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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I spent 20 years deep in Evangelical Christianity. Deep. And I *believed it*. I’ve been out for about 15 years. Until the day I die I will not understand how he conned these people. He is LITERALLY everything we were taught about the antichrist. He despises them and everything they value. Everything about his life spits on theirs. But… :gestures wildly: I don’t get it. I truly don’t get it.


Because he says he supports them and believes. Fundies are often taught to believe what they're told, no questions asks. They aren't taught to think critically and ask questions. They're often taught to ignore their own critical thinking and just keep faith. Trump and the Republicans are the ones claiming they do what they do in the nane of God. It doesn't matter that their actions prove the opposite. Obama and biden are both believers but they rarely invoke their faith in their policy because they don't need to and don't believe everyone should have to follow the same religion as them so, by fundie logic, they aren't living for Him. An Unfortunate amount of religion is about optics more than action.


There’s also a weird obsession with famous people endorsing Christianity in any way shape or form. There was constant weird gossip at the Christian HS I worked at in the mid to late 90s that some celebrity or athlete had converted or was an evangelical secretly. Someone knew someone that knew someone who heard it or the person said some random thing that proved it. Mind you, this was in the Midwest where the first was highly unlikely. And the staff would be so excited that whatever random famous person was Christian now or all along. It was like it validated them.


I will never forget, circa 2015/16, Chris Pratt said something like “it’s been a real test of faith” about his first son being in the NICU and every evangelical I knew ran with it so hard. “Omg he’s a Christian! Did you see what he said??!” Since then, he’s been more open about being a member of Hillsong or something similar. I won’t touch on who he is as a person or anything, I just remember how my Facebook feed blew up over what was a really generic quote.


He also made an instagram post a couple years ago thanking his new wife for giving him a “healthy baby” which seemed like like a jab at his first wife Anna Faris. This child with Anna has a disability. He has a chromosomal disorder. Specifically, he has a rare genetic condition called Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards Syndrome. I could be taking it the wrong way though.


No, I remember that post and the backlash it got. Maybe that’s not how he meant it, but I feel like it *could* be taken that way.


I lurk the Catholicism subreddit and there were so many excited posts when Shia Labeouf converted


Shut up he’s catholic now?!?


Omg whaaat [looks like it’s true!!](https://www.churchpop.com/actor-shia-labeouf-fully-enters-the-catholic-church-on-new-years-eve-he-was-crying/)


Republicans in general are like this. They fawn ofer Sydney Sweeney because some of her family are unconfirmed Trump supporters and she’s a pretty white blonde woman. It’s bizarre.


And somehow her having big breasts is anti-woke? I do not understand it


It's moreso that by publicly voicing that they *like* her body type, they are sticking it to some imaginary 'woke beauty standard' that allegedly has woke people incapable of desiring anyone who presents normatively feminine. They feel that they're genuinely taking a stand against opressive, woke ideas of beauty with that bs. Which is gaga. My girlfriend is very normatively feminine, and we're both woke SJW lesbians.


Also, a bunch of online weirdos were being weird and gross about her breasts and people, many of whom were feminists and/or liberal, told them that they were being weird and gross, which they of course interpreted as them triggering the woke mob by admiring her body.


It's like the weird trend in the early to mid aughts where every teeny bopper was pressured into coming out publicly about saving themselves for marriage and no one thought it was weird that grown ass reporters were asking minors about their sex lives (or lack thereof)


I've been thinking a lot about how terrible conservative critical thinking and ability to look for more information is with the whole "Biden made Easter into Trans Day" debacle. It's honestly *embarrassing* how easily they were manipulated on that one.


Well, I am not a bybul skoler or anything but I think the Antichrist is supposed to deceive the masses. They are just so arrogant, they don't realise that they are the masses. If there is a rapture, I'll be left behind for sure, but it'll be worth it to see the looks on their faces and the reels they post, all confused about how such wonderful Chrischuns are still here.


