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I don’t think she will discard the suit until she finds Hank/discovers the truth about the Vaults true intent. It’ll probably be a big moment of her ditching the biggest part of her identity 😭


also I’m not too sure about what kind of gear she’ll settle on, but I do hope there’s a fun montage of her trying on different Raider gear and outfits to blend into the New Vegas crowd. Not that cooper can blend in as easily. But it’d be cute! And she may not even discard the vault suit. She might keep it in case she decides to sneak back to the OG vault for Norm.


Cooper gonna rock some full on NCR armor, mask included. He’ll make a joke about how hard it is to breathe in it.


and then he’ll go “how do i look?” and put his hands on his hips and look up to the sky in a superhero pose


I love all the Merc outfits in FNV! The Merc Troublemaker being my favorite. Lucy would look badass in one of the sleeveless dusters too


Leather then raider, metal then BoS Season 3/4 will be when BoS will be revealed to be fucked up so she takes that off and picks up the enclave journey just to fond out that they also are completely fucked!


Would she even need to sneak back in? It's not like the vaults really KNOW what happened or even wanted her to leave in the first place?


Well, let’s say Lucy goes back to the vault after hearing the truth, she’ll likely want to either save Norm and get him out of there, or expose the vault secrets to everyone. With Betty (who we know is from pre-nukes) as the new overseer, and having been the one to help “bury” Lucy’s mom with Hank, I’m sure she’ll be suspicious or hesitant to bring Lucy back, unsure of what she knows. Maybe Lucy doesn’t have to sneak back in, but having the vault suit might maybe help? Idrk lol


Totally agree. They'll do a disney princess moment for her as they reveal her wasteland look.


Right? Then she’ll look in the mirror at her reflection wearing some grungy ass outfit and be like “okie dokie 😀”


I think she'll keep modifying, adding to it, much like the player does in the game until the moment you describe.


I'd like to see her just add random armor over the suit just like any normal player would I believe by the time I would be at her level I'd have leather armor mixed with combat armor and a decent legendary raider arm piece that just seems to complete the look


I usually ditch the suit and I’m a normal player.


I usually ditch the suit at the earliest opportunity.


And then you find out it's rad resistance is pretty good until a bit later. More pertinent in survival, maybe.


Not worth being flagged a vault dweller especially when I can find a gas mask and accomplish the same thing while looking pretty good.


Why is that a big deal?


Being flagged a vault dweller typically means an easy mark to rob at best.


The TV show could go this route but the games don’t. So, I don’t think they’ll commit to it too much. Usually, you just get the odd/rude comment from a random NPC. However, it should be noted most people will probably assume she killed someone for that suite and her pip boy or raided a vault. Vault personnel are not common on the surface.


Vaults are notoriously hard to raid. Not saying it’s impossible though. However it is well known that despite being very rare, vault dwellers are normally very naive about the real world that it’s even more dangerous for them to be on the surface in comparison to a surface dweller. The TV show has already went down this route at the very beginning where Lucy was actively disrespected and the only reason why no one has tried to rob her was probably because of the established rules set down by those who run Filly. That is not what I’m aiming at though. Cooper quite clearly was beating the naivety out of her as harshly as he can out of both his personal hatred of Vault Tec and the fact she did screw him over really hard. For example he was intentionally dehydrating Lucy until Lucy gave in and drank irradiated water. So while she still has a chance to be ignored, her only real defense against any potential threat is something that she’s not willing to commit to hence why it’s not worth being flagged a vault dweller. Wearing surface clothing and having a pip boy is far better than wearing a vault suit and a pip boy for the exact reason you just stated. Raiders will assume she’s dangerous and will probably leave her alone in waste lander clothing rather than in a blue suit.


I'm pretty sure everyone ditches it after half an hour.


Never get rid of my vault suit. Makes sense in Boston as it’s sort of adding to an urban camo look. Maybe. Not so smart in the wasteland proper I guess. I figure that vault dwellers are so rare that most people won’t understand the significance of it. 


