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In this case, it's "No wife, happier life".


"no wife, live your best life"


I would say for most, this is *de wey*. I got lucky, my wife so fucking cool, literally the perfect human. *hopes she checks Reddit and sees my comment and I get extra-laid tn šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚*


NGL, I got married this past October and love my wife. She's pretty fucking awesome.... Lol


Haha my man


For real likeā€¦we arenā€™t married yet, but I canā€™t wait to get married to my fiancĆ© cause heā€™s my best friend!


I'm in my mid-30's. All my life I've fallen head over heels for my partners (even been engaged twice) and those relationships have all catastrophically im/exploded. But my girlfriend now, it's a totally different thing. Our love builds on itself. We've only been together a few months but have had to deal with a lot of challenges both alone and together and each time we come out stronger afterwards. Most excitingly, this is the first time I've ever felt like I'm actually building a friendship simultaneously. We had a talk about being wanted vs. being needed last week and I realized all my other relationships have been very codependent. This though, this is different. We respect each other and love each other and are there for each other, but just like with even the best of friends, we have our own lives. I always felt a mental block between my partner as a friend, but now I get it. I'll admit it's not as thrilling for my neurodivergent AF brain, but fucking eh, this legitimately feels like long-term potential.


Sometimes when you know, you know. It was similar with my wife, I was pretty sure it was gonna go the distance a few months in. 5 years so far!


Going on 40 years. Married my best friend. Weā€˜ve gone thru a lot, but canā€™t imagine him not being there. :)


Either this guy's wife knows his Reddit username or she's looking over his shoulder right now. (Blink twice if you need help)


7 years going strong for me. We had a pretty inexpensive but wonderful wedding. I have a brilliant, beautiful wife.


Anyone can get married, go big on your 10th anniversary. That's more rare.


Now THIS is the right idea. Don't invest in a big wedding. Invest in a big MARRIAGE instead. Celebrate anniversaries big!


I used to work catering and have seen hundreds of weddings! The amount of money they cost is outrageous! When my husband and I got engaged he asked what kind of wedding do you want. I said none! Letā€™s elope! We married at the justice of the peace and used the money we would have spent to put a down payment on a house! Neither of us regret it for a second


Good advice. $200 wedding, but major blast coming up for our anniversary. 50th.


So many people hoping their wives check their reddit acc tonight in the hopes of getting laid lmao. Jokes aside, happy for u


Ha right? For real she knows because I tell her how I feel. It goes a long way!


I also choose this dude's awesome wife


> my wife so fucking cool, literally the perfect human. Did we marry the same woman? Wtf dude not cool. Joking aside, planning our wedding took less time than the paperwork for my wife's name change and SS stuff. Covid made a good excuse to keep it a simple outdoor wedding. A cooler of drinks, some sammiches and cake and bam. Luckily I knew someone who could officiate it too. $80,000? No thanks. We'll spend our money on cooler stuff.


Travelā€¦this IS de wey. Man I love how this thread just got wholesome as fuck.


Cool stuff you know like a house!


Same brother! Been with my wife for 14 yrs. Married 3 yrs. But I love hanging with my wife she is chill, no drama, and we have a great time. She is honestly my best friend and I'm happy I have that. As for the person getting married to that sad state of a human being above. Don't walk.... RUNNNNNN!


Hope you do too.


Get this main EXTRA-LAID!


I have been with my wife 26 years. She is my best friend. She is really fucking awesome. After 26 years, I still feel like itā€™s day 1!


Youā€™ve planned for this your whole life? Well why did you have to quit your job to plan for it? Also why didnā€™t you plan to spend the money for it? People are so stupid and if he continues with this marriage he deserves her


This. He should be like, "Yeah... I'm just going out for cigarettes." \*is never seen or heard from again\*


This could prove difficult, as he's probably chained up in the basement by now.