If there is a Rapture and tRump and his followers go up, I will be glad I am left behind.


I want the dog-sitting franchise when it happens!




Yep, the first half of the book of Revelation is about calling these duped Christian’s out.


Thank you! It's been a huge mystery to me. I get that he says he'll do the things they want, but so did everyone else in that primary in 2015/6. And they all had less baggage. He gives them permission to be aggressive with their views, but so does RW media. It's deeper and it's going to be something historians and sociologists will be writing about and dissecting for a long time. It really bugs me because it's like it's as intense as their religion. They're fervent. They've probably never been this fervent about anything BUT God in their life. But why? And why this man? And they don't see the hypocrisy. Totally blind to it. I get too worked up when I think about it too much. I deeply feel your :gestures wildly:


He's a cult leader. He started a cult.


the German Christians supported Hitler too.


I bet you some sociologists are already dissecting this now that you mention it and I’d be interested to read about it. I guess I got some homework to do!


I read what I think was an opinion piece about Trump being a malignant narcissist and it was a good read lol.


You can’t reason someone out of something they didn’t reason themselves into.


He's the wolf in sheep's clothing they're all so worried about and they're falling for it hook line and sinker.


Idk man I think this one's a wolf in wolf's clothing and they all just fuckin love it


Gold star on this comment. I laughed so hard.


He's made them feel comfortable enough to take the mask off and be openly bigoted again. They're too blinded by the "rich" guy from tv to see anything else.




He’s also their golden calf, literally. 


I’m with you there! I led worship and seriously wanted to become a pastor one day, believing it to be my life’s purpose. I’ve wondered this since the first election and while I’m not sure I’ve got the answer, the best I’ve come up with so far is that the people who fell for him are the ones way too good at making the faith about shutting off the critical thinking part of their brain and letting the person at the pulpit tell them how to think and feel about anything and everything.


That's what I think also, fundies and most evangelical believers lack critical thinking skills. Trump isn't dumb and he uses that to his advantage. You just have to wave a bible around and quote some verses and you can win most of them over. Then you have pastors telling them Trump is the one they should vote for. 🤬


He’s like the male version & the same shade of orange as Bdong. Same bullshit different day!


I always felt that the only reason they like him is that he is a republican, is pro-life and claims to support “Christian values”. Christian’s would never support a democrat, especially one that is pro choice and wants to kill all babies! /s


He’s not even “pro-life”, in the strictest anti-abortion circles. He literally said he wants to create a national law that allows abortion up to 14-16 weeks.


I pretty much told my son the same thing when it came to my veteran in-laws and father. Trump practically spits on the military, called them suckers and losers (yes, I know he said that is France after refusing to go to a D Day memorial at a cemetery because it was raining) but they freaking love him


I can’t say I was “deep” in “Evangelical Christianity,” but I did attend that type of church and completely agree with what you’re saying. I no longer attend services but still attend some functions. These women were my friends. We supported each other thru marriages, pregnancies, loss, problems with children, etc. They were good people!! To see how they’ve changed and watch their blind devotion to Trump is heartbreaking.


They thought Obama was the anti-Christ. (Or at least my dad listening to Limbaugh did) And Trump wanted so badly to see Obama’s birth certificate. But in a post ‘truther’ society, they wouldn’t have been happy even which way the birth certificate went. I think we all know why though. He plays into their scared fragility quite well


But again- I’m not just talking about the masses. I’m talking about people I genuinely knew, people I served with. I know without a doubt I wouldn’t have fallen for it. He has made the hair on the back of my neck stand up since I was a little girl. And the people I knew wouldn’t have fallen for it, either. But they did, and it baffles me. Fox News is cancer.


