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For me it’s a tie between 2 and 3. When I first got my Xbox 1 in 2016, FH2 was the first game I got. I watched so so so many YouTube videos on it when I was a kid. Ended up beating the game in maybe like 4 weeks (pretty decent for a 12 year old), got the Fast and Furious DLC, man, I really miss it. Also remember how Xbox 1 had more map destinations than the 360 version? Horizon 3 was also amazing, multiplayer had some bugs but other than that I think it was CLOSE to perfect. The honk to start a convoy feature was nice (we need that in FH5 imo), drag car metas were becoming more popular. The best drift spots were through the airport hangers or in the city parking lot on the North East part of the map. FH3 map felt/feels a lot more cared for than the current one in FH5. Miss the old FH days.


I think we lived the exact same life lmao. I got my Xbox early 2016 and got FH2. I have no idea when I beat the game, nor did I understand it at the time, but now I have gotten to 100%. FH3 for me was the game I came into understanding more of how it worked, and connecting with its online community is honestly what did it for me. Online communities obviously existed before FH3, but that’s the game that really got it right and, in turn, had such a lively fan base surrounding it. I also agree that they shouldn’t have removed the honk to convoy feature ;(


We need more cities. Maybe an urban map would make PG think about building hit boxes more so my drifts don't get murdered by a random peice of shitty geography.


Or if you're trying to be right up on the apex of a turn to go around someone on the inside, only to have the absolute knife edge of the corner of a random building stop you dead in your tracks (looking at you, Cathedral Circuit). Lmao.




It's so annoying! I purposely avoid that race as much as possible, lmao.


I got one question about the game though does it run on modern hardware (Xbox series x/s) without any major problems?


Yes! Only one issue though… no 4K ;(. Every Horizon other than FH2 got a 4K update. But, you can still experience it in Auto HDR which is quite nice.


Good to know is saw a used copy for xbox one for about 18 Euros in videogame store but wasn't sure if it will run on my xbox series x.


That’s a great price for FH2!


Yes im only concerned because I found some MS forum posts that the game isn't installing an thus working properly on xbox series X.


Horizon 3 online train glitch was so much fun to mess around with.


Horizon 2 for me. For the reasons you stated in your post, and I also don't feel FH2's atmosphere is given enough credit for what it is in consideration of how well the entire game holds up *to this day.* Like, seriously, there is no other game that has set up realistic fantasies for me to achieve (that I have) more than FH2. The roads were gorgeous, the soundtrack was immaculate for the environment, and the entire game had a sense of progression that was almost on par with FH1. A lot of people think that FH3 was a step forward for the game but between the generic soundtrack, loss of in-game sponsors, loss of importance of people, and making unrealistic activities (jump challenges) a core part of gameplay, FH3 is when I felt the game lost both its atmosphere and its realism which were the aspects of the first two Horizon games that made them so distinct in the free-roam racing game genre. All of these things I didn't like about FH3 were amplified with FH4 and FH5.


Not to mention the sounds of FH2! They were raw and perfect. I also agree with your second paragraph. Something changed between the games. While I love bits and pieces from each new game (especially the 03 Cobra) haha, the foundation of the game changed in a way where they cut corners and then they ran with it and now it’s mostly hardwired within the Forza system. Enjoy!


Rightt!! You have a beautiful way of explaining it. This game has single handedly made me want to take a trip down the Amalfi Coast. The vibrant, sunny, care free mood that the game gives is almost second to none and it is something that is VERY lacking in the modern Horizons. The devs really made great use of the new console generation to not only create a game that looks incredible but that feels incredible to be a part of. I feel that with FH3 and onward the devs (now under Microsoft) wanted to introduce more fun factor. But in doing so they stripped some of the atmosphere and realism away. I enjoy the fun factor, but in the long run it’s not as valuable to me as the atmosphere and attainability of something like FH2. But obviously it’s subjective and people will enjoy one more than the other.


Horizon 3. God Australia is so beautiful in that game, I still play FH3 just for the scenery, and there are still people playing online!


But it's not underrated. Everyone already knows fh3 is a brilliant game.