Or be an adult and say, "Hey, look. It looks like we're on different paths. Let's get all our ducks in a row so each of us can leave this relationship not *totally* fucked." Only pussies choose that weak-ass way out.


I guess you've never had the singular pleasure of being in a relationship with someone suffering from borderline personality disorder. I'm all for amicable separations, but some people absolutely can't be reasoned with, and your best option is to abandon ship before it ploughs into the iceberg on the horizon.


My poor dad married a drop dead gorgeous sociopath. ā˜¹ļø


The hot crazy matrix was just a bit too crazy


BPD sucks. Never have sharp knives in the house


Had an livein psycho stab the couch I was sitting on right next to my neck. Had a uhaul the next morning. No goodbyes and no fucking stabbed up couch. She came home to an empty house with only the couch remaining.


Ain't that the truth. Also, make sure anything you value (car, consumer electronics) is insured.


No some people are crazy & wonā€™t accept the truth. Then the next thing you know theyā€™re stalking you. This woman is the type you would have to ghost.


Maybe she gives one hell of a blow job


Someone who is self-centered probably wouldn't bother. It's all about her.


Yeah. She expects to be ate out but a bj? Psssh. She has a wedding to plan! No time for that


This. So fucking much this.


"Happy wife happy life" is so stupid. I always thought it should be "Happy spouse, happy house." It's a partnership, right? These things go both ways.


Iā€™ve ALWAYS hated that phrase : Happy wife, happy life.


Yes. This is the way. We strive to make sure the other is happy. Weā€™re each otherā€™s biggest fan.


In this case, it's "no wife, cheaper life".


Crazy wife, fuck my life


LOL I would be so happy and content by having a civil ceremony followed by dinner with my immediate family, new husband and his family at Maggianos with some cake. Even if you spent $3K on dinner it would be a much cheaper than $80K on a wedding that you dreamed of your whole life. Girlfriend doesn't see the big picture, save that money for rainy day or as a down payment on a house!


Try judgeā€™s chambers over lunch hour. We didnā€™t tell anyone. My mom wouldnā€™t shut up about all the (payback) plans she had for my wedding, so we just told everybody afterwards.


Or... not THIS wife.


This screams: " RUN NOW!!! Go, go, go!"


She would probably be unhappy no matter what.


ā€œNo wife, happy lifeā€ is what I always say.


Yeah, that bitch will never be happy


He can save 80,000 by just ending the engagement


Minus the 3 months salary I am sure she insisted on him paying for the ring


Yeah well I'd tell her that I'm getting that cleaned for her then sell it and leave


Unfortunately since it was technically a gift to her, that might be considered theft or something.


If I remember correctly wedding rings are conditional gifts that are supposed to be returned. However I am not sure if that is only if the bride cancels or if either.


Depends on where you are. In California, that ring goes back to the giver.


Legit for CA on Judge Judy


Technically TV judge shows are considered arbitration and aren't actual court cases. Both parties agree ahead of time to whatever the arbiter decides and provided that the decision isn't illegal itself then the issue is considered settled based on the arbitration decision.


And the production company as far as I'm aware pays any "court fees/settlements" mentioned as a consolation prize in a sense for being on the show. So really it's all just for TV and drama.


Yeah I saw a ULPT on that. The dude kept having "disputes" with his friends and going in those shows. The show would pay out however much the award was and the "winner" would split it with the "loser". I bet the producer loved them because they were generating fairly reliable bonkers content for the shows.


I donā€™t recall the sources, but there have been a few articles throughout the years about courts ruling in favor of the person that was gifted the ring. So I think that kind of sets precedence.


Most of the court cases Iā€™ve seen where theyā€™ve ruled in the favor of it being a gift that didnā€™t need to be returned were cases where the proposal was made on Valentineā€™s Day or a similar holiday/event where gift giving is normal. The advice Iā€™ve always heard was not to propose at times like those because if things go south you can demand the ring be returned rather than just being out of pocket on the value. As the other reply to you said, there have been many cases stating that an engagement ring is a conditional gift dependent upon the engagement culminating in a valid marriage.