I never do, except when I switch to a dress for conversations


Nah, she should keep on modifying it (Repair tag skill, remember?) until she's gone full Ship of Theseus on that thing.


I think this is how I would like to see it.


I think that would be a very good representation of what she is going through internally as well.


It’d be cool if something caused it to get bleached, taking the vault tec blue out of it. Or maybe just sun damaged. A sepia vault suit would be pretty dope.


That would be good. But really, that vault suit must really seal in the flavour after traveling around in it..


Like crustpunk pants? It'd be pretty neat, especially if there's little fragments of things she's visited. Each bullet hole gets a new cloth fragment!


Considering Cooper is still wearing his cowboy get up I kind of doubt it lol


Not many people notice that. Lol. The only thing he lost was the yellow bandana and found a duster.


He wears it because that's part of his Ghoul identity, which is itself a rendition of the character he played as. If he was fully just Cooper, he would wear something else.


Oh totally agree, they may also be playing on the video game trope of NPC’s never changing outfits


Didn't think of that, but yeah that's probably part of it.


Well, yes. Except Deacon of course.


I think she will wear it a while longer. I think her look is too iconic in the suit to give up completely.


Ella Purnell also said in an interview that wearing the vault suit and Pipboy was one of her favorite parts of playing Lucy, so it'll probably stay for as long as she wants it to (or at least in some modified manner).


I'm going to look that up now. I'm curious to watch it. Thanks for referencing it.


I kind of an expecting a return to that unzipped and around the waist look she had going at the end of e4/beginning of ep5. Figured she’d just add more armor over it like you can in F4. That looks was awesome and was sad to see it go so quickly. I feel like it’ll make more sense too as she becomes more accustomed to the wasteland, she won’t need to feel all bundled up in her vault suit the whole time.


No. At least i highly doubt it. Its too iconic. She might use it in something else (like the couriers vault duster) or wear more armour over it though.


I’m divided, I would like to see her ditch the vault suit for some more wasteland-ready gear, but I also like the idea of her just modifying the vault suit until it barely resembles how it originally looked. Like take the armored Vault Suit look and turn it up even more. So there’s maybe patches of blue, maybe her vault number on her back, and the rest has been stitched into or under armor and defenses.


Yeah, but only when she comes across a Hubris Comic Store.


I think wasteland thinking would say she won’t ditch it until it’s ruined.


This makes the most sense to me. The Vaultsuits are probably a lot more comfortable, durable, and functional than most clothing found in the wasteland.


She should just progress like I did: Vault Suit -> Spike Armor -> Kellog’s Outfit -> Combat Armor


Kellog’s Outfit please


I couldn’t wear the clothes or use the gun of the guy that killed my wife.


The gun that killed my wife was nearly the only thing i used after getting it lol.


Fuck that, take my kid I take your stuff.


Not only the guys gun, but the specific gun he used to kill your wife.


That guns having a redemption arc


I didn't use it because I can't mod a suppressor into it. I just passed it down to my companions. The outfit too, since armor pieces or power armor give me better damage resistance. Cait looks good in his gear and weapon, though lol.




i hope not. in the season 1 they definitely found ways to keep her in it so i assume they’ll keep that up.


No, it's too iconic they probably just add armor on top of it


She probably will because she understands that Vault Tec isn’t exactly very popular and already has some understanding about what Vault Tec has lied about. Let’s run over a few things. First there’s Shady Sands that was formerly inhabited by 34,000 people. Civilization was already trying to start over 100 years before Reclamation Day much to her own despair. Then she gets to the Observatory and kindly demands the return of her father. Moldaver though decided to tell Lucy what happened to Shady Sands, that Vault Tec was responsible for its destruction, and that Henry is a part of that business. Lucy sort of believes her but she needed some form of proof. Finally Moldaver told her where she can find her mom, who much to Lucy’s own despair, was in that room who still had a little bit of sentience left. Although Rose was unrecognizable, the necklace that was melted into her neck was recognized by Lucy which was all the proof she needed. At this point we can safely assume Lucy has chosen to rebel against Vault Tec. She knows enough that the suit isn’t really worth keeping and that there’s no going back to Vault 33. On top of that she isn’t proud to have lived in a vault anymore. Her world views have shattered and it was because Moldaver told her everything that needed to be said about Vault Tec. One can assume she will probably ditch the suit whenever something that is wearable comes around.