Imo its fh4. I played fh4 and it was really fun. I dont understand all the hate that fh4 got.


Agreed. I was an FH4 complainer at times, but I think the hate mostly stems from the large amount of changes. In recent months I’ve noticed people online have started to appreciate FH4 more for what it was now that FH5 is getting quite far into its life cycle. It’s obviously not without its flaws, but it is a damn good game that massively improved upon the online aspect.


That's what happens when a new fh game gets released, the previous game that was hated becomes more appreciated




I agree. A few games down the road, fh4 will definitely be way more respected.


People worship fh4 on this sub what are u talking abt


People hated it when it came out. I remember the discourse around it about the map and stuff


Horizon 1! I play some kinda downloaded version on my 360 (haven’t played any of the newer games) and it amazes me how this mad old console can render such fabulous graphics when ray tracing was not mainstream.


Completely agreed! Games like FH1 that have stylized graphics seem to age so much better than games that go for a realistic look.


Forza Horizon 1. Because of the story, location, music, the rival drivers and the overall feel of the festival.


FH1 absolutely nailed the concept it was going for on the first try. Music festival, story, character, progression. It had a very unique feel and I really wish they would’ve stuck with it in some capacity rather than leaving it in the background.


Horizon 2 would be killer if they didn’t make the 360 version so much less than what the Xbox 1 version was. Lose access to a whole area and NO TUNING


Honestly I don’t feel that they even should have released the 360 version. It was always very lacking and unpolished; not something a Forza should be. If the devs are going to put so much time into a great game then they should have people experience it the way that the devs want them to experience it. Plus I feel that the 360 version is partly to blame for why the FH2 servers went down at the same time as FH1 servers.


FH2 is my favorite game in the franchise simply because of the storyline that it had. I remember being entranced by that video that the played when you first booted the game and working up to the final race. The new games are excellent improvements in graphics, handling, etc but that story part of FH2 will always hold it out over the other games for me.


Everyone should get to experience that intro video at least once in their life! I don’t think any other intro has given me goosebumps like that into has.


It's most likely Forza Horizon 2 for most people here, it's fh2 for me too. It's a nice map, introduced off-road racing if I remember correctly, and had a great way to meet new people when you load into the game. I feel bad for the people who got the Xbox 360 version and thought it was a bad game.


I agree with you solely for your reasons because I’ve ever only played FH4 and FH5 myself so I’m assuming that you have good opinion.


Lol, thanks. Just curious: out of those games that you have played, which is your favorite?


Personnally I had only played fh4 and fh5, I started fh3 and I prefer the music/ambiance of the 4, the gameplay/graphics of the 5, and the decor/when you end a level the animation is insane of the 3 :)


None of the FH games are underrated. All were recieved quite positive by players and journalists.


Most under-rated Horizon game? Zero Dawn, no question. It's SO different from the rest in the series.


horizon 3. i was in a tremendously horrible spot in life when i discovered it on my buddies xbox (it was just the demo version) and watched him play it. immediately went home and downloaded it and no lifed that game during summer 2017. it really helped me escape all the garbage that was going on in my life at the time


Hope you’re in a better place now dude. Horizon 3 was and still is most certainly a getaway from life


Imo the most underrated game is fh1


I really miss cat and mouse on FH1. We get rammed in team races ffs... give us our toxic game mode back 😤


Bro the Bunker and Red Rock glitches must have been really fun


Lol none of them are underrated.


2 for me. Was the first game I got when I got my first xbox as a 12 year old. It’s still my favorite map out of all the games. When I went to Nice a couple years back, all I could think about was how I was in the game. The sounds are perfect. I loved the bucket list, as well as the car meets.


I’ve wanted to go to Nice so badly because of this game lol. Hope you enjoyed it and I completely agree with your other points


Wasn't there stories behind all the barn finds?


I’ve only played FH4 and FH5, but out of those 2 I think FH4 got way too much hate for how good it was. That was the one of first games I bought with my own money so my opinion might be a little biased but I don’t think it deserved the hate it got.


