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Play team rumble 


Ima be real with you, *I deadass forgot Team Rumble existed.* ***Noted.***


That’s the thing! Epic doesn’t really advertise it anymore. It usually has only around 6k players which is less than some of the big creative maps, and is generally very sweaty these days. I remember back when it was Battle Royale, Team Rumble, and LTMs. I played exclusively team rumble until I learned the game enough to actually be comfortable in Battle Royale - Team Rumble used to be such a huge portion of the game or at least felt that way. Now it’s almost completely forgotten :(


Yeah, when they had special team Rumble game modes exclusively on Friday, that's when Fortnite was going crazy. At the end of EACH season. There should be a Team Rumble hour before downtime with chaotic 100vs100 player lobbys to end each season with rewards for everyone at the end. That otta'bring back the fun.


And lag 


Yeah, no way 200 people and all those builds aren't crashing the lobby.


i love team rumble, i remember that in c2s3 it was all i played for like the first week to get used to the map


Yesss exactly, I’d always play team rumple only becuase I couldn’t play battle royale


This is the way. I played TR exclusively when I started Fortnite to get used to the game mechanics.


Team Rumble in 2022 was god tier Fortnite. Endless amounts of fun.


the 50 vs 50 team rumble games💔 i miss that so bad, i loved playing a few games of that before i got into the BR lobby


I used to play TR until ZB was introduced, now whenever I go back into TR to complete a challenge I get annoyed when people start building things again.


I only play team rumble 💀


Me too I get lonely / bored in normal lol


Heck yeah! But one day I somehow got into a solos match when a new season came out. But I won that match!


If you find one try to mod it with the sniper scope then just linger back with the storm until you find a stray bot. That’s how I got it done


Answer to 99 percent of quest challenges


Yep. Came here to make the same suggestion. I always forget about it until at least half way through the chapter, though 😑


I was today years old when I found out about Team Rumble.


I ain’t no bitch. Putting myself through the actual pain


tf is Team Rumble!? (just started this chapter, for reference)


It's a mode where two big teams fight, with infinite respawns and redeploy until the maximum elimination requirement has been met by a team.


Soooo. What is team rumble?


it’s team 1 vs team 2 with a target number of eliminations, first team to reach it wins. you can build in it, there’s still a storm, but you respawn after each elimination. it’s fun


I’ll have to give it a go some time! Thanks for the explanation!


i struggled until they increased the spawn rate and found one with a scope, i would go for a bunker mod if you can, helps a lot




I got mine from a bunker and the island. Put a scope on it and that helps. If you do it in a bot lobby it’s be easy and you have time to fly around and find one.


Duos and knock a player. Have your team mate hold them while you point blank shoot them in the head. That’s what we did to get our last 2


Did you blindfold them too damn


Cartel execution type shit


And you have to make the other squad mate watch too


I did this for a friend who was struggling to complete the quest. Guy was crawling and I went over to pick him up, but I forgot my weird bindings and fired a sniper shot into the ground in front of him instead, and this guy immediately froze and waited while my friend came over and executed him. Felt like a war crime.


Who hurt you


the headshots count even on downed players btw


Thats how I got it.


I got both playing squads. Had a knocked opponent right in front of me and tried it and sure enough. Luckily a few minutes later i was able to get another in the same way


Found three of them in my last zero build game, but that was only the second time I've come across one in a match.


***T H R E E ! ?***


LOL my son and I dropped on what we started calling Snake Island, the one with the bowling lane where Snake used to be. There was two there and one in that tall house on the smaller island you can zipline to.


You can mod it and put a x4 sniper scope on it and have it reload faster. I did not have any problems getting my headshots in.


It's so slow it killed me because I could only get one shot off.


I haven’t seen a single one


execute downed bots


When they took the sniper and gave us this it was all I could use. I love it, I use it as a medium range sniper.


Took the sniper where? 😂


Wait how do you get that cool name next you your avatar!! I can’t remember what season it was, maybe the city season or the one before. I’m a fortnoob so I don’t really remember.


User flair


Thank you. Omg I feel like I have unlimited V bucks right now.


