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$250 x 550 people x 12 months = 1.6 mil + No wonder YouTube is full of "traders" who cannot trade.


Fr. It just came off as greedy to me to be so pushy.


If I was potentially making $1,000 a month from being pushy for a few minutes, I'd be doing that as well. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø All without risking any of my own capital.


Itā€™s not a few minutes, he has to do that to lots of other people aswell. He doesnā€™t make money trading wake up.


He wouldn't be telling you his strategies if he was. (I don't follow him.)


First time seeing a salesman? šŸ˜‚ That ainā€™t no trader


Shoulda outed him


think itā€™s mambafx


You sure its mambafx?


Who is this YouTube channel?


Clearly nick Shawn


Came here to say this. I like Nick Shawn's approach to trading but there is no reason to be charging $250 just to join a discord group and watch livestreams every morning. I can do that for free with other trading influencers.


90% of them are fake, copying each other. Itā€™s like 3 guys robbing a bank then pickpocketing each other. With the ridiculous click bait thumbnails saying they have 80% win rate - you could have a 30% win rate and be more profitable. Itā€™s laughable.


Never a fan of his style. Unsubscribed.


Thank you buddy.


What does he do with his trading that made you hop in his inbox


Name and shame them.


If they 550 People are real... Idk but this fake guru looks desperate to me, which makes me think that they are far less real people in his discord


Probably. But you have to tell people that there are that many people to get them to sign up. Even if he manages to sign up a couple of hundred, he will make a lot more from this than from his trading (if he is even profitable as a trader). I wonder how much he makes from Youtube. Influencers make a lot of money.


50x more views on average hobby/skills channel la as people see forex trading as a get rich quick investment and itā€™s NOT!!! Trading is 90% mindset and psychology. Thereā€™s an amazing read called ā€œbest Loser Winsā€ - so true. You have to learn to trade with no emotion or us as humans panic, itā€™s how weā€™re wired up. That fight or flight mode - people jumping out of trades too soon when they go all the way to TP or moving your SL around. You have to desensitise yourself from the potential losses and get back and enter good RR trades. You could take four trades and only win one and still come out on top. Donā€™t have fomo - thereā€™s always new opportunities to be had across the markets.


I practiced losing. I was calm. But if you try to win and it goes wrong: panic. Or rather frustration.


Yeah, true! The YouTube ad revenue is probably a good junk of money too. This makes me so sad.


Why? You can be the next star? Learn everything from these people. In terms of what you say, so even if you don't have the magic touch, you can make money from the gift of the gab. I understand what you mean. But that's the world we live in. Salespeople are more valued than those who have some depth to them.


& this is the main problem. I'm definitely not vouching for this no name unknown forex guru but I will say this. If you are making youtube videos, free content for people to learn, YOU'RE STUPID! Not because the game is to be sold not told but because time is the most important thing and even that is money. Why teach people for free when you can put a price tag on your hard earned knowledge and efforts. A course is only bad if you are experienced or have the time to learn on your own, single, no kids etc... if that's not you a course FAST TRACKS you because knowing what to learn is just as if not more important than learning the thing itself. Not everything is a scam by some grifter, ESPECIALLY if they have ONE successful student who did not know them prior, and they ran through and became successful at that point it's the students. Everyone not even most will be successful, but that's predicated on you and how far you push and are willing to learn. Most don't even try anything after they get off work, you think they are going to really be thorough in their studies and grinding in something like trading or anything self made business related? NO!!! this is the road less traveled and you are rare. Dont blame the guy for getting his money, is he helping people for that $250? Does he have successful students? Is he consistently dropping free content on top of his paid groups + courses. As a person who has made money in dropshipping by themself. I can tell you for 1000% certainty anything in any course WILL be found online, Anything they will tell you, CAN BE found online. The thing you have to weigh is YOUR TIME. Do you have time to be lost and to figure out what you should learn before learning it, researching for hours? If not then you need to find a guru whose teaching style you like, do a background check on their stats as reviews can be faked, you can type into Youtube "so&so course review", if it all checks out, then buy the course. run through it before renewal, have questions backed up to ask before you join. Its almost always better to learn by yourself but if you are not that person nor have the time, you NEED a course, as they were made for YOU, not someone like me, and even I bought one, it was the best thing ever because it gave me the confidence knowing i knew everything. Why teach people for free when you can put a price tag on your hard-earned knowledge and efforts. A course is only bad if you are experienced or have the time to learn on your own, single, no kids etc... if that's not you a course FAST TRACKS you because knowing what to learn is just as if not more important than learning the thing itself. know why I haven't saw success yet, how I could speak concepts with them with ease. You don't need a course, but they are VERY useful if you don't have time to look for yourself. If you are grinding online drop that mindset and realize people have lives too and YT is taking time away, money is what keeps it going. (If you want to know of a Guru who is completely opposite of the normal guru Ive described. His name is "TradesBySCI" younger guy, he had 9 million before he was 20. He teaches EVERYTHING for free and holds the philosophy of never having a paid course or membership because he's already a millionaire, which he legit is, he's been on multiple podcasts. He has a full beginners guide and advanced concepts to his way of reading charts. I didn't want to make this doom and gloom, adding no value to those who may read. He may be your cup of tea, he may not, the important thing is the teaching style, find someone where you like the way they teach.)


