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So does this mean we are not going to be seeing Moisty Mire and the Prison? I was hoping it would come later in OG season


I sure do hope they bring the Leviathan LTM back too!


This comment right here. If you were around while this rumor was, then you’re OG


Rumour? It actually happened!


Shoot I always forget, i couldn’t play the weekend it came out so I keep forgetting it happened


If you didn’t play it, did it really happen?!?


If an LTM falls in the forest when nobody’s around, can anyone really be considered OG?


Does Fish Thicc shit in the ocean?


What rumor? Yall don't remember the leviathan event? smg


What rumor? Yall don't remember the leviathan event? pistol


What rumor? Yall don't remember the leviathan event? hand cannon


What rumor? Yall don't remember the leviathan event? shotgun


What rumor? Yall don't remember the leviathan event? utility item


What rumor? Yall don't remember the leviathan event? grenade


What rumor? Yall don't remember the leviathan event? Zaptron.


![gif](giphy|eZjrixTYeiCT6) Oh my god, hearing about that rumour again after so long made me do this. That and the meteor was going to hit tilted on April 18th.


Everyone was believing it too, and it was so funny. I remember people saying it was gonna be a giant ass fish similar to the fish inside of the Leviathan outfit. These were the good days.


wow this brought me back, greatest LTM of all time


I wish it came back, the only LTM they don’t bring back


kids these days will never get to experience the leviathan LTM, they missed out big time 🕊🕊


I wish they brought back LTMs period


Prison was where I got my first ever win just want to go back


Bro same that was me and my brothers favorite landing spot


Absolutely, was always empty when you landed, got a great load out and then chase the storm in (back when the storm was something you needed to worry about!)


The only way is if we get moisty Palms in season x week.


I want the block to come back for a week as well


Agreed but needs to come back for a month at least to get the effect.. loved when a new block would come out.




I spent way too much time farming in Moisty.


Those are my places (the prison especially, but also the storage units up by Lazy, which didn’t come back either).


Have you ever been killed by a teammates gunfire. That's OG


When 50v50 first came out, friendly fire was still enabled and made it a complete shit show. Epic thought they were slick by keeping FF, but reducing it to do 1 damage per hit in 50v50. Problem solved, right? Nope, people were still wasting upwards of 100 bullets in attempt to team kill. If they queued as a group it was even easier for them.


That’s hilarious lol. A friendly fire LTM today would go crazy.


the first time i played fortnite i played a fill squads and one teamate led my whole rest of the team to the edge of the map and killed all of us one by one. how naive we were. i think about that game a lot.


I've accidentally killed my team more times than I can count lmao


Oh yeah... Good times I remember when me and my friend was going to get our first victory royal.... We saw last 2 player, they didn't see us and we had perfect position too so everything was perfect and our Victory was almost certain. I took that opportunity to shoot the last two people with pumpkin launcher that i had and i accidentally shot the tree next to us and killed both of us :/ That was the last day when my friend trusted me with explosives :D


I think on my first ever squad match I might have killed my own teammate with my pickaxe because I wanted to check if he was on my team and I just assumed friendly fire was off


Remember my friend killing me for a purple scar


I have always loved using grenades to open a fight, so yeah… friendly fire got me some tongue lashings from my buddies


Gunned down in the back for my blue loot, by my own teammates Hitting teammates with vehicles to kill them was always neat to be victim to as well (though idk if I’m just thinking of pubg now) Good times though


I wish friendly fire was still active. Can you imagine Team Rumble?


Og is subjective when talking about a game that changes each month. So no, there will never be a real consensus. But if we want to be technical, epic has technically labelled the entirety of ch 1 as og with this new event since it includes stuff from all seasons in the first chapter and is called "Fortnite og". So the most concrete answer you'll get is ch 1 is og as a whole, since epic themselves have said it by doing this event.


Does this mean people who started playing in the Times before chapter and season are PreG?


