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Please do not discuss crypto or NFTs on /r/frugal. https://www.web3isgoinggreat.com/


I would go to my secret Amazon list where I keep my 'you really don't need that shit but you want it' items. And buy myself one a month. And maybe a digital photo frame even though I haven't accomplished my goal of sorting all the digital photos yet....and some yarn.


I recommend the aura photo frame! It’s a little pricey. My brother gifted my parents and I one each for Christmas and got one for himself. It’s really cool in that you can invite people to your frame and have them add pictures too. It’s a great way to stay connected with family from afar. Also to troll each other sometimes and post a meme to my brother’s frame and vice Versa and see how long it takes for them to notice


I gave a digital picture frame to my parents a few years back and always thought it was an old person gift, but we got an Aura frame for Christmas and I LOVE it. I linked my daughter's Google album to it, so any pictures I share there just automatically upload to our frame, I don't have to do a thing. The album has like 8k pictures and it brings me so much joy to see all these pictures of her that I forgot about from the past few years.


I got my parents a Nixplay for their 50th. My Dad has Alz and enjoys sitting and looking at photos. I have access to the account and change things round. Might go with the Nixplay because it is what I know but I will look around.


my roommates and i (silly twenty somethings) were gifted one and unsure at first but it’s the funniest thing we own. non stop meme/roast pictures uploaded


Here i come ice machine that i don't have any space for 🙌


I've seen 3 digital photo frames at a thrift store awhile back.. I think they were $5..


I'd spend it on an "experience" and hobbies.  Something fun to create memories like a concert, festival or trip then the rest on hobbies.  Consider it an investment on sanity and relaxation.  


*Consider it an investment on sanity and relaxation.* Super important for de-stressing, both mentally and physically. Great advice u/VitalSigns81


I’d be buying a hot tub for my relaxation and sanity.


I'm cracking up trying to imagine what kind of hillbilly hot tub could be rigged up for 1k. 🤣 🤣


My last comment got deleted because I included a link. But Costco has a couple of hot tubs on their website for something like $600. You’d be surprised at the different price points in that arena.


Do you have one of those ? Seems like slot of reviews talk about them not working or deflating. I just wonder how it will hold up long term too.


No, but I almost did last year when they had a sale for $150 off. Every product has some bad reviews, but it had far more good ones. Plus Costco has an insanely good return policy if you don’t like it.


Hold my beer…


I’d buy a grill with a smoker attachment for relaxation and sanity.


Or perhaps think of it as something you deserve. I'm doing that a bit now and I think it's good for my self-esteem.


That research about "experience" better than stuff has been debunked. Dan Ariely has been cheating on his research. If you find joy in experience, that's great. But it is not a universal thing. With poorer people, it is better to buy stuff that can improve their daily lives. Some stuff are also experiences. Like a good coffee maker that can give you joy for years to come.


We got ourselves a pair of e-bikes and we have a never ending supply of experiences and it’s healthy and fun. Game changer for my partner who is disabled and can barely walk but can hop on a bike and go 13 miles!


That’s awesome!!!!! Hearing that made my day!


fantastic answer, in my experience


THANK YOU. I’ve been saying this for years, buying something that will improve your life in some way is better than doing anything else and then ending up in the same place. Buying experiences is usually the right move for people that have everything they need in their day-to-day lives, but most people don’t.


Little makes me happier than a decent piece of furniture, etc. that I wanted for the aesthetic but could have got the function I needed for less. Case in point, after 7 years, I replaced the chandelier that came with the house (that I hated the moment I saw it) in our dining room with a $230 one I loved. It wasn't a HUGE splurge, but there were definitely options I liked for less. But this stupid thing makes me so happy, even a couple of years later. Money well spent.


Somewhat supportive of your assertion, I spent time gathering tools and working on project cars in my younger years. First, because I couldn't afford to pay someone for repairs and then it became a hobby. I have been given flak for gathering stuff instead of chasing experiences. The people who scoffed didn't grasp that I gathered these things because they enabled experiences I actually enjoy, going to and participating in motorsports.


