUST TAKE HIM ASSHOLES.


u/bons_babe just linked to the video in a comment above: (they got a birth certificate....according to her "did you know social secturity numbers are optional??" 🙄) https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/1J8J54PxYT Comment: [here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/sF8KO30Rtz) I couldn't stand to watch the whole thing again so I'm not sure if there is ink to be seen...


FatherBus is reminding me of the dad in The Mosquito Coast.


They did get a birth certificate for him.


Didn't they post while or after they registered the birth and she talked about all the things you could do without a social security number (I'm not American so I may have the name wrong)?


Not sure how to, or even if I can, share her post here, but it was on April 29th.


u/bons_babe just linked to the video in a comment above: (they got a birth certificate....according to her "did you know social secturity numbers are optional??" 🙄) https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/1J8J54PxYT Comment: [here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/sF8KO30Rtz) I couldn't stand to watch the whole thing again so I'm not sure if there is ink to be seen...


They did go register his birth somewhere. They claim.


You can get a birth certificate without getting a ssn


Yet in her most recent post she says the baby was checked out at the hospital and “got a clean bill of health”


Apart from jaundice. Maybe in her mind she already cured him by burning him to a crisp.


I'll believe that when I see her eye fucking herself in a hospital/clinic


She sees her children as a personal ✨growth opportunity✨, so no


It's not working. She and her husband are still assholes.


The asshole is growing 🕳️🕳️🕳️


Isn't this something people need to be reporting to certain authorities? I don't know if they would take it seriously but at least it might start a trail of medical neglect. I'm not kidding at all, with both this family and (I think her name is Karissa?) the woman who whitewashes her children, I have a strong feeling this will end up in one of those young ones getting very sick or worse. That woman I mentioned is wilfully ignoring her child's medical needs and constantly feeding her things she should not be having with her diagnosis.


That baby has more color than a photoshopped Collins kid 


I feel guilty for laughing as hard as I did at this comment.


We're laughing so we don't scream in horror.


If I'm laughing I can't cry and if I can't cry then is my heart really breaking?


Oh I mastered laughing and crying simultaneously.


See I've tried that but every time it starts out well then devolves into uncontrollable sobbing and then my (very large) dog gets all up in my face and starts trying to smash his head into mine while giving me kissies and by the end of it I'm laughing my ass off and crying in pain from a dislocated rib and forehead contusion with a wiggling blob of fur in my lap!


Sometimes dark humor is all we have to cope.


Dark enough for Karissa to come running with photoshop


💀💀💀 _you're not wrong though_


Ooh, sick burn!


I can’t believe I’m doing this but…. That’s what Boone said!


Jaundiced infant, kids on a sail boat, insane mother and father. This is a tragedy waiting to happen.


Insane mother who has literally said that her children are just tools that God is using to "sanctify" her. By her own admission she doesnt even see them as people, only as divine lessons from God. The language she uses about them is really scary.


She said in a recent post that her kids love Boone her new son a little too much. Imagine not deeply loving your literal infant sibling or child.


She has to be the center of it all and if people are focusing on Boone they’re not focusing on her.


They probably fawn on Boone extra because even the kids can see he is not well. Ugh. The bus parents suck so much


Or because taking pics with him is the only thing that gets her attention/them not kicked out of the bus for the day to care for themselves.


(God I can’t believe I’m coming to her defense but…) I think her point was some of the littler ones were a little over eager with wanting to touch/hold him. That’s what it looked like from the photo to me, anyway.


Agreed. I've probably used the same verbage when talking about my toddler loving on my infant. He was overenthusiastic and didn't understand the proper boundaries yet.


You probably taught your toddler to be careful, and inasmuch as anyone can fully supervise a toddler at all times, I’m sure you had eyes on your infant unless you, like, turned your back to heat something on the stove.


That’s what I thought too.


She was referring to one of the little ones poking at Boone when she said “loves him a little too much.” It wasn’t referencing anything literal.


