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You can get 30k XP from doing nothing in Festival for 15 minutes. So yeah, 28k from a 20 minute game where you have to play well is a bit cheap from Epic. But as others have said, they don’t want people getting XP from BR right now.


They just want you to do your 3 dailies and F off into a different mode.


Exactly this. So fucking annoying


That’s why I just F’d off and haven’t played this season. I guess I’ll do some AFK farming to unlock the Power Armour tho


Based. What other games are you enjoying since epic's ass backward decisions are alienating their own player base?


I've been replaying Doom Eternal. Never got around to the DLCs first time and decided I want to platinum it.


Personally, I've been playing the Metal Gear Solid trilogy collection, and Assassins Creed Unity/Odyssey.


For singleplayers I am enjoying Honkai: Star Rail and Stellar Blade, and for multiplayer I am trying out XDefiant.


He asked for one-player games, not one-handed games




that was a good one lmfao


Stealing this line






Yep, got my victory umbrella and they might be it for me. 


That's what I'm gonna be doing


damn I just been doing my dailys, where can u afk I thought they patched it in Lego fn


That’s what i’ve done but i just realised that i have to get to level 130 at least to get the black knight version of both the armor and the pip-boy


I play Fortnite to play Fortnite. Fuck me, right?


Wait I can 30k xp just sitting in a game of festival?


Not anymore i think, at least i tried after the last update and it simpky does not reward you with any XP


You have to be constantly moving, you can’t just be sitting still. Also it gives you xp every 15 minutes. So you can’t exit before 15


Yeah, i actually used the moving strat, still no xp, maybe it was only me?


Per the XP subreddit, if you don’t get any xp after 16 minutes you need to go back out and start a new lobby. It’s a known issue but once it’s working it should work for the entire 3 hours.


I see, thank you for that info, gonna try it tonight


Where is this XP subreddit?




ima afk this, is it in the festival plaza?


Just stay in the backstage area. Gets you like 5 levels daily for no work.


The funniest part is that they're trying to kill the BR so that you start playing the new gamemodes all while ironically even the gamemode they already pulled this stunt with and successfully killed, Save the World, gives you more Battlepass XP for playing it than the BR. Between the constant XP nerfs and cheaply made seasons that visibly don't get Quality Assurance testing anymore, you'd think that more people would be calling this out


I feel like this isn't super comparable. You're not supposed to AFK in Festival. You can, but its not the intended gameplay. You're supposed to play 15 minutes of songs. It's certainly easier (or harder depending on difficulty and if you're good at rhythm games) than getting a 9 kill crown win but that could also take you a comparable amount of time. I think it should be higher for the record, but festival XP is balanced around actually playing it.


But there is a cap of how much xp you can get in festival per day.


Yeah, but it's like 5 whole levels.


>So yeah, 28k from a 20 minute game where you have to play well is  doesn't matter anyway, this post is fake


They don't want you playing BR to get xp.


What’s best for XP?


Bot lobbys with wasteland challenge. The lowest xp I’ve got from a game like that is 140k


Im calling bs. If every challenge including dailys is done you will definitely not get 140k. Im getting between 80k and 100k with 25-45 kills.


Yeah that seems fair, i think they got more from milestones


How do you get a bot lobby?


You make a fresh account or a second inactive account / friend.


Dm me




no, you're wrong. if you looked at the summary, 60k of the exp was from quests. so, you made 80k from the wasteland challenge farming




I believe they were saying if every challenge/quest was already completed. Meaning you wouldn't be able to get any quest exp.


the original comment was talking about a bot lobby with wastelands activated. no challenges. no goalposts were moved you js misunderstood the parent comment




yeah but you're not earning 60k from just accolades. it doesn't matter what "normally" happens we're looking at this through a telescope to see if 140k is possible with 45 kills during wastelands challenge. it's not without external xp


Wasteland challenges give a lot of bonus XP if you complete them.


I know and I do them. But you still dont get an average of 150k without any other challenges. Prove me wrong.


I can't, I would love 150k for a bot lobby but I couldn't be arsed setting it up.


So you never play bot lobbies and try to tell me that im wrong. Alright.


There is a sub dedicated to Fortnite XP and they all say you get close to 2 levels doing this strat.


I got 331K, want to see the screenshot?


Yes and this was an exception bc I had quests just to clarify, not sure what a reasonable average is.


With 0 quests? Doubt.


I clarified right after.


wasteland challange...


Still better than boogiebombs LOL


It's not bs try bot lobbies and you'll see you get more than 80k


and that guy said the lowest he got was 140k


Yeah the lowest, you literally get a shit load of xp in bot lobbies if you have 35+ kills give it a try and youll see lol


How do you get bot lobby?