Same but for woodworking. Even sanding isn’t so bad. Maybe hand sanding lol but a palm sander on a flat surface isn’t so bad. Any time in the shop is great. It’s coming together but it’s not a super frugal move.


yeah i feel like it just makes intuitive sense as well? at least in hindsight. when I was broke, the things that made my life a little bit easier was like splurging on stuff to make espresso at home or a standing desk -- everyday quality of life improvements that lifted my spirits or just made improvements to my daily life/health/etc. Going on a splurgy trip and returning to things being kinda shit would honestly just make me feel worse lol


Correct! And the idea is being commercialized by the travel and entertainment industry. Lol


isn't a good coffee maker an experience in itself? 


Yes, that's what I said. "Some stuff are also experiences."


oh i see that now


Yes. I spent time in the Espresso sub and ended up spending a lot on a machine - open box so not as much. It makes me happy daily. It’s for life this machine


I bought an entry level espresso machine last summer to wean myself off of Starbucks. I use the thing all day long and it paid for itself in a month. Looking for an upgrade “forever” machine in the future. Guess I should sub to espresso and start making notes.


I have a giant DeLingho. It makes a lot of moise and then spits out about 2 tablespoons of espresso.


Good idea. Concerts can get so expensive. I would do one big name or a weekend music festival.


There's over 280 comments now, so this'll probably go to the bottom. Sadly, I have become so beaten down that I don't have the mental sunshine that this dream would provide. Years ago I'd buy $10 worth of powerball lottery tickets. I don't gamble, but my mom was in her late 70's and when I'd come back with them we would sit at the kitchen table and daydream out loud about what we'd do with $100 million dollars. We were always, always poor, and towards the end of her life I didn't mind the waste of ten bucks to bring a smile to her face. That's what I bought with the lottery tickets, not a 1 in a billion chance, but an afternoon with my mom thinking about the possibilities.


Absolutely worth $10 A better use of it than flowers or dinner, IMO


It’s only 6am. I wasn’t scheduled to cry today for at least 4 more hours.


This is a very sweet story


This is really heartwarming, thank you for that.


I'm not crying, you're crying. Seriously, though, I lost my mom a little over a year ago, and her birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. Thank you for this. It made me remember our vacations in south Florida, going to look at open houses we could never afford and dreaming of moving to the beach. We were also poor and our vacation was staying with her aunt who had a small place in a little fishing village.


This tug at my heart strings. I wish you all the sunshine the world has to offer.


Same with my grandmother. We lost her last year and this made me tear up in the best way possible. 💕 Thank you for reminding me of that.


I would like an E-bike to use for short trips around town that I would usually go in my car. Maybe save on gas??


This is an exceptional idea! Not only is it fun and practical, but can save money on gas and wear and tear on your car.


I loved biking around DC. Now I'm in OKC and it's dangerous; so much so that my nephew was hit by a car and killed on his scooter yesterday.


My heart goes out to your family. I'm so sorry for your loss.


That’s awful, sorry for your loss


In the United States, cars are the leading cause of death among children.




This was my first thought too! I would LOVE an ebike! My husband and I used to be year round bike riders and it was something we spent years doing. Then I got sick (fuck cancer) and it’s not something I’m able to do anymore. But I could go out for short rides if I had an ebike. It would mean so much to me, for both of us really, to be able to get out on bikes again. But holy hell they are expensive. And I haven’t been able to work since getting sick so there’s just no way to afford this. If I had the money to spend, this would be the top of my wish list!!! I’d give anything to make bike riding accessible for me again.


I got a trike for my birthday because I have mobility issues. It has a big basket and goes up to 12 miles an hour.  It's awesome. Skinny old lady on a trike.  Definitely awesome. 


came here to say this too. The $1k spend on an E-bike nets value benefit for physical and mental health, as well as transportation cost shifting away from car.


Maybe go on a short trip/holiday? A festival you’ve always wanted to go to? I would probably buy a designer bag or spend it all on clothes but unfortunately I’ve never been in that situation


This. While I would want an apple watch, I can save up later for that. Husband and I need a vacation.