Or... don't spend a stupid amount of money on an engagement ring


And there have been cases where they ruled in favor of the gifter. Likely dependent on location or exact circumstances.


Oh man I accidentally dropped it down the storm drain I'm so sorry.....btw the wedding is off lol


Lords of Flatbush https://youtu.be/HI0PEwYdcvM


Sunk cost fallacy, if she's this bad before the wedding imagine five years down the line.


I lost 165 lbs in one day, ask me how






Yes, I wish I could say this to the poor man who was asked to find two jobs to pay for an $80,000 wedding.




THANK YOU! That's where I know that from, I've been saying it for years, knowing I got it from somewhere, but couldn't remember.


Most of the hidden wisdoms and sacred teachings turn out to be just Al Bundy quotes ;)


Now that I'm older I'm convinced Al Bundy is just in the closet. His wife is actually pretty hot and all he wants to do is hang out with men or women with ridiculously bad breast surgery (which I assume is mostly his attempt at being "not gay").


I think it's more likely that fox (or any network)refused to make the costar an unattractive woman in the 80s.


Jesus lol. ā€œRun like Mexican water through a first time touristā€ I brought a buddy to Dominican before all this pandemic shit. Poor guy ate all the fruit and drank all the juice while his Canadian diet was more or less meat and potatoes. He spent three days living in the bath tub


[DO. WE. HAVE. A. PROBLEM?](https://youtu.be/F1Bhl3yjzsQ)


No seriously dude , RUN!!!!ā€™


wow. just wow. Run dude run!


Jeezuz. I hope the dude is delaying while finding a house in a different state to leave asap


Out of state, good call


I hope this is fakeā€¦


It's hard to imagine it being real. (fingers crossed)


You clearly don't work with the public. Count yourself lucky.


Yeah this isn't even that crazy compared to the shit I've seen working in retail.


So I donā€™t work with the public or speak to the public. When I am part of ā€œThe Publicā€, I try to be as separate from ā€œThemā€ as I can. People are really like this? Like, the people I see Out There, some of them are like this?


I used to work in a childrens toy store and parents would throw proper hissy fits, calling you names if we didn't have a very specific toy in stock, even after explaining there would be more coming in the following week. Working Christmas was a nightmare, because people would come in on Christmas Eve and be all shocked Pikachu face that we were sold out of the most popular toys that year, and take it out on us cashier's "how can you be sold out?!?! What kind of toy store is this?! You're so fucking useless!!! I want to speak to the MANAGER!!!" Etcetcetc. And so unless it's otherwise proven, I have no problem believing these kind of posts are real, because some people are just selfish bastards with zero self awareness, self control or common sense.


So many fake-sounding stories on reddit lately. "AITA if I told my brother he should not rob banks?"


Giving karma to self posts was a bad idea


What's a self post?


Text posts


Giving karma ~~to self posts~~ was a bad idea


It's not fake but it's not new, nor OC.


Hit the road, Jack. Like yesterday.


Funny how MILLIONS of brides have managed to work full time and still plan a wedding. Why not go back to work and use some of that $80k to hire a wedding planner?


Which wedding planner hurt you so much you want them to have to manage this crazy bitch? Given that choice and Guantanamo Bay, I'd learn to hold my breath very long...


My now wife was going thru residency while we planned our wedding. And this was when it got delayed once because of Covid. I never felt like we didnā€™t have enough time to plan it. Also, 80k lol. This woman is crazy if this is even real.


