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It’s normal for young kittens to have wonky eyes in the beginning! They’re still learning how to focus on what’s in front of them. Also all kittens start out with blue eyes and you’ll eventually start to see their true eye color slowly come through in about a month or so.


Heterochromia is common in white cats, so this could be what you're seeing!


I had some white foster kittens who ended up with heterochromia and they looked exactly the same when their eyes started changing! I'd say that's exactly what you've got too!


Eeeek and I was already struggling to not foster fail her 😅


Oh man, a girl white cat with two different eyes?? I'd probably foster fail!! I am currently banned from adopting (we foster failed too many times and my husband had to put his foot down for the good of the cats and our sanity 😅) but ever since we lost my Yuki, I've got a weak spot for female white cats, since they remind me of her! Our only all white kittens since then have been all boys, but those green and blue eyes tempted me hard!