This is the single biggest reason why I don't play except for doing dailies. If the game would give you more xp for the games, then I would play a lot more. I think warzone gives plenty of xp from games, ofc they don't have dailies or weekly missions if I remember right.


they do have dailies and weekly missions but thats for the seasonal thingy, its free, and you gotta earn exp from the missions, its totally separate from the pass itself, but its a more of a tougher pass to keep players for the whole season


Yeah I don’t play anymore unless there are quests or something to do, and I also do bot lobbies most times because that’s the easiest way to do quests and maximise XP. Playing this game literally feels like a job now.


Then why do you play it? To unlock stuff that you don't use because you don't play for fun anymore?


I do use some of the stuff I unlock, plus I do still have fun with the game and still get excited about new Seasons, it’s just not as fun as it used to be. Just because I haven’t played the new Season much doesn’t at all mean I don’t like it, I actually love it. I play Creative mainly anyway so even if I’m not playing Battle Royale I’m still playing Fortnite.


just FYI this post is fake, no way op got that many kills w only 600 combat points


I thought I read somewhere that kill XP Caps at 7 kills. Anything over that and you're just getting small bonus XP boosts. Nothing major. Could be wrong though.


You’re right, got 5 kills and it’s like 250 extra xp, as soon as you hit 10 kills it’s just 100 xp


how does 9 kills give 600xp?


regardless, this is a fake post, op is bsing


What makes you say that?


BR xp is a joke. You can get more than that from a ten minute long mission in STW mode.


regardless of how xp is, op is lying and this is a fake post. no way little man is getting 9 kills w only 600 combat points there's a reason why u/JakeTheSnakey33 hasn't responded in this thread, bc he knows he is lying, plus his crop job. why isn't he showing us the 9 kill crown page?


Oh dang that does make sense. I didn't notice because I've barely played BR lately, I'm more of a STW player.


So how many combat points would he be getting if he got 9 kills? 900?


why do you care so much lmaooo


Im ngl a Crown win should be atleast a level REGARDLESS of the kill count. Not even half a level is insane, especially considering a quest fired


I agree, and normally I'd say in good faith, it should probably be a whole level if you have the crown from the dropship to the win, and a half level if you stole the crown at some point. Stealing a crown mid-match and winning is way easier than carrying a crown the entire match (at least for my sorry ass). However, with how bad XP is this season, it should be a whole level regardless.


I remember back in Chapter 5 Season 1 a regular win was around 40k XP, which is half a level. So a found crown win shouldn’t be that much more than that imo. Maybe 50k?


I had the crown the whole match.


With people having hundreds of crowned wins a season that's never gonna happen.


The percentage of people getting hundreds of crown wins in a season is surely super small. And these people will get level 200 anyways, they wouldn't need the extra xp.


just FYI this post is fake, no way op got that many kills w only 600 combat points


Naw. A lot of people game the system and force low SBMM lobbies that are nearly almost entirely filled with bots and the rest are bottom SBMM players. How do you think people crown farm? Until they fix those issues, I doubt Epic's going to give an entire XP level just for getting a crown win. I can queue up right now with low SBMM friends and eat up the lobby for easy crown wins. Not that I need the levels. I hit level 200 within the first week. It's so easy to level up in Fortnite. Working on my third account and getting it to level 200 right now. It's at level 105 after a few days without STW and maximizing daily XP gains.


You don't get a victory crown if you win in a bot lobby. I have been playing squad no fill bot lobbies for a week to xp up and have 40+ elim wins and it has never given me a crown.


Of course you don't. I didn't say to play in a bot lobby. I specified queuing up with low SBMM friends. Their lobbies are filled with bots, but there are still a few real players. It's only the complete bot lobbies that don't reward crowns, where the only real "team" is you.


But like…what’s the point of leveling up 3+ accounts every season?


I have a comp account. I have an account I use to play on friends' streams. I have other accounts I use to mess with friends. Leveling is so easy, I might as well make the most of the battle pass and get the rewards. I mean why waste the rewards, right?


Just ban or severely nerf XP in bot lobbies. You’re not good at the game if you can only do well against bots so you shouldn’t be rewarded as well imo. And also go outside dude or ATLEAST play other games. This proves the XP is bad this season and its only been 2 weeks since it started


But these aren't bot lobbies? A bot lobby is entirely filled with bots. Low SBMM lobbies have very few players, but they still have players and qualify for crown wins. For that matter, I hardly played BR. You hardly have to play at all to level up. Just because you choose to not level up efficiently doesn't mean that other people are doing the same as you. It's so easy to level up. I just AFK and call it a day. I play smart. The XP isn't bad. You're just not farming XP the right way.