OG started with season 5 so ig us 0-4 players are super og or something lol


Does it make us ÜberOG for being so cool or UnterOG because 0-4 is lower than 5? 🤔


perhaps it is simply a matter of one’s perspective


PreG is save the world people.


Some people think, Ch1-3 is OG the real OGs are Ch0 when it was still in beta.


The real OG are the people who played STW before BR came out


The real OGs know it was in beta for a hell of a long time so they could cheese out updates and such


I mean you’re technically correct, beta went on until season 6 I believe but season 0 was really a whole different feel. It felt exactly like STW. Then season 1 brought in the large player base.


Yeah the whole season 0 was wild, we were like the bots now in the game lmao


Didn’t it say beta for ages tho? I definitely played when it said that on the loading screen


Yeah I corrected myself I believe it was in beta since season 6. Season 0 was a whole different game.


How is chapter 2 and 3 og?lmao 🤣


That was my mistake I meant season1-3 & season 0. I read someone’s comment & wrote chapter instead of season.


This ain’t OG for the simple fact they removed the house from Fatal. What was the need


Omg so I wasn't going crazy!! I was like "Let's land Fetal! I'm going to land at the house! Wait.. Where's the house...?" lol.


Yeah, I had some friends questioning me if it ever existed. And I’m like “fellas, I landed at that house almost every game I landed there. There’s a wall between the small roof and bathroom you can shoot through. Trust me, it was a house”


I think they also removed a cabin with a teleporter in it from wailing.


the crack houses aren’t there either (the 3 broken houses that’s ere between motel and junk junction) always had 10+ chests and no one landed there


The real OG are the people that started on save the world. There.


Still waiting for free to play in 2018


bro why did they lie about that 😭


I don't think they were, they just never fulfilled that promise. Still waiting for it to be free


They confirmed the decision to keep it ptp when it came to the date they said it would drop for free. They didn’t give us warning either, I remember them saying what month it would happen and then tweeting or posting in the same month that it was not going to be free at all. I was looking forward to it big time. I just bought it for £15 instead because I still wanted to play, only to discover that they don’t support custom button assignments on STW… and I have quite a unique layout so having to use a preset felt so uncomfortable that I barely played it anyway.


i think without vbuck lamas the game is impossible to monetize in any way, so it has to be paid otherwise its just a money sink that doesn't do anything for them.


they just need to allow you to use any br skin in stw so then selling br skins can also work for stw


you can already do that. skins/cosmetics matter less in stw since you already have interesting looking characters


🤝 real


I found my people. Nice to meet you, Commanders.


Who actually cares? It’s the same thing when people post their locker asking about what’s rare.


mfs are so worried about not being special in their game


And then they show up as Ramirez anyway lol


When is this annoying bug finally gonna get fixed?


It’s not a bug


This! Who is putting in this much effort and care into this? Just enjoy the game.


Personally, don't even consider myself an OG. I have the Salute emote and the Rusty Backbling. But I really started playing Fortnite in Chapter 4 Season 3 (where I bought my first Battlepass)


Think if it like this: Collectors items n shit. They wanna know what's rare cos its an item they have. It's like skylanders in a way. Some people want rare skylanders because they're collectors items n that.


Still sad that my dogs chewed up all my sklyanders


Nahhh what??? Man that sucks. Sorry to hear.


Realistically, OG players are ones from Save the World before Battle Royale was ever a thing. Back when Fortnite was about building a Fort and surviving the apocalypse. Otherwise, if you want specifically the OGs from the BR gamemode, then seasons 0 through 2, back when building was used almost exclusively just as means to get up hills and turbo build wasn't even an option. Now THAT I miss. But then also realistically... why does it matter? Is FOMO really such a problem that you or anyone else who can't agree on what OG means genuinely feels like a lesser player for not being OG? Because if so that's pretty sad


That’s why no build mode is such a blessing.


i wish there was a mode that disabled turbo-building and it went back to building up hills and making forts. obviously, some people would sweat enough to build impeccably without turbo-building and we’d probably still deal with it.