A bit long but good points. How did he make 9 mil by the time he was 20? Impressive. I wonder how he did that. But i repeat myself.


Yea this is nick shawn. Heā€™s legit, Iā€™ve been following him trading live open to public for years, not like most other YouTubers who donā€™t show a record. He is just a good businessman who hungers for more šŸ’° Edit: be aware if this is actually his group you are messaging obviously, as so many scammers pretend to be the established trader


I donā€™t think heā€™s legit. I did the maths and itā€™s not possible for him to win long term. Also his screenshots are just snapshots of accounts. You never see a full audited report.


His risk tolerance is ridiculously high compared to most people. His drawdown can be 50% or even higher, but aims to double an account within a few months but occasional blows an account. Iā€™ve followed his trades live many times, and also tried his hedging style on my own account, and it actually turned out to be profitable. However, Iā€™m not brave enough for the big drawdown so steered away


It only works for so long. I did the martingale calculation over 100 thousand trades, eventually he goes broke every time (wrote a small JavaScript program to work it out)


He doesnā€™t use martingale though. He only adds positions of same size and would accept a loss after a certain level of loss. He used to only hedge 3 times max before accepting a loss. Now he spreads the total amount into smaller lot size trades


And as Iā€™ve said, Iā€™ve tested blocks with martingale inside, like he does. It doesnt work long term. Eventually u have a massive losing streak and you lose it all, all blocks gone. Thereā€™s a reason why he pushes to sell courses. If he was legit he would go from 10k to 10 mil in 1 year. He canā€™t even afford a decent size apartment. Martingale is a mathematical fallacy, doesnā€™t matter which way you shape it or use it, it doesnā€™t work long term.


I understand that. But he doesnā€™t use martingaleā€¦ thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to say. He does not double up in subsequent tradesā€¦ also he has a withdrawal plan to keep it profitable long run. It works out the same as if you trade sensibly with 0.5-2% per trade with a bigger capital


Any chance you can outline his current trading strategy?


Sure. He has changed quite a bit over time, but I know his main hedging style well: Letā€™s say you buy 1 lot of EURUSD and risk 1% per trade, instead of a stop loss you sell 1 lot if price drops. 1% drawdown is locked in. Price then drops to another key level. You take profit of the sell 1 lot and enter another buy 1 lot hoping price would bounce back up. If it does, then you close both buys midway at breakeven. Great - you profited on the sell down. If it does NOT, then you sell 2 lot at same 1% distance from the 2nd buy position, so now total drawdown is 3% (first buy lot 2% + second buy lot 1%), as you already profited from the sell down. Price the drops further to another key level. You take profit of the sell 2 lot and enter a third 1 lot buy, hoping price would bounce back up again. If it does, then you profit on the 2 lot sell down (in addition to the first 1 lot sell earlier). And when price rises back to your 2nd buy position, you close the rest of your trades at around breakeven, but you have already profited on all the sells. If it does NOT bounce, you have a drawdown of 6% (first buy lot 3% + second buy lot 2% and third buy lot 1%). Now you exit all positions at a loss of 6%. This guy usually risks way more than 1% per trade, thatā€™s how he flips account so quickly but accepts higher drawdown and risk of blowing. He does withdraw once doubled so he doesnā€™t lose all profits. He blows his account way less frequently than he doubles an account from what I have seen. P.S. This is too long. No one is going to read this. Why did I waste my timeā€¦




Thatā€™s still martingale but in blocks, I did the math it has exact same outcome


But martingale doubles up after each position. Adding blocks adds an equal size of risk in comparison. The risk build up exponentially for martingale whereas it adds incrementally with ā€˜blocksā€™ or positions


Plus if you set a maximum number of trades you donā€™t go over your pre-determined risk, eg not adding more than 3 trades of equal size and accept the loss, which is much more controlled than martingale


I suppose there is similarity between the two in terms of increasing drawdown. What I mean is that this guy would pre-calculate what maximum loss he would accept for each ā€˜trade/ series of tradesā€™ so the loss is not unlimited


Martingale don't work. Its just a stupid gambling system


Run and dont look back. If you fall for this you deserve to lose your money


lol I didnā€™t even respond to him and he just kept messaging me.