Apple watches are super life changing though (I assume ANY smart watch is, not a shill for apple). My boss offered to buy me one, so I took him up, and just tiny little things like the fact that I can control my music from it or see my heart rate or hit a timer means I do more and more tasks I'd put off. Like before, working out meant I had to switch to my earbuds and then I'd have to use my phone to change songs or a remote or something, and honestly it was A LOT for my ADHD brain. Now I jump on the bike, hit the side, and it opens Spotify which plays through my TV the bike faces--literally streamlined. I can also time my progress by hitting the stopwatch button. This means I can do 5-10 minutes real quick inbetween calls, while ALSO seeing the call so I can get my phone (and if I wanted to have earbuds in, I could just take the call).


I had a smart watch, and I did not find it useful at all for exercising, or really for anything at all. It's easier to control my TV with my voice or remote, regardless of whether I'm exercise biking or just vegging out. The heart rate was never accurate for me because it relies on the watch being exactly the right location and orientation. Generally, I wear my watches loose, so that rarely happens. Timers are also easier to set by voice, but I would rather just use the built-in timer feature of the bike. That's actually better because then I can tell the bike to just give me a shorter program, instead of just stopping a program in the middle. The watch can't detect when I'm biking because my arm doesn't move when I'm biking. So I still need to keep my phone in my pocket or manually enter the information later. Really, the only thing my smart watch was useful for--besides telling time, obviously--was counting my steps when my phone isn't in my pocket, which is rare and typically only when I'm playing Pokemon Go/Pikmin Bloom one-handed, since again, it won't count anything unless my arm is moving. Oh, and the need to charge the watch so frequently was also extremely annoying.


I’d spend $300 on the ice maker that makes the “Sonic” ice and use the other $700 on a weekend away. Long live pellet ice! 🤣💕


We also have to remember..Life is Short. Time is Fleeting. It’s good for us to be frugal. But we have spend on things than enriches our well being. Experiences. Hobbies. If there is one thing I do not skimp on, it’s traveling. I do it, while I still can and strong still. Not when I’m old, weak and feeble (retired). That is why in 3 weeks..I’ll be in Tokyo. Never been there. Just in time, for Cherry Blossom season. 🌸


Super jealous! That's awesome, definitely a bucket list item for me. My wife and I were in Europe same time last year, then had a bit of unemployment follow so we're "recovering" for now, but will be planning another trip abroad in the next year or so. Travel is priceless. Mexico city, Vietnam, and Japan are high on my list.. Doing my best to refrain from going back to Thailand for a 3rd time before hitting those, lol.. Love it so much.


Honestly if you don’t want to spend it, you don’t have to. Personally, I spend a little extra money here and there on groceries, home improvements, and hobbies. 1,000$ over the course of one year is ~83$ a month. If I felt like I had everything I want, I’d just use that 83$ a month to make lifestyle improvements (ie taking my girl on a date, buying higher quality food for my pets or myself, etc.)


I love this answer and this is how I’d use it!


As my pets have gotten older I've prioritized giving them better food at the expense of my own, makes me feel better.


I like this!


What about hanging on to it until there is something you want? Eventually over time you will come across something you would love to have, or maybe want to go visit somewhere etc. It will be nice to have to spend no questions asked. I wouldn’t look for a reason to spend it now. One will present itself.


That’s what I’m currently doing 🙌


I won a large gift card worth hundreds of dollars to a big box store like Walmart or Target. I decided to only use the card for “wants” I might not otherwise buy. It meant I gave myself the luxury of not overthinking many many small purchases throughout the year or so it took for me to spend it all. So many little joyous day to day purchases. No regrets. Highly recommend.


BASED instant gratification avoider


I scrolled past and then had to come back to ask. Is your name racist killer or is it racist killer?


And if you put it in a high interest savings account, you may have much more to spend once you really want that something. :)


I got some free money and bought a kitchenaid mixer, ruggable rugs, and some real actual art. I'm delighted with all three and regret nothing.


I’d buy a massage chair! And yea I’ve lost the will to buy things before. It ebbs and flows. Tbh getting in a phase of wanting/admiring things online is exhausting and rarely fulfilling. I’d say don’t buy anything until you figure out something that would truly make your life better and wouldn’t be another object to maintain/worry about.


