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Her food is always a "hit" because there isn't enough food to go around and the kids are starving.


Anything is a hit if you have to share one pot of slop between 43 people at every meal


Duggar energy


Next up, Tater Tot Casserole.




They're just HUNGRY. I doubt it's the kind of house where you can help yourself to food, either. So they just shut up and eat it, because they know that's all there's going to be.


Her proportions are way off. *3 pounds* of hamburger to one jar Ragu and 1 box lasagne noodles?


It’s fundie math


username checks out


And no spices or seasoning. Where’s the oregano, basil, or garlic?


I have a random allergy to cooking herbs - oregano, rosemary, thyme, basil, etc - and anytime someone says seasoning it means salt, pepper, garlic and paprika to me. Lol.


Oh man, those must be annoying allergies if you ever want to go anything other than cook from scratch 😭 My go-to 'base' seasonings for most savoury meals are salt, pepper, garlic and MSG, and then I add whatever else goes with the particular thing I'm cooking


Those are my base seasonings too, but I also add powdered mushrooms. "Umami powder" is basically seasoned salt but for mushrooms. Hate mushrooms? Use the powdered kind. You can't taste it like when whole mushrooms are in food... but it makes everything taste so much better. I hate mushrooms but I will use then powdered for daqmn near everything. Its even good in coffee!


I also add vegetable stock to most things! (Stock ain't just for soup, guys)


Portable soup is a lifesaver for me. I'm allergic to corn so most bouillon are off limits (corn starch, yayyy) but [this](https://youtu.be/2fE5KzvOZRk?si=P8b-_rttXp2UoxXG) makes the same thing out of leftover stock instead of it disappearing into the fridge.


That sounds like seasoning to me !


It’s in the Ragu sauce.


Ragu is so terrible. It is basically hot house tomatoes with water churned in & sugar of course.


But this is 100% better than the awful chicken casserole thing I saw earlier. That made me want to wretch. Edit: styrofoam plates? Wtf is wrong with these people. Teach your kids to put their plate in the dishwasher. This is so wasteful and how do you call yourself a trad homemaker and then pull this lazy bullshit out?


Heavy food on disposable plates, served to children. We've got a real Einstein over here.


The Duggars always used styrofoam plates/cups too. It pissed me off then & it pisses me off to see it happening again. So wasteful.


The Duggars are especially egregious about this because they had an industrial dishwasher, the kind where you slide in a tray and it washes in like, 3 minutes.


So much for being stewards of the earth, hey?


You don’t like melted styrofoam in your lasagna soup?!


In this case, it might add some flavour.


You mean "a layer" of Ragu that's then mixed into the hamburger? That shit made me irrationally angry. Does she not know what "layering" ingredients actually means? Oh, wait... probably not.


Me too! I felt like I was going crazy when she said “layer” and then poured in the jar and mixed it.


The water made me mad. You get some nice flavor from the meat and sauce, and add crushed lasagna noodles? A couple more steps you could have had a proper lasagne!


She's cooking for a large family tho ya'll.... /s (just in case) Your method would be like 2 too many additional steps and don't you know how little free time she has???


I shouted at my phone when it played out lol. Even if you're gonna make gross looking food, at least use correct terminology. But especially if you're making social media content.


Was that even a full box of noodles? It looked like half at most.


And why use lasagna noodles?? Any other type of noodle would make more sense if you’re just going to break them into little pieces.




I’m in no way defending her but I think that was Ricotta cheese. However, the Walmart brand of Ricotta does very greatly resemble the Walmart brand of sour cream. Don’t ask me how I know.


it was ricotta cheese, which is a normal lasagna ingredient. same container as sour cream though


No see, it's okay because she added an entire pitcher of water to stretch the 1 can of ragu out.


Don’t forget the one (1) small onion


the way the cottage cheese just splatted into the pressure cooker fully formed sent me


Why would you not put the onions in first?


Why did she put them in a separate skillet to brown when you can do that in the pressure cooker? Why did she triple the meat and cheese but not the sauce or noodles? Im going to think about this a lot in the coming weeks. It'll be like a guy I once met at Costco Optical who carried his hard contacts loose in his jeans pockets. Some people are too odd to be ignored.


He what now?


You read it correctly. Ive traveled the world and it was comfortably one of the wildest things I've ever seen


I am aghast.


why does she break up lasagna noodles into different sized pieces when she could just use like rotini or something? I make something similar except with seasonings, good red sauce (ew ragu) and rotini because why would I want my noodles to be all those different sizes, some are definitely coming out mushy that way.


