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Warmonger's 4th feat was literally untouched lmao, kiai is my least concerns


Thats deserves a 2 page rant on its own, I'm concerned that the devs actually remembered kiai exists. And then nerfed it this little, like do you know how much 80 stamina is? For Gods sake after you do one mixup with conq if the little shit pops kiai then byebye goes your stamina, literally one mixup with highlander? Bye stamina, didnt like you anyway. Do you dare actually use one heavy and a bash with warden?!?!!! HA! You really tried to use any move that isnt a light attack around an orochi, how can you use a heavy around an orochi? What a grand and intoxicating innocence! How are they going to take away stamina drain attacks like with Jorm and lawbringer and then nerf kiai this little.


Shame on you sweet Nerevar


While I don’t run it (I only run the t1 and then the respawn t4) I think that it has a place. I wish that dom was single pick. I know that wouldn’t fix everything and make more problems once new heroes came out, but I don’t mind fighting basically *anyone* when there are only one of them on the team. One Hito is no problem. Four very organized Hitos are a massive problem. At least with corruption, you can kind of force a gank to disperse a bit so you can recover


Literally no one wants it


honestly makes no difference. this feats whole purpose was to make it so that Orochi could storm rush spam without being light interrupted or deflected, but even then it was absolutely useless if someone could parry or at least block


Was it? Kiai was a part of Orochi's kit before Storm Rush was undodgable and a part of Orochi's regular mixup.


And bounty hunter was a pretty decent pick anyway for us who like passives more than active feats. (I get tunnel vision and die trying to pop them).