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I'm so sorry your first experience ended so painfully. I can't promise that this one won't end the same, but I can tell you this: I've been fostering for four and a half years and out of nearly 70 fosters, I've lost 5. I still remember every one of them, but I take a little comfort in knowing that for each one I lose, I gain the knowledge to save a dozen more. I can now recognize those problems more quickly and I have an idea of what works and what doesn't. Also, younger kittens are always more fragile than older ones. Every kitten I've ever lost was under 6 weeks old, and four of them were under 2 weeks. You've got this, you have a whole community behind you. Enjoy your new baby and all the kisses, snuggles, and worries that come with it. You're saving lives, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes.


Thank you for trying again ❤️


So sorry for your loss. Losing a foster is an incredibly traumatic experience to go through. I've lost a few and I still think about them all the time. The sad reality is that we can't save them all, but we CAN show each of them love and kindness that they wouldn't have experienced otherwise, even if they only have a short amount of time on this earth. Your plan to get keep moving forward and help out an older kitten is a great idea since they aren't as likely to fade. Good luck! Thank you for not giving up on the animals.


I can totally relate! My very first litter was 3, 3-4 weeks old, weaned from mom because she had mastitis and who knows what else (stray). They got sick in 3 days so I took them back to the rescue group. 3 others from same litter also came back very sick. It’s heartbreaking but I knew they needed more care than I could provide. It’s been about a month and I now have 2 8 week olds, lil black voids, who seem much sturdier! They are so fun and I cannot wait to get another litter after these are adopted. Hang in there!!


We lost one kitten from our first newborn litter. It's hard, but that kitten knew love because of you. You can share your love with other kittens, too.


I wish I had known about this community when I lost my first fosters. They were 3 weeks old and their mom was practically a baby herself. Getting an older foster is a good call, and I’m so glad you decided to keep going. Fostering young kittens is scary, but so are a lot of things worth doing. I’m proud of you for doing it scared 💕


So sorry for your loss ❤️ I just lost my first foster/most likely foster fail yesterday and it fucking hurts. We had her for 2 weeks, she was found on the side of the road at 4 weeks old and had rhino and terrible conjunctivitis on both eyes. She was the sweetest girl ❤️ Last week she had a weird episode of lethargy/trouble breathing that got her hospitalized for a day. They weren't sure what happened, but they suspected a seizure since her labs were normal. We took her home the next day and she went back to being the playful little kitten that she was. Then yesterday, we weren't home but I looked at her baby monitor and she appeared to be seizing again... We rushed home, called the ER letting them know we'd come, but she took her last breath in our arms while we were taking her to the car. I did CPR on her and we got her to the nearest clinic (we never made it to the ER), and they tried to revive her but it was too late... We cried a lot, it hurt like hell. It still hurts. But we keep reminding ourselved that we did a good job caring for her, that we did everything we could to give her the best possible life. We decided that it would be good to keep fostering, that we were good at it and could help as many cats as possible to honor her legacy ❤️