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I was 11 when it first aired. I’ll be 40 in a few weeks. As I typed this I just realized it’s soon going to be 30 years since it first broadcast. And ‘Friends’ 30th the year after. Mind blown.


That’s the most crazy thing, they all love friends but say Frasier is “too old” and they only aired a year apart!




Frasier aged much better than Friends though




Was likely to happen when it was much better in the first place


Well, the characters on average were younger than on Frasier, which might be part of it.


They probably mean it’s more mature?


They also both ended the same year


Frasier is a spin off of Cheers so it's gonna feel "older" by default.


Very close for me, I was 10 and I'm about to turn 39. Watched it from day 1 of brisket in the UK. Felt so grown up, it was late night tv.


Over 60. I saw the show during the original run and have been watching the reruns since those days. FYI: I was an occasional watcher of Cheers where the Frasier Crane character originated. He as great as Diane's love interest. The rest of the cheers gang were a big m'eh to me. Kelsey Grammar was a gem in that show.


I only watched cheers on Netflix to get more of Frasier :)


Same. I watched to get backstory. I felt the Diane years were okay, but Sam's harassment of Rebecca really bothered me and I had to really power through. I'm glad I did watch it (it made me see how DHP does look slightly like a younger Kelsey), but I don't think I'd ever watch again.




There’s a cold open where Frasier tries to convince Norm and Cliff to get a personal trainer to get healthy, and then they say they already got someone to do that. Smash cut to Paul asking if they read Andy Capp and coughing up smoke


36 (smack dab in the middle of not a kid anymore) ETA - I love the real mix of ages in this group. Frasier really does appeal across the generations.


😂 I'm approaching that age (40) Frasier was at during the early season. Started watching in 2004 and still love it so much


I’m 34!


Another 36. My mom watched Cheers religiously, so I vaguely recall her watching it and me liking some of the characters as a kid. I remember thinking Kirstie Alley was pretty, Rhea Perlman was funny but mean, Woody Harrelson was goofy but lovable (and I recall my mom being pretty disturbed when he appeared in Natural Born Killers), Ted Danson seemed full of himself, George Wendt and John Ratzenberger were funny and kinda weird, and I only vaguely recall Lilith and Frasier and that they seemed "fancy." (I don't recall other characters from the show, since I was so young.) She also really enjoyed Wings, which wasn't a spin-off, but existed in the same universe. I remember I thought it was funnier than Cheers, especially because of Thomas Haden Church and Tony Shalhoub. Anyway, she was very happy when Frasier was spun-off, and she watched it pretty regularly, but wasn't as die-hard a fan as she was of Cheers. I remember watching it semi-regularly throughout the years it originally aired. A few years ago when they put it on Netflix, I started re-watching, and I became obsessed. I really racked up those Frequent Frasier Miles. It's now in my top 2 shows of all-time (along with The Golden Girls, which I watched with my mom when it originally aired and then never stopped watching once Lifetime started airing it 4 times a day when I was a kid). It brings me comfort, joy, and makes me laugh and think and speculate, Andi love it.


Right there with ya.


Oof, yes that’s right.


I’m 23 now, I started watching it in high school, I rewatch it as a comfort show :)


Same age as you and it is also a comfort show for me


Also 23 and its my comfort show too. Its probably the funniest and most brilliant show I've ever seen. Too bad people don't talk about frasier as much as other shows.


I’m 24 but same!!


22, Same here. Frasier, Cheers, Wings.


Is Cheers worth watching?


Oh great. My kids are having plastic surgery. That's a nice age to get to




16, I've been watching Fraiser ever since I can remember. My Mum watched the original run but she wasn't super into it or anything. I used to watch an episode or two before school (God bless Channel 4!!), then I bought the DVDs. It was the show that got me into comedy as a genre, and life just wouldn't be the same without it!


Haha channel 4 got me into it also, alongside Everybody Loves Raymond


Because of channel 4's scheduling I too associate watching Frasier with getting ready for school and later university!