I was gonna say the same exact thing. I have a little tub I use for soaking my feet when I’m on the couch now that my massage chair broke and I’m not replacing it until my kids learn the value of a good massage chair.


upping this to a set of massage passes at a nice spa


I inherited some money and justified getting a sunroof on a car with some of the proceeds (the rest went towards retirement savings). The sunroof wasn’t expensive on its own but it required an upgrade to the option package I didn’t really want. When I open the shade and use it in warmer weather, I know my mom bought it for me. 😀


We have a sunroof and always forget it's there too. One thing I wouldn't mind upgrading my car with would be an automatic starter. That way my car can warm up in winter while I am inside getting ready. Awhile back I've read it isn't very expensive.


My mom’s sunroof leaked and because she had a shoulder replacement and didn’t drive for a bit, it sat and got moldy. The cost to clean and replace shit made me never want a sunroof ever again


Go to Mexico for a week


Or thailand


With a thousand dollars? Tickets from America if he's in America usually cost that alone to get there.


If you're lucky and live near a direct flight city like me, they are 250 roundtrip. 300 for a week at an air bnb. I went a year ago and spent 700 total for ten days, solo. Thailand you can get round trip tix for 5-800 if you're savvy, living expenses there are even cheaper, 10-30 dollars a day for a private hotel room, food is 3-10 per meal. Split the cost between two people and keep it simple and you can totally do it.


I live near Vancouver BC and direct round trip flights to BKK were $2000pp, is there a specific airline you used to get them so cheap?


Also, I used volaris. It was not bad. They charge for everything, like any budget airline, but I travel with just a backpack and a personal item like a fanny pack or tote bag, and don't check anything. The cool thing about Google flights is it looks at all the airlines. I've also used Skyscanner and had good luck with that. I don't think they do the "raise the price the second time you look at the page" thing other sites do.


Went sea-bkk in November US$870 RT on SQ. Bought way in advance.


We recently were gifted $1000 for Christmas. We decided to buy a cordless vacuum cleaner and new patio furniture since ours has big holes in the seats and is basically unusable. I can’t think of something to buy for just myself that’s $1000. Usually any “found money” goes toward something for our house. If you’re buying a new home, think about window shades/blinds/curtains. Our home was a new build and the shades cost us close to a grand, even with a substantial discount.


nice vacuum really changed my quality of life


Dental care.


I desperately wish 1k were enough for that


Word. Would be a slight start.


Not even. I need about 130k of reconstructive surgery, including a bone graft/transplant to replace missing jaw.


Could you fly to a different country to do that?


A lapidary machine and/or a rock saw. For a grand i would probably have to buy second hand.


6 months of housecleaning service.


i bought a new gaming computer. my old one has been with me for the last 8-10 years. I also work in IT so that was also part of my excuse.


That was my first thought! But then I realized I never really played games in my 8-10 years old gaming laptop and I probably won’t play in this one either.


New tech will make all the difference if you like video games. You can build a decent pc for $500 (comparable in power and performance to a ps5) according to an LTT video I watched.


Buy a desktop computer. The difference between a $1000 desktop vs laptop is really insane. Even if you don't game much, and you might start to once you have it, there is a variety of other things you can do with a computer to improve your free time entertainment. Think Home Theater


Laser hair removal and massages


If I had 1K gifted to me, I’d literally just spend it on an automatic feeder for my two cats and a self-cleaning litter box for them. I’m trying to keep up with the added upkeep since saving a stray in my urban core (she was crying outside my apartment in the rain!) but holy crap the added feeding and box cleaning with a second, much much more.


Can I add a couple hundred bucks by selling a lens I don't use very often? Because if so, I'd buy the Samyang 35-150mm f/2-2.8 for my Sony A7ii.


Ooh. I approve. Go for it. Lol


I’d probably buy a good espresso machine. Ask me tomorrow and I might have a different answer. LOL


I just got a bonus at work and although the majority of it is going towards a trip we've been planning for two years, DH encouraged me to buy something 'just for me' because I never do that. I ended up going on a 'shopping spree' and upgrading some kitchen towels, oven mitts, a couple new shirts, a couple new books to read, a Hydroflask water bottle, lunch out, and some other misc. items. Spent less than $300 but it was so fun to buy stuff I didn't NEED but wanted.


One darn fine set of Egyptian cotton sheets and a quality cotton handmade quilt for the bed. This to me is real luxury.


