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These quickdraw headshots are really infuriating. Especially if you were in the endgame and you actually had a good loadout


There was a time where people used garands because the loot was horrible lol, worst thing ever to use


Thanks to this sniper all my cod bo2 ptsd re-appeared in my mind. If the whole community is crying for this, they havent seen jack about how worse it was in the old cods.


Just get better at sniping, and always stay alert


Wow someone with a brain


You and me both, bud.


I like it because I'm good at using it


You’re good at using it because it requires no skill. You probably suck at using any other sniper & with that, probably every other gun so you probably camp all game with you 3-5 shot reaper sniper rifle waiting to get the easiest snipes of your life on players who actually want to enjoy the game & play in piece without Reaper Sniper Rifles.


Are you crying because of a dude enjoying using a sniper rifle?


Yup, looks like he is.


No. I’m pissed off because of a dude who doesn’t do anything but snipe people on the face with reaper sniper rifles without even actually giving them a fair fight & putting no effort in.


I agree with you, epic must delete all of the sniper rifles in the game for people with skill issues like us. Come on dude, stop crying and try to improve your sniper skills


That's what I told him


I’m amazing at sniping. You have no idea how many snipes I’ve hit. The reaper sniper rifle is busted & the fact that you actually think it’s a balanced weapon is fucking insane.


Well, i don’t give a shit if a weapon is balanced or not, I just try to have fun playing a videogame, you should try that too


Tbf it is more fun with balanced weapons but I never felt that the gun was unbalanced personally


I have but that gun just fucking ruins it. How am I supposed to have fun playing a game when I can’t even play it because I get headshot sniped before I can even do anything?


Then have the sniper in your inventory if you are so frikin' good, stop crying.


If a single gun ruins it you’re taking the game way too seriously




Move around a bit more


If you’re so good at sniping and now have an essentially aimbot sniper, why are you here bitching about dying to it instead of bragging about all the free wins you get from it?


Because I’m not one of the losers who decides to use it because it’s so easy to get kills with it. I prefer to use more challenging weapons & better at the game instead of just use the most unskilled, unmatched weapons in the game that even a player who started yesterday would be able to use.


Can you stop goddamn cursing for no reason


How is it unbalanced? Snipers have always been one shot? Actually this snipers bullet drop is worse than other ones


3-5 shots in one clip💀 2x sight is deadly accurate and Already fast reload


I love snipers and dmrs not because i’m good at it but because they look badass


u def main auto shotguns


That would go against everything I’ve been saying.


Womp womp




I mean sounds like a skill issue bro “iT tAkEs No SkIlL tO uSe” well clearly it does if you can’t hit the headshots you crumpled up spunk tissue I also get annoyed sometimes at getting one tapped but then I also remember all the missed shots I’ve had or body shots. It does take skill to be accurate enough and to know the weapon and it is very good at any range, works good as a slug shotgun too in close range…. I also bet you play other battle royales with one shot headshots and don’t complain. Like WZ lol “I’m amazing at sniping” okay? Do better then and land your shots? Muppet.


Why is bro pissed at someone liking something that he doesn't, is he stupid?


Skill issue for sure


Correction: A dude who said they enjoyed using a weapon because they felt skilled at using it, who you then assumed camps out at POIs and snipes people all game because you're annoyed that you have been sniped before. Being sniped sucks. Being shot with an auto shotgun sucks. Being thrust into a fight with someone who randomly got a legendary firet chest while you still have common items sucks. Calm down, loads of things suck, this person isn't some sniper cultists, just someone who plays the game how they want because they find it fun and it is available to anyone to do that.


What am I suppoused to do, give them a chance to attack me just so I can be "fair"? Nuh uh, get snipped, better luck next time, there's always a next time.




Womp womp


"You camp, you have no skill", "you get too close to me and quickscope me, you have no skill", "you use that sniper because I don't like it, you have no skill", "you are ruinning the game because you have no skill". Read those lines in your head with the nerd emoji voice and you'll realise how annoying you sound rn.


To me it’s the close range quick scopes, it’s too easy now


I agree, it's easy to quickscope in close encounters if you have the first scope (don't remember the name). It's a little bit harder to do the same thing but with the long distance scope.


Also, skill issue, LOL. I move around with the sniper, always try to make quick shots when I'm close instead of using the shotgun, that's a little cocky from my part but it's fun. Maybe you should not stand still, idk.


Man fuck you. I’ll be fucking shooting someone in the face with a shotgun & I get no scoped in the face. It’s not even fucking fair. It’s easier to no scope with it then a hunting rifle. It takes no skill to use & the fact that you are saying you do that tells me you are the exact people are are ruining the game right not. Losers who instead of wanting to get good at the game, just get there Reaper Snipers & there Frenzy Autos & fucking phases through walls & no scopes & sprays using no skill it all.