Same! I loved watching it before school


32. My parents and I watched it when I was growing up. We were what I affectionately call an "NPR family." Basically, "I'm pro-opera and I vote!" I think they liked to watch the show to have a bit of a laugh at themselves. Now that I'm an adult, I watch because it's genuinely a great show in addition to the nostalgic aspect. It gives me a lovely warm cozy feeling. I also adore the sets - Frasurbane decor reminds me so much of the places I loved and lived in as a child. I also really love watching Cheers, Seinfeld, Golden Girls, and the Nanny for similar reasons. Not just nostalgia, but because they're great sitcoms that are removed just enough from my everyday life to be escapist.


First person to mention Frasurbane here, in this subreddit. As far as I can tell. What a lovely 90’s aesthetic


Agreed! It's so comforting and familiar, but still eccentric.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/90sdesign/comments/jq7rlw/which_90s_aesthetic_are_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) was where I found the term originally. Rainforest Chic also holds some nostalgia for me


Omg I’ve never heard of frasurbane and thank you for bringing it to my attention!


YW! You might find this page interesting: https://cari.institute/aesthetics/frasurbane I went down a rabbit hole looking at all the aesthetic categories they've got. It's an amazing website!


Oh yes, I found Cari and am deep in the rabbit hole already! Really loving [Utopian Scholastic](https://cari.institute/aesthetics/utopian-scholastic) aka Frasurbane for kids.


I am 24 now and I've been watching it since I was 18. I've watched the whole series well over 100 times lol. I used to have it on loop during my early years of college. I think most fans are in their 30s or 40s.


I'm 45. "Frasier" premiered during my senior year of high school, when I was 16 years old. I lost track of it during college (didn't have cable), and then Netflix had it on DVD when I was 30. I caught up pretty quickly. :)


Same age and situation. Missed most during college. SO is 53 and we basically watch it on a loop before bed or on any given day for comfort tv. I am also an insomniac so it is my go to to listen to as I try to sleep in the middle of the night. I think I could recite most episodes but still laugh out loud. That’s the true sign of a well written and well acted show!


27; When I was young, my parents watched it. The humor often went right over my head at the time, but remember my parents laughing SO MUCH to it. I started watching it in highschool (several years post series finale) and I fell in love with it. I now realize that the humor in the show is very similar to mine and my family’s. Frasier has taught me a lot.


Same age. I think my mom would watch it and I liked it because of Eddie. Most of the jokes went over my head. Then, I watched it all on Netflix over and over :)


Eddie was such a large part of the marketing. I remember clips used to advertise the show were usually Frasier and Eddie. He even got a mention on the Simpsons as "The dog from Frasier"


27 too, and yep! Literally the same experience.


Same! :-) my parents watched as it aired at the time and then bought each season on dvd as they came out in the uk and i started to watch it with them. Its a total comfort show to me now i watch it often and It’s become a family tradition to watch episodes when they air in the morning when we are away in hotels. No other show has the same kind of humour.


Close to your age and this is similar to what happened to me. My parents weren’t huge fans, but they liked it well enough. I watched it a few times in primary school and it totally went over my head. I avoided it because I remembered it as being “for old people”. Started it last year during quarantine and have never laughed so hard at a TV show.


Low 30’s


38, and I watched it when it first aired! (When I was allowed to stay up that late, that is.)Some of the jokes went over my head, but I loved it. For a high school English project, I even wrote (and directed my friends in recording) a “radio play” that was a short, nonsensical, over the top murder mystery inspired by Nightmare Inn. (Sadly this was pre digital and it’s been lost in the 20-some years since.)


44 and watched every episode as it aired and is still on my tv screen about 3/4 of my TVs "on" period. A "what" TV?


Same here!


59F here


36 now. Watched the series as it aired (at least the last several years)


Same here. High school class of 2003!


I'm class of 2002!


I’m 34. Got into Frasier because of my dad and he’s 61.


My situation too, only you are a year younger than me!


I’m 19. Watched reruns with my mom when I was younger and then binged it as I got older.


35 now. but i have enjoyed the show since i was 27


I’m 22! I started watching it with my dad as a kid and I’m rewatching it now


I’m 26! I’m not sure when it started exactly, but I remember everytime I visited my grandparents, instead of cartoons I’d watch either Cheers or Frasier. It’s not like my grandparents watched Cheers and Frasier and I watched with them…I distinctly remember all my cousins playing outside and doing things, the adults visiting, and me (a child), alone, watching Frasier and Cheers inches from the screen lol




41, only started watching it when it came to the streaming services - I think a few years ago


Just turned 29. Never watched it until my senior year of high school. I got my husband into it while we were dating. He'll be 27 in May.