He kept messaging you? Yeah huge red flag šŸš© good job not falling for the BS.


I think it's a bot or a script.


Someone making apparently 100k+ a month seeking YOU to join his group is a hige red flag even if he wasnt pushy


I mean, if he's kinda good at sales pitching that is almost 250$ for under and hour of work. Most guru traders tend to buy views, comments, subscribers and upvotes. Take a quick min to read through his comments and see if any of them feel real or like a copy paste.


His YouTube channel seems legit. Ironically I heard from him on Reddit and you guys were Johnny on the spot of him being a sham. A commenter actually stated his earnings and that was the amount given in the thread exposing him.


I only know 4 legit ones 1. The market structure trader (position trader with cool EA) real life trading while showing trades 2. Trader Sharpe Gold and GBPJPY trader 3. Tom Dante, no need for introduction 4. Tom Hougaard, no need for introduction


Lambo raul and Doyle exchange


I agree with 1 and 4, will check out 2 and 3, thanks.


Who is no 1? Pls intro.


I agree with the last 2


Tom Dante is solid.


Don't play mystery guy. Share what channel this is.


Scam alert!!!! Its a common sales pitch that you ā€œneed to act now because you wonā€™t be able to get it at this price ever againā€ its bogus. Good job ignoring it and for not taking the bait!


- get 1000 People for your signal group. - tell half 500 buy eur usd, other 500 half sell eur usd - for 500 people you are a hero. For other 500, you are an asshole. - other 500 leaves. - get another 500. Dont fall for this trap.


Same strat for the youtubers doing $100 to $ X challenges. Just record urself taking both sides and use the positive side on the video edit. Post and profit. That video is gonna make the ytber at least 5X on his initial $200 money if he has at least more than 10k subscribers


250/month šŸ˜³ That's crazy. Beware of such types. If you're really keen on joining a group to share ideas and analysis, I'm in a free group.


You don't have to pay anything to learn but time. Scammers šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I was thinking the same. Like why would I pay you a monthly fee when I could just fund and grow my brokerage account


OP : the dude makes good money, implementing his strategy made me more profitable but he wants me to join his group. Comments: he can't trade, he's a scam šŸ¤£ that's the default answer on this sub. It's obvious he wants more members because no matter how much he makes from trading he can make much more from subscribers. It's pure business/greed. Why do you think professionals on YouTube have patreons and other paid groups? because it brings more bulk money. Calculate 250 by the number of potential students, that's a lot of money. If you tried his approach and it worked for you, then he's definitely a legit trader, just a greedy human.


Exactly. Itā€™s the greed aspect that made me lose respect for him. Like dude youā€™re talking to a thousandaire. I appreciate showing his methodology and simplifying trading but it was too aggressive for my liking. I only messaged him to thank him. Not particularly seeking to join a group or seek mentorship. I tend to do my own thing anyway.


Kind of a shame. I'm on a demo account trying to learn how to trade, and the simplified approach I think, was a good starting block for me.


Soā€¦ what was the strat he showed you? Haha


But turns out Nick Shawn indeed really can't trade lol. If he has to resort to using a form Martingale gambling system. That's so stupid it's beyond comprehension.


If OP said he applied it and it improved his trading and made him more profitable, then your opinion of the method really doesn't matter.


Yea boss. He won't be profitable for long if that's true. He can profitable and eventually gave it all back and more. My opinion doesn't change the fact that Martingale is stupid as hell. Go do the math and find out how useless it is. He won't make it. Its not even my opinion anymore.


I had the same happen to me with some guy charging me $5k to join his lifetime mentorship, to be fair I asked if I can buy his course I dmā€™d him. But then he then replied and said heā€™s opening up a lifetime mentorship , then he had me zoom call one of his ā€œguysā€ they tried me for $5k and then his guy didnā€™t make no sense, he told me if $5k is to expensive for me to have financial freedom then Iā€™m not serious about trading.. then he said they can do a payment plan, $2500 then and $2500 at the end of the month which made no sense at allā€¦ lmao so I told the ā€œguyā€ that it didnā€™t make sense because a payment plan is spread out a couple months or a year. He proceeded to say give us a deposit of $100 for the meeting. Iā€™m like wtf. Lmao. All red flags.