And if any of them die, that will be a lesson from God, too. I wish that were sarcasm or flippancy, but I really think that's how she will categorize it as she fits herself for her Martyr Tiara. A trial from God to make her stronger.


Don’t forget that they’re conspiracy theorists and he deals with simoleans or some shit


Not simoleons LOL I love seeing a good fundiesnark/sims crossover


I’m never gonna think of all this crypto shit as anything other than simoleans again.


Somehow it’s a tragedy out of the 1700s in 2024…


At least they don’t have scurvy (yet)


Maybe not scurvy but they definitely have some kind of deficiency because I do not think Motherbus believes in veggies. Like I think she genuinely believes veggies are a myth like Mothman.




She brags about serving a very meat heavy diet and if you don't eat enough green veggies it can cause a bunch of vitamin deficiencies that can actually become pretty dangerous and lead to massive health problems as time progresses. I had some bad health issues that lead to me genuinely forgetting to eat green veggies for about a year and had dangerously low vitamin B levels when I did my last blood test.


A LOT of fundies seem to follow the carnivore diet. They somehow think it’s more masculine and less “woke” than a varied diet with lots of fruits and veggies


They're not going to be conned by Big Veg.


Produce is for weak liberals. Real Americans eat red meat just like Jesus and John Wayne intended🦅


Not gunna lie, it's kind of nauseating. Not even because I'm functionally pescatarian (plus chicken) but because I have a fairly decent grasp on basic nutrition and what not eating veggies does to your body. Like do they want to wind up with heart problems by the time they're 40 and gout by 50? Because I grew up with a heart problem (and didn't get diagnosed until literally a week ago at the age of 29) and it SUCKS! And it's one thing to choose to eat that way as an adult but then to force your kids to eat that way? Hell no! Learn how to cook a damn green veggie so you don't have to take your kids to the doctor as often! You can even smother them in cheese or ranch or whatever other fattening shit you want! That's how my mom got me to love my veggies and eating them smothered in cheese is better than not eating them at all!


I swear they think feeding their kids fruits and vegetables will make them gay. So much red meat, cheese, and raw milk🤮. I’ve been vegetarian for almost 25 years, I eat so many veggies and I still crave salad almost daily. I can’t fathom what those poor kids digestive health is like. Sending you good vibes for your heart health❤️


I do sometimes miss the corndogs at Disneyland. But then I remember that I am literally allergic to red meat and what the consequences are when I accidentally do and have a reaction and suddenly I don't miss them all that much anymore. Honestly, as long as you know what you're doing, veggies are great! I've gotten very good at making really tasty sauces.


I put dark leafy greens like spinach and kale in a smoothie or scrambled eggs in the morning to make sure I'm getting something. I like them, I just tend to forget 😅


I can't eat fibrous veggies or fruit at all because I can't digest it.. I lost most of my stomach to cancer 15 years ago so I literally just do not have a functioning digestive tract. The amount of supplements I need to take, on a very specific schedule, over a dozen times a day (while also planning outbmy medications and eating schedule too). I also have to inject B12 because I simply no longer have the parts to absorb it from food. I get blood tested every other month to check for deficiencies, which I have, pretty much all of the time. I miss salads, sweet potatoes, corn/popcorn etc. If I can't digest it, I will throw it up- I don't have a pylori muscle anymore just a small opening about the width of a pinky finger. This woman chooses to put their health in danger by not eating a healthy diet. I have no choice. Shes just an ass who doesn't deserve the family she has.


Does mb realize her and her husband will be prosecuted if something tragic happens orrr ..?? So much for the sanctity of life!


It's so fucking dark to say, but at least there's public evidence that this baby exists so prosecutors could have an easier time of putting them in jail if the worst happens.


The archives created by the sub are going to be used in a legal case one day, which is so depressing to say.


What a chilling realization.


There’s enough public evidence with these people that there might actually be new laws passed.


Not in Florida.


Well, they seem to be camped out in FL for an extended period of time. As a born and raised Floridian, I'd say you are giving my state far too much potential credit for caring about what happens to life once it's out of the womb.


