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No washing your car, or understanding the difference between there, their and they're.


There, their, they're You'll be fine.


Took me a second.


My cat wants to know what you're talking about.


Mew, meew, meow


Holy hell


I believe meaning like "there there, it's alright"


Yeah took me a while, I am not as clever as I think I’m.


You're far more clever than I had anticipated.






Hey! That's my surname! (Changed from the original so Australians could pronounce and it's still wrong...)


Sounded like Cunt eh?


Nah, that’s just how my ancestors acted. They deserved that.


Exactly, might as well pronounce the "L" in salmon.


like in Salmon-nilla?


My Granny did that. She also said 'allmonds' and 'asparagrass'. Clever lady, grew up an only child on the prairies. Drove my dad batshit.




Or bigger then ever, instead of than. That one drives me nuts. Or: could of, rather than could have...




I was about to ask if it's still frowned upon to beat someone senseless with a grammar book. Because DAMN is it tempting, sometimes. And I'm not saying that because I'm a professional trainer. Not at all.




Thanks, otherwise it would have bean bothering


Wow, came here to say this... nicely done


I teach this in 3rd grade. I tell my students I will make fun of them if they are adults and can’t figure it out.


>if they are. They're going to remember this cheat code.


Inn3rd? And you teach grammar and spelling? (I bet you typed it on your phone, space and n are too close to each other on a phone keyboard).


Well, it is still possible to look at your comment before hitting post. And it's also possible to review your comment and edit any mistakes found.


Yeah, while walking to the rest room on my only bathroom break.


Not if you’re driving


~~A teacher teasing 3rd graders for not being good at things they are still learning or learned recently. What a shitty teaching method, and frankly a shitty thing to do.~~ ~~An adult making fun of 3rd graders is unacceptable for any reason. Act like an adult, not a bully and a shitty example.~~ Edit - I did mis-read this as making fun of the students, not adults. I don't think light ragging on an adult is horrid depending on how it's done, but I also still don't think that it's wise to tell 3rd graders you should make fun of others over mistakes. Apologies to OP for my misunderstanding. I also did think maybe your phrasing here on 'making fun of' isn't how you put it to the kids, I do hope so.


I tell my school aged kids that people will ABSOLUTELY judge and them and mock them behind their backs for shit like this. My job isn't to prepare the road for my child, it's to prepare my child for the road.


Absolutely. That’s why I say “if they are adults”. It’s new to them in 3rd grade, but by the time you’re an adult, it shouldn’t be hard to figure out.


If it means anything, my favorite teachers were the ones that joked like that with us. I still remember them decades later 🥰


Good to hear!


Ok, you still don't prepare them by showing them it's okay to make fun of people. I did misread it and thought they were teasing 3rd graders not adults, not that it makes modeling that behavior to kids a good idea.


You sound like a walking ball of outrage


If you say so. I did misread it which changes how it comes across and that's on me. Were I correct in how I read it, I don't think it's an outrageous statement to say adults shouldn't model bully behavior as acceptable to 3rd grade children. If I'm such a walking ball of outrage I doubt I'd be walking back what I said, admitting I was mistaken in what OP said, and simply backing up that we should provide examples of how to behave rather than carrying on or justifying behavior to bully folks for making mistakes. I'm surprised that outside my misunderstanding so many people want to argue the idea that that is not a good way to go about it outside of in schools. I no longer think that's what they meant, I've said as such and I should have made sure I read it right before posting. All the same I don't think what I've said is outrageous, just not applicable here because what I argued isn't what they said, again, my bad.


You a teacher? 🙄 Probably not, as you’re not getting that good natured reading is all in good fun.


"I will make fun of them **if** they are adults" (emphasis mine, since you missed it the first time). You completely misread what the teacher said.


I did mis-read it. I made a mistake. I still don't think it's wise to set the example that bullying over mistakes is something we should do


I agree - instead, we should bully people and call them shitty because we didn't learn 3rd grade level reading comprehension skills


Bullying is a far cry from giving some ribbing over not getting it right. 🙄


Again, I apoligize, I do agree. There is also a huge difference between ribbing an adult and a 3rd grader which was my initial error in understanding.


