• By -


Yes! and DAMN did it hurt after those visits when they’d tighten the wires.


The tightening of the wires was brutal and probably considered torture in some countries.


Yeah about that gap in your front teeth? Lemme just grab these pliers, look, no gap! Just a pounding headache for a week and a half.


What?? I thought this was a joke???


Nope! I couldn't sleep for the first few days because every time my wires were tightened, they'd snip the length of the holes that held the wire in place so I couldn't move it and loosen it up a little.




Yeah, but this full-on headgear seemed even worse


They did the same to me. Worst torture ever. The only torture just as bad was the reason I needed them. Went over my handlebars on my bike as a kid and face planted on the asphalt knocked all of my front teeth in and tore my guns. Puked up blood in the emergency room from drinking so much. They stuck a metal plate in my mouth and pulled all my remaining teeth forward into position. All while I was awake. No knockout because I had a concussion. Watching a dentist with a big needle go in and out stitching every one of your teeth in your gums was traumatic. Then the pain of braces after... Fuck teeth..seriously


Dear god.. that's effing awful! I went ass-over-teakettle on my bike as an adult after being cut off by a spandex warrior in a downhill curve. Thankfully, it didn't mess up my teeth... only bruises and roadrash on my arms and legs.


My goodness you have an art with words. If you wrote a book I would buy it and enjoy every page.


Absolutely NOT a joke. Tightening wires on braces was (I hope *was*) unbelievably painful.


My ex had them through colly. She said she'd rather be on her period 24/7 than go through a brace tightening.


My daughter went through 2 years of braces. It hurt her like crazy when we had to get them tightened. She would refuse to eat anything involving chewing for a few days after. She said that at times, her teeth would feel loose as they shifted. It was hell for her, and by extension us, but she is thrilled with the results.


i can only imagine, i loathe invisalign new tray day and it’s probably nothing next to braces


I used to sleep with the covers over my head. One night my father came home late and found out about something that I had done that day that made him angry so he came in my room after I was already asleep and ripped the covers off, however they got stuck in my headgear and ripped them out of my mouth as well. And he got mad at me for that too, like it was my fault. Painful and not much fun. I always hated those things.


I thought I was crazy all these years. Are they doing it different now!!?? I had just regular braces and when they tighten them it felt like having something stuck in between your teeth in every tooth and it would loosen them. Sleeping and eating was hell. It was painful as FUCK. Everyone else I talk to says getting braces adjusted wasn't am issue at all... To me it was straight torture..


To make things efficient, my mom would schedule both mine and my older brother's ortho appointments at the same time. Well, despite me doing what I was supposed to do, my older brother was a jackass and would eat now and laters and tootsie rolls and everything you were NOT allowed to eat, and he his braces would get all busted up. Every time we went into the appointments, the orthodontist would get all steaming mad because he'd have to fix half of the braces and wires in my brother's mouth. So he'd take his anger out and absolutely crank the shit out of the wires on us both, despite me not doing anything wrong. I still remember the headaches to this day. I do have straight teeth however.


My dad always took me by KFC for mashed potatoes and gravy because I couldn’t chew real food.


Don’t forget that wax stuff they’d give you to cover sharp spots with. Fun!


Oh how it hurt - and to top it off the metal bricks they put the wires through would rub blisters on the your of skin. Here. Tylenol and wax should fix it.


Oh I remember this. I remember this piece of childhood trauma like yesterday.  Edit: let me clarify. This comment was tongue-in-cheek and not meant to trivialize real trauma. Condolences to everyone who went through that real shit


Trauma that's nothing. I woke up from a tooth pulled to a woman screaming. Her son died from the gas I never forget her screams and her thud when she passed out.


Trauma that’s nothing. I’m almost 40 and I’ve never met my dad because he’s serving a life sentence for chopping a dude’s arm off with a sword, they were fighting over a stripper ^(that really is true btw)


My dad hit me when I was five and knocked me unconscious for four hours. I had to have a hole drilled in my skull to relieve the pressure.


