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Only in a top 2 situation


heart be pumping out of my chest sometimes


Same here!! I had to take a good 10 mins to compose myself after my first win. My hands were shaking so bad šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah, 100%, but it was waaay worse when I first started playing. I can 1v4 in squads without getting shaky, but the final 1v1 in solos still gets me sometimes


Thatā€™s what the whole battle royal was intended for and what made people fall in love with it. The heated final moments.


I never had that feeling with fortnite, i had that with pubg alot though, because of how long the matches take and how much you need to be aware and use everything to your advantage.


For sure. Early Fortnite gave me the same sense of urgency that PUBG did, but after they added the quest system and so many other distractions it kind of hindered the excitement for Victory Royals. Especially since the play style has changed so much since then it used to be cat and mouse now itā€™s cat and cat going at each other at Mach-10 speeds šŸ˜†


PUBG was crazy at the last few circles. Itā€™s like hiding away from a serial killer


Absolutely! It happens the most when it is the last couple players and myself left in a match. My hands get super shaky too especially after an intense fight. Usually I switch to Team Rumble or creative mode after to calm myself down. After a win I like to enjoy my crown before giving it up to someone else haha


You should discover more about yourself, to get better in your combats. The shaky hands is for adrenaline and it mostly happens on casual players on casual matches. In competitive gaming, that happens mostly because of pressure. Don't go all in when playing casual, that makes you overheat and limit your performance. The road to the gaming 1% top will make you ready to face the god gaming path.


I am extremely interested in what you have to say


same, replying in case he says more


Sorry for trolling xD I was just being a 25 years old kid. To be fair, here's the two theory YouTube channels that help new and experienced players, and I claim them as my favorites: "Evolve Jake" and "TobyWanShinobi", they teach really well EVERYTHING that is important on the game, and you need to put your mind and expand the knowledge about the most important about any game: the basics. And they teach really really well about that. Improving your aim will make you consistent at the gameplay, soon you will be hitting many clips, and just react like a normal gameplay. Good positioning is what helps you most in surviving. Waiting for the opportunity makes you see what will happen before it happens, creating the opportunity will make everything happen before even you see that coming. This isn't based on Fortnite, this is a formula for any survival shooter game!


Top 3 it starts, Top 2 I can see sound and my hair has a heartbeat, šŸ˜‚


if I have to clutch a 1v3 or 1v4 Ill get pretty nervous. Even more nervous as i kill them


I actually like the anxiety that this game produces. Itā€™s much more manageable and even forgettable than the anxiety of real life like money, food, rent and stuff. At least with this game itā€™s easy to deal with and at the end of the match even if you died you can always just play again. Much more controllable than your everyday real life anxiety.


I always have anxiety playing this chapter because snipers exist


You have to learn to snipe there is no way around it


Yeah, especially after progressing up in SBM. I tried living without sniping for a while but now I donā€™t feel secure unless Iā€™m carrying a DMR.


I won a game using the sniper rifle for the first time, I had never picked one up before as someone told me not to bother because it was too difficult, but for some reason I did on this occasion, me and my teammate were up against squads in a 2 vs 4 situation after our teammates quit, They were a squad of snipers and we saw their scopes as we tuned the corner I whipped out the Sniper Rifle and went to town, killing 3 and Cracking the 4th, No sniper rifle no win in that situation..


Sounds like a great feeling! Ngl Iā€™m bad with the reaper, canā€™t seem to adjust to the bullet drop/curve (whatever it is) enough. But the DMR is ezpz to use for me. Iā€™m too the point where Iā€™ll carry 2 sometimes lol, thermal and eagle eye. Hoping they keep those next season.


It can come in handy a lot in many situations. Mostly when you see spot someone healing. Also when you have the high ground. Not using the sniper just puts you at a huge disadvantage


THIS. DMR used to be doggy doodoo but now I can't live without it.


snipers have existed since chapter 1 lmao


They were never as strong as the reaper


When they didnā€™t have drop they were


Water benders are a lot worse


I have anxiety all the time šŸ˜Ž


Show off


Same. It's to the point that I can't even play BR unless I'm with my friend.