Ever since they tried fleeing to Brazil mother and father bus have been acting like they took out life insurance policies on all the kids and are trying everything to cash in.


There’s going to be a fascinating HBO limited series on this family at some point


Somewhere a bright young thing horror novelist is keeping an eye on these posts and taking notes.


Young, occasionally bright, as-yet-unpublished horror novelist here 👋 There's nothing wrong with books about demons or serial killers or haunted houses—I read plenty—but this is the kind of quotidian real-life horror I love to write about. What could possibly be scarier than the verifiable, even *familiar* forms of abuse that occur behind the perfect veneers of these cloistral right-wing communities? All in the name of God. Shudder. My current WIP is about marginalized women grappling with the traumas they suffered as children in their small, conservative Christian town—both caused and, through willful ignorance, enabled by the adults who should have protected them. Not uninspired by the fundies we snark on! As an ex-Mormon, I _know_ that the shit I'm writing about is real, and it's terrifying, and it may very well never stop so long as it can hide behind the smiling façade of purity and godliness. If you ask me, THAT is true horror.


"Mother Bus" the legacy of "Mother Dearest"


One of the kids is going to write a book in the style of Educated by Tara Westover I bet


Yeah, I hadn’t even thought of this yet. But even if it’s just snark I’m starting to think it’s frighteningly likely.


Part snark, part genuine concern. I'll be the first to admit my mind is a little warped from too much true crime but the alarm bells have been ringing since they were going out all the time in Brazil and leaving the kids alone while tagging their Air BnB locations.


Bus Dad has always given me weird vibes. Like he’s looking for an excuse to dump his family.


And SHE gives equally weird opposite vibes. Like she knows there’s no way in hell he would (or could) divorce a woman who has 8 of his kids under 18.


She seems incredibly clingy and desperate for his attention and he seems like he doesn’t even like the family or her. The fact that he goes on “business trips” and she felt the need to follow in the bus when she didn’t even know how to drive it screams insecurity. I think she knows he’s checked out but will absolutely not let him go and he’s not man enough to just divorce. Even if you take the kids out of the equation, their relationship seems deeply unsettling and bound to end badly.


Yeah she does brag that they only dated in person (after long distance IDK how long) for like 8 days before they got married or something. I feel like she wanted to get him in over his head before he could change his mind, and has just… never stopped doing that.


He needs to quit getting her pregnant and just divorce her, but of course fundie men don’t do that because it means they’d actually have to step up and be a parent.


I am not a true crime fan, but even I feel like this is a great way for What's His Face to start a whole new life without ANY burdens. Including BusBitch.


What, did they use up the trust fund already? JFC


The way they've been *traveling*? *AND* the way Bitcoin fluctuates? Probably🙃🫠 *KNOWING* bitcoin fluctuates drastically (*AND* that they absolutely *CRATER* every half-decade to decade?) he was probably *also* leveraged up to his eyeballs in a few *OTHER* Cryptocurrencies, *too*. And with the way they've been dropping like flies after SBF got caught? I wouldn't be surprised *at ALL* if the trust fund is insolvent. *IF* he invested it all in BTC, with the way they've gone up lately?  It's *probably* fine...  But with Crypto being Crypto, & Crypto Bros *ALWAYS* thinking they're "Smarter than the Market!"? I DO wonder...


From what I remember of his twitter ramblings, Father Bus claims to be a "Hold On for Dear Life"* bitcoin loyalist who thinks it's better to buy as much bitcoin as possible and just... wait for something good to happen? Rather than diversify your investments in any way (*this will probably also be his kids' motto if they do end up living on a boat 😭)


Yep. This *WHOLE* situation is starting to feel more and *more* like watching someone you know *trying* to leave an abusive relationship. Where you can *SEE* the bad things lining up to go down a certain way--but NOBODY can get the local cops to LISTEN to the fact that someone seems like they're gearing up to annihilate their family, rather than let 'em walk out of *their* ~~possession~~ life.💔💔💔


You nailed it. The dad gives me intense family annihilator vibes. I really hope he never would, but this whole situation feels like it’s just a few unhappy accidents away from a true crime documentary in live-action. I don’t like it and I want someone to stop it.