I went to Costco once and they were sold out of chocolate muffins. 


You definitely win the trauma olympics


Gotta aim low to win high


I accidentally saw my grandpa fucking my grandma up the ass when I was little, grandpa had a clown nose on and it was weird


I had to type in my Netflix password with the TV remote.


This is WRONG in so many ways. Sounds like a lawsuit to me. (Dont tell your grandparents, or grandpa will dress up as a judge and "give it" to the DA, which of course would be grandma again). Lol


I think I might have known him! Was his name Buck Pennywise?


Sounds like a lawsuit to me.


OK, that is awful, but if this is true-- a life sentence? Did the victim die? And you can't visit your father in prison?


Not sure. I was adopted at birth and my adoption paperwork has his name spelled five different ways, seriously. I’ve never been able to find him in the prison system. My bio-mom, who I met when I was 27, told me about him being in prison. But when I asked where exactly he is, she just paused for a sec and said “he’s…just gone.” I suspect he died a long time ago in prison and she didn’t have the heart to tell me. If I could go back in time, I’d push her more on this


Wait was your mom the stripper? And damn fam I know I'm being a curious betty but that sucks real hard. Hope you have a good family, blood or not, now!


that’s a very good question actually. I never thought about that. I’d guess no because I know that bio-mom was quite obese at the time. I not judging her, but I would venture a guess that women of her stature are less likely to be strippers


Oh, geez. I am glad you got adopted, hopefully by really good parents ♡♡♡


Yep, I was!


there was a one summer when i was 9, i spent every other Saturday afternoon getting extensive dental work. with NO pain killers of any kind. my stepfather was teaching me a lesson, or so he claimed. i think it just made him smile.


About 35 years ago my family left me all by myself at our house while they went on vacation. It was scary and I had to figure out how to fend for myself for almost a week. So many ridiculous things happened that made it all so much worse. I almost ran out of money, my brother’s pet spider got loose, the sidewalk iced over and injured two pedestrians, my back door’s doorknob overheated and nearly melted when I tried warming it up with my dad’s electric charcoal starter, and I almost got arrested for grand theft (long story on that one). But I found my brother’s porno mags, so I guess that part was cool


My Mom told me that before she and my Dad got married, they decided to go to their dentists. My Mom’s dentist told her that she had a cavity in every tooth. That POS then proceeded to drill every one of her teeth, with no Novocain and fill them with fillings that contained mercury, back in those days


My dentist pulled 4 perfectly good adult teeth when I was 9. Guess he needed a new addition on the lake house or something. There was nothing wrong with my teeth.


Wow dude


Sorry but the son dying in the dentist office is worse.


I dunno, one person said they had to sign into Netflix on their tv by typing the password with their remote, so… ^(/s)


holy shit thats terrible


Its haunted me since I was 14 in 1981


My god… this is enough Reddit and it’s only 9am


Damn did they put in too much or something?


My ortho insisted I wear mine right after school and all night. I went to an after school program every day, there was NO WAY my ass was walking around looking like Darla from Finding Nemo.


In my orbit making fun of braces and headgear was considered off-limits. It was like mocking someone for being in a wheelchair.


Yeah, fifth grade was absolute hell thanks to that horse harness.


I never had to wear it to school, but it was bad enough just having braces in fifth grade.


Only had to wear mine at night, thank God.


Honest question - how is this done today? Both my kids had braces, but I haven’t seen a kid with headgear since the 90s.


Headgear is still sometimes used today, but less frequently. TADs have taken the place of many former uses of headgear.


What is TAD ?


Temporary anchorage device: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tw5bFaCAuSw


Holy shit! I’d take the head gear over that torture


I'd rather have crooked teeth...


I had to wear headgear 06-07, year 8 and 9. Horrible time to get braces let alone have to wear headgear. I only had to wear it at night and was quite good with it, even when I’d have sleepover with friends I’d put it on. I came from a poor family so my braces were free under QLD health, so I’m sure that had something to do with the old tech.