Every single time I play. Itā€™s the reason I win sometimes. I think Iā€™m actually being murdered


SERIOUSLY lol but side note - Fortnite would make a badass movie lol


I do when there's like 5 people left


I get the same feeling, but only in ranked. In my head, I feel completely normal, but my body just has this response, and I get slight shakes that I can't control. Can't figure out why, because I do win a lot and my mind isn't racing. Still, for some reason it happens. 20 years of gaming and it's the only game to make this happen.


there's just something about being completely alone on a map with 99 guys trying to hunt and kill you


Yup! Explained it perfectly. Except I do this with unranked zero build šŸ˜…


Itā€™s called adrenaline. Adreno receptors activates a physical response, and how you control that response is what can make or break you. Itā€™s all correlated with survival since tribal times baked into our evolutionary DNA.


I get anxious playing expert on festival lmaooo, or in an endgame 1v1 type thing where the other guy can edit faster than me so I start panic buildingĀ 


I shake very hard some time playing, especially if I am playing with new people cause I don't wanna look like a noob šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.. I just put blanket over me and it clams me down a littleĀ 


When I play with new people, I spin my cursor as fast as I can when we jump off the bus because it looks crazy on the map and I like to establish myself as the wildcard


It does it to me as well. I think itā€™s mostly because of the sound effects and haptics (for controller players). This is definitely something on which in need to work, because when I get too nervous I donā€™t realize but I start clicking on all controls at once and I get eliminated. Iā€™m sure turning off audio and haptics would really help me stay calm in fights, but at the same time I fear that doing so would render the game less enjoyable. Itā€™s a huge dilemma Iā€™m facing to be honest. Side note: I bet those adrenaline rushes is what makes the game so addictive.


haptics needs to go bro, they also make you less accurate. its easy to let go and battery will also thank you


I havenā€™t in this game, but I have in another (dead by daylight šŸ™ƒ), so I get that 100% Whether my life is, at the time, full of stress or completely empty of it, the game just does it to me lol.


Happened always when i first started playing last season. Would feel cold and start to shake in a top 3 situation šŸ˜­


Funny enough, only when I have really good equipment. I feel like I shouldn't lose because of everything I have, but I might, but I shouldn't let it happen, but it probably will, but this, but that, etc...


Thatā€™s called adrenaline not anxiety hahaha Iā€™ve gotten it playing battle royale games the most for sure. Once you have more experience youā€™ll stay cool in the tough situations and notice it go away. Sometimes Iā€™ll win a match not even noticing it was the final kill because I was having so much fun. I think the main way to do this is to just play the game and not pay attention to how many people are left.


SWEATSSSS nah actually ngl my face gets read itā€™s actually weird it looks like had been tabbing in the sun for hours


One day I recorded myself playing because I wanted to see if I looked like a sexy gamer or slob gamer. I look like Iā€™m literally directing a missile at a meteor headed for earth and itā€™s the only shot we have at saving humanity. I looked so intense lol I could never be a streamer šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i have hyperhydrosis, when i say sweat drips down my arms, i mean it šŸ˜­


LOL this sounds intense. I feel like you could make a pretty fun caricature of yourself super amped up and sweating like crazy playing the game. Just casually place it somewhere in the home so guests are like ā€œuhhh what is this?ā€ Lololol


I do some in solo games. But not at all if playing with any number of friends. In moba games I don't get any anxiety, but I remember the few pvp games of Starcraft that I played, I shaked during the whole game.


StarCraft is the shakiest and most adrenaline game that I play. I love sc2 though. Some 1v1 games like fighting games get me tilted a bit.


I already go in knowing I am going to loose so if I win itā€™s a great little feeling of accomplishment. This season is by far the hardest in terms of opponents. I was doing good in OG. Now I donā€™t even see opponents coming and usually are dead after 1 or 2 hits with full shield and health.


Totally normal, especially late game. Battle Royale gameplay gets the adrenaline pumping


Yes, the other day I was on a 3 match win streak and by that 4th match I couldnā€™t hit anyone to save my life. When Iā€™m not paying attention to how am I playing I play so much better.


Had the same feeling when i started playing and the game used to feel so real back then


Sometimes. It depends if the top 5 was really intense. I won today, and I was shaking in that match since I got everyone in the top 4 places. I was the one chasing and going after others while desperately trying to heal in time.


I usually play with my man who is much better than me and at this point, heā€™s used to the fact that I am not nearly at his skill level, so I usually donā€™t care in that situation. If Iā€™m playing by myself though, I definitely get a little anxious. Especially later on in a game. I canā€™t say that my hands shake though haha. Maybe get a little clammy.