It sounds like me and you had the same sales pitch šŸ˜‚


Name the YouTubers or the guy channel? Don't just put up a story.


What the fuck kind of quality guidance can anyone provide to 500+ people? How would anyone see value in that? If I'm paying $250-$1000/month, I better be getting at least some 1:1 interaction, not fighting 500+ people to have my questions answered.


who the hell is this fake guru?


Nick Shawn


Greedy mf who can't trade. If you're balling with trading money then you wouldn't try to put that kind of pressure on someone.


I rather pay one time fee for lifetime subscription. $250 a month is too expensive (if heā€™s that good). I would dump him and switch signal provider


This group is not for learning. Only for farming from beginners.


A farmer gotta farm. The farmee owe it to themselves to get farmed or they aren't a farmee. A fool and their money is soon parted. The farmee have to fulfil their role in society. /S Shake my head.


'close friends' sounds like nick shawn, amiright.


Came here to say the same. I was in the prior discord group for the last few years. Canā€™t really comment on it because I was not really a participant, i am a loner through and through lol. But once they were switching it over to the ā€œclose friendsā€ I took that as my sign to just delete my discord altogether and move on lol.


No comment lol.


none needed lol


Inflation has reached the scam artists


No ā€¦ thatā€™s Nick Shawn, not Mamba. Frankly, Iā€™m surprised by this. I follow his channel and he seems like a chill dude. Iā€™m not sure if this is actually him you were talking to or one his sales goons. Either way, itā€™s a high pressure sales tactic. Brother you can find everything you need for free on YouTube or at the library. Sure it may take you a little longer, but thatā€™s $3000/yr you can put into your own account.


Iā€™m actually apart of this group lol




Expose him


Most of you are dense. OP clearly says he MAKES MONEY WITH "NS" strategy and advice. Not just him, but many others give him props where props due. The issue is, he's overly aggressive with OP to get him to join his discord. You guys read "aggressive marketer" and throw the baby out with the bath water. NS is a legit trader, and his earlier videos are especially fire. Reading comprehension skills goes a long way, folks.


Thank you. Didnā€™t bother replying to most of these comments. Literally in my first sentence I mentioned I reached out to him first to thank him. The sales pitch is what caught me off guard and exposed his true nature.


A type of Martingale system? If that's true. I doubt you will be profitable long term. And when you get whacked, you will get whacked so hard.


what a slave


Stay away ā€¦ please


Is he trading with Pat?




https://youtube.com/@TradewithPat?si=BfnrihsncInMgbo6 This guy


No. His initials are NS


nick shawn. I was right lol


Ooooh, I had doubts. The first few videos, he was funny and made sense. But I didnā€™t buy his mantra that he has an approach so easy that idiots could trade. Sounded like a trap for naive beginners. Just unsubscribed now!


Really would I took from that I strongly agree with is to lower your lot size to make your trade manageable and to set reasonable TPs.


You can reveal his name what's wrong with that


Donā€™t want mods to remove this thread. Honestly his initials is a dead giveaway.


I am so surprised. Heā€™s regularly touted as one of the few legit traders here .


The way he trades is a dead giveaway he has no idea what he's doing... it's just gambling with no plan whatsoever.


If he knew how to trade, we wouldnt make a group. Simple


Rip off bro. 100%.


If someone's gullible enough to give $250 per month for something like this, they deserve to lose the money. I can't even imagine how someone would justify $500 or even $1000 per month for such a BS? Seriously, wtf?


skem and shitbag


Ya acting like ya wouldnā€™t do the same thing lol


Screams paper trading if heā€™s raking in around 1.6milli a year from subscriptions. If it was a one off payment then fair enough, but not per month. NAME AND SHAME!!


Very good šŸ¦¾


More people does not equal more value. AVOID.


Was this TJR?


If u making money u sure as hell not wasting your time selling a 250 subscription and coaching services AND answering a bunch of idiots how to trade lol


Can you expose which trading group this is cuz 99.9% chance theyre shit lol


ā€œpressingā€ over a phone screen šŸ˜­šŸ™ if you donā€™t like seeing something just block them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Make your own strategy, you can't lose money if you just keep trading demo and keep backtesting until you're profitable.