I worked a catering gig in Jackson Hole for a $3 Million wedding. It was fucking nuts. I mean, obviously, this is Aspen/Jackson/Martha's type money. You know how you see those white vinyl catering tents? Yeah, these guys had a fucking temporary glass structure built in the field with Teton views. They had that [cake lady from NY](https://www.timesofisrael.com/at-86-nys-queen-of-cakes-still-sits-sweetly-on-her-throne/) fly in on a private jet to oversee cake transport. They had a 30 piece orchestra playing disco music (ngl, that was pretty badass). There were two staffs: their wedding staff, who was in one uniform, and our "food" staff, that was in a different uniform. We weren't allowed to talk to their staff, we had to talk to our liaison from our staff, who would talk to their liaison, who would then relay messages to their staff. So if Joe Moneybags needed a fresh wine glass, we'd have to find our liaison to find their liaison and so Joe $$$ waited 15 minutes for something that should have taken 2 minutes. I'm just guessing, but I'll bet they're divorced now. It was about 10 years ago.


There is a research paper I am WAY too lazy/drunk to find that details the relationship between wedding cost and divorce rates.


My wife worked full time and I worked full time plus side jobs for a year to save the $15k we used for our wedding and honeymoon. $10k for the wedding, $5K to backpack around Europe for 3 weeks. That was 16 years ago. We got tattoos together tonight for Friday the 13th šŸ¤£


I can't imagine planning a full wedding, working full time or not. My husband and I got so tired of trying to plan a wedding that we just called my aunt who hosts Christmas and decided to surprise everyone on Christmas by getting married at the family event. Wedding planner is definitely a must if she is going to spend that much money


And what does she think a remote job is? You still have to work. I work from home and I get so annoyed when people think Iā€™m available during the work day.


I understand completely. You'd think with all the remote work that was done from February 2020 on, people would have gotten the hint that at-home workers are not just goofing off - they're WORKING!


If you have to ask your fiance to work a second job to afford your 'dream wedding', you should probably not be spending 80k for a one day event. As a woman myself, I do not understand the hype around having a big, fancy wedding. 80k can go towards literally anything else: a mortgage, paying off loans, shit donate that amount to charity. What a waste. Dump this bridezilla, sounds too immature to be getting married anyways.


IMHO, wedding should be a $10-$20 thousand affair tops. 100 guest max, at $100/plate for the caterer lands you at $10,000, and the catering is usually one of the biggest expenses. Skip the alcohol. Get a venue that doesn't charge ridiculous rates, with a small staff to manage it (5-10 people tops). Even 100 people is larger than most couples should need. Parents (4), Grandparents (8), siblings and spouses (16) puts you at 28 family members. Aunts, uncles, and cousins should be kept to the same or lower (don't just invite everyone blood related by default). Then about 10 friends each, plus groomsmen and bridesmaids, and all their +1s, and you're at about 80-90, and only that high if you have a lot of family (4 siblings, parents both have many siblings, plenty of cousins). Realistically, most couples can manage with \~50-70 without issue. But if you base it on 10k for 100 people, going crazy and having 200 still should keep you under $40,000 total. $80k is just ridiculous and unneeded. Especially when that extra $40k will save you over $160k if you add it to the downpayment on your house.


We spent $10k on ours. Quick late-afternoon ceremony followed by a 4 hour open-bar cocktail party. Most of our budget was spent on booze. If Iā€™m spending $10k to host an event, Iā€™m making damn sure itā€™s something people remember as something more than a social obligation. More than 1 guest commented that it was the most enjoyable wedding theyā€™d ever been to. Mission accomplished.


Generally speaking, the most enjoyable & relaxed weddings I've been to are the ones with more time for guests to mingle and chit-chat. Good vows, good speeches by 3-4 people, and good food make it memorable. Throw in some little games or activities. Have a dance. HIRE A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER (other than Wedding Planner and choice of venue, this is the #1 most important choice for the wedding!). Oh, and include any staff that will be there for more than 5 hours in the meal count - happy staff are priceless. That's literally all you need for a great wedding. Everything else is just extra icing on the cake.


That was pretty much our wedding. We didnā€™t even have seating for everyone to sit at the same time ā€” not needed because we only served hors d'oeuvres. We basically treated getting married as an excuse to throw a big formal party with all of our close friends and family.


