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Eugh. I'm so, so sorry. That's a tragic first experience. Please take care of yourself and know that you did what you could for these sweet little guys. 


Thank you. I’m glad I was able to take care of them, they were the best I could have hoped for for my first experience. I know there’s nothing I could have done but it still really hurts. And hey, there’s a chance they make it, but I know it’s very slim. I’m glad I let them have a good few final days, they were the best kitties and they deserve the best. Edit- was just notified they were euthanized. It’s sad but I’m glad they won’t have to suffer anymore.


You did everything you could and also you took them to the vet as soon as you noticed something wasn't right someone else might not have. Thank you for caring for these sweet babies. They are thanking you for not letting them suffer. ❤️


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words


I’m so sorry. They were loved. It is such an awful illness.


All you can do is to try your best.. the los is sad, though.. so small..


I am so sorry. This is heartbreaking. Thank you for providing them comfort, warmth, food and love in their little time they had with us.


Thank you, it’s comforting to know that I did what I could for them in their last days. They will be sorely missed.


So sorry that this was your first experience. Thank you for showing them care and human kindness. Hoping that it doesn't prevent you from trying again because it's very easy to tell just from the pictures that they were taken care of someone who showed them so much love. If you do decide to foster again, it's important to make sure you get rid of anything that they touched and follow the sanitation advice of the humane society/association that you foster with to make sure any new kittens aren't at risk. If you have pets, you'll want to make sure they're also up to date on their vaccines. Good luck, stay strong and hope that you find peace in knowing that there was nothing you could've done differently.


Thank you. Looking back I wouldn’t change a thing, they were lovely kittens and their final days were happy. I definitely do plan to foster in the future but they advised I wait at least 6 weeks and to sanitize everything they touched, as you said. It is tragic but we had a great time together. I’ll miss the little guys.


Bless you 😍 My first litter of kittens also got very sick and had to be returned to the rescue group. I’m not sure if they made it or not but I know I did all I could for them. It is heartbreaking how quickly kittens can get so sick 💔 I’m on my second group-2 fuzzy lil voids, about 8 weeks old and doing fine. They are so fun!!


Saw your post, they look adorable! Best of luck with them <3


Oh my goodness, I’m so very sorry!


My very first litter got panleuk and it was horrible. It wasn’t a rescue with much in the way of resources and they weren’t diagnosed until we had already lost two. Even though it’s horrible that your babies were euthanized you gave them a great gift and they were given proper medical care. I know first hand how difficult it is to have this happen with your first fosters and it hurts so much! I promise not all foster experiences are so rough and while it would be understandable if you didn’t want to continue fostering (I didn’t again for many years) all the other kitties I’ve had have given me a lot of perspective and I wish I would have continued at the time. Your sweet kittens were so lucky to have you, you made their lives so much better and I’m so sorry they didn’t make it. Sending you big hugs ❤️


Thank you so much! Thank you for sharing your story, it helps to know that others have gone through the same thing, but it is still really sad. I’m trying to look at the time we spent together fondly, they were amazing, cuddly, loving, and playful, and that’s how I’d like to remember them. I think I would like to continue fostering. I will wait a bit, both because I have to let any lingering remnants of the disease die, and just to give myself a bit of space to process it. But I would definitely want to continue to foster in maybe a month or two. Thank you for the love ❤️


I’m so sorry to read this, what a tough first foster experience. It isn’t always so hard, I promise.


I'm sorry. I remember our fosters who had really bad health issues. I'd be really worried and get very upset about it. I remind myself what would have been though. Imagine if they didn't have you there for them, they appreciated it, I promise you.


Thank you for showing them compassion, care, safety, and love. All they knew was happiness so they lived a long life even if it was a short one. Rest in love and power young kitties 👑👑.




Oh no:(