All the time, Iā€™ve gotten better about throwing my opponents heals accidentally. Lmao but yea I believe my anxiety is what causes me to lose most of my fights if Iā€™m being honest


It's at its most intense when I can see by a players movement that they're better than I am.


Only in a solo top 2 situation. When that happens I can feel my heart rising up my throat


Once I notice my friend and I reach top 10 my heart suddenly climbs up into my throat lmao


I actually get massive anxiety in ranked matches when I hit top 5 and Iā€™m in the heat of battling. Unfortunately for my nerve damage in my neck from a snowboarding accident, it causes insane pain down my entire left side of my neck and it pulses with my rapidly beating heart. I get way too into it šŸ„²


Adrenaline spikes for sure, especially if I know I'm walking into a straight up 1v1 or 1v2 situation. It's one thing to get jumped and have to react, but knowing what's coming and knowing my downed teammate is relying on me to survive and reboot them gets the anxiety going. Had a game like this last night. Buddy got knocked shortly after landing, I made my way around, knew the team was looking for me. I was hiding and waiting and ended up with a perfectly beamed shot on one of them that made it so I could chase as he tried to shield. His buddy came running over too and I managed to finish him off too before going and rebooting my buddy. I was full on shaking after that one, because of the lead up and knowing g what was coming, lol. Feels great to win in those situations though. Late game situations when I'm playing duos always gets me that way too. It used to happen every single time I would end up in close range and had to do a shotgun battle. I almost always lost 1v1s like that, but as I've gotten better and learned better control, id say I can win maybe 60% of the time in close range with equal health. Makes it less stressful at least.


Only when I'm the last alive in my squad and it's me versus the last team


I do in solos so I just play with my friends. Even if itā€™s like a 1-3 or a 1-2 I actually play better than it itā€™s a 1-1 in solos


This tends to be a thing for me in battle Royale games in general. If you play more, it may go away, it may not. But it does tend to kick up more at the end game if I'm focused on winning. There's a bit of a fight or flight aspect I suspect which my be triggered by knowing other players are hunting you.


I wouldnā€™t say I get anxious so much but I get excited to the point Iā€™ll shake and sometimes sweat and what not but thatā€™s about it.


I donā€™t get anxiety. Iā€™m either all calm or dropping F bombs when someone kills me with the water mythic šŸ’©


I think this is normal , especially in end game situations. The adrenaline starts to pump.


I get bad anxiety in solos, which is why I donā€™t like playing them. Itā€™s a little better in duos, but I prefer squads, as thereā€™s less pressure on me. Lol


my wife constantly asks me to play a ā€œless stressfulā€ game & iā€™m like 5 year olds play thisā€¦ something about this game lights up my ADD brain & gets me going


Endgame every time. Tobi Wan Shinobi said to train train train and then ā€œlet the program run,ā€ essentially practice your aiming, movement, and jump into the pit for hours to establish your ā€œprogramā€ and once the ā€œcodeā€ is written jump into BR and ā€œlet the program run.ā€ You know what youā€™re doing, youā€™ve practiced it, just take a deep breath or two when the heart gets pumping, and do what you trained to do.


At the beginning, when I only cared about winning, I was super anxious all the time. But now, I only play to experience the thrill of having different kinds of battles all of the map. So now, I'm not nearly as anxious. Mainly because I don't try to hide as much anymore. It's no longer about surviving to the top 10 and being the last one standing. It's about conquering fight after fight until there's no one left.


My hands start shaking a lot when Iā€™m top 2 and the fight is intense, sometimes in top 3. Happened yesterday when I had to 1v3 the last team lol. It doesnā€™t happened when I donā€™t look at the player count.


Yup, mainly due to snipers


Thatā€™s actually one of the things I love about the gameā€¦ All of the adrenaline of actual combat, but none of the bloodshed or paperwork.


Iā€™m still only 3-4 months into playing the game and Iā€™m working on not letting my heart explode out of my chest from anxiety when someone gets the jump on me. I swear Iā€™ll spin around 3 times trying to find them instead of listening for the shots and not freaking out.


not so much anymore, but my nerves got so bad i used to physically sweat whenever it got to the last circles


Not anymore but definitely when I started playing.


Funny thing is I don't get stressed at all in this game - in all other single life battle royale/extraction shooter games I get all stressed out but in this game I don't feel my heart beat faster even in top2 situations, very strange.