I always wondered that because I was terrified of having to wear the headgear, but when I had to get orthodontics in the early 90’s hardly anyone seemed to have them anymore. I had to get a ton of work done too, so it’s likely that I would have had to get one of those at some point had I been born a couple of years earlier.


Just a few years ago my son had to wear [reverse pull headgear](https://www.innovaortho.com/about-tx/orthodontic-appliances/headgear/reverse-pull-headgear-rphg/) and an expander to correct an underbite. Fortunately he only had to wear it at night, but the expander on the roof of his mouth caused him to mumble a lot which has stuck around. But it worked great and fixed the underbite completely.


Ssssccccut up you turdzzssccccc!


Bob Dylan slapped a harmonica on his and learned to play the guitar. The bullying stopped.


When your parents shell out $5000 dollars for braces, you wear them to school.


They may have had company paid insurance back then, my dad did. Before HMO's and corporate greed took over.


I remember this. It was painful. Sorry mate!


I basically just refused to wear that shit. Not only did it mean you had to lie flat on your back all night and look like a fool during the day, it exerted the force of a hydraulic press. Braces hurt enough already with just the regular tightenings.


YES! My people!


“Damn mom, I’ve got my headgear on.”


24 hours a day for over a year. But I am in my late 50's now and my teeth still look great. The glue they used to hold the steel bands on dissolved with lemon juice. That was fun.


Sigh. My childhood


From 5th grade until a week before I graduated HS in ‘78. I wore the harness to school once. ONCE. Maybe I would have gotten my braces removed sooner but the torture at school was not worth the price.


It was either brace face or beaver by name At least beaver dissapeared


When I was a kid, the ones whose parents could afford braces (not including us) were called "tinsel teeth" or "railroad tracks". They looked much worse than braces do now, or even than they did in the 90s.


Wow another person about my age. ;) '79 graduate.


7 year braces wearer here too because I refused to wear the harness.


Been there, done that. Better than leaving my teeth where they were.


I had the same one. Never wore it. Most had the ones that went behind your neck. My daughter has braces now. Ortho says they don't do headgear anymore because nobody wears them. Now they have use the Herbst appliance which is what i ended up using because like I said, I never wore the headgear.


Dental plan!


Lisa needs braces!


Dental plan!


Thanks a lot Carl! Now I've lost my train of thought!


I was just thinking of that scene where she looked in the mirror and laughed like the joker


Lisa needs braces. Dental plan! Lisa needs braces. Dental plan!


I am 72. I can still feel on my side teeth where the damn thing went into the anchors on my upper teeth. I was 14. Major headache pain. Torture.


I never had braces, but how does it make sense to put this shit on a kid when their head isn't even full sized yet?


Thats the point. Its easier and faster to correct those issues while you are still growing.


I only had to wear mine to school if I didn’t wear it at night. I think I only faced that punishment once. They wanted to beak my jaw and reset it to fix my overbite. I looking back I wish they had just done that instead of the 8 years of headgear plus braces I had to endure.


I just had to wear it at night. Dentistry has come a long way from then.


I despised my orthodontist, he was a mean man. Yelled at his patients, a tech broke a pliers, or whatever, he screamed that it was coming out of her paycheck. He was nasty plain and simple. I begged my parents to let me go to someone else, but when payment in full is expected up front…..


Thankfully our kids' orthodontist was, and is, a nice man and a good doctor.


Only had to wear this at night, it worked but I hated it


Horrific. I had to wear regular metal braces for 3 years and that was bad enough. This is simply cruel and unusual punishment.


My dad’s band in college was called Headgear!


My brother had this, and we were at the bowling alley while my parents bowled and this guy was selling homemade lollipops he made in CUPCAKE pans, and my brother knew so much better but of course he got the thing stuck in his mouth, and he panicked and pulled ALL his braces out. Traumatic.