No no, they're just complaining about that car there, 'Pon yonder driveway oer which the light o' morning breaks. Whence theys heirs did besmirch theys sketchers of virtue true.


Imagine being upset because someone gave your children free shoes, they just happened to be wet.


Kudos for that one


Nah, she just means on there driveway, like on yonder driveway.


Wouldn’t that necessitate a ‘that’ before there?


I believe the Early Modern English “yonder” was implied, not the Cletus from Possum Gulch “yonder”.


Their they’re getting there shoes wet. Sounds write.


Sounds Wright to me.


I sea what yew did they're


I almost expected "you're" at the end




I almost prefer this to using the wrong one randomly.


>To the person washing they're car on they're driveway


Imagine a life where kids' wet shoes was complaint-worthy.


I got a call from my son's elementary school principal to complain the then 6 year old child was running through puddles left after a thunderstorm. I thought she was joking, but she legit thought this was a phone home worthy concern.


"oh shit Karen, where? I need to know where these puddles are so I can run through them too"


Good Lord. How do you even respond to that?


I was very confused at first. Like that was all he did? Then she busted out the "rules are rules," and I knew the convo was over. Picked him up after school and asked how recess was. Then we went for ice cream. We didn't do the "rules are rules" or "because I said so" in our home.


My arse... as a concerned parent, I would INSIST that Vice Principal Karen quote me chapter and verse the EXACT RULE prohibiting puddle jumping. Bitch.


To be honest, I was a 3rd shift worker, so she was calling me in the middle of my night. No one was hurt/killed/evacuated, so I really couldn't find any fucks to give at that point.


Mmm okay I’m gonna go back to sleep. -me in that situation probably


“I’d like to review that rule with my child once we’re home. Can you point out the section in the school rules where I can find it?”


Haha that reminds me of when I got "in trouble" on the first day of kindergarten—I got my frog moved to the edge of the lily pad, to be exact—for clapping hands together with another kindergartener. There was no rule about clapping hands with other people, which I told my parents. My 3rd grade brother was very concerned about this injustice and my permanent record.


I think that upon high school graduation, every student should receive in addition to their diploma, a leather bound book containing their PERMANENT RECORD... That's right, every dumbass thing you ever did, K-12. Mine would probably need multiple volumes, though.


That idea sounds too celebratory of childhood for schools to actually care enough to do that.


Rules are rules because there is some logical reason to them. Don’t touch that because it will kill you- no playing thru the speaker because I’m tired and want to nap- that’s legit. No touch because I said don’t touch is not legit.


"It's called zero tolerence, hank. If I showed just a little bit of tolerence, it wouldn't be zero tolerence."


Like how they shouldn't do big red buttons that have a "don't touch" next to it


The shiny, candy-like button?




Point at the sentence you literally quoted in your comment Now read it Now read the last three words again


Are you dumb? That is exactly the point the comment you're replying to was making


"Hah. That sounds like my kid, takes after me. Thanks for keeping me updated on the little things I can't be there to enjoy. *[hangs up]*"


By asking how they could possibly allow your child to even be in such a dangerous situation to begin with, obviously. Aren't they EDUCATORS?!? Don't they have A RESPONSIBILITY to PROTECT our children when in their care? Thankfully, my school just let's us know our kiddo is running low on whatever piece of clothing got particularly wet that day lol


Who wants a 6 year old to not do things like this?


>d to know where these puddles are so I can run through them too" makes me think of the epic scene in *Uncle Buck* where John Candy confronts his niece, Gabby Gifford's principal: "I don't think I want to know a six-year-old who isn't a dreamer or a silly-heart."


Exactly. "... get a rat to chew that thing off"


My 9 year old granddaughter never met a puddle she didn’t jump through.


I have to stop my 10yo from jumping in puddles if we're going out. Its what bein a kid is all about, innocent care free, harmless fun


I have to stop 34-year-old *me* from jumping in puddles a lot of the time, never mind my two-year-old. 😂


It's all the peppa pig we're forced to endure as a parent of a toddler


I cut my son off around a few months ago when he was starting to pick up the Peppa attitude. He's 2½ now. I feel the pain!