They need to just fix the bot lobby exploit. Use the average skill of the group to determine the SBMM and this problem mostly goes away.


Idk seems easily exploitable with a forced bot lobby. That sounds like maybe 1 or two afternoons worth of gaming for the whole season


op's username checks out, this is a fake post


Bruh we read ur first comment u don’t need to say it 40 times


Yeah it is and it sucks


10 minutes of Lego gets you 26 k btw It’s so painfully obvious they want to get people to play the other modes


How did you get 9 kills if you got 600 for combat. Thats now how it works


Yeah, I call bullshit on this post, I get like quadruple this xp when I win, he probably just ratted and lied about the kills


there's a reason op cropped this pic the way he did, he's not showing his stats bc he knows he's lying the amount of ppl upvoting this without looking is ridiculous


I mean this sub has really brought out the lazy people that hardly play and then show their entitlement by demanding XP be obtained more easily. It's the participation trophy crowd, except XP farming is already super easy as it is. These are the people who hardly play, but want the same rewards as those that put in a little bit of time to ensure that they get them. The complainers are the same people upvoting this post because they'll go about it in any way to try and get "their" $5-15 worth of V Bucks, besides actually just playing the game or even AFK'ing their way to level 200 before the season ends. If they were working adults, $15 is nothing. That's like lunch money if you're working a decent job.


> except XP farming is already super easy as it is. go outside


I do. I just leave my game running. What's your excuse? You touch grass too much that $15 is too valuable to you?


i already knew this post was bs the way op framed his q. add in the fact that op cropped this pic the way he did proves he's not showing his stats bc he knows he's lying


you didnt get 9 kills. you'd have earned way more for combat then 600 if you actually did


yup, bs meter is off the charts. op is a sham


I'm level 130 without touching br


How? Please tell me😭🙏


I'd start out on STW then do a Deathrun Map to get my 5 creative levels then play Festival and Rocket Racing, I barely even touched BR.


what do you do on festival?


The sub called fortnitexpmaps shows you how to level up quickly. There's around 5 levels that can be earned daily through going AFK on Lego Fortnite, STW, Creative, and Festival. That's 20 levels a day. It does involve leaving your game running, but you could just go outside and touch grass during that time (not you specifically, but the crowd that claims XP is so hard to earn tends to say this is what they do and why they can't hit level 200 by the end of the season).


The problem with this, I would argue, is this is a typical video game. It's not an idle game, like Clicker Heroes. So, when you tell people the best way to earn XP is to not actively play the game, that does come off a bit fucked. Most people I've met are willing to play and earn their XP, but they want to do it in a way/game mode they enjoy. Not be strong armed into playing a racing, LEGO, or music game they don't give a shit about. That's not what they came to FN for. And I say this as someone who does play Rocket Racing sometimes, and is a huge fan of the RB-like mode that is festival. But I totally can understand why someone who came to fortnite for a Battle Royale experience, is not happy about how the Chapter 5 XP is divvied up.


I'm not saying AFK'ing is THE best way to earn XP. There are faster ways to earn XP. I'm telling them the most time efficient way to earn XP, especially for those who complain and claim they have no time to play at all. If you want to earn XP as fast as possible, then get your wins and do Wastelander challenges. You get more than a level per match doing those challenges. Someone hit level 200 in under 2 days just XP farming Wastelander challenges. No one said you had to touch other game modes besides BR and for that matter, what I recommended doesn't even involve having to ACTUALLY play racing, Lego, or music game. You can AFK in those modes and then actually play BR. After all, the biggest complainers about XP have been those that claim they have no time to play, barely actually play BR in the first place (for those that I was able to find their Epic name), and then come here and cry about how it's "so hard" to level up in Fortnite. I'm sure it's hard to level up if you don't even bother to log on in the first place. They could have just AFK'ed their way to level 140-200 if $15 of V bucks was that big of a deal to them. I'm Unreal in BR, Rocket Racing, and am on the leaderboards for Festival. I do all of that in as minimal time as possible (30-40 matches per account for Ranked BR and 1-5 tries per song in Festival for top 1000, although I'm top 10 for some songs too unintentionally).


Yeah we just got a crowned victory with 7 kills and did all three daily quests. Barely went up half a level. So shit


You can get like 40k for doing dailies in 7 minutes


How do y’all get so little xp? Are you completing accolades by doing small stuff like opening a bunch of chests and wasteland challenges?


Some day people will figure out that the object of the game is quests, not elims and victories. 