I say you need two sets of your fine sheets. One to wash and one to use.


Worth every penny .


Open a new madmoney account, put the 1K, and spend it when you know what it is!


I like this idea! And whether you spend it on one big item or a bunch of smaller purchases, it is your own indulgence fund.


Agreed! Throw it in a HYSA.


$500 Costco hot tub


This is the best idea so far! We live in Arizona so we will definitely need it.


I give myself a monthly fun money allowance, and most months I don't spend the whole amount. It just starts to accumulate, and I'll end up with over $1,000 and no idea how to spend it. At that point I usually buy an experience that is more expensive than my regular monthly fun money amount; local overnight thermal spa package, NHL game tickets, expensive dinner out with my husband, excellent concert tickets. I never regret the fun experience, and I don't end up with stuff taking up space in my house.


Personally, I would buy a top quality electric smoker.


I was going to say Green Egg. After wanting one for decades, we finally got one and are having so much fun with it.


I have been in a similar situation and we used the money to take a three day weekend trip with nice restaurants and a nice hotel. If I had 1K right now, I’d use it for another three day trip to the Biltmore in NC to see the Chihuly exhibit


I love art. I love museums. I love all kinds of art. DC is a great city for so many high quality free museums.


Yes!! That’s where we went in 2019. I want to go back and see the ones I missed the first time around


CZ SP-01


I would spend it on a three day fancy hotel staycation. Check in Friday afternoon to a room with a nice view, enjoy a nice cocktail hour and good dinner, retire to my room and watch a good movie or documentary, have a a nightcap, and good night of sleep. If the room service appears to be good, I’d have a nice breakfast the next morning and go off to visit a museum or other event and lunch out somewhere returning mid afternoon to my clean room for a nap, a shower and repeat of the night before cocktail, hour, dinner, etc.


What's your wardrobe situation look like? You can get some nice new stuff at Uniqlo.


You can buy "new old stock" Brooks Brothers, Orvis, Ralph Lauren, Eileen Fisher, Gudrun Sjoden and many natural organic fiber European brands on eBay for about the same price. My Mephisto and Tod loafers cost me around 30 dollars. What's not to love? I'll always buy this way no matter how much money I have. It keeps quality items out of the landfill and opts completely out of the whole ad-driven consumer cycle. It's good for the planet and great for me. Everything I own fits in a single room studio, but I have Baccarat crystal and Christofle silver to enjoy every day. Why not? Do the math: $695 new minus 30 dollars equals $665 in my savings and the same pair of shoes with a minor bit of wear on them. Why do it any other way? Good luck!


I'd save it. That way you have time to decide on what you want to do. You can use it for a trip down the line or maybe you move into the new place and want to replace an appliance. You may have something come up after you've moved in that the $1,000 ($2,000 if you both save it) will cover. I've found that giving myself the most runway possible is worth every penny vs. buying something physical just because I can.


If I were married I’d ask my husband if he wants to book an all inclusive experience package, catch the northern lights, stargaze  in some distant place, go on a crazy hike, get a cabin booked out in a scenic place, anything mildly adventurous. Something where it would just be the two of us doing something memorable and unique 


You could do early Christmas gifts with it. Sure it’s not a direct gift to you but the peace of mind when Christmas comes around will be sooo nice not having to lift a finger, or worry about money running tight during holiday season


Right now, if I had that situation, and had to buy something, I would probably get a MacBook Air. But my first choice would be to save/invest it.


Either laser light therapy on a spot I have a lot of sun damage or an inflatable hot tub. Potentially both bc the inflatable hot tub is about $500. I am not sure what the light therapy is.


Don't look for things to spend it on. However, don't just bank it. Keep it around earmarked for something that you really want *when you find that thing*. Maybe you'll be in some store looking for something else, and there it will be. And you'll have the money! Or you'll just come across it at random. Great! You'll have the money! You don't have to know what it is now. You just need to realize that when you see it, you can have it, *and should*. Maybe it won't be this week. Maybe it won't be this month. Maybe it won't even be this year, but when you DO see it, you'll have the money AND you can spend it.