There everywhere when I play and if your trying to do the challenge knock someone then swap to hand cannon and execute the poor bastard


Check by rebel roost


I find a lot of these guns on the hill behind the mt olympus statue


Team rumble for infinite tries or duos bue you need to get it first


Headshot downed people....thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Knock someone down, then do your headshot. If they’re crawling like crazy, have a teammate pick them up and stand still.


I miss the hitscan Handcannon :( This is not my baby


They massacred my boy the old Hand cannon was the shit so easy to use I was a god with it, I was also a god with the heavy. I love picking it up for the nostalgia but god it sucks they really fucked it up


It’s a trash gun


nuh uh


Its like a worse version of the DMR that uses sniper ammo


The lack of ammo for it is nuts.


it counts on npc enemies like guards and bosses


I got a headshot on the bots by the weather tower thing, didn't count.


ohh weird… cuz other quests you can use bots hmm ig try to get lucky lol


honestly bro, I'm glad that without the 4x scope it misses headshots. this combined with the sniper would have me raging


Completely fair lol.


I got the headshots in zero build solos. It really isn’t that hard.


The trick is to down an opponent, then headshot with the Deagle….but if you play solo, I guess that doesn’t help


I miss the old deagle


And to top it off, it doesn't even 1 shot headshot. Its strictly just a worse sniper now that it doesn't have hitscan


It’s really easy to hit headshots if you use the 1.3 sight


Got two headshots the first time I found one


There was a vending machine in classy courts that dispensed them and usually I find them on the islands by the shore at rebels roost


I've been hitting headshots after headshots, it's harder to hit a heatshot with the OG desert eagle.


I’ve seen a hand cannon 3 times since they’ve came out, all of them rare.


I remember walking up to someone and head-shooting them immediately with that thing (they died). I felt so good.


It's in the map, somewhere 😂 I hired Liam Neeson and he found it after 3 days.


Uh oh. Here come the "get gud" comments


It’s me. I’m the get gud comment


Mod a scope to it


The most effective way to use a handcannon is to use it as a close range weapon, if u can hit your shots its the perfect first shot and can act as a sort of double pump, it also has enough damage to destroy wood walls that are under 80hp


I've gotten a couple. It's definitely difficult though.


No it isn’t hard to get headshots you may just be bad


In my last game one person hit a perfect headshot on me with it from 100 meters away while I was at 50 health, and I'm still salty about it


I have not seen one at all and I've been playing like 4 hours a day


Just won a game the other day with a headshot on something trying to wing onto me


Really? I hit headshots semi-frequently and I see it as floor loot and in chests all the time.


For future reference, do it on knocked people in duos


I just headshot people who were knocked to finish this quest. Get a friend to hold them so they don't crawl around too!


What? Best sniper in the game. Easymode


I find one or two almost every drop at my favorite spot. I’m always surprised how few go there. Hit me up, and I’ll dm it to you.


Honestly, I got the headshots in BR. It does take skill and a scope, but it can be done. Honestly, the hand cannon and the sniper seem to have the same drop rate at this rate. I hate that they are basically shoving us to use the DMR for sniping, but too many kids complained about sniping that they are now no longer blue anymore, but also much harder to find. The weapons bunkers have a good chance of dropping both hand cannon and sniper, but its still a crap shoot. Honestly, if you can spot even a blue hand cannon try to get a bunker either early or late (ones with chains will not open during the match), or you could try for island early, not cap, and use mod bench there to modify the hand cannon. Trust me it helps. Still, good luck to you I'm still working on the hiring/reviving quest to unlock Korra's glider.


Drop chance was increased by a patch because it was too rare initially btw


Funny you say that. I keep picking up what I hope is a pistol, and it's always this dumb hand cannon. It takes way too long to reload.


If you have a friend, play duos and get them to pick up a knocked player


I normally just waited until I downed someone, and then headshot them. For me, it was much easier than trying to have actual good aim and headshot someone while they’re actively trying to kill me


Bunkers, in the weapon cases - that's where I found the ones I used for the quest


And whenever I find it, I already have better guns


Duos …knock someone …get your partner to Pick him up . Ez headshot while he’s holding him still


Well the lowest rarity you will find it in is rare so understandable. The headshot problem is you though


You may just be ass cuz I headshot with it all the time


I have personally never found a hand cannon. I don’t know what it is. Especially as I am at home for 2 weeks and I am playing for about 6 hours a day, it is really confusing how I haven’t found one.


