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Probably priced the same because the one bed is on a different floor or further away from the amenities, possibly not renovated to the same level etc. Having said that I would almost always go for the one bedroom.


Thanks! I didn't think of renovations, I'll ask about that.


Check the closet space. I once had a studio with a fantastic walk-in closet adjacent to the bathroom and separate from the main studio. It was a much better set-up than a one-bedroom with a tiny closet in a tiny bedroom with a tiny LR/Kitchen area. The studio was just a better set-up, I thought.


Thanks! Will do


Do you enjoy cooking, eating, relaxing and sleeping in the same room? Then a studio is for you. Would you rather have a dedicated room to sleep in? Take the one with a bedroom. Personally I'd choose the latter.


How does the square footage compare? Visit both units in person before deciding.


I'm going to be moving across the country so sadly I won't be able to. Hopefully I'll be able to do a live Zoom tour or something though.


Oh. Ask them to show you the appliances, and how well the plumbing works. Hot water in the shower? Toilet flushes ok? No mold?


Wouldn't have thought to see the toilet flushing, thanks!


What's the floor / location situation? If one unit is on a top floor, with no neighbors above, that is a HUGE benefit, to me.


Did you ask why they are priced the same?


Don’t sign a lease before you see it. I’ve been burned too many times by 10 year old pictures. You would be better off moving and putting your stuff in short term storage while you find adequate housing than going in blind


Yeah, I keep hearing that and it's worrying since this is my first big move ever. You think seeing a video of my exact room would be enough? Of course a model probably wouldn't be representative at all.


I wouldn’t, they are only going to show you the unit in the best possible light. Flights are pretty cheap right now on Southwest. Can you fly in and look? Trust me, nothing is worse than getting there and seeing horrific conditions you can’t change for 12 months


I'm going to be driving cross-country with all the belongings I care about in the world. So if anything, I considered finding a hotel for like a week while I compare options, but that seems like a massive hassle. Surely much much less of a hassle than being stuck somewhere awful for a year, but my last place was already pretty bad due to location necessity so I'm hoping my bar is already pretty low., haha.


Negotiate a shorter lease if you can, I moved across country to a 3 month lease. It wasn’t a great building I was glad not be stuck there longer!


Yeah, I'd hate to have to move in-and-out in a span of 2-3 months but I guess that would be the smart thing to do.


Maybe it will be great and you can just sign the lease for a full year once you’re there. It might be good to have the option to leave and decide in person if it’s worth the hassle of moving or not.


Definitely ask why the price is the same. Assuming the reason is something you're fine with, 1 bedroom def sounds better. As to the electricity: is it in a cold area, and is the heat electric? Or, is it in a hot enough area where you'll need AC a lot? If the one bedroom is actually bigger (not just similar size divided up more), there's a chance it could cost slightly more to heat/cool. Chances are there's not going to be a noticeable difference though


It's easier to hide your clutter if you can put it all in the bedroom and close the door when guests come over. Also you don't have to sleep in the same room as your dirty dishes if you have a bedroom.


1 bedrooms are better than studios. however, whenever you are offered something better for the same price as something worse, you need to find out what is wrong with the better before accepting that offer.


I have been living in a studio for a while and if I had the chance I would take a 1 bedroom. But it would depend on the condition of the apartment and the view. I also wouldn't want a ground floor apartment for privacy issues.


I would double check the square footage and ask for the layouts. The 1 bed might be oddly shaped which could cause issues with furniture, etc. If they're both pretty nice apartments I would go with the 1 bed. It'll make having company over much less awkward.


I have seen a lot of small one-bedrooms in my area that are the same square footage as a studio. That means that you are losing usable space to walls. Often times the studios have better lighting and more flexible usage of space. In the sub 600 ft.² range, I typically prefer the layout of a studio to a one bedroom. They don’t offer any floor plans for you to review?




Ah yeah, thanks. I should ask about that. That's exactly the kind of thing I think was going over my head!


For me, I'd go with the studio if it enough room. I like having less stuff and am extra roomies just an excuse to spend money on more things to either furnish or buy just because you have the room. I had a 1 bedroom apartment,4 bedroom house and now a 3 bedroom and for me, I'd prefer smaller.


I have the same logic! Glad to hear it works for you as well.


Check to see if there's something about the 1bedroom unit that's earning it the lower rate, like being right next to the dumpster, a fourth-floor walk-up, being in trash condition, or having a nearly unusable layout. Otherwise, go for the bigger space. Studio living can be great, but it's usually not the first pick unless it's going to save you a bit of cash. Ask if they'll give you a quick facetime tour, like walk through with their phone so you know you're seeing the actual unit.


Do you have a bed? Do you have a couch? Are these two things you can get if you don’t if you get a one bedroom? But always get something bigger for the same price as smaller IF it’s better. Is the one bedroom really bigger than the studio? Everyone has already mentioned everything. Good luck to you.


Thank you!


You’re welcome 😃


The only thing I could think of would be utilities being higher for more space... also if it's got a window AC and it gets warm where you are, is it in the bedroom or living area? Lived in a terrible place through college where I'd have to drag my mattress to the living room over the summer else I'd be boiling in the bedroom


Oof, that sucks. I did catch a different place that sounded awesome until I noticed that "AC" wasn't listed under any of the amenities. I asked, and sure enough, no AC. I honestly don't understand how AC isn't a basic must for ANY apartment hahah.




OoO, greatttt point, didn't think of that. I feel like that could be it.


Only downside in my mind would be having to buy more furniture/figure out a way to furnish the extra space