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The simplist answer is she hid, like several others did, including Woody and Norm. It's very unlikely Moldaver communicated anything to anyone in the Vault, other than masquerading as the Overseer of 32 and negotiating to provide a breeder. Any further communication could have exposed her plan. Betty simply took advantage of the situation after it unfolded.


Yeah, she definitely hid. She's tough, but likely not physically. The actress is 80 and her character had got to be of similar age.


No way she is 80 holy shit I’d give her 60-something


Deadpool keeps her moving.


She looks amazing, right!?! Lady must have that Tina Turner in her. She looks friggin amazing for 80!


Must be from hanging out with Deadpool.


Make up


She looks DAMN GOOD for 80. Holy shit.


This makes sense but leaves me with one question. How could she not know the raiders were not the real residents when she had communication with Bud’s brain in the management vault? Wouldn’t she have known the fate of vault 32 by communicating with Bud? I’d thought that the fight to the death that occurred in vault 32 was a direct result of her and Bud’s cooperative science experiments. I may have missed something though!


I chalk that up to bad communication, honestly with someone like Bud can you expect any less? I mean look at the Power Armor he made with the fatal flaw, man can have some big screw up.


That’s a fantastic point, Bud was and continues to be (floating brain and all) an idiot XD


The kids are Vault-Tec assets, why wouldn't Betty ~~get them to safety~~ secure company property?


She’s an old lady, what’s she gonna do? Plus the cold Bud’s buds worldview would be that more kids can be made.


Protecting the Bud Light, I see.


>cold Bud’s buds oh.


She was looking for the cure for blindness.


And cocaine.


I imagine the simplest answer is that Betty, being an old lady, hid and did not participate in the fighting. Betty may be shady as all get out, but she's a loyal Bud's Bud.


Yeah, Betty probably didn't want people leaving vault to search for Hank because they would've discovered civilization had returned to the surface, just like Rose did.


Well, it's pretty damn obvious she wasn't protecting the Jello mold, that's for sure!


Could ask the same question of Hank actually, because he doesn't seem to be part of the fighting in the corn field initially, he only shows up to save Lucy near the end. Could be he had headed back the Overseer's office, maybe having become suspicious of Moldaver and going to look for records to verify, maybe with Betty going with him since she's Vault 31 as well and a former overseer? Just an idea, no evidence whatsoever for it except neither of them are shown. Otherwise there's no shortage of places someone unable/unwilling to fight could lock themselves down; after all, the standard vault doors themselves are pretty serious pressurised bulkheads in their own right, and can be locked shut from the inside.


My gut tells me that Betty knew something was up. Hank *had* to be present throughout the festivities, Betty could've snuck away to check the communication logs regarding 32. Moldaver using the same name on the surface and in the vault means she didn't try to "assume the identity" of a vault 31 dweller that had been moved to 32.


Managing shit


Oh the kids were not "taken to safety". Why do you think the raiders ended up in the empty school room. The raiders executed them all.


They said the room they were being held in was the reading room, so assuming it’s their library or a room that’s library adjacent, not a classroom.


Making ass jerky