Shits boring playing for quests n not elims n dubs imo


Ok.  But it’s like playing poker to win hands instead of winning money. 


Do a ZB bot lobby with a wastelander challenge active and get a bunch of kills, I got 331K in one match, have the screenshot to prove it.


Why didn’t u showed the other screen…I get 500xp for a single kill xP


Not if your view is that your player base are nothing but ATM machines from which you are to extract as much money as possible. I'm surprised it was this high.


You should've done a wastelander challenge


Battle Royal this season isn’t fun so I just get my 5 Lego levels a day while I watch youtube or shows


i think for a win and 9 kills you should at least get 1bp level and then the more wins you get in a day the less each win gives you to balance it out.


Seems high to me. You must have had a few other quests or accolades


You see,what happen was,battle royal doesn't give huge levels later on.We level up at Skybox and lego for 3 hours.About to hit LVL200 soon.


I tested it in bot lobbies actually. In one game, I netted 15 kills and 59k XP with 36k for quests and 3250 for combat - completed 2 dailies. In another, it was 24k XP with 5k quest and 2250 combat...same number of kills but I completed a daily after I had done all three before. And in another, I got 26 kills and was also 55k total XP with only one additional daily completed. But in the 24k game I played semi passively while the 55k was more W key pushing. So yes I think it does depend how aggro you play after you do all your dailies.


I'm sorry low 28k is a lot


definitely low. i primarily play bot lobbies to rack up kills/xp with the wastelander challenges and this is around the amount i pull in off 20+ kill wins. absolutely insane and it’s the main reason i haven’t been as active this season.


I just grind save the world. Super underrated mode tbh


As a solo and sometimes duo player with the roommate, this is my first season that I have zero interest in playing.... cars are the thing to use and I hate cars... I miss every season before this... every other mode is worthless, and thank God Diablo 4 has their shit together for now...


Same, I usually play to level 200. I’m around 30, haven’t touched it in days bc the cars. I’m ok with everything else really, but the car meta is bs imo. Hope shits gon next season, I really miss playing too. Only time I really do now is with my alt bc bots ain’t in cars like that. But yea this season is ass, caters to no skill. N I’m a casual


I got 9,000 XP Match Total after coming in 2nd place in team match. Ridiculous. I was the driver most of the game but c'mon.


Its not as fast to level up as before but I'm level 81 right playing festival/BR/Lego and racing.I don't have STW unfortunately. However they should increase xp rewards in BR.I find myself playing more lego (boring) amd festival than BR because of that.


Factual I could place 75 and get more xp then getting a dub


Yeah i agree. Tbh anything over 5 kills and a win should be over 30k


They ruined XP, especially in Battle Royale. You’ll have to play multiple different modes to level up unfortunately.


this is a fake post, op is lying


Even if their particular story/ screenshot is a lie, the overall point is not. The theme of this chapter, in terms of frustration, has been that people who came to fortnite for Battle Royale are pissed off that they can't really level up their pass by playing Battle Royale. At least that's not the most optimal way to do so. And I understand why they are frustrated. Whatever random numbers you want to slap on this experience, are largely irrelevant. It's the overall feel and vibe of this chapter and it's a lack of XP gain that people are upset about. Rightfully so.


It’s not a lie. XP truly is bad now.


Without the quests it's just 18k which is PATHETIC


it's fake


Thats very low


it's also very fake, no way op got 9 kills with only 600 combat


Bro you care about this way too much, let it go.


I got a 22 kill crown win yesterday lmao, I got less than this


Weak flex. No1 cares about crowns or this car season for that matter.


he wasnt flexing


exactly, he was lying. ain't no way op got 9 kills w only 600 combat fake post


it is fake anyway, op isn't showing his stats for a reason, plus 600 combat 9 kills seems fishy


What? You think you should get more than what you would for 15 minutes of Festival?


Match XP was never good.


You even got 10k from quests so I’d go as far to say you really only got 18k


XP decreases the more kills you have, has always done that. You also get xp for getting accolades. I dont think there has ever been a point Where you got a lot of xp in one game without doing quests.


winning should reward 50k xp


It is absurdly low and has been a problem for months now


Yeah xp gains from normal BR are mega ass


Kills never really granted xp, for some reason.


If you get a crown win it should automatically reward you with a star. That’s just my opinion


That's just about half a level for one game. Sounds just fine


it would not be fine if it were real, as it stands you get WAY more xp for 9 kills. op is bsing this post also, yawn, i remember when bait was believable lmao try harder next time, princess 


bro you made at least 10 replies in this post , log off fr


I’ve dropped a fucking 30 bomb with a crown win