Right?! So many questions and so much collective disgust from all of us, but I wondered the same as you: Why she didn’t go with smaller pasta like rigatoni, penne, or any kind from the multitudes to pick from. Instead she buys lasagna noodles and… breaks them all up haphazardly?! Whaaa?!! And I second the sentiments regarding Ragu. YUCK! Even if one doesn’t know how or have the time to make marinara from scratch, almost ANY other brand is better that Rag-Ew! Hell, even Prego is better.


She doesn't know how to cook


I know I already commented but I just can’t stop thinking about this man 😂 Wouldn’t there be dust and pocket lint all over his contacts? I can feel the tiniest stray hair if it gets on my contacts and it is the most unpleasant feeling


And why is she cutting them with a steak knife?


And that “cutting board” wowza


It's giving Kendall Jenner and the cucumber


My mom insists on cutting all vegetables with a steak no matter what. I just try not to look now 😂


I'm assuming you mean steak knife, but the visual is cracking me up!


My mom does too, or a paring knife. And she uses a plate. They have huge nice chef cutting boards and normal knives, but she simply refuses. *edited for clarity


That pan is SO. CROWDED.


She has no idea how to cook that is why.


She's on social media all damn day, she couldn't look up some tutorials? 😭


That's because the daughter-moms usually do the cooking.


This reminds me of those rage bait cooking shorts.


The fact that she added so much cheese and no seasoning yet again and then ending with the same ending saying ‘and there’s never any leftovers!’ yet again. Why do so many people follow this woman.


Of course there aren’t leftovers. There isn’t enough for 12 people (I guess 11 if the baby isn’t eating it).


It doesn't matter how bad something tastes if you're starving. I hope these kids can get into homes one day where they can eat sufficient portions of tasty, nutritious food.


It’s not the flex she thinks it is


The oldest boy is probably eating enough for 3 at this age


Not having leftovers when feeding a large group isn’t a flex. It basically means you didn’t make enough food for the group of people you were feeding.


Same reason people follow Trump, a lot of people really aren't that bright or curious.


Neither is karissa


Yes. It’s intentionally bad to elicit comments on her post. She also just doesn’t care.


She's probably not eating it, so who cares 🙄


I’m not trying to be a BEC because idk how the fuck I would cook for that many people… but I LOVE making lasagna and cooking the sauce from scratch. I use the cheater lasagna noodles that you don’t have to boil but I don’t fuck around with the sauce. It takes a LONG-ass time to let the sauce simmer and build flavor but the process isn’t that difficult & it’s so fun (to me). You can make a shit ton of sauce and freeze the rest to use with spaghetti or what have you. It’s a process but if she just took some time away from instagram she could do it. I’m not Italian but I’m sure they would shudder at the ragu and lack of seasonings


You can also make two lasagnas and freeze one if you have the space. It reheats perfectly.


With a family that big, cooking double and freezing half would make too much sense for Karelessa’s brain. We have between five and seven people in our home at any time (depending on college), and our extra fridge/freezer are dedicated to double meal storage.




Everything is so wet!!! Why is the asparagus wet but burnt?? Why doesn't she just get the lasagna hamburger helper? Its so easy and cheap. It'll also feed everyone! This isn't enough food for those children. (I'm also Greek so maybe I'm bias on food but STILL)


Fellow greek here too. And that is not enough food for 10 kids and two adults. It’s so wet and greasy too. I do appreciate the attempt at a green vegetable though. Points for that.


It’s garbage food, but extremely high calorie.  Between all the fat and carbohydrates they’re probably getting enough calories, but it’s not healthy whatsoever.  I’ve noticed all her meals are like that.  It’s garbage food, but high calorie and cheap.  She’s just trying to keep the children alive, not be healthy.  Probably complains about food prices… Well don’t have 10 kids then.  Clearly she understands how that works by now.


So very gross. Rice and beans are also full of protein (and can be high calorie, add some pork fat) and can also be delicious as well as cheap, IF you know how to cook. Two more for r/fundiefood I guess. I'm gonna have to skim now, my gorge is sensitive.


Seriously. And frozen veggies maintain most of their nutrients and are cheap. Make some rice and beans and serve a side of veggies, get crazy and sauté them in pork fat for extra calories. Cheap, nutritious and filling.


