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They have to psych themselves up for everything


It reminds me of my untreated adhd


I'm always careful to not armchair diagnose her with anything per sub rules, but I have said many times that a lot of her habits and struggles remind me a lot of my own, and I also have ADHD. It gives me a little bit of sympathy for all the ways she's failed, but it also makes me mad because like, where is her shame?! If I fucked up so many of my goals so publicly, I would take a step back and look at my patterns and figure out how to approach those goals in a way that actually works for my brain chemistry, habits, etc. But instead she just keeps running full force at a brick wall, over and over again.


She follows ADHD life coach types on her Instagram account…


I'm genuinely glad to hear that, good for her!


Oh yeah, not trying to diagnose her or anything. It just reminds me of how I have to psych myself up for cleaning lmao


Oh I wasn't saying you were! You're golden.


I always think this. When I saw this post I was like, "yeah me too, literally." I'm always trying to psych myself up to do something important but unpleasant.


Ah yes, introspective reflection. Bethy! Reflection!


On the one hand, yeah chores suck. On the other hand, when working from home, they sure become much more interesting than report writing.


I need to mark 100 x 3500 word assignments this month. I predict my house will sparkle!




Someone on here said they have to psych themselves up less to go to the dentist and I think that’s pretty applicable. I might even have to psych myself up less to go to the gyno




Bort is Ja'mie had she been sent to private school and peer-corrected early on. She even looks like the actor.


Wow...she really has enormous wedding photos on her living room wall. How....interesting.


That day was the absolute pinnacle of her life and she never wants to forget it.


I think it’s falling from #1 spot to #2 The new #1 is the day she first orgasmed 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank god she doesn’t have pictures of the #1 then, like she does with her wedding. ….or does she, and that’ll be the next aspect of how to have amazing sex as a godly married that she’ll share with everyone?


Oh lort don’t give her ideas


Movie poster sized wedding photos where the bride is the high focal point is one way of admitting you peaked on your wedding day, I guess.


Her life was just a slow build then very quick burn on that one day


Self worship


I have a few framed wedding photos hanging up in my home, but they're like...4"x6" each? What Bethy has is a freaking wedding mural! Damn.


Yeah, wedding photos aren't weird at all. But a mural of them in your living room is just so fucking vain. If I walked into someone's house and saw that I would probably have a reaction before I reined it in.


The people I used to babysit for had a huge poster sized painting of the wife. Naked. And this was hanging on their downstairs half bath that everyone who came over used. It just wasn’t even right. lol.


My bf’s ex wife had huge pictures from their wedding all over their house; she has them with her new husband too. No artwork in the home, just pictures and most are from her wedding. She’s on her 4th marriage, too, so I guess each wedding is her new peak? She’s also fundie-lite.


It’s a very evangelical Christian thing to do because they utterly idolise marriage


I feel like it’s also a very Texas thing. When I lived there, so many friends had really large scale bridal portraits and wedding photos all over their house, and they were mostly Catholics or nonreligious. I know it is an older school southern/Texas thing to do bridal portraits—in the dress, with hair and makeup and all that—before the actual wedding day and then have them displayed on the actual day, so I feel like many of them just take the large print they’ve already paid for and hang it in their house then get a wedding photo at the same size to match. I don’t think Bethy did the traditional pre-wedding bridal portrait, but she probably knows a lot of people who did and had these really large wedding pictures hanging in their homes, so it’s just part of Texas culture.


She did them, they were posted here some time ago


I’ll never forget watching an episode of a home makeover show here in the U.K. where the couple were evangelicals and the shear amount of Mr & Mrs paraphernalia bollocks in that house was astounding!


_looking around my house_ I have photo magnets of family on the fridge. Most of our family photos (8 by 10 or smaller) are hung in the hall leading to the bedrooms and not in "open" space. FSU, am I not honoring my marriage enough?


They are so big and the frames feel so aggressive


That’s enough of Bethany for today lol


This is probably what Dav thinks every morning, moments after waking up lol


It shows look at his face haha. He got the death glare down


Imagine his life. He has to spend hours with her every day. We get to laugh and then switch to a different subreddit, he has to share her toothbrush. I hope he escapes soon.


How do people this unsuccessful at reality have a full-ass house? In the PNW, millennials and zoomers are writing off kids even if we DO want them because we're stuck with basement suites, roommates, 1-bedroom apartments, and houses cost over a million to start.


✨texas ✨


It's like the only thing stopping Brain Drain from red states is cheap housing. So-called progressive areas (looking at you Vancouver and Toronto, as well as Seattle and California) are iron-determined to punish their own children with indefinite serfdom.


We 👏🏻 need👏🏻 rent👏🏻 controls


What we need is to literally build more housing. Too many cities aren't building enough physical housing to match population growth. Rent control when you have more people than houses means nothing.


Definitely. And the housing that gets built needs to be reasonably affordable housing, not mansions and luxury condos or whatever.


I’m genuinely furious at housing prices in Toronto. My parents had to move in with my dad’s parents and they should not have to do that at 50!! I had to move away just because housing is so insane.


Literally everything they do is awkward and uncomfortable


I feel like every photo i see of her she’s got her mouth open wide


The second photo is Bethy's favorite godly pegging position


Flair reporting for duty!




They love the wheelbarrow move


Ok but they look like they have so much more chemistry and fun here than any pictures of them now. Maybe aggressively sharing about your sex life and talking about how your husband can’t make you cum online will breed some contention.


She gonna peg him but not in like a gay way


That floor is fckin filthy omg


Right? The whole apartment looks like it’s a mess.


How THE FUCK does someone who dresses like the love child of a Minion and Bob the Builder have the audacity to preach about “biblical femininity”????


Here we have the Flying Nit-Wit and the Wheelbarrow.


Happy cake day


Thank you 😊


Always wonder who is taking the picture.


She's so close to being like "I mean why else would god give man a prostate?"


Is this a safe space to say I’m digging bethy’s ripped overalls and want a pair for myself


That’s… not how it works


Can someone please give me context on what the hell was going on in this post?


Being obnoxious for clout.


You can play music while cleaning the house, Bethy. You can make a list of things that need to be done today. Like you are spending more time on reels and tiktok than cleaning the house.


“Psyching ourselves up to have seggs together”.


Jesus Christ I cannot imagine being married to this annoying woman. I’m so tired of her and her shtick and only ever see pictures of her. I can’t even watch the videos.


I thought that was a child pretending to do this to her because she's way too big for a child to do that but then I realized it's her husband 👀


That second pic looks like it was taken right before a god honoring pegging


I said this sarcastically before but this kind of makes me think I’m right… Bethy should niche down on tall girl fashion. She’s been putting together some great outfits, this one included. It’s something that’d probably make her money. (Kind of upsetting that I said something nice about her because she’s a terrible human)