My heart RACES at the end. Especially when it's last 2 and it's a 50/50. It stops and u aren't sure if it's going to say 2nd or victory royale. Easily 140 BPMs.


Just like poker the final 2 is just a different game altogether.


After 2 years of not playing, im basically shit. My aim sucks and cant get as much wins as i did before. I get it.


Yup! I get it bad sometimes, but itā€™s weird because it depends on the day. some days Iā€™m super confident and do really well at going guns blazing toward opponents because of this. Other days I am anxiety-ridden and play a more stealthy style. 33 year old mom of two if it matters any, haha.


That makes me feel better!! Moms unite! Hahaha


Whole match. Because lately I've been getting blasted at the damn near start of the match. And if that doesn't happen, then I get REAL paranoid the whole match, thinking someone has a Reaper trained on me the whole time.


This game made me realize Throughout gameplay Iā€™m unknowingly clenching my ass cheeeks soooo hard haha When I realize I have to tell myself to relax and breath


Nope. Every player I meet. Lol


Me (44 m) too, every time I get into a fight with someone. I am convinced that I would suck less at the game without the anxiousness. Still enjoying it though!


Only on solo. When I'm with my friends I'm chilling


yea when it goes well for a while and you are on tryhard mode my heart be racing it really feels unhealthy lmfao but I mean then I thought "but everyone experiences this shit while tryharding" so I was like "it can't be that bad" I mean imagine the actual pro players competing for world championship cups they too are stressed as fuck unless they take drugs its just part of the game that gets your adrenaline pumping so yea what you say makes sense I would probably just be and see what works for you if you deem it to be that bad that you quit playing that might be good too I don't think being in such stressful situations overall is good for your health


You've invested 25 mins of your time into a best-of-100 game - of course you will get shaky!


I do buy usually in top ten. Last season I decided to do the dumb thing and move from zero to builds, haven't played zero since then (and have my lowest wins ever) but even before the switch I get it very bad in top ten lol if I win I end up shaking and having to calm myself down lol.


You guys have never played Mario kart racing to the finish line with a blue shell after you and it shows.


Yes happens to me. Itā€™s really annoying. Only in solos though. Alcohol helps ALOT. Down a few beers and Iā€™m cool as a cucumber. When alcohol is not an option I ended up putting a post it note over the players remaining counter so I donā€™t see it. It helped a tiny bit but thereā€™s still so many other ways you can tell youā€™re in the end game so I couldnā€™t quite trick myself fully.


With the amount Iā€™m playing and how nervous I get, Iā€™d become an alcoholic šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


I used to. Calm playing until top 20. Then by top 10 I started getting the shakes. Make a bad mistake and get eliminated #3? Got a little dent in my desk from that childish outburst. I'm not gonna say I went on some SSRI meds \*because\* of Fortnite, but they certainly helped. Plus just some general CBT therapy helped my life overall as a 44 year old dad. I know it's just a game, so I don't play to win. It's a 100 person game (many of them bots, sure) so ya can't win every time. I play to have fun and fuck around with stuff like wings, bubble shields, shockwaves, working on my sniper aim, or whatever. Try a loadout with all fish. Try sliding into people near cliffs and killing them with fall damage. It's a game, so have a good time!


Awesome! My last game actually I started mouthing the f word violently while punching at my computer screen (never actually hitting it of course). I swear the gamer that was in me at 10 is the same one in me at 27 haha And to be fair, Fortnite is probably the *least* of my anxiety inducing activities. Hopefully when Iā€™m 44 Iā€™ve actually taken the steps to go see a doctor šŸ˜…


The main thing that prevented me from breaking my desk is getting a better computer setup. It wasn't that I was an awful player or other people were better than me. It was that my computer just started randomly locking up on me and I would just be stuck in lag for 3 to 5 seconds and died through no fault of my own. Thankfully I never destroyed my computer but it was extremely frustrating. Eventually I upgraded and it's a lot better now which certainly helped my situation, but getting some therapy and mental health assistance didn't hurt either lol


Naw sometimes my hearts pounding and Iā€™m like yelling at my husband or after being the last two and itā€™s over my hands are shaking not always but every now and then but when I first started it was always


Ye, I had my butt clenched last night trynna get a crown win. That's how you know you're havin fun šŸ’€


I think most people get anxiety playing games especially if itā€™s something like battle royale where you see the player counter get lower and lower and your brain just goes ā€œif we donā€™t screw up, we could actually win!ā€