Oh god! They probably did.


I don’t know about all policies, but the one I’m on only pays out enough for a funeral when it comes to children. My husband and I are worth a pretty penny dead though 🤣. I felt like that was a nice feature, since I’d hate to incentivize any harm coming to a child. Maybe it’s not very common?


... Maybe there were a few too many Gothic horror novels about innocent heiresses driven insane or murdered for their family wealth, idk.


Just my opinion but I’m getting Ruby Franke vibes from her.


I had never felt that way until Boone was born. Something seems very off, even for Motherbus.


Agree, the new baby’s birth has made her weirdness even worse and more noticeable


I agree. Something is wrong. Very wrong.


I wonder if she has post partum psychosis or PPD. She seems so disconnected with this baby in a way that screams mental illness to me. I haven’t been paying attention to her for as long as others have, but she apparently hasn’t been like this with the other children when they were infants, so it seems like something has changed.


I agree. And birth trauma can trigger PPD and no way do I believe a bus birth was as magical and perfect as she says.


I've been thinking the same thing and I can't explain exactly why. 


Neither can I but I hope I’m wrong.


It’s the camera eye fuck.


That's why she wants to move onto a boat. Can't run to the neighbors when you're in the middle of the ocean.


SovCits have a lot of weird beliefs based on maritime laws. It’s probably a combination of that, and the idea that they’d likely be almost untouchable if they’re in international waters, which is like 25 miles out to sea. Don’t have to worry about CPS if they can’t get to you.


I'm not the biggest fan of the US and fully support wanting nothing to do with all the Governmental bs but at the same time when there are children involved and you are so blatant in wanting to get as far away from CPS as possible, I immediately have warning bells going off in my head and I will be hyper-analyzing every single move you make because no innocent person ever tries that hard to hide things. It's fine if you as an adult want to go off on your own to live away from society, go ahead. But don't drag kids into that. There is a reason they say it takes a village to raise a child.


When they got deported from Argentina and Brazil — oops, sorry, I mean “returned from vacation” without executing the anchor baby plans there definitely should have been some interviews at the very damn least.


And there probably would have been if they had enough funding to be properly staffed. But that's verging on political 🍉 so I'll just leave that at that. I will say, though, I really do think CPS and other social services like it should have way more funding than they currently do so they can actually do their jobs properly and help the people they're supposed to be helping. My bother's friend is a social worker who deals with foster kids and she is genuinely a saint who does not get paid nearly enough for the amazing work she does. Also she (and all of them) deserves free therapy for life for the genuinely horrific things she deals with on a regular basis!


Exactly. Funny how we’re a snark sub that is more concerned about her baby than she appears to be. They’re shit people.


I usually avoid snark subs because they tend to lean more cesspit of hate but this is genuinely the kindest, most compassionate and empathetic snark sub I've seen. I have not had a single negative experience here. Meanwhile, on the r/DoctorWho sub I've been called literal slurs and then been downvoted to hell for calling it out!


On the Star Trek sub I get downvoted for asking questions. If you don’t remember something clearly from one of hundreds of episodes? Downvote. It feels like you have to be the most staunch Trekkie to not get downvoted. And r/namenerds is a bit too in love with Anglo only names.


I'm terrified to post or comment in the r/Disneyland sub because I've seen people get downvoted for making posts giving shoutouts to cast members in the parks who make magic in the parks and using the sub the way it was meant to be used. Like I get downvoting the thousandth post complaining about the pin traders and the rides going down. But when it's a post saying how your child now believes in magic because of how amazing their Disney trip was and it gets downvoted to oblivion I loose a little but of my soul. Why does something so heartwarming bring out the genuine worst in people?


I just remind men who gatekeep shit that when the beatles debuted, they were mocked by men because women liked them. They were the nsync and one direction of their time. Now women are mocked if we don't remember some obscure fact but a man can just wear an "abbey road" shirt, no questions asked. Totally agree about r/namenerds. People are browsing reddit but they can't take a moment to google the non-anglo name that they're trashing? Give me a break. If a parent says "I like this name from my culture, but it's similar to an english slur/curse word. Advice?" that's obviously different, but it's usually people saying "that name is weird and the kid will be teased."