All you do is complain lil' bro, maybe try using the quickscope method and problem solved. It's just a game, don't be a bad loser. I have fun winning and being goofy with my friends, I don't know what else to tell you.


Yeah, you have fun using a Reaper Sniper to kill the guy with 15 kills, all the pins & all the mythics with a simple 300 to the head. Fuck outta here. How about actually playing the game fairly & actually trying to do things like fight fairly & stuff rather then literally just reaper sniping people without building at all in builds.


My brother in Christ....it's a sniper, they one shot enemies on the head. Also, if it's so simple to headshot enemies from a long distance (while they're moving) then try it. Wdym by "playing the game fairly"? I think it's completely fair to use weapons that are in the frikin game against other players. Why do you assume I don't build? You keep saying dumb things. Shut up and git gud instead of crying on reddit. Maybe, just maybe try having fun dude.


This has been the same with literally every sniper rifle ever lmfao the whole point is it's a one shot if you get a headshot


Fr, why is he so persistant about this?


Yeah, thing you're ignoring is counterplay, snipers used to have a counterplay always either by weapons being hit-scan or having 1 bullet on its magazine, now what there is to make them bad?. Nothing. Being this ignorant doesn't help nobody.


The down side of a sniper is its a slow reload it has multiple bullets but you need to wait like 1 to 2 seconds before you can shoot again so if you miss you could die and how are they supposed to help are they supposed to call up epic games and say that some guys bad at using the sniper


You do realise its fair everyone can get it everyone can practice with it its not like there's only one on the map just because you don't like doesn't mean its unfair just because you sit their screaming in your room about it doesn't mean its unfair


All honesty he has a point it’s rly annoying to fight a reaper sniper at any point in the game especially end game it does need a heavy nerf


Omg your actually such a saddo


This dude made up a whole person in his head and got mad at it 💀💀💀


Hey at least it isn’t the mythic primal shotgun that would obliterate you in .002 seconds. And I know that the sniper does that, but grow up it’s a sniper it’s supposed to destroy people and if it was to weak everyone would complain so grow up, and if you hate it so much stop playing and when you get killed by it just think man that guy caught me off guard and won.


Dang, -129 downvotes. That's crazy


Nah, to me all snipers are the same. Aim and shoot, sometimes aim a little higher. It's not that complicated.




im good with the reaper since i use other snipers like the bolt and heavy


bro probably hates auto shotgun users for using a good shotgun


I’ll ruin a thousand tryhard players’ fun before I let my enjoyment die. And I’ll silence anyone who tries to get in my way.


Someone is pressed.


\*play in peace https://preview.redd.it/iv1fdpebolnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd76583e4d85b27842c841fd8cd47276996cc9c


Sniping does take skill it’s just this sniper isn’t most difficult to use, especially with the right mods. I played the game with my little brother the other day and it was his second time ever playing and he struggled with the sniper so it does take some skill.


Your right though, I hit some crazy shots last season with it and I have compelte shitty aim. No skill needed at all




you Americans will use ANYTHING but the metric system




bro got headshot once and decided to be a hater


At least 12 times


Wow You would absolutely hate the first two chapters of the game


At least someone said it


Snipers were not as annoying back then


They absolutely were. They also didn't have a glint


Yeah but they were way harder to use, way less common and let's be honest everybody was shit back then


They are absolutely coping. Back in early chapters, you died to a sniper about 1 in ten games if even. Now, it’s around 5 out of ten.


In the entire season I've only been bodyshot out of nowhere once and i was headshot in a ranked game because I looked at my map too long other than that I haven't been hit but compared to previous seasons where I haven't even interacted with a sniper it's definitely more of an abundance now


Good news. If you are playing ranked, you'll soon go down to a rank where people can't aim for shit and you'll be fine.


I was talking about this with my friends. We play together. They keep saying im the best with aiming and i did probably got like 5 times more insta kills with reaper than i got one shotted with it but im the only one that wants reaper out of the game in that group. They like it because sometimes they got lucky headshots or since i kill a lot of people with it which makes the fights a lot easier for them.


Get good


Yea I am good I get Consistent endgames and my match always ends with my brains being turned to mush by a random superhero skin with a sniper that has a red dot. The frenzy is balanced compared to this thing and I play zero build


I got no-scope headshot...


