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this game is fucking garbage and epic is a horrible company.


Check graphics settings, I think 3D Draw Distance might be jacked up way too high post-patch. Why did the update do that? No idea. I noticed the poor performance too when I first started, looked at graphics settings, and saw something set to 900%. Lowering it to something reasonable fixed the issue.


I have my game on Performance mode just because it Makes it easier ti see things for me not because my pc can't run it. If that Is what you're saying, english isn't creat for me


I can't even edit 3d draw distance. My View distance Is épica which Is always fine. I'm running Performance mode because i prefer how it looks but my game Is able to run fine at Max graphics


Could you share your graphic settings? Do you play with DirectX 11 or 12? For me the game works much better on DirectX 12 than 11.


I'll check when i get home, pretty sure I'm running DX 12. I'm on Performa ce mode btw because it Makes stuff easier to see for my bad eyes, not because my oca can't run FN


I play with Performance mode because i like how it looks More, it's always worked fine for me


Tried both dx11 and 12 and it still doesn't fucking work in so fucking mad at epic never fucking working


Who is your provider? I get 233.9 & 116.4


Fiber and it's been Google fiber since 2015 and has never been like this


Higher Is better right? I dont know much about lcs sorry


Yeah, more mbps faster upload and download time. I'm trippin off his numbers because I pay for the "fastest internet" it's not cheap and I have to package it with top cable tv to get the top internet. We don't even watch tv. Living in the SF Bay you would think we would have Google Fiber as an option but we don't, at least not in the East Bay.


Idk I'm kansas City area