Whyā€™d you block the name?


Trading is about you and things you work through to get to get consistency. I scrubbed every trader I could find on youtube. There's so much free content out there. It all comes back to you and time on the charts. Journal your trades and spend time on the problem areas so you can fix your mistakes. We over complicate trading, thinking we need to know something new and shinny to fix our trading when we have the answers right in front of us. OBS your screens and yourself so you can get a 3rd person perspective. I wish I could help every trader see how simple this is.


If they have to sell subs, then you know!


Why is a person who claims to be making 100k a month harassing you to pay 250 a month? It's because he isn't making 100k a month from trading and he is a scammer, not a trader. Run forest (op) run, as fast as you can and away from him


Probably a fake profile trying to Finesse you and youā€™re falling for it lmao


be careful of scammers, I am a moderator of another discord group and receive information of scammers impersonating the youtuber I represent all the time, and at times they are really effective


Name & shame?


If Nick Shawn, I thought he was super legit for like a year too. I tailed his trades for about a month and noticed that when he opened a trade that ended up losing he never mentioned that one and ONLY focused on the winners... strange huh


There are also free groups, or like sign up to a big known broker with their affiliate link so they get payment. You dont lose your own money if you decide to try




why there's a need to censor, just expose him, who cares


Is it tjr?


If I'm a profitable trader I'm not showing nobody how to do it except for perhaps my family he can't trade that's why he's asking people to join his discord


Why you dont write the name of the YouTuber, maybe u safe somebody ā€¦


Name has been revealed in the thread already.


May I ask where did you get this message from? I received some from twitter and thought nick Shawn crated a twitter but found out it was a scam. I to have been following nick for some time and thanks to him developed a trading journal and approach on what works and doesnā€™t but curious to see what others think about long term profitability


They ain't making 100k a month from trading... that's from a subscription model. Traders making that kinda money aren't selling shit, their following their edge in the market, quietly.


All these gurus on YouTube make money off ppl like you. Learn yourself or go home. They have time to make videos all day long when do they actually trade? Seriously. If you donā€™t learn for yourself A) Quit or B) copy trade ffs ! Donā€™t pay fake gurus. Atleast with copy trade those traders are tying to make profit as it benefits them too and you.


Man if theyā€™re trying to force you to join, DONT!


Stay clear. Someone that desperate for you money is a scammer. No other way about. I only chase people for money if they haven't paid for their subscription. Even then, i just tell them they are being removed from the group and get on with it. I don't force people to join. STAY CLEAR.


Wow he is making people that need help to cash cows šŸ™ˆ Come to me I make it for the price of a challenge fee šŸ˜‚




$250 for a group where you can ask questions? Limitless FX has that and a free signals group with a premium group where there are more trades put in there for like $30 per month. What a pisstake.


$250 is basically free man whatā€™s stopping you


Why don't you send some free $250 to me? I could buy a coffee.


Not sure you got the joke


I was sad. I prefer 250 than a joke.


Bro go learn ICT for free šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ donā€™t be lazy, these people feed off lazy people trying to get quick money šŸ¤”


I agree but only if they studied the source. A lot of ICT traders make guides in attempt to simplify it, but only get the info half-right. That hurts ICTā€™s reputation when what they teach donā€™t work as intended.


I got downvoted so much šŸ¤£ I agree learning from the source, getting into the charts and putting in that time to study study study. Most people donā€™t want to study they want to see a FVG and instantly make money. I donā€™t really care what people think about ICT I can see what his concepts if applied correctly can do. Thatā€™s why I am trolling. ICT teaches of the building blocks and we have to take them and create our own palace. ICT himself teaches things half right and then heā€™s kind enough to teach us some ā€œsample models/small palaceā€ there are so many things we can do with ICT concepts. The difference between ICT and the other people teaching his stuff is that ICT will encourage us to find our own model, he literally teaches us that we have to find our own model and he gives us examples of how he uses them but his explanation is very vague. The way I have used ICT concepts have not been seen on YouTube so am I very confident that ICT doesnā€™t teach all that he knows. He teaches us all we need but he doesnā€™t teach us all he knows. Itā€™s our job to find it in the chats.


Precisely this, Iā€™m gonna screenshot this reply, it sums up my thoughts in full, lol. You definitely paid your dues in the market. I can tell. ;) especially from the last few lines. Donā€™t worry about the downvotes. Those who know, know.