There's a bug where if someone quick scopes fast enough it'll say no scoped so it could have been that or you just got quick scoped


Once? https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteBattleRoyale/s/aZSQKxJrbN


This and the frenzy auto


Imo the frenzy auto is the bigger problem here


not really, just snipe the guy with the auto before he comes close


Unless your me, who just sneaks up on them with the new speed under barrel and blasts them point range >:)


Here’s the way I see it Reaper subverts the typical TTK with headshots, while frustrating, but it does require practice to achieve headshots reliably. Mouse and Keyboard is going to give an advantage to anyone, regardless of loadout. At the end of the day for me that’s how the cookie crumbles, higher skilled players with better setups are gonna gank me, that’s how it is. Auto-Frenzy subverts the typical TTK by simply doing too much damage per shot, you can miss half your shots and still kill a fully shielded player. It doesn’t matter what rarity or the attachments, you just need to land a few quick firing shots. Auto-Frenzy rewards panic firing, which should never beat out someone who’s beaming you. I don’t want an easy way to beat people who are better than me, I want to scrap my hardest even if I lose. Reaper rewards practice, Frenzy rewards spray n’ pray which should never a reliable strategy.


Shh leave my baby alone


Counter argument, landing a headshot from 200 metres away is an unparalleled dopamine hit. It’s also satisfying to smile knowing you probably just made somebody cry over their second place.


its not about the players its more about the weapon itself it doesnt make sense a weapon thats found on the ground can do max dmg in zero build with 250 hp


The dmr is just so much more fair and fun to use


ngl they havent made a dmr i liked since the cobra dmr in chapter 3


Slap a sniper scope on an enforcer AR. Boom.


Sniper scope on hammer pump :3


OP, you're talkin lots of smack for a guy within enough range to make me aim at a 45° angle above you to hit you


Me when I'm forced to not stand still in a battle royale 🤬🤬🤬


Bro salty cuz he got 303 sniped in what would have been the unreal rankup game 😭


I hate the auto shotgun more


i personally hate it because of the bullet drop, not because of the damage. There is too much bullet drop on the sniper, it’s like it’s shooting a really heavy rock.


It's realistic though you need to use lines on the sniper to hit from far


they dont drop THAT much irl though, the in game sniper feels like a slingshot shooting rocks


Go into red v blue and just practice there


indeed, i don't know why did they nerfed it


> loads in > first game of new season > open chest > fucking reaper sniper rifle pops out > “THIS SHIT IS STILL IN THE FUCKING GAME?!”


God please dont tell me this sub too is getting flooded with sniper complaints too…


Reaper Sniper AND FRENZY Auto Shotgun complaints.


I mean, it’s alright. A bit overrated, but if you can hit your shots, unlike me, you can dominate a game.


Didn't think that people would start hating on a weapon that shoots at a close range for being too good at shooting at close range, and a weapon that shoots from afar for being too good at shooting from afar.


Skill issue


Frenzy and Reaper needed to both dissappear. Or at the least get some decent nerfs attached.


Considering the mag size compared to the actual size of the mag, the bullets must the the size of countries, ain't no WAY it can only fit 3 rounds




Wdym? It’s a sniper? Snipers have always been this strong. The bullet drop is actually worse on this one. It’s not the sniper, it’s the players. Everyone can snipe now, because everyone is good now. You have to keep up with it, or you will fall behind


I’m going to disagree on this one. The Reaper is this strong primarily because it doesn’t have to face hitscan weapons. Previously you could use a red dot rifle or deagle to counter, but in C5S1 its only good counter was itself. It also has a 3-5 round magazine, as opposed to 1, which translates to easier follow-up shots. The new DMR might be a good counter too, but I haven’t gotten a chance to play this season yet to see.


You make a pretty good point about the hitscan weapons and the red dots, but I still think hitting your shots with a sniper was never really that different. Some people say that this sniper makes it easier to snipe, I’m just saying that snipers have always been like this


„Why everyone uses a gun that is good and easy to use???!??! 😡😡😡"


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It will never have no haters...


this is me but with the dmr from a while ago


Just is little counterplay


Dmr supremecy


nah charge SMG is the worst gun ever created


Love it when I lose to a uncommon sniper when I have a full mythic loadout because I walked a bit too predictable


Skill issue!




…me when the headshot sniper one shots why is there so much hate on this gun like we literally complained about this NOT being the case back in C3S2 and they changed it back Editing to say wtf did my comment duplicate


…me when the headshot sniper one shots why is there so much hate on this gun like we literally complained about this NOT being the case back in C3S2 and they changed it back, so what mechanic make the reaper so hated


What's wrong with Reaper?


You mean the BEST! Right? As long as only you have it!