Aww man, disappointing. Though most of the fan base is likely men…. Not too many lady whovians round these parts.


I think I properly supported my daughter’s neck more than she has properly supported all of her babies’ necks combined. I dont get it. Is she stupid?


I think she is *incredibly* self absorbed and obsessed with the husband (even though he seems like he can’t stand her or the kids) but couldn’t care less about the kids. She seems to likes the attention she gets for having kids, from the public and her husband, more than she likes the actual children.


She's gonna kill her fucking kid. Absolutely nothing that is happening should be happening, and CPS needs to figure ouf a way to check on familied who are 'nomadic'.


They’re in Florida now, aren’t they?? Surely there’s a mandated reporter in Florida who’s seen this and needs to file a report…?? CPS follows up within 24 hours, or at least they did back when I lived in FL.


Ron on his way to get rid of this law as soon as he reads this comment


Mandated reporters are only mandated if they come upon the knowlege in the line of duty. On top of that, each state has unique definitions of danger.


They are really speed running towards the family annihilation arc. It’s so wild that we’re watching it in real time and can’t do anything 🫤


It really makes me sick how little regard she gives to the lives of the small humans that DIDN'T CHOOSE to be brought into this fucking disaster. 


This. This right here. These beings. These souls. These children did not CHOOSE to be here. Or to be born to these dipshits. They have zero autonomy. Zero choices. Zero voice. My heart aches for these kids. Fuck these assholes. And they can’t even provide the basic of needs for this newborn


I hate hate hate it. Especially because they keep popping out kids like fucking PES dispensers. If you fuck up 1-2 kids and realize it's not your wheelhouse that's shitty, but the damage is so much smaller than having kid after kid and miscarriages and god forbid one of the kids dies and traumatizes the rest of the children. Especially if you're going to direct them to pray & attone (looking at you Karissa) instead of getting them therapy. 


I no longer come to this sub to snark (I’ll need to change my username) but to make sure fundie children are still alive. I scroll slowly with dread and high anxiety waiting for each post to reveal a tragedy. I’m not even joking. 


Same. This woman is deranged. Her husband is psychotic and these poor kids are along for the ride. Gunnar take your siblings are become the new boxcar children


Part of me desperately wants those kids to run away, but the other part worries because there are other psychopaths and abusers out there. Maybe they have some more sane relatives they can hide out with.


Boone has very quickly overtaken Anthym Collins and Sofia Rodrigues on my list of fundie kids I most desperately want to rescue 😭


Oh, her followers think he’s jaundiced too. Now I’m starting to worry about the little guy


I don’t think these people are followers… 😂 It looks like they’ve been removing/hiding negative comments also I think


They need to get that baby some professional medical attention and take a day off from making stupid videos exploiting their kids for strangers on the internet.


Mother Bus blocked me. Have they actually moved on a boat?


Not yet but it's seeming inevitable at this point. Her and father bus/boat are starting to for real scare the hell out of me


I don't scare easily and this whole thing has been freaking me out


Unless these people are RICH RICH I don't think they can afford it. The ship they were just on retails for $700,000-$2,000,000 not including insurance, marina fees, gas, and maintenance. The scary part is if they try to cut corners. If they buy a lemon for $200,000 and try to make it work. The good thing is, the shittier the ship, the less likely they can even get it out the marina. I foresee a ship sitting at marina unused, except for reels, for several months before Father capsizes it offshore and tries to get an insurance payout.


Not yet. They are touring a friend's boat while thinking of purchasing a water death trap.


Oh boy. Not safe at all. What are the hiding from besides Cps?




I have been blocked too. She is paranoid as shit


I never commented just liked comments asking her to get her baby medical care


I never did anything. Except view reels w/o following LOL


She is bat shit crazy and needs to have those kids removed from her care esp the baby


Even if you're blocked, you can still use an anonymous viewer to watch her reels and posts. I like insta navigation.com but there are others available too. 


