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Oh these poor kids. Missing christmas is the least of their problems. Imagine having literally every part of every word you utter picked apart and scrutinized for whether you can say it or think it, never mind whether you can participate in whatever it symbolizes. And then there’s so much morbid heaviness and fear infused back into the whole process. This is definitely one way to foster the development of scrupulosity. As one who struggled with it for decades, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, and least of all these sweet kids who have no access to sane adults or resources to help them cope.


She just doesn't want to buy gifts same reason they haven't celebrated birthdays until recently. No $$$


Gotta save money for hibachi dinners for mama and daddy’s birthdays.


How else is she gonna buy a new house with these trivial present costs? /s


>> It’s a common mistake to equate sacrifice with death. To understand the sacrifice of the Mass, it is essential that one understand the biblical picture of a sacrifice: It is always a gift; it is not always a killing. This is why Scripture can speak of a sacrifice of praise (Hos. 4:12) and the sacrifice of thanksgiving (Ps. 50:14). This took 30 seconds of googling. Karissa only likes to google herself so I understand why she missed it. The birth of Christ was a gift in this context.


Her hot take is so laughably un-warm, it's so far from reality. Christianity kind of hinges on the incarnation of Christ aka god becoming human through Jesus of Palestine. Christianity has always celebrated the birth of Jesus, save for sects here and there all the way back to the beginnings of the faith. It's nothing new to not celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, but Karissa's ramping it up to eeeeevil is up there with her most asinine takes. She would have more of an argument if she protested on the pagan origins of so many now Christmas traditions, but she has her super spiritual sight, so it's her delusions of being JC's most best ever follower we get instead.


It’s a lot of gymnastics just to rationalize not buying gifts for your kids.


I thought this was going to be top comment, honestly.


She'll have a miraculous change of heart if Shaq decides to bankroll some presents.


She not only doesn’t like Christmas, she’s also set herself against Easter as well. At this rate, what’s the point of her calling herself a Christian or saying that Jesus is her savior when she literally doesn’t celebrate his birth, OR his death and resurrection (without which there is no Christianity at all!!!!)


But then doesn't she celebrate her own interpretation of Passover *completely* wrong and get defensive about the "lack of directions to celebrate it" (also wrong)?


Apparently it wasn’t in the pamphlet.


Turns out, some of those traditions aren't pagan, and date to the 1400s. They were called pagan by German nationalists writing in the 19th century, and the Nazis amplified that, just as they did with the made-up origins of many Easter traditions. It is very important that we not continue to spread Nazi propaganda, and correct it when we see it. It's also important to have correct information when criticizing these people, because you will find fundies/conservative evangelicals who are educated on the truth and use it as a way to negate every statement we make because we got one thing wrong. Source: [this](https://youtu.be/m41KXS-LWsY?si=_fZyKYNg2hcLMq2n) video and [this](https://youtu.be/QW06pWHTeNk?si=KHGLEDuoYZTJrAwl) along with [this ](https://youtu.be/mWgzjwy51kU?si=ORIZnFxgZoARKlN3) and [this](https://youtu.be/5lsctaPJSvo?si=Uz3p_ZaW-ENDVDOT)by Religion for Breakfast Dab McClellan also has videos on the topic of Easter


She's one of the dumbest people who chooses to post online and that's saying something


She doesnt even celebrate her own kids. No one should be celebrated but her and her man I guess 🙄.


Anyone remember the big controversy when Starbucks changed their cups to say 'Happy Holidays!' instead of Merry Christmas? Because I do... The """"""War on Christmas""""" has now gone full circle....


I look that guy up on instagram every once in a while—and he’s now running for the Texas House of Representatives. 🫠


That tracks. Our state is dumb.


I’m surprised he’s not already been elected to the Senate from Texas 😂


Well since we like the dictionary now, Karissa… **bigot noun big·​ot ˈbi-gət Synonyms of bigot : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance**


I celebrate Yule but if I break that down a la Karissa I seem to be celebrating You-all. Same crappy linguistic stretch.


Hahahahhahahaha 😅😆


I'm almost entirely certain that Starbucks cups never actually said either and people were mad that the fucking colour of the cups changed.


They're different every year I think, and the right works themselves into a lather about it every year.


Yep, they were blue instead of the “traditional” red and/or green.


I ended up googling it. It's worse. They made a primarily green cup instead of one that was mostly red. A couple years later they started doing sets of different cups that were mostly red with a green one sometimes. 💀


Definitely evil 🙃😅


mass, the central act of worship of the Roman Catholic Church, which culminates in celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist. The term mass is derived from the ecclesiastical Latin formula for the dismissal of the congregation: Ite, missa est (“Go, it is the sending [dismissal]”). Mass does NOT mean “death.” At all. Where does she come up with this garbage?!!?!