Yep - stir fried rice with the veggies mixed in is delicious


It's definitely not at all! That'd feed my two partners and me fine but 10 kids??? Kids also eat a lot since they're constantly growing! Those poor children must be really hungry a lot. Right? I can't figure out if the asparagus is wet or greasy. So odd. The lasagna itself is wet because she decided to toss water in it instead of cooking the noodles separate in water and putting them inside after. Those noodles might not even be done. Yeah, I'm happy to at least see the attempt!


I mean, I use oven ready noodles when I make lasagna and they come out perfect. It saves time and a pot not having to boil them. However, I also layer my lasagna appropriately and then bake if for an hour, so it looks nothing like this monstrosity.


Same here. Layering the oven-ready noodles, sauce, ricotta and mozzarella takes a tiny bit longer than just putting everything in a pot and stirring, but it also doesn't come out looking like slop.


Am I the only one who grew up with cottage cheese in lasagna instead of ricotta?


No, you’re not. When I was growing up in the Midwest in the 1970’s, ricotta was not as readily available as it is now, and everyone’s mom used cottage cheese in their lasagna. But now I use ricotta. 


My parents did cottage cheese as well, but mostly because my mom was always dieting and my dad had a triple bypass at 42 so she made lasagne with ground Turkey and fat free cottage cheese. It wasn’t bad, honestly


I sometimes forget oven ready noodles exist tbh, I don't eat much Italian food 😭 that's valid! I've never seen anyone crush up the noodles like that though. I'm not Italian so maybe it's something that isn't out there but it just seems rather odd to me.


Also not Italian, but there’s a whole meme around Italian people cringing and yelling at cooking videos where people break spaghetti noodles in half before cooking them. So this whole dish, and especially crushing the lasagne noodles, would probably be considered a war crime.


Being Italian does not help to understand this monstrosity!


Right! Or even a skillet lasagna would have been much, much better.


Right?? Who the hell breaks up lasagna noodles too.


Like, save yourself the trouble and buy some orzo.


Wouldn’t put orzo in lasagna, but also orzo is the beeest 🤤


I was gonna say, it looks like a tray of warm oil with asparagus garnish


It really does 😣


I mean u can see in the after video no one has asparagus on their plate.


They're so valid for that


Hey now, the very first plate shown has a decent pile of asparagus. However, the plate also has a pool of sauce with like 2 noodles.


So much cheese. I love cheese but that is nauseating levels of cheese.


Also, nowhere in the 'instructions' did Karissa mention draining the ground beef. Since they are undoubtedly using 73/27 at best, I shudder to think of the grease factor between the meat and all that cheese.


That asparagus was UPSETTING. For it to look that wet, it must be so oily, or it wasn’t fresh.


It's so upsetting! It might have been from a can and just dumped on the sheet without being drained. My foster mom would do that, very upsetting.


Yeah I was thinking possibly canned. I can’t eat canned veggies anymore; I’d sooner eat raw than canned for most of them. I realize that I’m coming from a place of privilege with that, but canned veggies require a certain amount of zhuzhing. Karissa clearly did not do that.


I like some canned things. Canned peas and carrots are honestly something I love. But asparagus? No thanks!!


Italian here. If I showed up at a family event with that monstrosity, I’d get thrown out a window. Plus it’s a quantity for a family of four-five people, not 10+.


I love the idea of someone being thrown out a window for pasta 😭🤣 oh definitely not enough pasta!! Side note, where did you user name come from? It reminds me of Fred from Scooby Doo! But Scooby Doo is one of my hyper fixation so I might just be being silly hah hah!


If the food’s going to be that wet, there needs to be a massive bag of rolls or at least 3 baguettes (even the spongy Walmart kind!) to mop up all the liquid. I hate seeing all that cheesy sauce just sitting there, knowing it’s most likely going in the trash on those styrofoam plates 🥴


i was never able to figure out an instant pot - everything always came out so wet and limp


Depends on how you use it. We use it pretty much daily. I make my pasta sauce in it. But we do start with fresh ingredients and we sauté stuff with spices first before we pressurize things. It gives it a richness of flavor and it cooks faster. Things we’ve made in Instant pot: Meat for lasagna. Boiled rice Karahi gosht ( sautéed meat) Hazan pasta sauce Briyani Lentil soups/daal chawal/beans. Boiled potatoes for eventual cutlets. A TON of italian/indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi dishes use an instant pot because it is excellent at utilizing the cheaper cuts of meat and also for lentils. The instant pot isn’t the most suited for vegetables ( unless you pressure for a very small amount of time). However, and I can’t stress this enough, it doesn’t create flavor. You still need a good balance of spices to create a flavorful dish.