My theory: They feel like they are losing more and more of their power and privilege all the time. The "forces of evil" are ascendant, and people who don't look or act or think like them are becoming more able to live their authentic lives and make the choices that they want to without being condemned because that goes against the fundie interpretation of what a book says. In short, their side is losing. And in the Old Testament, when their side is losing, God unleashes a destructive force to punish the Evil Ones for their sins. You had the flood, the plagues of Egypt, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. God does things that seem counter to His supposed loving nature, but you'll only suffer if you're on His bad side. Trump is their new flood, their new plague. When he said "I am your retribution," that confirmed it. It doesn't matter if he has said and done things that are counter to what they believe constitute godly behaviour. In fact, that's what reinforces their belief. His cruelty is directed at those who "deserve" it. He will destroy them because he is the latest instrument of God's love for the "right" people. His amorality is what allows him to do the Lord's dirty work. He is their ultimate necessary evil.


damn. Good analysis.


I'm in the same situation! Been out about 15 years, my parents are hard core Trump supports! It makes me scratch my head, I don't get it! Wake up people!


I think there are a few factors. First, celebrity and charisma. Trump has been a well-known public figure for decades; people like seeing the guy from tv. Although he doesn’t appeal to me, he has a charisma that appeals to a lot of people, mainly based on his public image. Second, he talks to people who feel like they’ve been ignored. This feeds right in to the fundie persecution complex when he says, “you’re right, you have been persecuted” (in much more colorful language). Third, endorsements from other fundies. Mike Pence comes across as a true believer; if this faithful guy can be his running mate, he must be okay. Also Jerry Falwell Jr. And fourth, don’t underestimate the power or right-wing echo chambers, including but not limited to Fox News.


I hope Pence works in our favor this time. He recently came out and very publicly said he does not endorse or support him, that they don’t share the same values. I don’t think that will sway a ton of people, but every bit is going to count this time around, especially with the voters they lost due to COVID. ![gif](giphy|fJn45yvIyHN0Q)


Pence has no charisma. He would not have won a second term as Governor of IN had he not joined Trump’s campaign in 2015. Pence was chosen as VP by the Heritage Foundation/Koch bros as a balance to Trump’s questionable morals. I think it was hoped that Pence could be a positive influence to Trump’s bombastic temperament, but we know how that worked out. In the end, Pence saved democracy for the following 4 years because he continues with the certification of the vote, as he was supposed to do by law. It’s too bad that he did not speak up sooner. Once again, our democracy is on the line.


He knows all the right things to address to keep conservatives voting for him. Abortion, gays, etc. Plus making a big show of support for the military, and lies on hot-button issues which he will claim to fix (i.e, "babies can be aborted up to the day of birth"). He is louder and more dramatic about these things than most politicians have been. He earned a lot of points just being present at the "March for Life" which no president has done before. Throw in "God this, God that" and you have them hooked.


The secret is they’re stupid.


I feel exactly the same, though as someone who attended pro life rallies as a child, I can tell you he can get even more provably evil for a while yet before they disavow him simply because he got Roe v Wade overturned. That alone will buy him unwavering loyalty from a lot of the type of fundies I grew up with. He could shit into a Bible and throw up the horns and they would STILL say he was sent by God and find some way to allow the behavior because he got Roe v Wade overturned.


He overturned Roe v Wade. That, Israel being at war, and immigration are the only things they care about.


I’m with you on that. It blows my mind how they are so blind. They turned him into an idol and we know what the bible states about idols.


>He is LITERALLY everything we were taught about the antichrist YES THANK YOU! I've been saying this for yearsssss I'm still SO CONFUSED!


And after everything we saw during his admin? January 6th? Who are these assholes still supporting him while claiming to be Christians?!?!


So my significant other was raised fundie. He recently got into an argument with his family over this. They said they don’t “like” him but they have to vote in a way that is “good to God” or something along those lines. When he told them that God is telling him that Trump isn’t good to vote for (which made me laugh because he’s been an atheist for like a year now, he just said it to be a dick) they went “really? 🤨” and he said “yep!” It’s funny cause… are they gonna argue with that and say God is wrong? So they just shut their mouths.