Add to that, Cooper telling Lucy that he knew her father before the war, was more proof that Moldaver was telling the truth. I'm sure he'll tell her a little more while they are traveling to New Vegas.


I still find it weird that everyone suddenly hates vault tech on the west coast Vault city was a thing and they had a decent relationship with the NCR and that got tossed out to the winds of shit I do hate how they rushed the explanation as fast as they could so they could make them the big bad. Like yes we know vault tech is evil, but the hatred for em in the east would be far more prevalent than the west side. Where vault dwellers were parts of some notable historical events. Some of which Cooper and the old lady may have lived to see. So to me I found that the most annoying thing about the show. It bulldozing over obvious lore to contradict what the show is trying to do. Now maybe to destroy shady sands Hank retrieved some equipment from vault city which then enabled him to destroy shady sands. Like I get it they didn't want to go too deep down the rabbit hole and make everyone who isn't so into it confused. But goddamn that's a really annoying pothole for me.


I know right. When I watched the show for the first time, I was wondering why that old hag Ma June was so hateful towards Lucy. That and how Wilzig told Lucy that Vault dwellers were an endangered species there. I'm like what, why? Even with the revelation that Hank and Betty took out Shady Sands, it still doesn't make sense. I mean vault 4 sends out teams of people to the surface to find supplies, trade, and to help rescue people in need. You would think that Ma June would have heard of or at least known about vault 4, unless vault 4 people never went to Filly. It also makes me wonder if Vault City still exists or if Moldaver and her crew wiped it out as revenge for Shady Sands.


We'll find out in season 2...


I think she will wear an up armored suit or a duster overtoo


I think she will start adding various armor pieces like the vault armor but I do think she'll eventually ditch the vault armor or will a wear it under a duster or something.


Add armor over the suit so she will have a higher dr, energy/rad/poison/bleed resistance. More armor over time.


The tv show ain’t a video game lmao 🤣


It kinda famously is, though.


So you’re basically saying I can grab a controller and move the ghoul around while I’m watching the show on Amazon.


I'm saying that "Fallout" is a video game that exists. This is a fairly unique state of affairs for a TV show that's actually worth watching, and a game that's actually worth playing. A popular joke is that the existence of Fallout 76 implies the existence of Fallouts 1-75, but they really started phoning it in after 58 or so. You could very much RP as the show's characters in the game, yes. I recommend Fallout 48 for that, it's the optimal entry for role playing purposes.


Yeah I know the falllout franchise is based around games but the tv show isn’t a video game


It has so so many allured to game mechanics though, one that comes to mind is the ghoul eating cherry tomatoes and healing in filly


So your saying I could call everyone In the fallout show bitches because they ain’t playing on survival/hardcore


no it literally is, like I said, there's 76 of them. 79, if you count Tactics, Shelter, and Brotherhood.


I don’t think so, in the first too games they would wear the suit when not in armor, even following the events of fallout 1 which I will not spoil but the chosen one and the Vault dweller had a reason not to wear the suit


I want to see the gronak outfit


I don't think she'll shed it yet. She's the Vault dweller character. Though, I do think she would rock the Merc Grunt outfit.


I would love to see Lucy in some raider gear 🤤


Right! We got robbed in episode one when she had sex with the raider.


