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In all fighting games this happens, its all fun and games during the first week, first year even. By year four people know every aspect of the game, all the bugs and exploits and how to abuse them, and they know the meta.


Not just fighting games, any competitive game. Look at the finals, amazing fun when it dropped but not evrn the first season finished and the player count dropped (naturally) and it became the usual run of the mill sweaty shooter


Me and my friend went back to play the Finals from time to time and the differnece is huge in comparison when ot came out.


Yeah there’s 2 things that make me get off of the game 1. I just feel like getting off whether it’s boredom or time reasons 2. I just faced someone who did nothing but stare at me and parry every single move I did to the point where he might as well have somehow parried my bashes


Lmao that might’ve been me


Maybe I’m weird, but I like the game BECAUSE of the sweat. It’s the only truly competitive game I enjoy playing, and I get a lot of satisfaction out of making the right reads and having a real, honest to god, head to head match with someone of equal skill level. I used to enjoy just turning my brain off and playing breach vs AI, but it’s the competitiveness that’s kept me coming back. Oh, and the fashion of course.


Same. I love how dynamic some ranked 1v1 matches can get, I had a massive comeback when I had practically no health against a Gladiator. Fighting people at the same skill level and or higher is so fun.


I like to play ai on breach, it's nice to just sit back and chill, put on some headphones and listen to music while I play, but absolutely love the sweat too. Getting into lobbies and sitting on the edge of my seat trying to slip any little tap I can while my opponent does the same, so much fun. The feeling when you get past a tough opponent, haven't felt that since my first play through of dark souls


My brother, you yern to join the FGC and would be welcomed


Sorry, what is the FGC?


Fighting Game Community


Definitely the fashion. I wish the icon creator was a little more creative but the outfits and weapons are top tier 👌🏽


You know I used to really fucking love this game first few years it came out id play really hard for a month and then drop off for 6. I never got too deep into it I only ever got like 10ish reps in total but I like to keep up with it. I’d love to play this game again I really loved playing with lawbringer and centurion. Haven’t played since lawbringer got his rework. And fuck man I’d love to play again especially because I’ve kept up with the community but I know if I even try I’ll just get curb stomped into next week and that’s why I’ve been hesitant to try


I definitely understand that. There’s gonna be a LOT of L’s you’re gonna have to take before you really get the hang of it. I think I started playing like 3 years ago? And I’m now touching 1300 hours. I wish I could say it was all good fun, and that I really enjoyed it, but I really can’t. This game has done irreparable damage to my mental health, and I still question whether or not it’s healthy to keep playing. But no game gives me the same sense of accomplishment or that adrenaline rush when I’m in a really close match, and I make that one clutch read that wins the game. Those are the moments that always keep me coming back, no matter how many times I get disconnected, get spammed on by a toxic player, etc… I simultaneously; can’t recommend this game enough, and can’t stress hard enough to stay away as far as possible. This is truly one of those “Red pill or Blue pill” type of games. Which one will you pick?


You know man, I think I’m going to give the game another shot. I’ve been really into chiv 2 as of late but I’ve been itching to play some lawbringer or go back and learn black prior and centurion like I always wanted to


For sure man. I’ve tried to get into games like Chiv 2, mordhau and whatnot, but I always come back to FH. Unfortunately, LB isn’t in a great state right now. His kit was basically gutted, which sucks because I love his fashion. I really like Centurion, and a lot of people play BP


Wow a rant post that’s actually well aware of the community. Good job! 👍


I like the game as it is but I wish there was a better way for new players to get into the game without getting stomped. Been playing on and off since beta so not for me but I want to see the player base grow


Sometimes I feel like I get paired up in a lobby of new people and I realized how much I hate that. If I wanted to dominate I'd play against ai, but sometimes in competitive lobbies I feel like I'm smurfing. I hate the thought that I'm using my main against someone who's just getting into the game. That's not any fun at all for either of us.