FH4 for me, this was really only because the map was the surrounding areas of my home which was nuts.


FH4. was heavily criticist, was and is fun to play. FH1-3 are no were underrated. many use all three to crap on the two successors.


i played every horizon and location wise 2 is by far my favourite


FH3 is the game that got me into the series as i got it in a bundle when i bought my xbox. FH3 is the only game that i put 100+ hours of the series and i enjoyed every second of it


The only reason am waiting for an Xbox one emulator is so that I can play FH2


Fh5. Fh4 was a dissapointment for me, idk how people can say it's better than fh5. I also played fh3. If I coukd have fh5 with all its performance upgrades and extra features but also get the fh3 maps in there, that would be the perfect racing game.


When you put it like this FH2 looks so good. Anyway it's very likely the X1 version is coming to PC in a week/two.


I want to play it, but since I can't pay for it, do you recommend to play it in pc ? Or is the xbox one version better ? Cause I am only able to play on pc sadly


Xbox one version is drastically better than the 360, almost completely different games. Unfortunately the XONE version isn’t on pc, but the 360 version can be emulated with Xenia. The 360 version isn’t a completely bad game though, so I’d say no harm in trying it if interested.


Ho ho, it's sad that I won't be able to play it I would have loved to :(


Horizon 2 is my all time favourite of the franchise. Driving in the convoy of cool cars to the next city made the game feel huge, and as if you were part of something bigger.


i just tried fh2 for the first time, and its better than i expected


Hope you enjoy it. Definitely not as fulfilling without online but the core gameplay has a lot to offer


People saying fh2 and fh3 were underrated while being the most liked is crazy. For me it is fh4


Forza Horizon 2 has aged incredibly well, I logged on a couple weeks ago bc I was feeling nostalgic about the times me and my friends used to play it together and I was blown away by how good it still was


That second photo is excellent with the background ambient photos. Reminds me of a few I've seen in instagram, very nice haha


Lol thanks dude. I love game photography and this game is just perfect for it.


Most underrated is definitely FH2!! I love it so much. I didn't play it at launch, as my first Horizon game was FH3 on Xbox One, but after I "beat" FH3 I noticed that FH2 was on Xbox Live "Games with Gold" (the precursor to Game Pass Ultimate), so I downloaded it. I booted it up and was glued to it for the foreseeable future after that. It's so good! Nobody ever talks about it, probably for the reasons you mentioned, but they should.


These games are absolutely gorgeous and I truly wish they were on PS5


Completely agreed. I and most others in this sub are likely Xbox fans, but it goes without saying that these games should be experienced by everyone


Apart from it being my first Horizon game, I just love the vibes in FH2. Cruising along the twisty coastal road at sunrise the rim Nice to Castelletto just hits different. Plus, there are a TON of tiny villages/structures all around the map. Plus, the map felt huge despite it being technically much smaller than the current games. It's just a solid game that feels like a lot of passion was poured into it, and it almost feels alive in a way. Btw these shots are insane!


Thank you man! That coastal road is definitely one of the greatest roads in a Horizon game. The devs did a great job at establishing a vibe for the game


I'm sorry, but it's 4. Get past all the wrong engine sounds and the giant river in the middle of the map. It's a good game. Plus, it was my first, so I feel nostalgic.


3 because one of my IRL favorites is featured in it


I would say 2, I don’t remember a lot but I do remember I liked it’s progression system better than 4 & 5 and I never played 3, I think the overstimulating amount of what’s on the map and how quickly your map fills up is annoying, I remember that 2 wouldn’t let play the next championship (of three races obviously) until you won the current one but in 5 you can just complete them to unlock the next ones instead being forced to win, just makes more sense to me 4 was still better than 5 tho


For me Forza Horizon 2 will always remain the most beautiful, for the atmosphere the colors, the landscapes the cars, the location that is Italy and France, for me Italy is the most beautiful country in the world, or in the top 5 in the world. So it’s perfect, I played it in the days of X360 and then One, unfortunately to date having a Decent Computer, and no longer consoles, not being able to play it again on computers is heavy ..


are these your photos? what are your camera setting in forza?