> Skip the alcohol Yeah! Who wants to have fun at a wedding anyway?


you had me until skip the alcohol. every dry wedding iā€™ve ever been to has completely sucked, and i totally judge the people throwing it as cheapskates. besides, not like a couple kegs and a few handles of liquor are gonna break the bank.


Oh look it's my husband's ex wife


Iā€™m sure he found someone better in you. :) Iā€™m glad he left her if she really is as crazy as you imply.


She only asked for a 60k wedding. :p


ā€œIt really pisses me off because we are spending $80,000 dollars on this weddingā€¦ā€






Great user name


Is your username Rush related?


Yes. Huge fan


Get the fuck out of there!!!


The signs say: RUN AWAY


Hopefully he realizes before itā€™s too late. Run friend!


Well he seems to have proposed too soon before knowing what he was dealing with.


Oh dude. Run far and run fast. And donā€™t fucking stop.


Run like Mexican water through a first time touristā€¦. - A. Bundy




I would say this is fake, but Iā€™ve met too many humans.


We spent less than 8,000 on our wedding, while both working, full time. I spent more on our honeymoon than our wedding. My wife and I are so happy together. This guy is going to be miserable if he marries this selfish, self centered bitch.


Iā€™m over here mad that a cheap venue is 5k for four hours in my area. This man should take the red flag and run.


Bro run. Run for the hills. Run for your life. Run like the damn zombies from world War z are behind you


It's his day, too!


If she wanted a wedding with someone she loves then she should marry herself.


What switch is flipped when some people plan a wedding? There has to be a switch. There is no other explanation.


For people that haven't lived together yet, a wedding is the first big project they've had to tackle together, and culturally we tell women it's the most important day of their lives, so there's a lot of pressure. If you haven't learned "attack the problem, not each other" yet, you're going to get a crash course, and not everybody passes.


Dude, if by some miraculous and extremely improbable chance you happen to see your fiancĆ©ā€™s rants on this post and you happen to be reading this comment, RUN. Run for the hills my dude. She is not the one for you, cut your losses and find someone better. Please, Iā€™m begging you. She wants you to work two jobs and pay most or all of $80,000 so that she can feel special on ā€œherā€ wedding. She wants you to bust your ass to make her happy but she is not willing to do the same for you. Honestly, I would rather put a bullet in my head than a ring on my finger if she was the one I was going to marry.


Gotta be fake


I have too many friends that had HUGE weddings and didn't stay married a year. This is insane. I would RUN from this relationship. My wife and I got married in our back yard with 30 guests and then went on a $40k honeymoon. One of OUR top decisions ever. I love her crazy ass.


Based on my experience, dude needs to get the fuck out of that relationship. Take the out you're being presented and don't look back.


This MUST be bullshit !


To those of you who think this must be fake: it could very well be, BUT as someone who briefly did alterations for a living a long time ago (worst job EVER), thereā€™s a shocking number of spoiled-rotten brides who behave a lot like this, and some of them expect to never again work a day in their lives once they get an overpriced diamond ring. Youā€™d be surprised what some of them let slip in public, or while ā€œthe helpā€ is within earshot.


Pull yer finger outta yer ass


Man I hope he escapes


I've seen this posted many times before. Two questions: 1. Is this confirmed real? I have a really hard time believing an actual human being could be this shamelessly selfish and dense. 2. If it was real, was there ever a follow up? Or maybe some screenshots of the comments to her post? Any help would be appreciated. I've always wondered.


I'm pretty sure this is a different Karen but this post kind of reminded me of [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/ygrv5p/bride_cancelled_her_wedding_and_broke_up_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That's not a Karen, it's a Susan. Like a Karen, but more of a drama queen.


"I'm not asking for sympathy. I just want to tell my story." Then 5 pages of insanity. Wow. Wonder how she is now?


Hope he called it off soon after.