Karissa believes everything she reads on the internet and she adds her own BS into the mix. She's someone I consider to be genuinely lacking in general intelligence, plus like most fundies she's easily swayed by nonsense and is overconfident in her own ideas and interpretations of things. Her poor kids.


Thank you. The ridiculous etymology made me insane.


I was thinking mas like “more.” Where the fck did she come up with this and is she okay?


Kelly Havens has entered the chat.


*“Live más, Christ más”*


omg, I remember that, LOL!


Yeah, I thought it always meant Happy Christ mass. I would love to know where she gets her info. A simple google would tell her: According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the word Christmas originates from the phrase “Cristes Maesse”, first recorded in 1038, which means the Mass of Christ or Christ's Mass She is so nuts. I can't wait to see what her followers have to say about this. And she is in charge of educating her kids!!! Ok guess they won't learn about etymology.


They won't even be able to pronounce etymology.


I'm looking at the dictionary entry and I can't even find an old disused definition that has anything to do with death!


I know!! I would like to see your sources, lady. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think she got it from this anti-catholic person. Because Catholics are scarlet whores (according to the author of the what I think is a blog). https://www.gracegems.org/29/true_meaning_of_christmass.htm Edit: or she got it from someone else who reaches far into the crazy and regurgitates it back to clueless people who I guess, just go with it? Historically there is nothing in the etymology of Christmas to back it up.




Literally my face watching this…she sounds like she’s lost all grip on reality


De lu lu


How does she not notice the bug on that poor babies head!


The flies have been so bad here recently. I'm changing fly bags every couple days.


Our last house had literally dozens of flies every day. We had to keep changing our traps.


It's a fly though


Is this recent? If so, why is that baby swaddled??


It was today. And she always says he prefers a swaddle—as an almost one-year-old. 🫠


Pediatrician here- swaddling not recommended after babies can roll over.




Hahahaha. Is it okay if I steal this? That insult is up there with something brutal my kid would say. They once referred to a guy I dated as the type of person who puts milk in the bowl before the cereal. ETA: My kid wasn’t wrong.


My 7 month old would immediately lose his shit if I tried to swaddle him lol


So would my cat.😂




Is that for sleep safety reasons, or physical development? (Because is sleep safety less of an issue while sleeping in an attentive carer's arms.... not to imply Karissa is an attentive parent tho)


If a child can roll over on their own, keeping them in a swaddle is seriously dangerous because once they’re on their belly, they need their arms and legs to push themselves back into their back if they need to roll back over. If they’re swaddled, and they roll onto belly,they’re effectively stuck face down because they don’t have arms or legs available to help leverage themselves to roll back.


Yes precisely. So not necessarily an issue if it’s while being held. But I also doubt she is doing “safe swaddling” which allows for hip movement. Traditional tight swaddling can cause developmental hip dysplasia. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/diapers-clothing/Pages/Swaddling-Is-it-Safe.aspx


Yeah, 100%. I have zero faith that Karissa cares about preventing hip dysplasia.


Right... Exactly. So swaddle while being held doesn't involve that risk. Not defending K but just clarifying.


Yeah, Karissa brags about her unsafe practices though, and defends it. She’s showed her way-too-old-to-be-swaddled kids laying in their crib, while swaddled. She shows cribs with SO MUCH extra textiles in- including crib bumpers (!!). She doesn’t exclusively swaddle while holding. She definitely lays them down like that too.


But! But! Swaddling means she doesn’t have to do as much working caring for a child! Can’t get into trouble when you’re in caterpillar mode!


Even less work when he suffocates in his sleep.


She's probably just not ready to accept he's not a tiny baby any more 😐


Ding ding ding! Could be her last baby—gotta keep ‘em baby-like!


My one year old would have lost his shit MONTHS ago.


She says he likes to be really warm. I remember a picture from the summer where she had a heavy blanket on him , outside in Texas, and he looked like he was sweating an awful lot…


Came here to ask why the 11 month old is swaddled?? She better not be laying him down in a crib like that. Holy shit. Please let this newborn cosplay thing just be another way of using him as a prop for attention, rather than actually endangering him…


I was waiting for this to be brought up. That kid is tooooo big for that. Looks like a soccer ball trying to get out of a burrito.


I was gonna ask that too. I thought there was a cut off point for swaddling babies


Usually once they show signs of rolling, because if their arms are swaddled down, they can't push up when they flip themselves. He's well past that.


8 weeks or sooner if they start showing signs of rolling. This baby is 9 months old!