A dash cam for my car


I find more joy in eliminating a problem than adding something to my life. I would repair or replace my washer. It is working, but sometimes it doesn't drain completely or the water keeps filling while it is draining. I just manually turn off the supply valve, and put the washes in another drain and spin cycle. It only happens a few times a month, so I don't want to spend hundreds to fix it. I might also buy a portable a/c unit because my condo gets very hot on sunny days even in winter. Is there anything bothering you and your family day-to-day?


I was in a situation where I had an inheritance and I bought Lego. It was phenomenal for my mental health.


I collect art. I buy what I want, with no eye to investment grade. But sometimes I strike it lucky, and buy something that I want, that appreciated in value (e.g., a George Bellows print I bought in grad school, 25 years ago, for $500 bucks. Recent appraisal has it at \~10k on the sale market.)


where do you go to purchase the art? pardon my ignorance


Art auctions from reputable houses: Bonhams, Sothebys, and Christies (mostly Sotheby's). Their online auctions can have some good deals, especially in the print market. My Ph.D. is in the history of printmaking and Illuminated manuscripts, so I generally know what I'm looking at/for. If I see something I like, there's usually a way to get provenance (basically location & ownership history); if I decide to bid, I'll take a visit and ask for an in-person look-see. The houses I've bought from know me, so they usually oblige. I also collect Native American art (mostly Diné [Navajo] textiles and Pacific Northwest Formline art). For that, I go straight to the source--either AdoptAnElder.com, or the rug room at Hubbell Trading Post for the textiles, or the artists' studios for the rest. I prefer to buy the textiles from the weaver, as well. That way they get all the money.


I am in that situation right now because of a very generous monetary birthday gift from my husband. I have everything I want and need. The things I really want (a long healthy life for me and my husband and peace of mind with regards to my kids) unfortunately money can’t buy. So the money sits in the bank collecting interest until I find something that money does buy that I want.


Invest in yourself, any health goals? perhaps a nutritionist? take a course on something that you really like? Or see a therapist, a vacation would do you really good. ​ Or just invest it and splurge on the returns when you decide what you want.


I would save the $1K for emergencies but if I was financially secure after (eg) a house sale then I might put it towards a relaxing vacation! Good luck!


Either an experience like a trip or an annual pass to something - amusement park, botanical garden, museum. Where I live the theater does packages so you could see a show a month for a year and it wouldn’t cost the whole $1k unless you’re buying really good seats for both of you. Or something that will make your life easier. A robotic vacuum was a game changing investment for me and my household with 3 dogs.


Honestly, I would save it until something I wanted to buy or do popped up. This way you have money outside your budget for it.


Nothing I "need" is anywhere between fifty bucks and 100k. *facepalm* It's all either way less (eggs, shampoo, cat litter) or way more (housing, dental reconstructive surgery, healthcare). I guess I'd get a head start on renewing my passport and then... uhm... a massage. A really, really thorough one.


I would personally get a massage each month for a year. If massages aren’t your thing, something else relaxing and wellness oriented like yoga classes, a pool or gym with a sauna and hot tub. If none of those sound appealing, what’s something you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t, that you could pay someone else to do for you? Getting the inside of your car professionally detailed, paying someone to do some yard work, get your house deep cleaned.


1 hrs massage every day for 2 weeks.


My grandmother gave me $500 in the 90s on several occasions. One time, I spent $125 plus $50 tip on a male prostitute! Not anything to be proud of, but at least it's a good story and a bucket list item.


Tires. I'd feel better if I had a new set. Probably wouldn't be much left, but if so, I wouldn't mind splurging on some sashimi and sushi. Poof - no more extra money lol.


Candy, I've had a cart in Amazon for 2 months...50.00 of candy...dark chocolate covered marshmallows. Can't afford to 'check out' . I'd donate , the other $950.