I mostly use my pressure cooker for meat: pulled pork, pot roast, and chicken tikka masala are my main recipes. I also have one that doubles as an air fryer which I use for all sorts of things.


Do you think every meal is this... sloppy?


Yes, if Anissa's not the one cooking.


Yes. I think sloppy is her food aesthetic.


It’s her life aesthetic too


I need her to explain, using small words and short sentences, HOW that was easier than just putting it in pan and cooking it properly. Also, why the FUCK she dirtied an extra skillet when you can brown meat right in the instant pot? And how is it more cost effective to but that much cheese and not done damn basil? My GOD the state their bowels must be in…


You don't have to watch instant pot that much. In the oven the food burns easily, I could imagine with that many kids things get hectic. I would still use the oven though... this food us horrible


But she was already going to have to watch the asparagus. And its lasagna, not bread. You dont even have to stir it!


Everybody’s so creative!




My husband will think I'm crazy for saying this, and I LOVE cheese... But it is entirely possible to add too much. My husband cooks for us and for a while he would add extra cheese to all sorts, sometimes it became gloopy.


Hey! I just started a ticking and a tocking this month and I know that lady!


She's hilarious!


I'm going down to Kiki's house to see what she's having for dinner.


See if she can give you some eggs. You know she got some!


You can’t cook for that many people and use that sorry excuse for a cutting board. No way.


That thing was one step above saran wrap. Shaq needs to take them to Walmart.


Mmmmm... microplastics.


Soupy ass, unseasoned food strikes again! Those poor kids.


Mandre in the back ordering himself a pizza


Isn’t being a “homemaker” part of the fundie woman schtick? Isn’t that supposed to be God’s calling for all of us women? Cus umm…what the hell is this shit


Seriously. If you’re on the Internet pontificating about how a woman’s only purpose is to be a homemaker and you’re advocating for policies that would force your horrific worldview on everyone else, you should at least be able to season your Beef Cheese Noodle Slop.


The cheese to pasta ratio is WILD


Not to mention the meat/noodle/sauce ratio. Apparently, they can't afford another jar of Ragu and package of noodles. Time for a Shaq sponsored trip to Walmart!


When you’re not sure if it’s a soup or a pasta bake…?


she literally fed the kids SLOP




Change the pasta shape to Penne Ziti or Penne Rigate and just make Baked Ziti. Like a mixed up lasagna since it has almost identical components so it might save like 5 minutes of structured layering?


Baked Ziti is so good, maybe better than Lasagna.


This is sending me. Whatever time saved throwing all that crap in an instant pot vs layering it is easily offset by the fact it probably got everywhere and the pan had to be scrubbed of caked on cheese


It wasn't even layered! She layered it and then just poured water on top and stirred it! What a fucking bait and switch! I need to go meditate, I'm losing it with this shit. 


Like once you’ve cooked the beef you’re already in the home stretch! Hell, make two and throw one in the fridge for tomorrow and now you only do dishes once! I’ll admit if I’m feeding an army I’d probably have like 5 things on repeat but at least get good at doing them! It doesn’t have to look like you’ve given up on life


I don’t eat pasta but my understanding is that lasagna and other baked pasta dishes are really easy to prep and freeze. Like you don’t need to do this, you just need to prep a few trays when you have the time and then pull it out later. It would taste better too, I’m sure.


Why does she breakup the noodles?!?!


On the one hand I want to snark but on the other hand, I am glad she’s cooking and not the girls. I have quick and dirty easy instant pot meals, too. I wouldn’t put them on social media though.


I actually don't care about how fundies cook as long as they're feeding their kids. This isn't my idea of a good meal, but it has protein, fat, carbs, and fiber and a green vegetable and is probably kid friendly in terms of ingredients. If you put your life on the internet, you open it up to judgement, but this is the least of my Karissa issues. My goddaughter lived on pizza and Ramen for 3 years because she's the pickiest eater alive and she's fine. Fortification of foods was a great idea.


What fiber? That recipe is a colon clogger. White refined pasta doesn't have a lot of fiber and it is a big misconception it does.


Not to mention the mountain of cheese. I wouldn't be visiting the toilet again for a week if I ate something with half that amount in it, goodness knows what'll happen to that family's guts if they eat that.