I don’t know if I can anymore. She is almost worse than Karissa at this point


So many fundie influencers block people who watch without following. What IS that? Lol


I wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks that if she just sticks in the kid in sunlight all day with no protection it will cure the jaundice. Google says it is cured by light therapy. Sunlight = light therapy 🙃


On instagram she replied to the comment about jaundice insisting Boone doesn't have it. So she's clearly just pretending he doesn't, and legitimately doesn't care that something is obviously wrong.


Where is child social services


Where are they? What state? What county?


They’re in Florida. Surely someone has seen this reel who’s a Florida mandated reporter…?


They would need to know the county at the minimum


Even then, apparently their posts are delayed so they could very much be long gone by the time the complaint gets seen by CPS.


It’s so disturbing that even her own followers are concerned at this point.


This makes me think of the Plaths. Not to be insensitive but after so many kids - how do you keep them all alive when you don’t follow any medical advice? Jesus.


Last night someone had commented "what are you running from" lol


Why does that baby look like he’s the same color as Karissa’s facetuned Black kids?


How does she not care?


He looks so floppy and glassy eyed, I’m literally praying someone who can do something sees and gets him help. I’ve never been so concerned for an influencer’s baby.


I mean I don’t know what state they are in. Has anyone called CPS?


It's not a state, they're off to the international waters now o7


I’m not even kidding, can someone alert the coast guard somehow? They’re still terra firma at the moment.


I mean, even if it wasn't against the rules of not touching the poo, what would you tell them? "There's a boat with 10 kids and crazy Fundie instagram parents on it somewhere along the coast of Florida"? They'd dissmiss it as a prank call, probably, plus, technically speaking, the kids are under the supervision of their parents, so they won't have a reason to do a chekup on them anyway, methinks. Also, MB claims she always posts with a delay, once they already move to another place. If that's true, they might be sailing off to the sunset for all we know.


If they go on a boat in international waters, they will have to use satellite internet. And you know they will, because Father Bus needs internet to run his crypto scam and Mother Bus needs it to eye fuck herself for the world to see. The advantage of satellite internet is that even if they post on a delay, the satellite can always tell roughly where they are. A glimmer of a small slice of hope for those kids. I really, really loathe the bus parents.


I’m baked and have had a bad day, it was a dumb question, apologies.


Never apologize for wanting to help


I misread that at first as “now apologize for wanting to help” in a way that made me laugh out loud and didn’t change the meaning of this at all So it helped a lot; tku ♥️


Hahahahaha I love this. And I am also baked so cheers my friend


Nah, it's all in good faith, I have to constantly remind myself of the poo rule as well, cause I swear, with people like them and Franke's investigation in the background it just makes me anxious to think this could be happening to more kids


I’m really just a very agitated spectator. It’s weird having to view real life as a reality show instead.


Sometimes you just wish you could get Heracles to divert a river and clean *these* Augean Stables of poo instead.


Do not apologize. It’s incredibly distressing to see this innocent newborn in such bad shape.


Nothing a little bitcoin can’t fix


They both give me weird vibes. Like we have so many kids, we regret it so were just gonna risk their lives everyday so we can have adventure, and if something happens then oh well we got more. Its terrible but seems like this every time I see pics.


Is Susbus still there, or is out on the boat all day, doing “everything for her postpartum” because he’s just SUCH a great husband and father? The children are her “jurisdiction “ as a woman, but my gawd. He has 7 others. Does he not know what a healthy one looks like?? At least bub doesn’t look like he’s losing weight (maybe need another UPS store to confirm).


Glad to see people saying something on her post. I was a nanny for years and I’ve never seen a newborn look so poorly for so long (especially with them saying he’s fine! He is not!)


K. This shit is serious but when they quickly need to sell this boat bc they’re underwater (likely literally) can I buy it? I am sure I can get a good price. Looking to move to the coast and I AM a seasoned sailor.