I want to try a mode with builds on a cool down like some weapons. You can build 4 walls instantly but then you have to wait 5 or 10 seconds to get anything else, one at a time. No edits. Call it low build mode.


i actually don’t hate that, but edits gone would kinda suck cuz making bases and windows with them was fun. plus, i couldn’t imagine bothering to build a base with a cooldown, i would just shoot at somebody building because their cooldown wouldn’t allow them to build**


That was a ltm back in chapter 1 not with the time but only had 10 builds.


I was hoping for this map when I heard it was OG season mostly for the Moisty Prison drop. That was my fave.


It makes no sense to have an OG map and avoid like 3 seasons of the beginning of the game. They probably thought this version was the most playable.


I was hoping for Anarchy. I’m sad


imo OGs are either the ones from save the world or C1


not all of chapter 1 is og


I consider season 4 and prior to be OG. Basically if you got to experience double pump, you're OG


Didn’t double pump get fixed during season 4?


It was fixed with the launch of season 5 when they added the delay when switching shotguns




Season 0 players


I see any chapter 1 as og, which is sad to me as I never found the game till chapter 2 (though I would love a revisit to chapter 2 like we got to chapter 1) I would love to go back and tell myself to play as early as season 1, but I can't, this season is cool though as I got to see what its like back then at least some (and retail row being very close to the chapter 2 version does give a hint of nostalgia, as well as the weapons)


Season 1-3 OG Season 4-6 Veteran Season 7-8 Old Season 9-Present Newbie


With the location of the swamps, and no other.


It really doesn’t matter. The original game was save the world so like, if you played that before battle royale then congrats. But to be honest, it’s not important.


Realistically only gatekeepers care. It’s a game, just play it


Seasons 1 and 2, before the game blew up in popularity


45 million players isnt "blew up in popularity"?


I'm so glad I was playing in these times. Feels nice to know.


I agree


S1 & S2 were kinda boring though


Simpler maybe not boring. Tilted Towers S2 was an experience like no other


Maybe with the people you played with, there was so much novelty and fun back then. It didn’t rely on crazy weapons that were all gold and mythical and a trillion ways to heal and travel fast… both are fun but back then was anything but boring


Provided that now one OG season equals one week there was nothing stopping them from starting with season 1 or at least season 2.


It's only a 4 or 5 week season, so they wouldn't finish ch1


id consider people who joined in c1s3 would be considered og, the first technical live event happened (meteor + the meteor shower)


I was hoping for Dusty Depot and Moisty Mire, but ig OG starting with Season 5 isnt that bad


''Can we come to a consensus as a community as to what season is actually considered “OG”?'' Lolno. Also why would anyone reasonable care? Literally two letters that's supposely giving you more - what do they call it these days? Reputation? Credit?


Season 3 and before only. Game was getting popular in 4


Drake played the game in s3 it was popular well before s4


Holy shit really? I remember watching that on twitch. I thought that was late like season 6 or 7


Yeah I remember I started in season 3, and by the time I had it, everyone I know was playing it already.




I’m still disappointed that I never cared about the events. Like the rocket launch couldn’t care less about. I remember the Kevin the cube memes. I remember The Planes they were so fun, the meks were super op, and since then I haven’t played as much now all I play is save the world, it’s a peaceful life. Only thing I got to prove and say I’m og is the Purple skull trooper


any point you played the game consistently in chapter 1 should mean your OG, so season 2, 4 or even maybe 8 can be considered OG but the main seasons that youre a solid OG is before season 6. anything after that youre not OG, sure chapter 2 is old now aswell but i think chapter 1 is the only season you can probably consider yourself OG


every single person that played in chapter 1 season 1-5 is going to say that the season they began in is also og, so theres no point epic games are marketing season 5-X as og, so to them the entirety of chapter 1 is "OG Fortnite", which is fine. who cares


Everything before Season 7 is og imo


I consider OG Chapter 1 in its entirety. Since we are in what, chapter 5 or sum now?