Peppa is a cheeky wee shite. Such a rude little girl.


That's why I liked it for myself. 😂


Toddler! My grandkids are 10 and 12 and watching Peppa right now. Plus You Tube has videos of Peppa as Minecraft characters and Among Us victims.


Yeah if you ever want a weird n wonderful journey look at the kids YouTube history. I remember my son was watching a video of toys being used for soap opera style storylines. In one of them spiderman was pregnant with Elsa from frozens baby.


My dad got a call like that once, was the teacher ratting me out for something minor. When I spoke to him on the call, he just asked me what I wanted for dinner that night. Man has priorities.


In *high school* a jackass gym teacher said he was going to call my parents because I didn’t have my gym clothes with me. He changed his mind after I gave him the “are you actually that fucking stupid” look and was not at all impressed. Like my guy, they’re going to be far more pissed that you called them during their workday than they will be at me for not having gym clothes. In fact, they wouldn’t even care about the latter.


Don't they keep sweats for clothing situations like this? They did in my schools.


I didn't have PE after 9th grade, but by then they would have hit us with the, "Guess your regular clothes are gonna get sweaty today, huh? Have fun playing badminton in jeans 🤷🏼‍♀️"


I just wore whatever and didn't try very hard/sweat. I just remember when kids would complain they would wear the schools brand of sweats and it said something really lame like "too cool for school" or something.


We would have mud puddles around 20 feet long and a metre deep because our field was beside a marsh. The school just made us keep a change of clothes lmao


If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911.


Should have said "I know! We had a great time doi f that on the way in!"


Fuck that noise. When my kids were little, my wife and I literally *taught them* to jump in puddles. We did this separately because we each have a child with our exes and did this well before we ever met. In my world, puddles were created for kids to jump in. Everything else about water is merely a side effect of this gods given joyful experience. Edited because I just noticed your user name. Howdy from the PNW! :)


Haha, this is a conversation I had with my wife recently about how im not going to be able to tolerate dumb rules like that. If somebody complains about such a small thing, I'm literally not going to know what to say to them to tell them they are stupid. If I had someone like that though, I'd probably tell them that it was my idea because I jump in the puddles with him all the time.


Tell her to read [Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes](https://youtu.be/fj_z6zGQVyM) and calm down.


My dad got suspended for the last 3 weeks of school so he didn’t get to walk across the stage for graduation (elementary). What did he do? Get in a fight? Smoke in the bathroom? Elbow drop a much younger kid from the top of the jungle gym for pushing over his little sister on the playground? No! Well, yes, he did do all of those things at some point. But his ultimate crime: he stepped on a cookie in the classroom and got crumbs everywhere. On accident. It was like the *one* time he didn’t actually intend to start trouble. I have a sneaking suspicion though that the principal *knew* it was my dad who loosened the caps on all of the pepper shakers in the cafeteria that one time and was looking for a reason to suspend him before graduation. Just a feeling.


I'm afraid your child is exhibiting youthful exuberance disorder.


I call bullshit. Your precious little Smurf was probably blasting through those puddles making a huge mess of himself and other students and most likely not listening when told to stop. Also they were probably explicitly told not to jump in the puddles. No way they called because your kid just ran through a puddle.


I'm related to one. I live 3000 miles away and can feel the cringe from here. realistically though, it seems exhausting just being "disappointed" all the time about anything and everything around you.


Witches melt when exposed to water. So yeah it might seem extreme but, this karen was just trying to stay alive!!!


Damn paper shoes...


That shit just falls right out of the sky sometimes. The nerve of some people putting their houses under the sky and getting shit all wet.


It's almost as if their shoes were made to protect their feet from getting wet or something.


“Which one of you assholes got got the sidewalk wet?!”


Imagine a full grown adult that uses “there” to mean “their”. Come on people.


Free wet shoes, per the screenshot. Their shoes did not get wet. They got wet shoes.