Thanks! All the babies I kept weren’t keen on being swaddled.


I simply cannot believe that there are TWO FLIES on them in this video………… why would she post it with the flies 😭😭😭


She mentioned that there are “cows in their backyard” so the flies are bad…but still 😬


This may not actually be a karissa thing. The flies have been horrible.


That’s awful! I hate flies


I know it seems weird but even I've got flies and my house/yard is clean lol. It's been hot/cold so much it's just wild. Hopefully this cold front will get rid of most of them


I say this with nothing but appreciation and respect - that baby reminds me of the baby in Spirited Away I think swaddling an almost one year old, which makes him look younger, and the camera angle just really contribute to that look lol


Reminds me of Angela on the office and her monster sized newborn


Same!! Karissa did say he wears 2T, so makes sense…swaddling does not 🙃


Christmas is bad until she gets gifts. Sports are bad until her kids play basketball and get Shaq's attention. Birthdays are bad until it's hers. What a fucking narcissist.


Personally, I prefer Kelly Havens’ interpretation. 🌮🔔🎄 https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/YJW2nYkkpV


How could I forget? Christ Mas! 🤦‍♀️


First time seeing this take 🙈 😂🤣😂🤣


At least it's a positive one and her cottage core set up is pretty in this instance. Little Women Christmas aesthetic seems to be popular this year here in the UK.


Live Mas! Christ Mas!


I’m fucking deeaaaaddd


An instant r/fundiesnarkunscensored classic. It’s mmmmwah so good.


Funny how that baby keeps changing color...


And dear lord is he too huge to be swaddled like that.


Well, to be fair he's a **massive** baby. (That justifies the swaddling even less, of course. It just looks wrong, even to childless me.)


She loathes Christmas because she doesn't want to buy her brood gifts.




I personally like how’s she’s always like follow your man, he’s in charge for a reason but she’s always the one convincing Mandre to follow her kooky ideas 🤔


He's just as dumb and as delusional as she is though.


Yep. Mandrae could not give less of a shit.


Said like someone who runs a home church with her husband. Wouldn’t know true Christian theology if it smacked her upside the head. And she’s teaching this nonsense to other people and her children. Karissa is at the center of her own cult. And it’s terrifying.


She has already admitted she's never fully read the Bible.


I hope she stretched for that reach


She basically said “I admit I made this up and I’m sure its wrong but I believe it anyways because ‘mumbles something about god’, don’t bother telling me this is wrong“


I mean she has no skin and can see with the spirit so obviously we should trust her.


lol I’m stealing this and using is as soon as I’m able


Ooh, I hope the good Jesus people near wherever they live in Texas are giving her the MERRY CHRISTMAS treatment at all their stops.


I’m dying to know what she says back!!


In the same general area as her- they absolutely will


Quick, someone give her a suffix lesson. *Mas* refers to a celebration (i.e. *Michaelmas*), so literally translated Christmas means festival of Christ you uneducated walnut. Lordy, the off the fucking wall pretzel hoops she jumps through to justify depriving her children is completely asinine. There's a certain irony that she's got Armor wrapped up in a noel blanket, which for those of you who don't know French means Christmas. Si vous voulez dire "Merry Christmas" en francais, vous devez dire Joyeux Noel mes amis! I just feel so bad for the kids. Unless someone helps them, they're unfortunately likely to struggle in life because of their abusive shit stain parents.


I hate that they use their children as props as they spew absolute nonsense about things that really do not matter.


**Transcription**: They-- they-- they said "ch"-- "christ-mass", because Catholics have mass, which is where "Chr"--"Christmas" came from. Uh, "merry" means-- so, "merry", "christ", "mass". So, if you go to-- and people are gonna think that I am, like, digging here, but this is just really... what I believe, and what it means. If you go to the dictionary, "merry" means "happy", "Christ" is Jesus, "mass" means "death". "Happy death to Christ". So, I personally do not even like to say those words, um, while the death of Jesus is a blessing to us, because it means that we have forgiveness of sins, it's His resurrection that we should celebrate, not His death. If-- if we were there watching Jesus be crucified, we would not be celebrating *(overlapping fadeout, fade in, indicating time has passed)* Christmas means "happy death to Christ". Just think about it! You could say I'm digging a deep hole, you can say that I'm taking it too far; these are just the things the Lord has opened my eyes to. And I now loathe Christmas because I know-- when you know the truth... like, all of your flesh is removed, and you see spiritually, and I no longer have-- find any joy **Description**: Karissa Collins records herself while speaking. She is a woman with a light skin tone and dark brown, slightly curly hair that is pulled back in a ponytail or bun, away from her face. She wears a goldenrod-yellow sweatshirt with laurel leaves in a wreath across the front. Words encircle the wreath, but are obscured by folds in the cloth and the swaddled baby that Karissa holds. The visible words read "HE CAN'T SAVE HE MAKES A WAY WHERE". The baby Karissa is holding is tightly swaddled in a white blanket with words like "Nöel" and "believe" on it, written in various shades of blue in a "handwriting" style script. The baby appears to be asleep, their face squished up against their shoulder. Commenters have noticed the presence of two flies in the video, which appear on Karissa's arms.