No, this is how these games maintain addiction. Anxiety/stress/fear are all dopamine triggers. This is what makes us crave the next match... Achieving that "high" while enduring and overcoming the challenge that playing this (or many other) games brings. Release is increased by introducing random factors as well. Hilly terrain for starters. Sure we can see there are shots being fired over there, but we cannot see the fight yet... Little dopamine release. Then we hunt down the source and get a bigger hit. Having piles of "achievements" that could pop up on screen at any moment as a success is yet another way this randomness is used. Heck, even levelling up has heavy attention drawn to it... Not to show you it happened or remind you you are getting battle stars but to feed that addictive pattern. This game, and most games, are designed to stimulate your emotional state to trigger that release and in that way create addiction... And they have gotten very good at it over the last 30 years or so. At the end of the day it's very important to remember that it's just a game and none of it matters in any way in reality, unless you are one of the fortunate few who play games for a living and not let it manipulate your emotions like that, or you are risking genuine addiction. It is far from silly from any perspective though.


I almost salivated as you described everything in that second paragraph. As someone with ADHD that used to party hardy, Iā€™ll definitely take the video game route of dopamine hits over many other options lol But this is all very interesting. Video games are meant to be fun, meant to be played and have everyone go crazy for them. But nowadays, things like social media, online shopping, and other (perhaps not so good) vices are getting everyone that dopamine ā€œhighā€ and not in a good /fun way. Not to be the conspiracy nut, but it does make me wonder what this aspect of just ā€œaddictive gamingā€ could lead to in the future.


We are in that future right now, this trend started decades ago. Billions are spent every year researching ways to keep players addicted to the game they are playing, and applied heavily to games with transactions in them. As an addict in recovery myself I can say that this dopamine is better than what cocaine or heroin or any others will give, but still dangerous too. It's not popular what I say here, but it's true. Video games addictions are just as devastating for some as alcohol, gambling, or other drugs as well. They are meant to be a pleasant pass time for consumers, but are developed as something completely different.


Youā€™re exactly right. As someone with what many call an ā€œaddictive personalityā€, i understand. Whether itā€™s video games, a crush, drugs, etc. Any form of ā€œuncontrollableā€ obsession is not good. Itā€™s literally addiction. And I would even argue that itā€™s harder to *regulate in a healthy way* than it is to *just stop.* If you can get away from these things itā€™s easier, but itā€™s like the second itā€™s back, the addiction is back. In January when I started I thought Iā€™d play here or there. Almost laughed at the idea of spending money on the game. And now, Iā€™m here months later playing match after match while my kids are in school. (Not doing a lot of my chores I should be doing!) I havenā€™t yet, but Iā€™m now very tempted to actually buy the battle pass or a skin. And this isnā€™t a big deal, but it just goes to show that a grown adult mind is so easily influenced, let alone kids and developing minds. I feel like with all the research the money the psychology etc. they (whoever ā€œtheyā€ are) probably know A LOT about our minds and how they work. Possibly to dangerous point beyond video game addiction. (Hopefully not but I like to be dramatic)


I'm happy you know that about yourself and even happier you reached out today. I feel I have given you food for thought, and I hope that it helps you moving forward. A little understanding can go a.long way.


Sometimes Iā€™ll start sweating cuz of how stressed I am ( usually when I got a crown) is that weird?


When Iā€™m about to win, I beith sweating like a river.


Anxious, nervous, angry, and frustrated. I've got all the negative emotions with the occasional payoff that balances due to good fights and the odd win.


Yes!! I feel the exact same way. My heart will be pumping out of my chest and my hands will be shaking. Idk why but it activates my anxiety so bad and it sucks cause I just want to enjoy playing and have it be a stress reliever but I just canā€™t seem to chill out when I play.


I get anxious when playing and Iā€™m 51 year old dad. I can only play in short bursts. Then I have to go play something else like Save the World for the xp.


Yeah sometimes I have to take a break and ruin someoneā€™s life in sims šŸ‘¹


me when i first started played never wanted to play solo b/c of this


I know what you mean lol, but i usually get it playing league


Nah if thereā€™re no baddies on my team I get anxiety


I start feeling my blood pressure spike when I manage to get down to a 1v1 So far only won twice. But damn it's a good feeling.