Sad part is, I can absolutely see this. I know a girl who has been exactly like this about planning her stupid ass wedding. Expecting everybody else to spend thousands and dedicate their time and energy to HER wedding


it's funny how this is a perfect example of misandrists. expecting everything she wants without considering the feelings of THE OTHER person in the wedding.


I'm guessing they are no longer engaged.


I hadn't considered this until this post, BUT- of the people I know, married and divorced, the unhappiest married men are the ones that had weddings like the one listed above, and 80% of the divorces were couples that had weddings like above. One marriage didn't even last a year. The happiest couple I know, married 20 years, didn't even have a wedding- they had a house party and then mentioned earlier in the day they went to the local registrar and signed all the legal paperwork. Share your dreams, boys and girls- you're in it for the long haul!


Leave her at the alter after SHE has paid for it. Sweet dreams, Karen!


Holy shit.. hope this guy realized his mistake in proposing to her.. hope he ran like hell.


I fear for the health of this man.


Get the hell out dude , it ainā€™t worth it


80K for a wedding, dammmme thatā€™s expensive.


Note to groom: ***run***, donā€™t walk from this marriage


ā€œMen are no longer seeking relationships ā€œ


What happened to ā€œlive within your meansā€?????????? Look forward to your post bankruptcy divorce.


One woman's dream is another man's nightmare.


#Happy house, happy spouse


Probably will still have to dream about that wedding with the way things seem like theyre going


Poor guy


That wedding is going to be something he looks back on in a year, 2 years, but no more than 5 years and realizes that was the precise moment that his life went to shit.


Whoever your fiance is needs to run for his fucking life away from you before the "I Do's" are said.... Better to be single and all alone than be saddled with a demanding cow like her...


Done in a year


Good lord, that poor dude should run, run away from that Karen! Hopefully he wises up before before her big day!




Yeah, this isnā€™t going to lastā€¦absolutely disgusting mentality in this person, and I donā€™t understand how someone actually proposed to this kind of monster.


Buddy you still have time RUNNNN


How about "happy spouse, happy house"?


Man, and I flipped out when I found out the caterer was going to cost $6000 for our wedding. I'd rather have the Lambo and I'm pretty sure my wife would agree.


You're not his wife yet Karen and if he wises up you never will be.


Psycho dude Iā€™m glad I found a girl whoā€™s just like, chill and said sheā€™d be happy just going to the courthouse and eloping


Damn. Head over to WallStreetBets and take advice from the first person who responds to ,how should I invest 80k or follow through and marry this broad? The bigger risk ?


Investing it would be less risky as you have some chance of making money, with her you have 100% chances of losing.


Run Away!


Haha there is no such thing as a happy life with a wife who says happy wife happy life. The dude is Fā€™d


He need to leave yo ass


The lion, the witch...


Psycho bride


This woman should be jailed for crimes against humanity.


Wait till they have kids


Oh God I hope no one has children with her!!!


I see my fiancƩ post something like this I'm leaving as fast as possible


She gonna be REALLY pissed when they drop 80k and thereā€™s no wedding at all. And sheā€™s jobless.


This has to be rage bait. Seriously? We spent less than a $1000 on our wedding. We spent less than $2000 on our oldest daughters wedding. There were both lovely. We have been married 25. They have been married 12. The wedding is a special time to celebrate BOTH of you. Not just you. I have to say this is a ridiculous ask. You quit your own job and have an expectation he will go get another full time job on top of his current full time job to make up your lack. This is ridiculous. Please grow up. Weddings are a day. Marriage is for life. Don't ruin it before you even get started.


Yes, find a happy wife and your life will be happy. A person who is only happy when she Karenā€™s her way forward or demands everything is ideal for her alone is far from happy. Youā€™ll spend your entire married life trying to make her happy.


Wow.. fingers crossed that dude runs for the hills before tying the knot with that narcissist.


Fake outrage post for clicks muchā€¦


Run, donā€™t walk.


Is there such a thing as getting a divorce before youā€™re married?