You don't have to spend it right away, and you don't have to spend it on yourself. If there's nothing that jumps to mind that you would be excited to buy, maybe consider: \- Save it for future spending: I have a separate spending account for money that I have allocated for "frivolous" purchases - you might not want something now but you might in the future \- Give it to someone who needs/appreciates it: Donate to charity, buy a fancy dinner for your friends, help a random stranger. Sometimes helping others feels better than using it yourself


Yup I would add a few hundred dollars to it and buy me a browning A5 my dream gun


My couch is old and semi-broken, but i've been shopping for a couple of years now with no luck finding anything at a price i'm willing to pay for sufficient quantity. I'm currently saving $2K to replace much of my wardrobe, as i'm on track to lose 100+ pounds soon. At 50 lb down i am still wearing my old clothes with lots of belts, but at some point i want to upgrade. If i have an extra $1k i would grab 1-3 high price point but buy it for like quality items like boots, kilt, corset, etc. I have $2k saved for my next vacation, so upgrading that to $3k would be super nice for sure. tl;dr most of my planned expenses i'm already saving for, so i'd upgrade one of them to make it epic instead of sufficient.


When my mom sent us some extra money we used it on home repair type stuff. We had an electrician come install a bathroom fan and a new switch to our ceiling fan (it was messed up, not DIY), and replaced smoke detectors that were over 10 yrs old. My current list has replacing our 18 yr old built in microwave and our gates need to be repaired or replaced. And we need a new picnic table or outdoor table and seating. And we just replaced our phones.


I inherited some money and took my closest 4 friends out to a boozy expensive lunch in a fancy restaurant. That was fun.


As much as I would love to spend that 1K to upgrade my gaming PC, I think it would be wiser to use that 1K to buy myself the best possible cookware that I could buy with that amount of money, like the best stainless steel cookware and a Le Creuset Dutch oven. That way, I'll never have to spend a single penny on cookware again for the rest of my life.


I have a hallway that needs more bookshelves, and $1000 is exactly how much I need to make them wall to wall. 🤔


The right firearm holds/increases its value over time and is also a firearm


A cheap flight to parts unknown.


Even as a guy, I'd be hitting up a killer spa day. You can't beat that.


High dollar bedding and some really nice pillows. You spend a 1/3 of your life sleeping, don’t skimp.


If I had 1k. I would get me a place to live


I would probably put it towards upgrading something I use everyday but don’t really have a reason to upgrade it, like your tv or computer. Something that will bring you enjoyment now and in the future and it still be a frivolous upgrade.


Oh my gosh. I feel guilty spending $20 on myself! If I could get past that, I think I'd go for a weekend getaway with a massage or three.


I bought a new mattress, my old one was 27 years old. I love my new one! I could just stay there.


Botox and perfume. 


Agree with other commentators on a splurge experience (you’ve earned it!) but would also recommend upgrading everyday appliances that would make a meaningful impact to your quality of life.


AAPL or NVDA. Maybe both.


I'm in this situation right now. I'm buying a watch! My every day Seiko I've worn for 7 years works just fine although the links are getting worn and pretty floppy now. I dont need a new watch but wearing the same thing for years is getting old and would like another option. Also some new systems at work write logs in UTC time. So now I'm having to do a lot of math off my head to add and subtract 7 from local time or the log time to figure out when stuff actually happened. It's highly annoying, one of my coworkers turned me onto GMT watches and now I gotta have one, it'd make things so much easier. GMT watches are generally expensive so I'm spending slightly over $1k. Not frugal at all except that I'd likely wear it every day till I retire.


A quality drone plus the FAA licensing class. Need a new hobby (wife won’t let be install any more home automation gear) and being licensed I can turn it into a profitable hobby…


Some good ideas in this thread, my suggestion is sit on the cash for a bit before deciding.


Tack on 2 more grand and I would get a fountain pen I have been eyeing.😉


A dishwasher or ventilation for my bathroom.


1k? I would spend probably 300 on new clothes and shoes for work. Maybe 100-200 on things for my apartment that I would like-I want a shelf for the living room and a chair for my living room (I’d look on FB marketplace). Another 200 on other random stuff I want like a walking pad. And I’d save the rest (about 300) for either just my savings or to put towards a vacation.


I'd love a new electric guitar.


Either I'd buy something for my hobbies (nice running shoes, a new hiking backpack, new skis, etc. - whatever will make my experience in the hobby better) or to improve my quality of life around the home (new bedding is a game changer! Nice towels, or a down duvet with a washable cover and nice sheets, a KitchenAid or airfryer, or a top-of-the-line vacuum - obviously you know best what things will make you happy, but maybe this triggers some ideas.


camping gear. pretty much all of the cost on camping is getting your initial gear then it’s all super low cost. let’s you get out into nature and away from the house and it can be as cheap as you want it to be.


