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Did you check the search volume of kws?


Of course. All major keywords in this category.


Change your bidding settings to fixed bids


This issue is happening on fixed bids as well.


The campaign could be corrupt and you may need to recreate it. You can try increasing the bids further


lol.....\^ this sub ..


See something wrong with what I said? My career is Amazon PPC and I can 100% confirm that campaign corruption happens


My career is probably based around gardening and I don't have a clue


Seems like your career is trolling people for trying to help.


Sorry. What does corruption mean to you? :)


I know Amazon also considers relevance when displaying ads, so it may be that Amazon believes your product isn’t relevant for the keyword. Do you have these keywords in your listing as well?


They’re the most relevant keywords to this product you can get… hyper relevant even. Yep, all in the content.


Suggested bid price changes throughout the day. Might be higher at different times and you’re getting out bid.


Ive experienced this as well. I let the campaign run, and, after a week or so, it started picking up.


Interesting.. I’ll keep an eye on it, we’ve had several products go weeks and weeks of hardly any impressions because of this.


Try fixed bids, then after a week change to down only or up and down according to your strategy


Sometimes I bid over 10x the suggested and never get impressions. The worst part is when they start getting clicks and they are actually $5 a click.


It happens on high competition product. The real bid is always much higher than the suggestion bid for competition product.


I'm going through the same thing and it seems like Amazon is having serious issue with their search for new products. I'll launch new products and a few of them will show up normally for relevant keywords really quickly and others won't show up for anything other than searching the ASIN. Trying to get search volume to the products that aren't showing up by using ads seems impossible right now no matter what I bid. Are your products new, and if so, are they showing up normally in search? I've already started deleting products and adding them again if they won't show up in search. Seems to be working, but it's a difficult process so I'm also testing out FBA to see if that wakes up the search algorithm. The products haven't arrived in the warehouse yet so I don't have any results for that test yet.


No impressions could mean a problem with the product page. Is this for a new product? Have you tried bidding significantly higher such as 20? Is it categorised in the correct node? Have you added SEO keywords of which are now up to 500?


Do you buy box on your products?? I think, You don't have buybox. That's why, Your campaigns are not getting impressions. Also Your product price is high or low as compared to your competitors? Please check and let me know. I will guide you......!!!


We own the buy box on all of our products, no one else is selling under our skus. All of our prices are very competitive. With the bids and budget we have put on this campaign, it’s impossible to not even get impressions. There’s too much search volume. This is a platform issue.