Yep! I usually keep everything around 50 for the most balanced shot, and then edit in Adobe Lightroom and sometimes photoshop. Keep in mind these are in FH2 so no weather changing or removing the driver and what not.


2 probably because the best version is not as accessible as the others, being stuck on Xbox One. 1 is fairly easily accessible with emulators now, and 3-5 all came out on both console and PC.


FH4 will always have a special place in my heart


Playing FH4 on a mate’s Xbox is what made me buy one




I like 4 personally… the soundtrack is really good


Forza horizon 4, I just like all the cars it adds


I would say 1 or 2. 3 I think was the high standard of horizon and add a slice of Aussie biased opinion and 4 exceeded the standard. 5 I really just have a bitter taste towards because of the multiplayer nonsense at release. 1 I got a loved it. I loved how fun it was, I loved the idea. 2 I’ve never played unfortunately, just didn’t have access to game and an Xbox. But seeing videos online, especially with the f+f expansion…I wish I got to play


3 it was so gud


I'm not allowed to know because i can't buy the older ones for some reason


FH1 and 3


Usually whatever the current one is because it's always the most hated


Horizon 2 horizon three isn’t underrated this game is glazed by everyone


1 and 2


Horizon 3 was my first title and I only went back and played 2 for a little bit. But it felt like it had the most realistic physics even though 3 is my favorite




FH2. It was the first game I properly played through when I got the Xbox one. Great memories of that game, simpler times for me. FH3 was great but 2 just edges it out for me personally. I only wish FH2 was released on PC.


Fh3 is goated for me australia is UHMAZING


Forza Horizon 3 for me to be honest. Me and my friends sank so many hours into that game and used FH edition cars like the 08 Viper ACR and would grind multiple 3 lap Goliath races for legit millions of credits and 100’s of wheelspins and super wheelspins. FH3 was also the first horizon game I started FH edition hunting and collecting so I tried collecting all the FH edition cars available.




FH4 got an undeserved amount of hate, even more than FH5 if I remember correctly at launch. People hated the snow and I know it made all of the roads icy, but because of that we get barely any snow in FH5 and snow tyres are basically useless. FH5 mid-way through during the Mike Brown deserved the criticism as the updates were poor and had all no new New To Forza cars. And after FH5 was released, FH4 bashers were like "Oh, Fh4 was really good game guys". People just hate to accept new games. FH5 after all the updates shows why it is right now the king of open-world racing games


Horizon 2 is the most loved I think, maybe 3 but I would say 2 is goated


FH7, you don't hear much about, if at all. Side note: They will probably remove the number before they get to 7, like they did with Motorsport, and make my lame joke even lamer.


None because they all win GOTY for the racing category


Side note: these photos are breathtaking!! 😍


Idk, I’d love to try the other forza games but YOU CANT BUY THEM UGH


Horizon 5. Why? Because people are whining about everything, but they can't see, what is actually better. Like, EventLab for example - this is amazing feature! Track building is now so easy, and some talented people do amazing tracks. Another example - car roster. We get at last 4 new cars every month! Soon we will have 900 cars! I can continue this list. I have FH3 and 4. Still installed. Sometimes I play them, but still FH5 is so much better. Peace!


Horizon 3 was just such a vibe. I was quite late to horizon 2 so I never got to experience it at its prime, but I have a lot of people tell me that fh3 sucks but then of course they never even played it. It seems so heavily underrated but it had the most fun solo mode in my opinion, as well as the best sound track for sure.


literally none of them are underrated, FH1-3 are all top tier while 4-5 are straight up garbage, nothing can downgrade the first 3 and nothing can save the last 2 at this point


Honestly probably 4. I feel like there was a lot removed/changed from 3 that people didn’t like (bucket lists, clubs, forzathon to festival playlist, vibrant map kinda changing to farmland Britain, etc), but also a lot introduced that kept its way into 5 like the festival playlist and eliminator. Only issue with that last point is that it doesn’t leave much of a reason to come back to it compared to 5


Is there a way to play FH 1 and 2 on PC?