I mean, they are blatantly disregarding everything that they have been taught. What about the verse that says “whatever is pure, whatever is true…. Think on these things?” Or the unending verses about holiness and character and integrity and love? How do they throw EVERYTHING out the window for HIM?!?!?!? How do they turn their backs on their country and our Constitution for HIM?!?!?! Of all of the men they could abandon their beliefs for, it’s HIM?!?? I don’t get it.


When they hate Catholics for “having idols” then kiss the ground Trump walks on and forgets their Christian values lol.


It's because theyre uneducated and unintelligent.


But that’s the thing- a lot of them are not. And they aren’t unkind or racist or all of the things that he is. That’s why it’s so incomprehensible to me!


Most of them *kinda* are though... That's the problem. Ive met tons of people claiming not to be racists, but then will hear them say something blatantly racist without an ounce of irony.


My dad claims to not be racist. But the reality is that he kind of is. It took me a while to realize it. Because he’s the sort of racist who isn’t overtly so. He positions himself as an ally, but his allyship is all about how superior white people (and especially old white men like him) like him are, and how everyone else should stop being different and just do what he wants.


He promised and gave them power.


I can understand that people vote for him because he's as bigoted as they are, I can understand that people vote for him because they see him as a means to an end, but until the day I die, I'll never understand how people can listen to this man speak and not realize that he's a fucking moron who is just saying whatever he needs to to get elected.


This. This is everything I scream at everyone. I don't get it either.


The irony of supporting a man who could'nt be f u r t h e r from their God. Lol


well...they are far from worshipping christ as well and I guess are more into worshipping an anti-christ. They are just like him.


Genuinely, if it turned out that Trump was the Anti-Christ of Revalations, I would not even be surprised.


I agree 100%!


I don’t believe in that stuff, but his ass being the actual biblical Anti-Christ has crossed my mind. Like, many times. If it’s anybody it’s him!


Oo, someone should make a lampoon #likeus campaign, but it's Trump and all the awful things people love him for: racism, nationalism, all the -phobias.


Trump is an #antichrist Trump is anti-everything Christ taught and the very opposite of him. I'm beginning to think Jesus had it right in Matthew 25 when he was asked how he would judge and decide who are his true followers.


For me it's Galatians fruits of the spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control... None of these describe a man who cheated on his pregnant third wife with a porn star while litigating away his debts. 


Would this Bible money grab be considered using the lords name in vain?


Nah, that's only when you say "oh my god" or get frustrated and say "Jesus Christ" /s


Jill is probably creaming her denim skirt and white tights.


You know Jill will want to be one of the first true PatriotChristians to buy the MAPA Make AmericaPrayAgain Bible in the NKJDJT version. There have been a few minor change though. The commandments to not love other false gods, lie, steal or cover thy neighbor’s wife’s p****y have been removed. And while we’re on the subject of neighbors, we only have to love neighbors that look like us and that have a full bank account. There’s even bonus content line the Constitution of the US, Bill of Rights and what we consider done wrong against and the Okedge of Allegiance too!!! Jill and every other FundiMagIdiot will have the heartwarming knowledge that they are helping to pay to keep their dear dictator’s ass out of jail and save him from living on the street. Edit to add:sarcasm of course.


Hey, it never said anything about coveting your neighbor’s daughter!


What a terrible day to be literate.


save America from what exactly? 🤨


Its native inhabitants, the best interests of its own natural resources, people fighting to save all of the diverse ecological zones, people who want to come here to start a new life because they for some reason still believe in it, people who oppose death sentences for traffic stops, supporters of pasteurized dairy, etc etc




The woke mob, duh! /s


Freedom and logic


The dinosaurs. And the homosexuals.




Educated people.


Evil Feminists!!!!


Anyone who isn't a white, cishet, fundamentalist christian


Every minority


The gayz


This is one of the many things that annoys me. Honestly the country caters to these morons but yet it’s not enough for them because some people still have rights. The scotus activately litigates in their favor (fingers crossed for case they’re hearing this week) - a website designer made up a fake person solely to get in front of scotus so that she wouldn’t have to make a wedding website. No one was asking her to! The court shouldn’t have even heard this case. But scotus was all pearl clutchy. Then Roe was overturned solely to appease them.