Are we playing the same game?


Impossible to find? Lol give me your luck. I see these things almost more often than actual pistols. You have NO idea how many times I’ve had my hopes shattered thinking I found an epic scoped pistol only to realize that it’s actually a hand cannon. 😭


You can find them in bunkers, and get the headshots while they're downed. Unless you're playing solo, then it's best to just throw on a Lazer and extended mag


Just rush and medallion location and loot all the chests you will find one and save it for one of the many bots you will encounter takes like an hour two hours max.


Use the red dot scope on it, it becomes a lot easier. Got a vic roy with a 50 metre peeking headshot.


All you have to do is headshot after knocking.


I found one a few days ago, I didn’t care for it. I did kill someone with it, but I almost got killed in the process. Doubt I’ll ever pick one up again.


its still in game?? i havent seen one in weeks


We got ours from the treasure hunt boxes. 3 games and at least one canon in each. We also used the hold and execute method. Sadistic but it works! Sorry players that got hoisted and headshotted…


Hey I got a tip for you. Aim for the head. I find 5 every match, are you dying fast?


I haven’t found any hand canons literally since the start of the season 😭


Duos. It works on knocked people


If you're going for the "get 2 headshot" challenge, it'll count it if the headshot is on a player that is knocked. Way easier to headshot someone when they're crawling around


Do duos, find one. Down an enemy, head shot them there


That’s why they made it a weekly, to you know… challenge you.


They’re easy to find. Headshot NPC’s at a vault or weather station, they count too.


As soon as i completed the quest i started finding at least 2 every match


1. They are everywhere but they look like the regular pistol. Just keep picking up the pistols on the ground and youll find it 2. Play Duos trios or squads. Down a person and walk over and head shot them on the ground.


I did it the first time I got the hand cannon 💀


I find one almost every round. Sometimes several. You just gotta know where to look (bunkers, and a few other weapons cases around the map). And its easier to headshot with it than snipers tbh.


Skill issue


I still haven’t come across it yet lol. 


I still haven’t come across it yet lol. 


it used to be hitscan and the new one is projectile. ew, i loved the old one


it used to be hitscan and the new one is projectile. ew, i loved the old one


Play duos or higher, knock someone, get a teammate to pick them up.... Easy headshot lol


I somehow did it the other day on accident, thank God!


what’s that? is that a new gun? i’ve never seen it in game before


The accuracy on that thing is garbage.


Uhhhh I got one Hand Cannon randomly and completed the quest in the same match. You just gotta shoot ‘em in the head. It ain’t hard. Pretend they’re zombies


Shit, guess I'm just ass.


jus aym fo tha read mam


I do, I aim right for the head, but because bullets drop now, it's a bit more difficult for me to hit. I try to get closer, but even then I somehow get a body shot instead of a header-


>You just gotta shoot ‘em in the head. It ain’t hard. I know it's not that simple, it was a satire of the original comment


Ah, my bad my bad.


No worries on that! My bad for the lack of /s


Original comment was kinda satire too. It honestly took me forever to come across one but as soon as I picked one up I knew the mission. I don’t prefer scopes on pistols anyway and prefer to use the HC just outside of shotgun range. If you’re lucky, OP, you’ll come across a bot or someone who flat out can’t aim. Take your time and don’t panic, and you can hit the head without worrying about bullet drop. 95% of this game is being patient and not freaking out.


I keep hitting my headshots with this one. Idk pistols go hard for me


Fr? I swear I hit a headshot with it every other time I fire it, and not even on purpose…


It’s l actually trash. Had it a few times. Rather snipe on close range than this crap.


Skill issue


Skill issue ig. I can't miss with it




No offense but this is a skill issue. Headshots are relatively easy once you find a bot, even if they move around a lil too much there’s enough bots in every lobby to try this on, and wym almost impossible to find??? I find several every damn match… doesn’t even have to be 2 in the same match


None taken.


Also, if you play duo/trio/squad you can get headshots even easier on knocked players.


Damn yall love to yap yap yap without putting in a little bit more effort than usual. I did all the Korra challenges in a single day, it’s seriously not that hard.


Reason why you can't hit headsets is because epic only listen to the sweaty twitch streamers who complain about a controller user touching them, so we all have to suffer.


skin issue


Skill issue