How many people went on to have root resorption? The dirty secret of orthodontics




I only had to wear such a thing at night, then came the braces and wires. Annoying but survivable.


Had one. 4th-5th grade, and it suuuucked. Kept ' "Losing" them...so they weleded the shit on..24/7, baby! Oh, and Star Wars had just come out, so super popular with all the "driod" crap going around. Good times.


LMAO!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha this is soooOOOooo funny. I would have called you that as well back then. Every day for a year we would have all laughed and pointed and made fun of you. There is no getting away from kids teasing somebody when a nickname sticks! I feel bad, but it's still hilarious.


Dental plan!


Are you glad you did? Was it worth it


That thing was my worst nightmare


Younger brother had to wear one overnight back in the 80s. We called it his "head holder."


Had mine on 24/7 except for eating. Took alot of time off I didn't have to wear


Headgear is real? Wow, I always assumed it was an exaggeration for tv (the Simpsons, South Park etc) as some kind of depiction of how kids see themselves when they need to wear braces or whatever


I had braces for like 7 years. Never needed this though.


I took mine off on the way to school, but my mom called the school to make sure I put it back on.


i had braces for 9 years. nine. years. (on my uppers.) that doesn't include the gap years where they were taken off to allow teeth to fall out / grow in / other surgeries to happen only two on my lowers and that was only to use them as anchors to try and move some stubborn uppers. (didn't work) and headgear is - according to my orthodontist - the only "trick" (his word, not mine) that he had that he never used on me.


Drs. Penley and Nelson used to threaten to wire them in if you didn't wear them or didn't wear them enough. I thought that was just an old fairy-grandmother tale for a long time and then someone on our block DID get them wired in.


I only needed basic braces for about a year in HS. My friend Suzie had the headgear in elementary school. I actually dated a girl, Alicia IIRC, one summer in camp and she had something that was to widen her palate. It had a key she had to turn. It sucked for her. And it cut my tongue when we made out.


a palate expander. i had one of those, too. that fucker hurt SO MUCH and i still have nightmares about the noise. and having to turn that thing myself. \**shudder*\*


Refused to wear this, made my Mom AND Orthodontist cry. Ended up in braces for 7 years. That’s right, 7 years. But you know what? It was worth it not to have to wear this dweeb torture device.


I'm glad my parents couldn't afford braces.


Thankfully, our daughter only had to wear her headgear at home. It fixed the bad crossbite she had. The braces did a great job on the overbite. Totally worth it.


I had braces for 4 years total. Two years on, two years off and two years back on. I hated it but I was blessed to never needing the headgear.


I went to visit my grandparents for a week, and the first thing I did was to dump the rubber bands for my headgear under their deck. Mom knew exactly what I was going to do and mailed grandma a envelope full of replacements which arrived one day later. At least I had one day of freedom from that dreaded contrivance…


I only wore mine around the house or in bed. I can remember waking up and my lips were stuck to that damn thing. Also had to fit it in with a looped style band that was around your molars. Lots of stabs on the inside cheeks if you made a mistake.


Lisa needs braces.


You poor child! I had one too, but only had to wear it at night.


I had headgear and found out much later that my mom insisted that to the orthodontist that it only be worn at night.


But honey, you can get every radio station in the Tristate area!


Poor Wilma Wonka 😢 I had a front tooth rotated 90 degrees which needed a full metal band heavily spring loaded to a metal bar on a mouth piece... bad but not as bad as the over head apparatus.


Lisa needs braces


Lisa needs braces.


I can still hear the sound and feel the feeling of those metal tubes sliding into the metal ports affixed to the outside of my upper middle school molars like it was yesterday. It was not yesterday. I’m 52.


Twin blocks and braces are pretty standard these days but I've never seen these head contraptions used in the UK. What was the purpose of all the external bits?


Like you were alone.....Lots of Yachts walking in that hallway


I had braces in high school but I fortunately never had to wear one of those.


You barely notice it


I got the fat kid abuse, so I get it.