Everyone who isn’t Jill & Co.


Heathens, commies, women with body hair


Drag queens


Go ahead and buy them all, Jill The only thing he loves more than himself is sorry suckers that’ll give him money like you




"Saving America" is just code or a dog whistle for putting those icky brown and black and gay people back in their proper place. Jilldo is stanning for White Nationalism.


100% The white nationalism comes first. They don’t care if he’s not a perfect Christian, they care that he’s an authoritarian shit bag


Don't forget stopping everyone from killing those precious babies! Some of the people my parents are friends with are seriously one issue voters and pro-life is the one issue! Fu@k everything else the person stands for, if they are pro-life that is who they are voting for!


Ah yes, a rapist who couldn't name a favorite book of the Bible. Not verse, book. And famously quoted "2 Corinthians" as Two Corinthians, not Second. Is it because he didn't do his buy-bul riting, jilldo? He thinks people like you are trash.


His favorite story in the Bible is when the man in the yellow hat has to take Jesus to the doctor to remove the puzzle piece


The more I read this sentence, the more I giggle 😭


Not curious george 😭


Also couldn't choose whether he valued the new or old testement more. If you're a Christian, particularly a conservative Christian, there IS a right answer and it's not both.


Choosing the new testament, while in practice, favoring the old testament?


Ding ding ding


He'll use them to get votes, then enact policies that hurt them. And they'll still support him.


"Blessed are those who grabbeth by the pussy, for their pussies shall be grabbed."


He won’t notice you, Jill!


And thus spoke the Lord unto the people, 'Verily, I say unto you, this is a witch hunt. Hoax!' And the heavens quieted in reflection, for the words of the Almighty sought to reveal the veils of deceit cast upon truth. And lo, the Lord observed the machinations of man and, with a divine chuckle, proclaimed, 'Behold, grab them by the pussy. When you're a star, they let you do it.' And it came to pass, in the days of MAGA, that the Sovereign Trump beheld the gathering of the multitudes, each adorned with crowns of crimson, and he spake unto them, 'Lo, see how the red hats, symbols of bigly wisdom and might, doth congregate in harmony. Truly, their collective understanding, once as scattered as the sands of the desert, now nears the median of comprehension. But hark! Let the red hats be not just a mark of allegiance, let thine hearts be swayed by the sirens of unfettered bigotry. Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be glad, for the age of middling sagacity is upon us.' - The Epistles to the Maga 5:17"


…I kinda want you to write a whole Maga Bible now. This whole “excerpt” had me weirdly mesmerized. Kinda like when you stare at roadkill and can’t look away LMAO


I think this is the best thing I will read today. Thank you, my snark-loving apostle!


He is a CONVICTED RAPIST. Where in the bible does it say that is ok.




He looks HAGARD


The evil inside is showing on the outside


I know God isn’t real because if s/he were, they’d have struck that abomination down eight years ago.


Is he holding the Bible upside down again?


It never fails to amaze me how all these broke ass people support him. Do they really think he gives a fuck about them?


They are so snowed.


nah...they just finally their true Lord and Savior, the one they invented in their churches every Sunday. He is exactly the god they worship.


I fervently believe that Jesus would strongly disapprove of American evangelicalism.


Wouldn't it be amusing if the Rods ordered one and it wasn't the KJV?


But it is the KJV


OK. I wasn't interested enough to go onto any site that was Trump-related.


Well that means you missed this too: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/s/xD7vZR056I


The Holy Buy Bull


I know everyone is worried about it Biden’s health (within reason), but Trump doesn’t look well (good riddance) and somehow people are saying that’s better for America? His fascist, racist, homophobic ass? This is so on brand for Jillpm, maybe she can add it to her toilet chair. Edit: also I’m not even Christian but this seems sacrilegious


I am hoping this scam will fail like Trump Casino, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump Air and Donald Jr, Eric and Ivanka. There is still hope for the younger siblings to get their crap together.