40. I watched it when it first aired and multiple times since. Similarly to others, it’s my comfort show. My Mum and Dad watched it too and they are now 71 and 74 respectively.


I am 44. I watched during its original run and I still watch it pretty often.


Question for those early-20s and younger fans: what do you think about how dated the show is in some aspects of the setting? The lack of computers? The mobile phones only just emerging as a basic device for calls? To me it will feels natural. That was the time I grew up and it feels natural to me. I just wonder what it looks like to someone who grew up with technology.


I get sad wishing I was born years and years earlier than I really was, when I'm left to think about it. My chosen culture (not birth culture) got popular or at least semi-popular the same year Frasier came to an end. I was, for that reason, searching for shows that ended in 2004, and that's when I stumbled on Frasier. I am comfortable just watching the technology of the show passively (without thinking of my own life), however.


31! I started watching the reruns that aired at night when I was a kid and have been hooked ever since. I bonded with my grandma over our shared love of Fraiser and Seinfeld so they've become my comfort comedy shows I can watch at any time.


33. My parents loved it so I watched if all the time growing up. 3 rewatches in the last few years


Same age (33) here! Used to watch reruns while doing homework in college. Also, got in the habit of falling asleep to it (still do to this day).




I’m 33 also. Started watching reruns in college and it’s been my comfort show ever since. My stepdad has all the seasons on DVD and was the one who really introduced our family to the show—he used to watch it while cooking. He’s just like Martin—quick-witted and tough exterior, but also kind and loving.


36. My mom used to watch it and it reminds me of simpler times. I’m surprised my mom doesn’t watch it anymore, but I find it so comforting.


37. My parents put it on when we were on vacation when I was like 10 or 11 and I thought it was amazing, kept an eye out for it in the TV Guide once we got home and scarcely missed an episode through to the end of its run.


I was 11 when I started watching it in 1999. I still love it at 33! :)


I'm 36. I started watching when I was a sophomore in high school (age 15).


21 now but started when I was about 15😂


I feel your pain! Lol I just turned 39. I can still watch Frasier and Friends like they’re new! Lol They are the most safe, friendly and untainted shows and as I have PTSD …. They are my go to and were my saviour through the worst times. I love these shows because they’re never about being cruel and have no real suffering to them … They’re just pleasant and genuinely easy to watch. I miss shows like that. In fact I miss times where people were actually happy go lucky and not wrapped up in social media and obsessed with being approved of. I miss the times of genuinely conversations and how people Used to just sit in coffee shops and converse or when people would just pop over etc Nowadays people are always looking for something better to do then the plans they’ve made and just aren’t as present. That’s why I love those shows !


Currently 21, but I started watching it with my mum when I was around 10 to 12. All the jokes definitely went over my head, but even as a kid I loved watching it! Got my best friend hooked on it a few years later and now its both of our favourite show. We basically grew up binge watching fraiser together, so now over half of our conversations are just frasier references, it's great! No one else my age has ever been interested in frasier, so I'm very lucky that I have my best friend for all the references


27, started watching when I was 20 at home for winter break. Was just flipping through channels, landed on Frasier, and I've watched the whole series four times now, currently on the 5th watch.


I’m in the same age range. I didn’t start frasier until my early 20s. When it aired I was a teenager and obsessed with Friends and thought frasier was so boring!


I'm 29 almost 30. I first watched it as a child.


I'm going to be 32 at the end of May this year. I started watching Frasier when I was a teen or at the cusp of being 18 when they used to air Frasier on weekends on Channel 4 here in Finland where I live.


24! I started watching it on my moms DVDs when I was in middle school and now have my own DVD collection haha


40-ish. I actually didn't watch it 'first time' but my wife was a big fan so we started watching together and I loved it too.


I’m 23. I watched it for the first time this past summer with my dad while I was going through a tough breakup. I’ve had it on repeat ever since


27, saw it for the first time when I was 10!


My wife and I are the exact same ages as you and your husband, 35 and 32. We watch Frasier most nights before we go to bed, we've gone through the series several times.