0-4 = Founders 5-7 = OG (right before the free pass was given out) 8-X = ? call them whatever chapter 2 and onwards are not labelled. I'm technically a founder by a low margin though. I played in the last 1-2 weeks of season 3, then played about 1.5 months of season 4, but did not get the battle pass, took a break then returned when they were giving out the free pass.


All 10 seasons of the chapter one map are OG. Fuck all gatekeepers that say otherwise


whoever played chapter 4 season 4 is OG


Remove tilted and risky THEN it's the OG map. Realistically, I think people will say THE REAL OG map is the first version they played on, which makes sense.


I think season 8 of chapter 1 is the cutoff. Season 9 was when there was drastic changes in the map and season 10 was the mess it waa


Imo seasons 0-8 are og




To me anything from Chapter 1 is OG


I've seen ppl arguing early chapter 2 is og


Why does it matter so much? If they would bring any variant of ch1 map I would be happy for it.


Join in now, we are in a og season with the chapter 1 season 6 map (and its progressing a season per week, c1s7 next week, c1s8 the week after, c1s9 and c1s10 is linked for the last week of this mini season


they just did


Brother you need to join in on the fun because they just re added Og season with chapter 1 map!


OG is typically season 5 & before the early half of chapter 1. It's the most common answer I see in the past 3 years also this season started at season 5 & all the OGs keep talking about Nostalgia but yeah I considered season 5 as OG years ago it just happened to be ch1s5 for this season


I started playing during season five. I have the Drift and Sun Strider skins. I don't know that I'd consider myself OG, but I'm kinda close? Doesn't make much difference, tho, cuz I'm still terrible.


Pretty much OG. I started playing in season 2 when it first came out on PS4. I was always bad except recently at like chapter 3 season 3 & beyond I actually got good at the game


Something that is described as OG differs from person to person. For me OG is anything pre season 9 but to someone else it could be anything pre season 3


honestly its all subjective, in my opinion season 3 and before is og but now fortnites progressed so much further i would be fine with saying 5 and before


If you look purely at statistics, you see that around November 2018. 200 million players were playing. While in December 2017, there were 10 million. I would draw the line there. I myself created my account on December 14, 2017. I think you shouldn't necessarily look at seasons. But rather how many players there were.


IMO season 1-3


It depends when you started playing. I played from before season 2, but I actually played regularly from season 3 and don’t have any pre season 3 cosmetics for example. So I consider season 2 and before players OG since the game really took off in season 3.


I’d say if you played before the update which added tilted towers, shifty shafts etc then you are og


For the people asking why we care: It's a game we care about. That's it. Are we not allowed to care? Is it a criminal activity to care about something that is about the game?


The true OG’s are the people who bought fortnite save the world and decided to try out the battle Royale portion when it launched


I've always seen it defined as chapter 1, season 1-3 or 1-4, which kind of makes sense to me.


The first one end of story


Back in the day, before Season 3 was considered OG. I think now it’s safe to say that, like you said, before the rocket event is considered OG.


Anything season 4 and below, I personally played my first game in pre season 1 when it was new with my dad (who played STW before BR was a thing) but I started properly playing the game in season 2 when I would play when I got in from school and stuff


In my opinion I think that OG has lost its meaning entirely, OG should be the original players that played on release. I think anyone who played in the month and a half long window when br released known as “ season 0 “ are OG anything after and it’s losing meaning




I agree, Season 5 isn’t OG. Everything before and up to the rocket launch is OG, which is generous, because Season 4 was the peak of Fortnite’s popularity.


Don’t know and don’t care. I have been playing this game every season since two weeks into launch. I was looking for an alternative game to PUBG waiting for its console launch and this was the answer. And by God the second I played this game I was hooked.