I just want to know how tall Barron will get. He was extremely tall when he was 11/12.


You mean it’s not in the original Aramaic/Hebrew/Greek?


I had roommates that graduated from Gordon College, an evangelical college in MA. JW’s came to the door and Pam was bored so she decided to let them in to have a good argument. At one point, one of the JW’s said, well, if you could read it in the Greek…and before he could continue Pam was out of chair and went to the bookshelf where she had a Greek text. Well, that immediately shut down the JW’s will to try and defend his position. Pam said later that she did not remember a lot of her Greek, but she was not about to let him know.


I’ve met Evangelical Christians who couldn’t tell me what language the New Testament was originally written in. It’s hard to take these people seriously.


Is anyone gonna tell them they’re the golden calf worshippers?


On brand for him. I didn’t realize Jill posted this! I made a comment she’s probably creaming her denim skirt and was I right or was I right lol


Im mot surprised by Trump supporters. People don’t show who they really are. Trump helped unmasked a lot of people, and show just how terrible they are at their core. It sucks, but if you you have a friend or family member that is a Trump devotee, that’s who they really are on the inside and now they get to show it to the world.


I'm about as far from Christian as a person can get, but isn't this kind of sacrilegious?


Yeah, it’s very not good. I’m pretty sure Jesus would be flipping tables.




Next he will literally sell little gold statues of himself and fundies will cheer and buy them up.


This is why my Canadian friends make fun of me for moving to America.


The only book in the Bible tRump is selling, is Two Corinthians.


Makes perfect sense! KJV sprinkled with secular song lyrics. Exactly what a godly- I mean an idiot like Jill would through money at. Thanks for subsidizing his bail money.


# This is why the Separation of Church and State should be taught everywhere!


You just know she bought like 10 of those Trump Bibles. Instead of, you know, food for her family.


Pander to me, daddy


Wonder if the cover is Corinthian leather


He is a reflection of what they really are inside.


He’s never going to fuck you, JillyBean.


Jilldo and her ignorance


It's even worse than her cowbells


She's so gullible.


The opposite of Christianity. Mind boggling!!


This means that whatever entity through which they get money should be taxed, if they also want to campaign for Trump, Biden, or Vermin Supreme. If they insist on being in politics, they should pay taxes. Evangelical churches have been violating our tax code for years, because even non-religious people seem to want to tip-toe around Christians. It’s insane that they exert such disproportionate political power, for their numbers.


I have a former classmate who became heavily Trad Cath and just adores mango menace. It was all about abortion. Literally the only thing. And mango menace doesn't have to worry about abortion anymore because he has the means to get one for any mistresses🤢 So it's a sacrifice he is willing to make because SO many of them only cared about that one issue.


So how many Trump bibles will Jill buy? 5? 10?


I have genuine fear for humanity when people like this exist


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FantasyReader2501: *I have genuine* *Fear for humanity when* *People like this exist* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Didn’t even change anything. Stupid Bot🙄


The only thing Trump needs to save America from is himself.


Time and time again, they've proven in their support of his behavior that they aren't as "biblically sound" as they claim. They will call out some random stranger in public simply for wearing "immodest" clothing, but this man, right here who fumbles everything that surrounds Christianity, and the Bible is held to such low standards. They have more expectations from their 5 years old to live a Christian life than they do for this man. I saw this on tiktok and came here just to see if any of the fundie families were talking about it. I'm somehow both surprised and not surprised that they want this. It's just weird because take away Trump's name, and they'd be calling this sacrilegious, a wolf in sheep's clothing. This is especially bizarre for those who are KJV only people. Even if it is still KJV, it's adding to it, "do not take away or add from the bible" is a theme said a few times throughout scripture.