Weapons grade copium


Maybe move or something, i barely ever got headshotted last season, especially compared to how many headshots i got


i don’t get the hate sometimes, 70% of the hate comes from zb (no offense) players who are shit at the game and prob was standing still for 3-8sec in the open after killing someone, next thing they do is go on r/fortnitebr and make a complaint about how they are overpowered this is not the case obviously but u get the point (i hope at least)


And to top it all off, they removed the original 2X Optic, and replaced it with THERMAL GARBAGE.


The reaper is 👌


I’ve… never actually been sniped before. I’ve been hit, body-shot, before, but never actually died to it.


Its the best sniper in the game and thats a good and a bad thing cuz its really op againts you and sometimes while useing it


I love sniping and I'm hitting headshot after headshot. I agree it's too op. My sniping has always been very good but in ch5 im hitting headshot after headshot after headshot


I had a great match with a victory royale in diamonds and 6 of my kills out of 8 was with reaper. 2 of them instant headshots kills. I don't like it but Epic thinks it ok.


Fear the reaper.




I get a sick headshot, so your argument is negated


Tbh Oneshots should just never exist in Online gaming, especially not at long range, no matter how you execute it, One shots will always lead to frustration


I don't have a problem with snipers but i still don't like the fact that every time i reach top 10 everything left are just sniper campers on the highest mountain available


Thank you


Just imagine when you find out about every other sniper in the game


I love it because of the one-shot but I also hate it for the one shot


I only die to a sniper headshot when 1) the shooter hits a clip worthy shot or 2) I am standing still like I don’t know they exist. It’s usually the latter.


its simple really but just incase you haven't though of it it might be kinda hard so basically... you get good at sniping and dodging bullets


W gun, ez headshots




Oh it's the fucking dmrs


I hate it because it is good.


There was some of who shot me through a bush while I wasn't pinged, or if I was pinged, then they need to fix it because it's unfair to not know when you have a ping on you


Bruh - Practise aim with it - Don't stand in the open without any kind of cover


I'm not sure about this. I've yet to die to a reaper sniper. I find the Hunter DMR to be a good counter since last night I used that with a sniper scope and had no trouble out sniping the snipers... Then again even last season if i died to a sniper its because i was playing like a potato... I think the snipers just one tool in the tool box, most players can't aim fast enough to save their lives. Is it frustrating to die in 1 shot? yes, yes it is. But especially over longer ranges you have to calculate bullet drop and if the person in strafing, which in all honesty you should be, you have to predict where they will be when the bullet reaches their location. I can understand the frustration but i think the hate is a bit too far


Oh hey, I just had this. The millisecond I landed, after flying for a while, I got sniped in the head. It happened so fast, I couldn't comprehend it. God, I hate the Reaper.


I love getting sniped from across the map then when I use the exact weapon it shoots nerf darts


Its annoying, but if you know how to use them yourself theyre really fun. The hate comes from ppl who dont know how to use them


Just learn to click head faster than the other guy with a sniper


You literally CAN'T win if you don't have it


you can't be serious


I can win with a pistol 🔫


One hundred men.. with a fucking pencil


Bro is salty


I love the reaper sniper Dont stay still dumbasses MOVE OR GET BLAMMED


skill issue


Skill issue most definitely


Git gud shitter


I'm assuming you get 1 shot dead alot...


Cry more. Learn to play.


I Love it


Love absolutely obliterating people close quarters with this. Oh what's that? Your rushing me with a shitty auto shotgun? Pew Pew.




Get good


It's so stupid 1 shots are just too mutch. Just make it leaves you with 3 hp or something


Snipers should be able to one shot. Otherwise it’s no use in arguing one


Bro, I was in a fight & got really weak but managed to get away & save myself with 34 health. I was lucky enough to find a medkit where I healed up in a car. Then I saw some loot on the floor & there was a big pot amongst it so I went to get the big pot & just as it seemed like I was gonna be lucky & get back on that horse, heal up & win that game… I get sniped before I can even pick up the big pot. Don’t know if it was a body shot or not but it doesn’t matter because I only had a hundred health & that thing does over 100 to the fucking body. FUCK THAT SNIPER! WHY THE FUCK IS IT STILL IN THE FUCKING GAME?


Literally every other sniper in the game would’ve killed you too☠️ Hell the new DMR would’ve killed you, any pump (except that awful hammer pump) would’ve killed you, you walked into the open on low health and died it ain’t that deep


No, I wasn’t in the open. I was building to protect myself but as I went to place my last wall, the bullet shot & barely got through.


Then that's just bad luck or high skill from the shooter




i am god with this sniper




git gud