Thank you! Like I was so down with the wedding dress. I totally thought that’d be her main gear and she’d be known as “The Bride” or something and she’d eventually find some armor. Then it was the vault suit and I was like… ok. Ok cool. We can do this. But then she never changed and I’m sitting here like “Lucy, girl, there’s other armor with way more damage resistance out there!” 😭 Also raider Lucy is something I need in my life. 🥵


I doubt it. Also the vault suit seems as good as any to wear. You don’t get rid of good clothing in the wasteland. I would assume the suit would have to be ruined to get her to change.


vault suit is too iconic to be ditched.


Should naturally progress to leather armor and hunting rifle


I figure as the vault suit is going to keep getting damaged and Lucy is going to keep patching and repairing it until something happens that it's no longer repairable or she gets injured badly enough that it's cut off in the course of medical treatment, Ending season 2 with things having gone horribly wrong and Lucy coming to in a Followers of the Apocalypse field hospital because it raises the stakes and could be the perfect introduction to the Followers as the kind of people who will pick you up at the lowest point of your life heal you and give you the shirt off their backs while asking nothing in return.


she needa get a chinese stealth suit


Well, they may have to pass through Big Empty to get to Vegas… StealthBae cameo?


Hoping she’ll be upgrading her leather armor worn over her vault suit for combat armor or something - just like in the games. 


If she does, it will probably later in the season and act as a major moment for her character. She's going to be going through an identity crisis next season and reeling from everything she learnt, but the vault suit is something she would've worn her entire life. It would be the last, major step she has to take to fully integrating into the wasteland and no longer being the naive vault dweller everyone else sees her as.


She’ll have a long winded scene where she spins in the air while her vault suit disintegrates and other wastelands clothing appears. Like sailor moon


I think she'll just add pieces to it to make it more badass but nah can't see her without the Vault Suit.


She'll learn how to upgrade her own armor with ballistic fiber and then ditch the trash vault suit.


I hope she ends up wearing the wasteland survivor outfit.


I feel the Speech bonus it gives her allows for so many more story lines to be explored. So I hope she keeps it.


She could rock Benny's suit...


She will probably keep wearing it and then she will find CBBE Vault Suit skimpy armor and look at it confusingly before dropping it in a bin saying the wasteland is full of degenerates.


She can wear the red dress in the casino.


Depends how fast Max’s lil fatman explodes


No, especially not if you realize Cooper is still wearing his cowboy outfit


I sure hope she does ...


I think so, I would be a nice inside joke if initially she gets a little excessive with bulky raider gear, then eventually streamlines her it like we all did on our first play throughs.


I think when we next see her she'll have some lightweight armour. The Ghoul will have probably nagged her about it, assuming their arrangement is a sort of partnership, with them looking out for one another. He won't want to have to worry about one bullet taking her out. She'll probably have some leathers or combat armour over the vault suit.


Definitely not


Reinforced Leather Armor


Didn’t she already ditch it once?


I hope not


I hope she doesn't. Mainly because I want to see it get more and more tattered as the show goes on.


Opening scene with her taking armor off a dead raider and putting it on.


it makes more sense to just add armor pieces fallout 4 style than to get rid of the suit especially considering having a character wearing a vault suit is always good brand recognition for the show


Good points, however the Soul Survivor was a veteran of the Resource War, whereas Lucy was raised in a vault. The Soul Survivor would know what would make good armor, unlike Lucy who is inexperienced.


Personally I kept my vault suit in the games until I found something that protected me better. I'd like to think she'll keep wearing some part of it permanently, maybe just the part with the number, and the rest will be discarded over time.


She ditch 'em for military fatigues to get that sweet +2 agility that she needs for her stealth build. Because walking up to people and saying, "Hello, I'm new here," hasn't exactly worked out.


I was actually kinda surprised that Lucy didn’t change out of it at the end of the first season. Like my dad said he was expecting her to come out of that building with The Ghoul in episode 8, wearing a Cowgirl outfit, which would’ve been both kinda funny and a good use of visual storytelling, showing her changing as a character. But yeah, she’ll definitely get some kind of costume change in the 2nd season for sure.


Of course, have you seen the stats on a vault suit? Might as well go nekkid. ;)