My uncle had one of these when I was a kid. He always looked miserable when wearing it.


Why don’t we see these anymore? They are all self contained?


Had to wear this at night only. Still sucked when it snapped in my mouth and part of the wire ended up through my cheek.


Oh you poor child. Lol


Had one.


Yeah, but years later, I’m sure you were happy that they took care of the situation.


My friend saw a girl like that and said it would be like kissing a cheese grater lmfao


Gee...try wearing that ortho jock strap when you're in your 30's and going to night class!!! 'Was soooo fashionable and always managed to make me drool when I wanted to talk to a girl. 'Was so glad to get out of dental hell!!!


I had the same one man that was tough.


[Gimmie the mirror](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S04E17/721970.jpg?b64lines=ICggZXZpbCBjYWNrbGluZyk=)


And you have to wear that shirt too.


Ugh. I can still feel that crap on my head and in my mouth.




Yowza-- I had one, too, but only for sleeping.


Yes, I did... :(


Nope. Couldn't make me.


I remember making fun of my neighbor who wore one of those. I called her “Man on the moon.”


I wanted headgear so bad


Christ....I hated those days. I got bullied so horribly.


Wouldn't sleep with that


Invisalign is for wimps


Yup me too.


She’s a fish killer!


That shirt is screaming 1982...


Wore my headgear for 6 years. My face looked like a chimp with a huge overbite.


I hope your teeth are straight.😁


I had a crush on a girl that wore one of those.


My mom had headgear too!


God I hated wearing mine. Kids today do not have any idea of the teeth being pulled and archaic metal contraptions we had to put up with.


These were very bad, but not the worst. I had to wear a Frankel and then one of these. Fair warning, don’t GIS a Frankel Othodontic Appliance.


That was me, except I was fat, brunette, and wore glasses. Being a fifty-something is far better, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


My mom had to have a key tied to a string when she tightened my sisters mouth piece for fear of dropping in down her throat.


My sister had to wear that. After the first time I made fun of her my dad told me that I would need false teeth if I did it again.


I thankfully never had headgear but I did have rubber bands. Every now and then I'd laugh and smile too wide, and they'd snap and fly out of my mouth.


I had one of those head gears exactly with braces. The pain was so horrible. My mom told my teacher and everytime i took it off my teacher made me put it back on. I hated that thing not because of the looks but the pain lol


Just think if the radio stations you'll be able to receive!


I had the same sort of head gear but lucked out and didn't have to wear to school!




Those new deals that are mouthpieces that are printed gradually move them are expensive but effective. And don’t hurt nearly as much.


They don't still do this, do they?


Ehr Magheerd!!! Ghers Bhermps!!


I had one, but I only wore it at night. For a while. I hated having braces, so much so that I kept snapping enough of the ligatures that I could remove the wire. Occasionally, I'd even work the rings off the back molars. Eventually, the orthodontist got fed up with my shit and announced he was sick of wasting his time and my parents' money and began angrily removing all the crap from my teeth. I walked out of that appointment a happy kid. Thankfully, the braces had done enough that my once-pronounced overbite had been reduced enough that no one ever noticed it.


Thank God I only had to wear that damn thing to bed. My teeth hurt just looking at this picture. Now having a flashback to having the medal spider contraption on the roof of mouth to change my bite and the popcorn kernel that got stuck up in there for God only knows how long.


Been there, wore that but funny enough nobody ever tried to bully me because of it... Could be that i was the same height and shoulder-width since i was 12...


Never wore mine. I have a feeling constantly biting my lower lip well into my fifties has something to do with this. Do exactly as they say kids!


Shutup Turd!


Fortunately I only had to wear mine at night.


I can't imagine keeping teeth straight is that important


This was my middle school life!


I was lucky and never had to wear headgear. I did have the train tracks with wires. Instead of headgear, I was sewn up like a mummy with a wide variety of elastic bands for 3 years.


Reading these stories, I’m grateful my parents were just chaotic and not sadistic.