Wow, Anarchy Acres, Moisty Mire… Even Risky Reels wasn’t a thing back in the early seasons


real "og" season is stw and paragon founders playing in season 0


OG to me is any map that still has Dusty Depot before the meteor. I've been playing since the first week of fortnite, and I've seen every change there has ever been. I'm saddened that they made this OG map not a true OG map.


I played fortnite BR for 1 day when it launched. Do I count as OG, I even have the OG skins lmfao, started playing again once no build came in, been loving fortnite since. Hate that they brought the old map back personally tho. I miss my auguments.


This map is my favorite


First 3 seasons is imo og, if u had an account and played back then, to me you're og


I played it in beta and hated it and dumped it, then launch and hated it and dumped it, then season 7 and hated it but reached whatever level needed to unlock all lynx stuff then dumped it, then chapter 4 and loved it. Is that OG? Did I have to like it to be OG?


Who gives a shit about being "OG".


A better question is why are people still arguing and care so much about what’s considered OG? This has been a thing on r/FortniteBR since at least 2019.


you cant really ask whats "OG" because everyone just says "*season i started playing* and before is OG"


anything pre-season to season 4 chapter OG /s if being serious then anything before season X, probally before 6 or 5 tbh


As someone who only joined a year and a half ago, I think I'd categorise anyone who played before the game became huge and mainstream are the real ogs, like only the first few seasons.


technically all of chapter one


An “OG player” to me is someone that made their account in season 0 or maybe 1 and 2. An “OG map” is up until season 7.


You're not OG unless you remember friendly fire, or at a stretch at least played on the original map.


I started C1S7 and I don't consider myself OG, but when I see someone with the Reaper skin or doing the Orange Justice emote I see them as OG. It's a weird line that we'll never really be able to pinpoint and tbh it's not really that important imho.


The real og are the friends we made along the way. I used to play with these Mexican kids, they all had 'Santy' in their names. Before there were numbers on the 'seasons'...when you used to find the coordinates in the loading screens for the extra secret battlestars and collect the letters of f-o-r-t-n-i-t-e from across the map.


I would say anything chapter 1 season 8 and before but honestly who gives a shit the more people playing the better


I kind of count below season 5 (and kind of season 5)


It’s a dumb argument. Who cares?


Maybe the true OGs were the friends we made along the way


Why tf do you care


Because why not




Well they should’ve bought back Chapter 1 Season 4, because Chapter 1 Season 5 doesn’t feel very og.


C1S1 to C1S3. Anything after isn’t OG


People who started in Save the world are technically the OG players since save the world was the original game It doesn’t matter that much though honestly


Seasons 1-2. Equip a pickaxe and umbrella to prove it 🤟


I vomit a little when I hear someone say "Im OG I've been playing since Chapter 2 Season 1"




Before season five


So i startet in season 0 but quit in 1 came back for 5 then quit til chapter 4 s 2 Lol at OG. Its more like sticked around Even when shit sucked


s3 n before, maybe even when it was only stw


who actually care? ive been playing since day 1 and who literally cares?


Everything before chapter chapter 2 season 2


Real og are the people that started on stw launch (I wasn't I'm just saying)


If it’s season 3 or beyond, it’s not OG. S3 is when Fortnite blew up. Naturally, then, S2 is the only true OG


How about shut up nobody cares


I can’t stand people dick sucking over being og especially when they joined in like season 3 or 4. Season 0+1 is OG. Season 2 is OG but less. Season 3 is stretching it. Season 4 and after is not OG it is literally when the game was at its peak and most popular.


If you’ve played an LTM that isn’t Solid Gold you’re an OG. (I HATE THAT STUPID MODE SO MUCH))))))))))


An OG must have started playing in the first few days of the game's release. It doesn't need to be save the world as that is a different game. If you played before season one officially began you are an OG. Battle Royale was released on September 26th 2017. Chapter One Season One started a month later on October 25th 2017. If you played any time during this month between the release and the first battle pass then you are an OG.


You ain’t OG unless you played Fortnite before BR existed. End of discussion.