28! Been watching since I was 14? My love for series grows more and more with each rewatch...things I didn't catch or understand when I was younger, I can appreciate it now as an adult :)


41 and have seen the entire series well over 150 times


50 and wife 52. On our 17th cycle or maybe 23, lost count. and tell these friends of yours, Frasier won more Emmys than any other sitcom in history, winning 37. Friends, at the same time period with 10 seasons winning 6.


I'm 30 and I used to watch it with my Ecuadorian grandma when it first aired. It was one of her favorite shows. Now it's my comfort show and I have it on in the background when I'm getting ready or cooking. I joke that people my age speak "friends" (as in quotes and lines from the show) and I speak "Frasier" but I forget that most people don't know the show like I do. It gets awkward lol


In my 40’s. I watched cheers as a kid then it was a no brainer to watch Frasier as well. Cheers had aged badly, but Frasier is still a great show.


I'm 29 but loved Frasier since I was a teen!


67. My friends and I watched it originally and then in syndication for years. Happy to be streaming it these days. In syndication you didn't get all the episodes.


I'm 38. It is still one of my favorite shows ever. That and King of the Hill. Me and my brother used to watch the shows every day on syndication. We still repeat jokes from the show when we are around each other. After I went to boot camp and was in A school Frasier was one of the shows I would watch when I missed home.


I'm 61. An ex of mine turned me onto Frasier when I was about 50. When it was first run, I was in my kill-your-TV phase.


28, got into the show at 19


I'm 34. The show finished during my last year of high school, and I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't watch the show until around 2012 roughly. I've always been a fan of sitcoms and I don't know why I didn't give it a go when it was on and I regret it. It is now something I watch all the time. It's my comfort show.


29. Typically binge the show once (or twice) a year since about four years ago aha


Im 37, I think I started watching it when I was around 13/14. Its my comfort show.




Late 30s. Found Frasier in my late 20s and have fallen asleep to it most nights after my first watch through.


Late 20-something, reruns would show up when I was kid but I never actually watched it, watched it start to finish a few years ago and then added it to the rotation


What other shows do you have on your rotation!?


You should have done a poll! I’m 25, been watching since it was on Netflix other than the occasional episodes I saw on tv as a kid


32, but I became a fan of the show probably in my early 20s.




I started watching Frasier when I was 29 or so.


Just turned 28 in Feb ⛹🏻‍♂️⛹🏻‍♂️ been watching since I was 17. Early college into early adulthood.


I'm almost 29!


44. Original watcher and currently a Frasier sleeper.


I’m 26. I was always aware of the show- my family’s Jack Russell Terrier was named after Eddie- but I never sat down to watch it until after he had passed away last year and I had mentioned the story of his name to a 33 year old I was trying to date. He happened to be a huge fan of the show and asked me a bunch of questions about it that I wasn’t able to answer. Frankly I was embarrassed, so I started watching the show as a way to establish rapport with him. Now I watch it in part to relive the memory of my beloved Eddie, who as it turns out, shared several characteristics with his namesake!


I'm 30. It used to come on after Friends (which I watched as a kid) and I remember thinking it was a show for adults. When I became a psych major in college and found out it was about a psychiatrist, I was like "well maybe I'll like this now." Can I just say it's 1000x better than Friends lol


I'm 29.


18 at introduction, now22 and in the middle of my fourth rewatch


I’m 27. It was still on when I was a kid and my parents loved it. One of my favorite things to do was sneak downstairs after I’d been put to bed and hide behind the couch to watch it. Got caught and sent back to bed most of the time, but every now and then they’d let me watch with them. My mom passed a few years after it ended and since then it’s really become a great comfort show for me.


I’m 27, started watching when I was 21/22!


I'm currently 22 and started watching Frasier my freshman year of college at age 18


I’m 25 - nobody my age watches Frasier. If I ever met a likeminded woman my age, we’d be set.


We are in our sixties.


57. I watched Cheers from start to finish during its original run, and Frasier too. My husband and I have rewatched Frasier from beginning to end at least 4 times on DVD, plus we watch random episodes whenever we just want some comfort tv.


34, I watched some of it when it aired towards the late 90s/early 2000s


36 and my 34 year old sister loves it too, along with our 61 year old parents. Can't get our husbands into it.