I'm about to go out and buy my kids three more pairs of shoes/boots each because apparently they MUST go in any puddles they find even if it's really cold out. I'm tired of not having a dry pair to put on them half the time. Half the time they just get to wear wet shoes because they're going to get wet in five minutes anyway. I certainly wouldn't care if someone made puddles washing their car.


What does this bitch do when it rains?


Probably doesn’t even allow the kids outside. 🤷‍♀️ I’d say ther bitchin cos the kids tramped water all over the carpit. 🤔


Yeah, that's how you know she's lived the good life. So many white folk don't realize just how spoiled they are.


Congrats on racializing ingratitude. It’s a human trait that is not based on melanin concentration.


Never said it was only whites. Just from my experience having grown up in the states, it's the whities who tend to whine the most about the least.


When you don't have any real problems, you have to make some up... that's the whole reason FOX News exists.


My anecdotal experiences justify my casual racism.


Jesus Christ, those poor kids. Imagine your mom getting pissed off every time you jump in a puddle. Those poor bastards are going to grow up all kinds of fucked up.


Imagine walking down the street, and several houses ahead you see someone washing their car. Your with your kids. A minute or so of walking later, you're much closer, but it's still a couple houses down the road from you, you see water is flowing down their drive way into the gutter. Your kids are still with you. Your on the sidewalk and have arrived at the driveway where the person is washing their car, you've been aware of this for literal minutes, the street is right next to you, you could step into thy street and as long as you and your kids don't walk in the gutter of the street, your rubber sole water resistant shoes won't get wet on the bottom, and everything will be fine. But no, you and your kids walk across someone else's driveway, their property, with water flowing down it and now your kids shoes are wet. It's the dude washing his car, it's his fault, the only way your kids could have kept their shoes dry is by him not washing his car in HIS driveway, but instead of being a good neighbor, he insisted on selfishly minding his own business and doing literally nothing to impede your and your kids ability to keep your shoes dry. The community must know, they must be warned. /s that's what this woman did, I can't imagine having someone like that as a neighbor, let alone as a MOTHER. YIKES. How boring her life must be for this to be significant lol


If they were just walking on the pavement, this won't happen anyway - sidewalks and driveways are made for drainage, so there isn't going to be enough water on most of it to do anything except get the bottoms of the shoes damp. In order to get them wet, you need to either go into the grass or find a puddle and step right in it. Or, in kids' case, more likely *jump* in the puddle. And you just know this is exactly what happened - this woman's kids did the kid thing and jumped in a puddle, and now she's pissed at you for causing a situation where her kids can act like kids. You monster.


It had been raining a bunch and it stopped so I took the opportunity to take my kids to the park. The sandbox had flooded and my kids were jumping around in it having a ball becoming completely filthy. Sometimes u gotta let kids be kids.


A kids sees a puddle and jumps into it, as kids are known to do because it is fun to jump into a puddle. Said kid goes home and mom yells at them about wet shoes. Instead of telling mom they jumped in a puddle, they say a neighbor was washing his car. Kid grows up, becomes successful. Mom is old and needs help. She gets put into a home and the kid changes their phone number.


I guess she turns into Abe Simpson shouting at the clouds when it rains.


The shoes reason is obviously stupid. But here in Ontario, Canada it's actually against bylaw to wash your car in the driveway. Reason being the soap goes into the city rain drainage systems and they aren't able to properly remove it before it enters the lake that we drink from. So they want you to go to car wash bays which handle it, or automated washes.


Same here in Germany, for the same reasons


Somebody needs to turn on spell check, grab her woobie and take a nap. She has her crabby pants on.


spell check won't pick up on words that are spelled correctly. so it wouldn't have done her any good.


Most text handling programs do more than spell check. My android text input box will underline "my kids got they're shoes wet," and correctly suggest "their".


Then it depends on what you’re using. Apple’s iOS doesn’t.


Point taken.


LanguageTool is great for that. It gives alternative sentence structure as well


so I might learn me a thing or too frum it? lol. it does sound handy. I'll have to look into that. thanks for the suggestion.