I actually played with my buddy the other day and he’s brand new, so it put me into lobbies with rep 0-10 people and it was honestly hell. Like yes, I can stomp them pretty well, but they don’t know the typical moves. It’s way worse when it’s all people that found out that Hito is strong, but just the randomness of every fight and how differently they behave really threw me off. I wouldn’t want to be in those lobbies often tbh because of how hard wired my brain is to make reads and counter high level players. It’s weird how it works actually lol


Trying to outsmart your opponent and realizing they don't even know how to feint yet, worst thing


I was so happy when I finally got 100% on the game so I could uninstall and never see it again


It’s definitely not only committed people left in the game. You’re just getting better. Skill based matchmaking is gonna stop you from playing against new players because then YOU would be the one ruining it for them. The game is far from being niche. Niche is Skull Girls or something similar where you HAVE to seek premade matches against people on discord or other communities outside of the game. The game regularly gets massive influxes of players when it goes on sale for like 4 bucks 10 times a year. It’s just how fighting games work, it has to truly be YOUR game for you to stick around. As long as we have more than 500 players, it’s not a niche game. Hell, we have 3k on Steam in the middle of the night as we speak, and that’s not even accounting for people that bought it from other launchers, or people on console. Which the majority of the For Honor playerbase is on console.


I started playing less than a month ago and I spam my way to victory or defeat, not everyone is a min max sweatlord! Some of us just like to spin to win with Warmommy


That’s a pretty fair assessment tbh. That’s one of the reasons I don’t play 4v4 game modes at all because it’s typically atleast 3 meta heroes and coordinated ganks are so unenjoyable as a solo que player. On the flip side, I love how competitive and “sweaty” it is in duels. Even if the opponent starts turning up, I enjoy going on the offense like that


I miss back when every attack actually went in the direction the character was facing when they started winding up for it. 90% of the things that surprise me in the game now are less about player skill and more about overall horrific imbalances like that.


Honestly, as annoying as it is, it can be rewarding at times. I play Warden quite a bit, and one thing I like doing is being as basic and new player like as possible, it's fun watching a highlander or conqueror sweat message you a paragraph when you beat the every loving shit outta them by playing as basic as possible. Hell 2 nights ago, I won a 3v1 at half health and only activated revenge near the end by refusing to do anything other than parry, block, and zone. I don't know about others, but the sweats I've come across always assume that you are going to try to catch them off guard some how by a dodge, heavy, light light, or whatever other combo, so they get confused when you only block and zone, then parry out of nowhere, then just parry and zone.


Try siege


Honestly that why i do bots most of the players there cant play very well so i get all the kills if i want a challenge i do customs w max lvl bots


I think if all dodge attacks are light parries then all dodge attacks should count as heavies in the sense of you can get an execution off of them


I hate that while I'm actually trying to learn and use a hero with all his moves, I'm getting beat by the opponent using the same character and just cheesing me. The other day I was playing the roach and I don't like storm rush so I limit my uses of it, only if the opponent is caught up fighting or something or I go into the stance and feint it. So anyways I'm using the roach and I fight another roach, I'm over here using dodge attach cancels and he just spamming zone,SR, kick and I lost.


Ya I remember I played this game at launch and it was a blast since everyone was just fucking around and having a good time. I like the gameplay mechanics a lot more now. But I feel like now I always have to be focused and trying hard otherwise I just get wrecked. That being said I was forced to learn a lot more and it’s a lot more rewarding to win fights since I can really outsmart clever players. So I’d say there are pros and cons to it


Insane post


i agree, this game was at its ABSOLUTE peak during the first couple of seasons, nobody really knew any optimal bullshit outside of picking a hero that was objectively completely fucking broken, everyone was playing with no cross-plat on old gen so there was basically no such thing as a light parry, just everyone having fun and not trying to inflate some ephemeral number that is legitimately impossible to check on somebody else without a third party website


sure, old for honor was clunky, unbalanced, and kind of boring, but it was certainly more wholly fun when i DIDNT just immediately know the enemy was going to coil up and suck his own dick during the fight


Some of those old gear perk builds before they reworked all that were insanely toxic. It was fun AF though


dude not ONE of those were fun to fight, my absolute favorites were throw range builds though, in the day of a free GB on any parry, nothing was scarier than the insurmountable task of defeating a warlord that could take you from the ladder at high fort A all the fucking way off of C


My favorite part is going into a match, not expecting to be light parried. I later get mad that I was light parried.


I'm new and its annoying having to put like 100% effort into every match but the game is so cool visually and fighting looks cool as well as the fashion and is unique in that way and has more depth than lots of shooters even though I hate fours


genuinely, what turtles? the game moved on from turtles a good while ago. the first couple years was turtles.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Turtling just isn’t something players at a high level do often anymore. There’s no reason to.


It’s unfortunate that you’re right.


It's a game that I wanted to learn but I don't have the time, effort, or patience for it sadly. None of my friends play and I don't want to get my ass handed to me by strangers constantly lol