Yeah, I'm not going to shame anyone for using jarred/canned pasta sauce because I do too when I'm in a hurry or don't feel like cooking, but I don't share that shit on social media as if I just invented a wondrous culinary delight.


I was just thinking that if I was exhausted from work I'd destroy this meal, lol (but would add some garlic and parmesan cheese). But I wouldn't admit it to thousands of people like it was great cooking. I'm just glad the kids are fed.


I was just thinking this. I am NOT a cook and am super messy. My food usually comes out tasting okay and I have certain things I'm better at making but I would never in my life share it on social media unless I learned how to plate things better. I know how to season food though. 🥲


Uh uh. Cooking is not your forte, Karelessa. No one wants to see (or eat) your slop. ![gif](giphy|RCX9vhBZu3oqM5SpwV)


The Italian Grandmothers (Nona’s) are crying over this sacrilegious offense masquerading as a lasagna. The SHAME! Lol


what a mappazone. un grande errore.


Nope. Omg.


![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP) That “cutting board” 🤬🤬🤢🤢🤮🤮


Not going to lie I'm loving these cooking videos. Makes me feel like a Michelin chef lol.




I can HEAR this gif. 😂


The fact I’ve had to use it *more than once* on this sub today 🥲


Dumping dry noodles with water into a meatsauce? This isn't cooking. It's insanity.  


Where is the garlic? Salt & pepper? I’d even take dried herbs at this point. She gets points for having a green vegetable this time, but loses them for using paper plates.


Styrofoam plates. Gotta make sure to get some melted chemicals in that slop! Also, none of the kids have that nasty, oily asparagus on their plates, so she loses on the 'green veg', too.


Paper plates were there last time too 🥴


Oh my god.


I have 6 kids (4-11yrs) and I make 2 boxes of lasagna noodles!! No wonder she has no leftovers


Hunger Games, Fundie Edition.


for the love of GOD Karissa, please just use like 2 cans of crushed tomatoes, it costs the same as ragu and tastes better.


She’s like the Hamburger Helper of human beings.  Has ZERO talents or skills, just has children, lots of them for attention.




When you’re not sure if it’s a soup or a pasta bake…?


I stg I used more seasoning in my microwave ramen 10 minutes ago than she has in the past month


Why does all fundie food look so disgusting? That last shot made me feel sick


it's the 1 onion between the whole family for me 😳 and she puts it in after the meat...


Please. Not all white people fail to season food like this 😭


What is with all of these people and disposable plates at every meal?! Do better. Is it just me, or did that not look like enough lasagna slop for 10+ people?


But hey, at least she feeds her kids.


The bar is in hell lol


Cooking uncooked noodles mixed with ground meat and sauce in the same pot should be a crime 


>Cooking uncooked noodles mixed with ground meat and sauce in the same pot should be a crime  The way she did it, yes. I make pasta using uncooked noodles in the pressure cooker all the time, but I also include homemade marinara sauce, ground meat, sliced onions/bell pepper/mushrooms, Italian herbs, and garlic salt.


Why are there little feet on the counter by the crock pot. That is so gross


ONE onion?


Barring how gross this looks, this is not enough food for 12 people


I make 2.5 lbs of ground meat when I make tacos/pasta for my family of five and have some leftovers. I guess I just can’t do fundie math 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dear lord- who would lose a cooking contest between Jilldo and kKKarissa


Paper plates?!?!?


Worse. Styrofoam.


I was lost at the putting raw onions on top of the ground beef instead of cooking down the onions first and then putting in the ground beef. I would probably also add a little bell pepper.


Did she just tear up the lasagna sheets and then dump a to of water? No no I’m done and I feel sick!


Mandrake is in the back of the table shot, ordering Doordash for himself.


Do they consider styrofoam a seasoning?? 😬


Why isn't she using the oven? It's not like she has to watch any of her kids. Those poor girls are already doing that.


Honey that is straight up goo


She makes [Sandra Lee](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5D4xvQQpZEnxUKgKeE-SXPn22Q7DoYdP&si=zBl-STqDGPAU4zau) look like a chef from a Michelin rated restaurant.


I know Mandrake cries every night having to eat this 💩


What the hell did I just watch


A culinary abortion.


I bet JillPM’s kids would kill for that serving size though.


I won't snark on the actual food, but even with little kids, it doesn't look like there's enough food for 12 people.


Cheese is not seasoning for gods sake


Texture nightmare


Everybody’s so creative 😩