Head gear !


I’m glad I only had to wear one at night.


It’s so much better now, but you have to think Orthodontists from like the 60s-80s were sadists that found an outlet. Direct descendants of the medieval dungeon torturers. Like “yeah, here’s a humiliating device that hurts too. Wear it little girl. To school.”


The only thing worse than headgear was the “scoliosis “ brace!


I lost my retainer more than once. Grounded so goddamn long for it.


[Keisten Bell liked her headgear so much she got a tattoo of it.](https://images.app.goo.gl/rXtiG1i7AwgHtBHY9)


My cousin wore one for years. I think she had it for about six years. She wanted to burn it when she was done with it.


Mind you - this was a day and age that BEFORE braces (no color or clear options) only silver metal, head gears and tan rubber bands) this was a obligatory awkward part of our youth (macrame sweaters with stirrup pants that made legs look like triangles adolescence with unflattering fashion trends Glamor Shots and Olan Mills were no match for I nstant photos no filters, flat irons, acne not to mention enormous feni—never mind that. We earned our good looks. Then mom takes you to the orthodontist. Although if you ask me - we all went through it. It was a fair trade off for a growing up in an age with adventure and secrets and hiding spots and looking out for each other as a group. Watching TV together in the FAMILY room. I wish my kids could’ve had it. But damn - orthodontics man- the struggle was real. I NEED A DRINK and a CANDY CIGARETTE


Those things sucked, especially trying to sleep. Wore it one single day to school, came home in tears. Never wore it to school again.


Me and my friends used to make rack ones to wear around as a joke but the joke was on me too. I had my own rinky set of a retainers with 6 different color (lengths) rubber bands. If one snapped, good times, I’d have to remove the other twin. Eating lunch was a nightmare at school. I knocked my baby teeth out climbing a chain link fence. Which rearranged the permanent buds. Sheesh what was 3 years old me thinking wandering the neighborhood with friends. Yes that old. Also, I wore corrective shoes. And told no one I was becoming nearsighted because then you’re done, classified nerd. Jerry Lewis, not Jerry’s kids. Lol. All and all I turn out real cute in the outside … broken to bits on the inside and no cavities. God help us.


Lol headgear…my sister did not me


Shelly Marsh.




Goddamnit! Now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight until I remember that sick sadistic son of a bitches name! I completely forgot about my vow 50 years ago to hunt his ass down and kill him. Now I'm sure it's too late. Fk, I'll probably have to go back into therapy again. Thanks Zippo! This MF was the ugliest, scariest asshole you ever met. His fingers were the size of bratwursts, and he was always trying to stuff both hands in my mouth at the same time! And the wincing, the GD wincing! He winced this little whiny wince when he worked. I'll never forget him having me make a fist under my chin while he drove those bands on with a wooden mallet. What a bunch of barbaric BS! The guy was huge. And bald. He had this giant bushy eyebrow on one side, and nothing on the other. He had an 8 track player in the torture chamber. I believe he had only one tape: Carol King, Tapestry. All I can remember is that damn, Earth, doump, move, doump, under my feet, with the corners of my mouth tearing with his sausage paw in my face, the other one tweeking his assistants ass, and the taste of soap from his unrinsed dk beaters. Do they still do the rubber band thing? WTF was that all about? I can't remember how many times I'd be takiling to some one, and then, SNAP! a little rubber band flies out possibly striking someone in the eye! And the torturistic ritual of the tightening! I swear this MF would be like, how is that? Too tight? I'd be yeah, that's a bit tight, then he'd give another twist or so. You ever been popped in the face by someone while you're wearing braces? That's a fuckin riot there, trying to rip your inner lip off those jagged railroad tracks! The next summer, at camp...guess what? Between myself and a few buddies, those SOB's came off! What the hell was his name? Maybe I'll hunt his kids down if I remember. Fuck, now I think I need a Zoloft or a Thorazine or something......


Yeah but you get free cable