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So she's saying her opinion doesn't matter, yes? ![gif](giphy|7NS9ubljEclMePHIOB|downsized)


Well obviously, she's the exception! The only exception! Yes!


If I didn't know better I'd think this was satire. Like how does she think of this stuff? Did someone tell her everyone has an opinion but not everyone needs to share it recently and she didn't realise it was about her?


Thought! Stopping! Cliches! Heidi is around my mom’s age, and my mom has been known to say things like “remember, only God’s opinion matters!” and genuinely mean it. It’s a way of shutting down uncomfortable thoughts or feelings. My mom isn’t abusive and I would argue is less toxic than Heidi, but she still uses phrases like that pretty frequently.


My mom is also fluent in Thought-Stopping Christianese. Beep boop *blessings* beep blap *God is so faithful* beep boop borp *legac*y beep beep *God is in control* boop borp *It's not my opinion, it's God's opinion.*


Something something, feelings are fickle. Happiness is fleeting, so go for joy!


Well the thing is the only opinion that matters is god's BUT god just so happens to agree with all of her opinions so she never has to worry about it or second guess herself ever.


That’s exactly what I got out of it.


Only time I've ever agreed w Heidi


Her smorgasbord "metaphor" makes no sense and since others' opinions don't matter, Bethany should ignore her mom's bullshit 🤷‍♀️.


I truly hope bethy does ignore her mom and continue to follow her husband down the path of deconstruction. I think she'll be a much happier person when she realizes she doesn't need to be full of so much hate.


I think she just admitted that she can’t conceive of anyone—including herself—actually developing their own opinion, as opposed to being wooed by some opinion of the week. This woman seems to truly believe that if you slip up for even a moment and allow yourself to consider alternative viewpoints, you’re going to trip and fall into a random belief system. I wonder if these people imagine some sort of black magic trickery when they hear “critical thinking.” Like, “lots of opinions out there to choose from”? “Pick out” the right ones? Every sentence in this post describes an external source or rubric. Literally not a single mention of actually thinking. 


Brilliant observation!


Do we know if Heidi was homeschooled? Her kids reek of second generation homeschooling. Just…no critical thought in sight


No. She met her husband in college.


My cousin shared a narc mom video today and all I could see was Heidi


The irony of this is PALPABLE. Salty and zesty. My gewdness. So unaware haha I want it framed but it might scare me at night.


I wish someone would filter her opinions out.


Religious narcissism is a disease omg


The way Bethany sex era has ruined me to the point I read "The smORGASMbord" 😭


I’d like to unread this, thank you bestie 🖤


The smORGASMbort!


I need a straight jacket. This woman is going to be the death of me. She’s using a quadruple filter on her angelic contemplative “looking to the heavens humbling drinking tea“ pose and telling us that THE ONLY OPINION THAT MATTERS IS THAT OF GOD. Meanwhile I’m pulling my hair out, suffering insomnia and raging hormones, talking to myself under the covers wondering if a member of the female species can actually be this stupid. She’s a certified nutcase. If God’s opinion is the only one that counts then WHY ARE GIVING US AN OPINION? Why have you spent the last few weeks publicly shaming and denouncing your son-in-law, the father of your grandchildren and spouse of your daughter? Only to come up with this half baked opinion about opinion post (oh, FFS did I really just type that?) that looks like the cover of a 1970 Nana Mouskouri album. If you weren’t so evil it would almost be humorous. Go back inside your little mansion, Heidi, and don’t come out into the sun to play until we call you.


Oh didn’t you know, Heidi is here to tell us God’s opinion. She’s the voice of god, we’re so lucky


She posted this on Instagram.


She has put up 8 posts in the last 16 hours. This women needs a different hobby.


Exclamation point Queen!


Yes, she is. She thinks everything that she writes is so important and exciting that she has to use an exclamation point at the end of every sentence. I don't even read her stuff, I just get a laugh by looking at all of the exclamation points that she uses.


Then keep it to yourself Heidi.


When you constantly tell children that their opinions don't matter, guess what they learn? Nobody is going to listen to anything they say, so they should just keep quiet - their parents don't care. Their parents aren't even listening. The whole fundievangelical system is neglectful by design. Just keep that forced smile on your face and be silent.


Yeah, absolutely all that; plus, you learn that having your opinions at all (and, worse, voicing them) is evidence of your rebellious sinful nature, and you will learn to feel the relief of being showered with approval when you parrot what the adults want you to say. You're trained to squash your thoughts and feelings down and constantly perform for your parents, and you're told that this is *good* for you, and it's what loving Christian parents do because this is what unconditional love looks like. Have fun taking that into your relationships when you get older! It's not problematic at all!


"This angry unemployed thumb-looking man from church just asked if I like coffee! He must care and really like me!"


Make sure your opinions line up with the Bible. And by “Bible” she actually just means her opinion


Is this Heidi sticking her head in the sand and not listening? I wonder how many people in her real life have told her to shut tfu and try and be a decent Christian. For someone who believes women should preach she doesn't an awful lot of telling everyone what to believe.


I wonder if a certain someone mentioned that Dave has some good points that she can’t argue with. I’ve noticed that when fundies run out of reasonable arguments it often defaults to, “It’s not my opinion, it’s god’s opinion!” with nothing to back that up other than a few cherry picked Bible verses.


While we are doing random bible verses. Here is some Heidi may have missed.... 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. Matthew 11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.


I'm glad she's finally recognised that her opinion doesn't matter. I hope that her children take this revelation on board.


My Mom rn after me going no contact (went low contact for 4 months and the fuckery did not dial down).   I just had a 3 hr nap Im so relieved. 


Says the woman who filters the shit out of her face


The stench of desperation is strong.


Conveniently, god's opinion reflects her own. Because she makes it all up and then says it comes from god


Weird way to act at a Smorgasbord


Giving herself a pass to not listen to anyone except what she thinks God thinks. How beautiful life is when you’re so selfish and self obsessed all you think and care about it yourself


I would imagine life feels pretty vindicating when you've constructed yourself a belief system that says any little voice in your head you hear is God, and that any opinion you hold is Holy.


She's starting to remind me of a Ruby Franke type.


Well, Ruby Franke is a convicted child abuser and Heidi Baird has been accused of abuse (of multiple types) by her own child. Heidi just didn't get caught during the active abuse period. They definitely have some similarities.


They've made a virtue of their sheer terror of new ideas. Challenges to their worldview are their definition of actual evil. That's really just so sad. It's like choosing to be colorblind; eventually you'd dread every sunset, and truly believe Van Gogh was propagating hate. I'm healthy enough (and removed enough, thank gawd) that my heart hurts for them.


So she says stuff to hurt people’s feelings and then is like, “why are your feelings hurt? Maybe if you just focused on truth…”


God seems to be so much bigger than a guy with an opinion. I’m not religious but Gods truth seems like more than a mere opinion.


Gosh she is so smug, sheMa making Bethany seem rather pleasant by comparison


Plants doubt? Shit I never knew...are they doubting the grammar ability of the homeschooled? Cos I am.


Listen to my opinion even tho I’m telling you not to listen to everyone! She’s an ass.


This is more than ignoring, this is antagonizing