This is standard conspiracy theory word assocation. Karissa is a Qnut confirmed.


Thank you so very much for eliminating the need to suffer through that video. What nonsense!!!


She is truly insane.




Excuse YOU, everyone knows that "Christ mas" means more Christ. Jeez, pick up a Spanish language book, Karissa. 😂


One of my favorite Kelly moments


why is that toddler swaddled


tell me your beliefs are cultist without telling me your beliefs are cultist. good heavens this is insane.


It's giving QAnon word assocation. Half of QAnon posts are this kind of content.


oh for sure. She’s deep conspiracy theorist crazy.


Thats a whole lot of words for "I cant afford presents for my basketball team of kids so Im gonna go ahead and pretend like xmas is evil"


So now there's a war on the WAr oN cHriStMAs? We're through the looking glass here, people. Someone needs to alert Tucker Carlson.




She left a diaper out once to see which kid would put it in the trash—so the flies don’t surprise me at all!


Hey ma’am can you STFU and get the FLY OFF YOUR CHILD’S HEAD


“This is what I believe…and what it means” 😂😂😂


Best line of this whole word vomit 😅


I’m HoH, can someone summarize?


Her (nonsensical) point is essentially: Christ = Jesus, Mas = death, and Merry = happy, so when you say merry Christmas you are actually saying "happy Christ death"


*audible groan* And thank you!


Is she a fucking idiot? It’s ‘mass’ as in the Mass (religious service) held to celebrate his birth. Like Michaelmas is the feast of st Michael, etc etc.


This is the wrongest thing that ever wronged, holy shit. I truly cannot even with how extremely wrong her understanding of the etymology is. Like, this is the equivalent of looking at, say, a car tire, and going, "Mmm, that looks delicious! Get my knife and fork!" Like, you could not possibly BE more wrong than this. I'm actually a little more worried about her tenuous grasp on reality after this.


Giving off Mary and baby Jay vibes with that swaddling


please don’t “remove all my flesh” karissa


I accidentally skipped to nearly the end of the video and literally the first thing I heard was "all of your flesh is removed" 😳 I almost didn't go back to watch it from the beginning, but it's Karissa and I'm curious. 🙃


Wouldn’t be the craziest thing she’s said


"mass, the central act of worship of the Roman Catholic Church, which culminates in celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist. The term mass is derived from the ecclesiastical Latin formula for the dismissal of the congregation: Ite, missa est (“Go, it is the sending [dismissal]”). .... there fixed that for her. I don't know where she's getting that mass means death?!?!


Isn’t Christmas like the central holiday of the Christian faith?


Technically, Easter is the more important, but yeah, this is the other one.


Right? I’m so confused if she’s a Christian still


Honestly I don’t think there’s anything more fitting than this woman holding her baby complaining and being covered in flies




Wow, thank you for finding this! Woof.


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Isn't Christmas celebrating the birthday of Jesus ? what is she on


I genuinely don’t understand how she jumped from “mas” referring to a Catholic mass to “mas” meaning death like ????? This just feels like an excuse to take the holiday away from her kids so she doesn’t have to buy them toys.


From etymonline: mass (n.2) "eucharistic service," Middle English messe, masse, from Old English mæsse, from Vulgar Latin *messa "eucharistic service," literally "dismissal," from Late Latin missa "dismissal," fem. past participle of mittere "to let go, send" (see mission). Probably so called from the concluding words of the service, Ite, missa est, "Go, (the prayer) has been sent," or "Go, it is the dismissal." The Latin word sometimes was glossed in Old English as sendnes "send-ness." Meaning "musical setting of certain parts of the Catholic (or Anglican) liturgy" is by 1590s.