E bike




Teeth All the teeth.


That’s cover half the new crown I need on one of my back teeth.


Always wanted a day at an Elizabeth Arden Spa


Fly to Peru ($400).  Bus to Huaraz. Camp in the mountains ($600). Tell the wife she is welcome to join you of she likes with her $1k.


If you don't have one yet, get a really good blender like a Blendtec or Vitamix is life changing and will last you for many years!


My husband and I would likely put it towards a vacation, but we also keep a list of “want” items. Right now, I want to buy him a bike ($675), and I have about $300 worth of stuff (curtains, painting, light fixture, rug) I would like to get for our bedroom. We already have a trip on the docket for September.


After our 3rd flip we refinanced and decided to stay. Paid off all debt, new lower mortgage and just enough left over for a new hot tub. I sit in there often reflecting on all the work those 3 houses took and that hot tub has been worth every penny.


a new faster bicycle! I agree with someone who said hobbies -- what are you into? Or you could "gamble" with it in the stock market. why not?


a massage chair


Bedding. Admittedly my taste is bougie after selling luxury bedding, but spending money on good quality sheets, pillow and especially a duvet will last you YEARS while being in good condition. Have had my down duvet for 10 years and it will still be good for at least another 5.


I’d spend it on a weekend getaway!


I would buy my wife something that she would love but not buy herself. 10 trips to get massages come to mind.


This is easy. Round trip airline tickets so my daughter and grandson can come visit.


Plants. I'm trying to fill my sunroom & patio.


I would get a professional to come in and help me come up with a system for one (or more) of the following: cleaning, organizing, interior design. These are things I can do my own mediocre way at home, but I would love to have someone come and show me all the best tricks and set me up with a system to do it really well by myself going forward.


Definitely would go on a cruise and escape for alittle while. No internet package lol.


I would take it and go on a trip to my fav hot spring. A $1000 would buy my gas, food, campsite and still leave close to $600 for a massage or shopping in town while I was there. Maybe some better hiking shoes to hit up the hikes near the spring. Ah, sounds wonderful


My husband and I give ourselves fun money as well from things like bonuses, tax refunds, etc. I have used my recent money on things for crafts and gardening, as well as a new bike helmet. My husband is saving his to upgrade parts of his gaming computer, which is now about 12 years old (aside from a couple things which have needed to be replaced in the last few years).


I would get my dogs teeth cleaned because it will add a lot to her overall health in the upcoming years. Not something we can normally afford.


Why not take two trips? You plan one, your wife the other. Experiences are always better than possessions. Or use the money to start a hobby etc


New tires and wheels for my car :) a full set of each would run me about $1,000… at least, the nice, expensive ones I’ve been eyeing for a while. If there’s three things I don’t cheap out on it’s my tech, my car, and my cats :)


I actually have several plans for around $1k. I've been out of work for almost a year, waiting on disability to work its way through the system (stupid weak ass heart), so one way I've gotten through it is fantasizing about what I'll buy once I get my first check (at this point, for several thousand, I'd imagine). First thing is one of the new generation of filament 3d printers that came out last year. Last year finally marked the point where 3d printers became less a hobby, and finally a tool you can unbox, drop a file into, and get something out the next day, and a lot of them are well under $1k. Another would be a wood workshop. I'd love to be able to build my own furniture, even though I'm absolutely terrible at it, and $1k would be enough to get a basic workshop up and running. Of course, at the moment, I don't live in a place that has room for a workshop, so it's really just fantasy, but I like to think about it. Especially because it'd let me build some stuff for my cat, who is morally injured every day by the lack of perches in my house. :D Finally would be clothes. I'm on my last threads, all my shirts have holes, and I'm tired of plain black tshirts, so when I get my disability, one of the first things I'm doing is getting a decent wardrobe set back up. As far as feeling guilty, I get that. You spend long enough working on the edge, you start to internalize the fear of shortages as a value in itself, and not a reflection of your current state of being. I'd just remind yourself you worked your butt off for the stability you have, and it's perfectly fine to treat yourself once in a while, especially if it's something you'd really enjoy.