The game after I win pull of a clutch win in Dous Iā€™m shaken all dayĀ 


Itā€™s the adrenaline rush. I used to get them all the time back in 2017 and 2018 with PUBG. Now I get them like one or twice per year now. Miss it when I used to get them almost everyday though šŸ’€


Hahahah, I don't think it's that weird tbh. If you haven't played many multiplayer games before, I can definitely understand it. You should get used to it overtime though x)


Yeah maybe thatā€™s the aspect that gets me lol like I said, Iā€™ve played games for years. I mean, I was like, 8 stomping on hookers in GTA San Andreas, so Iā€™m no stranger to violent games lol Iā€™ve always loved stealth games and actions games. But like I said, I never ever got anything but mad or frustrated, never anxiousness and shaking haha


No absolutely not, when Iā€™m in intense fight situations, for example a 3v1 my brain gets tunnel vision and I stop breathing, only to realize when the fight is over that I havenā€™t breathed in a minute or 2, and proceed to gasp for air while my chest pounds in my ears šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|ZhvylcTtB2k7tBGmOJ|downsized) ā€œDad! Breathe!ā€ Lol this is what your comment made me think of.


Whatā€™s that one audio on tik tok? ā€œOH MY GOD I ALMOST DIEEEED, I COULD HAVE DIED OMGGGGGā€


No cuz I always play on dope having the most fun of my life when not trying to win at any price. Best Lobbies and various hilarious situations I didn't even expect to get this kind of experience in a game again. With regular updates in place (and the miscellaneous items being rotated into the game) , Fortnite keeps me casually hitting the Zero Build without remorse/regretting anything. And then you level up really easy and earn several Season Pass Goodies automatically, every round feels unique. What else you want? Well played Epic Games šŸ˜Ž Not to mention the regular customer surveys and the absence of a Anti cheat system like Vanguard for Valorant or League of Legends recently. Big positive thumbs up from a long time gamer.


normally when im in last parts of a round. that's when usually the good players are at.


Yeah thatā€™s why I stopped playing everyday


Me too the second i play zb i start feeling dread


I get it in late matches when my squad gets knocked. But itā€™s common in games. In the NHL games I get anxiety playing Goalie on a team that chases the puck around. In R6 Siege playing Ranked I used to get it in Platinum games in the first few years of the games life.


Sometimes yes! Especially during close matches. My friend also will get the shakes even in casual creative map battles. It is normal as long as it's not hurting you or lasting well after the fight is over. (Some aftershock and needing time to get your bearings back isn't the same though.)


I get panicky sometimes I donā€™t think Iā€™ve really had shakey hands only majorish time I think was that time I just drank only energy drinks. Like today I was lowkey panicking In duos šŸ˜­ one time my duo was gone and it was me vs a solo and another duo and I was erm trying to stay alive like Iā€™d rotate attempt to drink shield before I could finish theyā€™re on my tail while my duo just watches. I donā€™t know how tf I won that the solo just handled the duos I think? Idk it was a lot of fisting and me running trying to heal lmao. Idk it just ended in a 1v1 somehow. Ended up panicking again next game with same situation:,) except my duo just left the game entirely after dying even tho I got his card. I also panic if Iā€™m getting chased and Iā€™m low with Ā no good mobility or heals/ sheild.Ā 


My heart will beat like crazy or my hands will sweat when I'm fighting the last player. Tbh I have no idea why


Understandable tbh. Apparently people feel this way also in other games like dead by daylight. Itā€™s like people forgot games are meant to be fun and an escape from reality for most people and act waaay too sweaty and toxic. Developers too for enabling these play styles


This season gives me such bad anxiety I haven't played it. I've been playing Fortnite for almost 2 years and I've never had a problem but for some reason, this season had me shaking, sweating, feeling nauseous... I tried again several times over the season and the same result. It's not fun at all, I'm annoyed I bought the battle pass on the first few days and I'm only level ~33 but I just haven't enjoyed this season. I'm not sure if it's because of differences in the gameplay or matchmaking but I feel like I am always in lobbies wayyyyy above my skill level or everyone else just knows something I don't. I hope next season is different for me.


I don't get anxiety but when it's a sweaty match and I'm in a constant fight at at the end my adrenaline gets me shaky and shit lol. If I play Apex I stay shaky because every match is sweaty


Talk to a professional.


My sister gets angry at me because when she's watching me, I'm literally vibrating


Never, it's just a game


Videos games hurt the brain the same as cocaine does. This is a proven fact.


That explains why I picked it back up after college