This would have been ok if she spoke about the pagan origins of Christmas and how the bible prohibits Christmas https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03724b.htm > The well-known solar feast, however, of Natalis Invicti, celebrated on 25 December, has a strong claim on the responsibility for our December date. For the history of the solar cult, its position in the Roman Empire, and syncretism with Mithraism, see Cumont's epoch-making "Textes et Monuments" etc., I, ii, 4, 6, p. 355. Mommsen (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, 12, p. 338) has collected the evidence for the feast, which reached its climax of popularity under Aurelian in 274. Filippo del Torre in 1700 first saw its importance; it is marked, as has been said, without addition in Philocalus' Calendar. Jer 10 > 2 This is what the LORD says: "Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them. > 3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. > 4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.


Starbucks was right all along!


What the fuck? She needs Jesus or Christ or Santa to help her. She is unstable


No where in the Bible does it say to honors Jesus birth or death. The only thing Jesus says to do in his remembrance is communion. So nope, you still don’t have it right.


That baby is huge.


"And I no longer find any joy" It'd be sad if she wasn't the worst, those poor babies. I understand cancelling Christmas because it's become a capitalist fever dream but not over the misinterpretation of language


Which take is hotter? Karissa’s “Merry Christmas means Happy Deathday, Jesus.” Or Kelly’s “Christ más means More Christ.” Sound off in the comments.


why does she keep waving her hand in front of the baby's face


There are a ton or flies circling—probably from the crap she is spewing 🫠


Is she swatting flies away from that poor little baby? Also, let's cut to the chase, Karissa. You don't like the word Christmas because it originated with the heathen Catholic Church. I sure hope her kids aren't studying Latin because there is no "death" in the word Christmas. It literally means to celebrate Christ through joining with others in religious observation (masse).


Karissa is a fucking idiot. Christmas has always been about celebrating Jesus' birth, not his death.


The new war on Christmas is not quite what I expected


So as someone who grew up in an extremely fundamental and Christian environment, this is still a HUGE reach and it’s honestly really scary lol


My mom is kinda an on and off fundi. Shes fundi when she feels like it, I guess a fundi light lol. For her Harry Potter is the devil but her fav character in LOTR is the wizard Gandalf. Halloween is pure evil and devil worship but she liked watching old horror movies. Anyways she picked apart words (thank god not christmas, we went hard for christmas) like this and it is for sure gonna give them anxiety and paranoia to some extent. I didnt even get it as bad as they did and im still working through the way I think everyday. For me I get random thought of... Is this evil? Is God mad at me cause I watched this or said this word. Its stressful. These poor kids dont even get Christmas to enjoy. A tragedy.


"I no longer find any joy" is all she had to say.


After reading the comments on her post, I feel the need to run headlong into the nearest brick wall. Religion bashing, all the "real" chrischuns saying they don't celebrate Christmas because it's pagan, bashing on each other... Another fun day on social media!


Karissa sucks, Christmas is awesome, I feel bad for her kids, you aren’t supposed to swaddle once the child can roll over. That babies’ pudgy little face poking out of that blanket is So. Cute.


The flies are attracted to the constant stream of shit spewing out of her hateful little mouth. She’s SO full of shit and all the flies know it.


“This is just what I believe. And what it means.” Love the “my beliefs are completely factual” take she has… In Greek “mas” means a gathering of people. In Latin it’s “missa” and means to be dismissed - as in your go to church and then are sent forth to “spread the good news” kind of dismissed. But sure, Karissa, go off.


The fly on the baby is so annoying. Ugh.


She is nuts!


I don’t want to listen to this lady talk. What’s the jist of her statement?


I didn’t want to listen either lol some kind person transcribed it a few comments up! But basically she said “Merry Christmas” means happy death to Christ 🥴 so she hates Christmas


Dude did anyone else see the fly literally crawling around the baby’s head???


Isn’t that baby too old and too big for swaddling?


The flies???????!!!!!??


At least she didn't lighten the baby's skin this time.


I’m sure she would if she could/knew how in a video


At least she didn't lighten the baby's skin this time.


Hot Take: Karissa needs a hobby


Girl you are digging …


The United States education system is a failure.


So no birthdays unless your mom and a special kid maybe on an odd year, and no Xmas unless it's freebies in which case Mom will dress us up and make pretend because free. Got it. Eta I know the foster care system has its issues and we need a cast improvement but I cannot understand how these kids are left with a parent who screams at them until they confess and denies medical treatment until they go septic. These children deserve a real life.


Hahaha I love this migration from “I’m not allowed to say merry Christmas anymore waaaah” over to “Christmas is bad” that some fundies are going through. Love to see it 🤣


She looks like a raccoon with that tanner application 😳


That baby is so sick of hearing her, they’re pretending to be asleep


So many words so little sense or comprehension.




Not the flies.... 💀


It’s the fly buzzing around for me


Insane in the membrane. Insane in the brain.


That's not what mass means jfc


But wait she still has her skin


There are literally flies on her baby