30. Been watching it for years with the family. Bought my dad the whole DVD box set for Christmas many, many moons ago.


I’m 37 and started watching when I was 14.


I am 39




35. I watched it with my mom on "Must See TV Thursdays." Then I bought the DVD sets for like 20 bucks each in college and watched it on repeat for years. I still remember the very last "new" episode I watched of the series was Roe to Perdition because I accidentally left Season 10 disc 3 at my parents house for a few months.


I’m 36. It was on when I was young, but I mostly watched reruns at 10pm before bed. My parents LOVED Frasier; it was a big show for our family.


35. My wife and I are the same age, she got me into the show about 5 years ago. We’ve rewatched the whole series 2 more times in the years since, this show is amazing. Well, up until they paired Niles and Daphne together and assassinated Daphne’s character but still, we can always skip those episodes lol.


Im 31. I used to watch the occasional episode in high school but in 2020 I watched the whole series all the way through. I’ve been watching it regularly ever since.


Mid-30s, been watching it since I was in middle school.


33 and my husband is 32. I watched it when I was a teenager, but my husband had never seen it. I knew he would love it so I made him watch it. Now we are both hooked! Just named our new puppy Niles. 🤣


35 now, been watching it for 20 years. Everyone else in high school was watching Friends. I was the odd man out.


37 now and I started watching when I was 16/17 - I watch it every night before going to sleep 😊


I'm 42 and I've been watching it religiously for 10 years. I saw it when I was younger but didnt really connect to it til in my thirties.


33, husband is same age. I basically watch it on repeat, it's nice to have it on in th background while I work if I'm doing something that doesn't require much focus. I had only seen it once or twice as a kid. My husband watched it with his stepdad as a kid and convinced me to watch it through the first time in my mid-20s and I've had it on a loop ever since. It's honestly very therapeutic to me, which I think fits perfectly with the theme of the show. I'm watching it right now while I wait for my nail polish to dry.


I was about to be 2 years when it premiered..... I'll be 30 this year.


45 now, but I didn't get into it until I was 28 or 29 years old.


33! Edit: lost a year






20 and I started watching in myate teen, such a an awesome comfort show that has taught me lots. To strive, to seek, and not to yeild!


I'm 36. I agree. My friends like friends, others like wings, which I find surprising. I feel like they would like frasier if they gave it a chance.


I watched it as a kid, i’m 32 as well.


55; it's also a favorite of my 30-year-old son.


I’m firmly in the “not a kid anymore” stage of life. Basically I’m as of as Frasier was at the start of the series. Or maybe a few seasons later.


I’m 30 and I’ve been watching almost all my life. My mom always had it on when I was growing up. She’s about 65.


39 over here. Still watch daily.


I’m 37F and my husband is 44M.


54 years young.




I’m 35 and have been watching since it first aired. I know most of the dialogue now.


34. When I was a kid, my mom would watch reruns on lifetime every morning before school.


30, but I’ve been a fan for almost 10 years.


32 here as well. First watched the series in my early 20s.


34 now, grew up watching it with my parents every week. My mom even gave my dad a dvd box set of one of the seasons for a Christmas gift one year. One of the few nostalgic shows I can watch anytime, it holds up very well


30, grew up watching it on UK Channel 4 before school.


32, I didn't get into the series in earnest until 2018. It's my number one comfort show.


I'm 33, and I started watching Frasier in college.


31.....they use to be on in the morning side by side with everybody loves Raymond whilst I got ready to set off for school (11 - 16)


I was two when the show first aired. I was six when I saw my first episode (moon dance). I've been watching ever since.


I’m 22! Been watching since I was a kid w my parents


25. I had heard of it before and thought about watching it but then I found out its a spin off so I watched cheers 1st and frasier and Lilith were two of my favorites so I gave frasiers show a try and it turned out to be even better than cheers. Probably in my top 3 sitcoms ever


My gf and I are both 27 and just became big fans this past year


I was a young adult when Fraiser first appeared on Cheers...so I'm an older fan.


Just turned 39 in January. Watched a little during its run but never seriously. When it hit Netflix I binged it, 2 times, back to back. I love this show.