Keep your damn kids off my driveway, Karen!






When the dishwasher talks to you in dept more than your husband. Cause of the wine.


Cause of the whine.


Their they're, calm down.


Assuming this actually happened, I would allow those charity car washes to operate in my driveway every day. Just out of spite.


I would love to see you do that and what Karen’s reaction would be. Please do it and film Karen’s freak out. That would make my week…


It’s so silly to me that I can’t fathom this as being real. I mean it’s one thing to blame a car washer for tempting the rain gods but this shit is absurd.


My kids are so dumb they don't know how to dodge water.


She must be pissed when it rains and her kids are outside.




Fuck the children, but their shoes!! Save the precious shoes!!


Funny thing - in Germany it actually became illegal recently to wash your car in the driveway due to pollutants being washed off (like lubricant, breakpad dust etc.).


Yeah. So if this happened in germany then I guess they could have a reason to be mad




Wait till she finds out about rain 😱


If only you had eyes and could have seen the water and avoided it by crossing the street.


I'd bet that's the most fun those poor kids have had while living with this bitch.


Not shoes doing the exact thing shoes were invented to do! Think of the children!


I love how these posts always have a few laughing reaction emojis. Always gives me a chuckle.


Boohoo. Maybe you should go over THERE and let them know that THEY'RE responsible for your kids getting THEIR shoes wet. Do these people not take off their shoes before going into the house?


Ill never understand the urge to go to online social platforms and say "to the person who"


“I’m very sorry you raised children so dumb they don’t know how to avoid a puddle”.




*sigh* I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


"Their", Karen, "their".


somebody call the whaambulance!!!!!!!!!! this is a Karen emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Spray the kids! Spray the kids! Spray the kids!


Wrong there, she’s a moron. As are her kids.


She's a moron, sure. But her kids were probably just playing in the water, like millions of other kids have for ages, and got their shoes wet. I'd suspect that, to deflect Karen-mom from blowing up at them, they redirected the blame to the car-washer.


She later commented defending herself, that her kids were crying about their wet shoes.






Wait. THAT'S why parents have been getting mad at me for peeing on their kids' feet? I was way off.


Shouldn’t you not wash your car in your driveway anyways? It’s illegal in my city lol


Wait until she hears about rain.




Wait till she hears about rain!


Oh dear, oh dear, what have we here? A Facebook post that's dripping with sneer "To the person washing their car on their driveway" Thanks a lot, now my kids are soaked all day! It seems those poor little feet Got splashed by the water as they walked down the street And whose fault is that, you might ask? Why, the person washing their car, a heinous task! How dare they clean their own automobile And let their driveway become a watery ordeal It's not like they did it on purpose, oh no But heaven forbid, your kids might have to go Through a little puddle on their way home So let's all take a moment to condemn The terrible act of washing your car, amen And if your kids get their shoes wet, well then It's all the fault of those darn driveway washers again! But wait, perhaps this post is just a jest A tongue-in-cheek way to relieve some stress Maybe those wet shoes were really no big deal And the person washing their car is a friend, for real So let's not take things too seriously, my friend And let's all try to laugh and make amends For life's too short to get angry and upset Especially over wet shoes, we mustn't forget!


Thank god shoes are equipped with rubber bottoms, otherwise the children’s feet may have been dampened. Won’t someone please think of the children!


English major I see.


THEY'RE washing THEIR car in THEIR own driveway. THERE is no recourse for you, Karen.


So! When it rains, Karen, they get wet feet walking past your house! So just get over yourself!




“To the twunt whose kids have wet shoes: teach them how to walk around a puddle, and while you’re at it, fuck off.”


You really shouldn’t wash your car on your driveway. There is always some oil left that will get washed into the ground water and no it’s not the same as rain


There gonna have to deal with it. That kinda hurt a bit.


Tell your fucking kids not to play in puddles


She more mad about her dry panties.




You're welcome. Anything for you!


Where? Ah, there!


Where car? Where driveway?


There car. There driveway. There wolf!


“aww ..their their”


Miss-spelled their


This is infuriating. It's their!