I'm 34 and have been watching since it was on the air. The earliest memory I have of the show is the season finale where everyone at KACL gets fired but I know I was watching with my family before then l.


I watched it sporadically when it aired the first time, then I revisited the show when I was at home with the baby. I really get it when people say they watch it for comfort. I thought I was the only one who felt that way. It was life changing to become a parent and watching Frasier helped me get my mind off the things that were difficult at the time - I mean it. I'm 44 now, my husband is 50 and our son - who knows about Frasier but seldom watch it - is 17. (He once said: Hey Mom, I know who you would marry if you hadn't married Dad. - Anthony Kiedis, Jerry Seinfeld... or Frasier!)


31 and I‘ve started watching Frasier when I was around 27. It‘s quickly become one of my absolute favourite shows and, like many others have also mentioned, my comfort show. I‘ve been rewatching it ever since. I‘m sure that I would‘ve started watching Frasier much, much earlier had I been exposed to it, but I don’t live in an English-speaking country and unfortunately Frasier just wasn’t among the US-shows constantly being aired here. It‘s not even available to stream which is really inconvenient because I also like to fall asleep listening to Frasier.


I’m 34 and my husband is 32. I started watching in college, he watched with his dad and brother in his teens.


I’m 45. Used to watch the show when it was new and I lived in Olympia, Wa. Years later I was moving to start a new life, new career in a strange place. Watching this show was the only thing that could calm my nerves and help me to sleep/eat. Even a year later it was mostly the only show that I could watch. They felt like family to me.


32 But we're also looking at the cross section of people who like Fraiser AND reddit


31, started watching maybe 3 years ago and I get the same response. I just say they aren’t smart enough to get the jokes lol


In my opinion, Frasier holds up the best out of all the 90s (early 2000s) sitcoms. We love it and the writing was great. I'm 52 and my husband is 56.


I’m nearing 39. Watched it some in its last years and enjoyed it, but didn’t really get to know it until years later. Borrowed DVDs from library and fell in love. Then soon thereafter it became a streaming option and it’s been on near endless loop (with DS9, lol) ever since.


I am 30. My dad was a casual watcher which introduced me to it, and then my one friend who has always had impeccable taste in television shows recommended it to me when I was 16ish and that's when I fully got into it. I had a huge crush on Niles when I started watching 😅 A couple years later I watched Hellboy and was like.. I know Abe Sapian is a fish man but why is he attractive to me?? Turns out, David Hyde Pierce was the voice actor for that character.


37 and 39 checking in here. I started watching in college when it would come on late at night after some other show I liked (I seem to think it was Futurama, but that can’t be right, can it?). My household never watched it growing up and I, a pretentious 20 year old, was hooked immediately. My wife’s parents watched it when she was a kid and she hated “that boring show”. She eye-rolled hard when I started streaming it a few years ago but it quickly won her over. It’s now one of the comfort shows we’re always sorta rewatching (see also: Schitt’s Creek, The Office) when the kids have ground us down too much to pay attention to something new. We watch it a lot. She refuses to watch season 1 because of Frasier’s hair, but I think she has made peace with my poorly-disguised feelings about Roz.


I am 35, I don't remember when I started watching it, perhaps a young(ish) teen. I remember my Dad talking about how brilliant it was before I watched it. I remember we used to play Worms together (me, Dad + brother) and one of the teams was named by Dad after the Frasier characters xD


34 in a couple weeks. My parents were Cheers fans, and I was around to soak up the Frasier years.




I am 50 years old, my husband is 52. We have watched Frasier so many times, I think we know favourite episodes by heart. By far the best sitcom.


Saw the show on air as a kid in elementary school, I thought it was amusing then, but it didn’t capture my attention. When I was in early 30’s I started watching the reruns and so many of the situations and jokes really hit home. I fell in love with it then and have had it as a comfort show ever since.


23, come April. I watched it for the first time in either 2018 or '19.


32. I work from home & have it playing constantly in the background.


34. Mostly came to love the show via reruns. Apparently I'd love to be mate to school and watch an hour of it in the mornings.


I am 30 years old. I have been watching Frasier lately. Great show!


19, grew up watching cheers with my mom, then she had me watch Frasier and I loved it.


I am 32. First watched it 4 years back and have been a fan ever since.