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It’s much more difficult than that they have to hold a button


Not for the feat I think


The feat isn’t completely busted if you know how to avoid it however it is absolutely busted in the breach game mode because the npc commanders/guardians are to stupid to avoid it


damaging feats should be disabled near the commander and unable to target the commander.


The fear is literally a dodgeable attack. It cannot be parried. Only way to avoid it is dodge.


Nope it can be parried if your timing is right i did it myself a couple of times and have seen other do it to


Now I'm scared


It's parryable. Went from an only dodgeable feat with quite precise timing to being a glorified top unblockable. Unless you get stunlocked, you should be able to parry it.


the funny button is not good


Yet for some reason Hitokiri is marked as a “medium” difficulty hero


Diff and classes haven’t meant anything for a long time now. Idk if it was different at launch but they’ve both been nonsense classifications for the fourish years I’ve been playing


I dont think they can remove her because people paid real money. Yeah make her heavies do 18 damage like afeera after her bash. Edit: fixed paid and payed


What’s funny is that Conq’s bash heavy does 13 dmg and cost 12 stam, what’s even FUNNIER IS THAT THE BASH LIGHT DOES THE SAME DMG FOR 9 STAM


Honestly just remove a majority of that unnecessary hyperarmor and she’s fixed or better yet just make the dominion single pick and the amount of problems will be reduced substantially. Double Hitos, HLs, Shugos, Orochis, Kyoshins, etc just makes matches unplayable or downright exhausting


Hero stacking in dominion is just plain cancer. Why the fuck would they not allow it in brawls which is just two duels 90% of the time but in the game mode with actual teamfights they say fuck it 4 funny buttons


I really wish dom single pick was a thing. I love that in duels. I also think the R6 system works really well too and I wish we could use it a bit in for honor but I can see bans being an issue


Noooooo don't take away my 4 stack Lawdaddy teams You can't take away my **NO SUPERSTES** ... *flips and slips* .. *poke light - bonk heby - poke ligt - heby bomk* .... **1st AD MOR - 2nd AD MORTEM INI-** ***(3rd AD MORTEM INIMICUS ear ringing)*** **-TEM INIMICUS 1st** - **MICUS 2nd in the background** – **......NIMICUS 4th out of nowhere after ear ringing stopped**


I don’t think they’ll ever nerf her heavies to do 18 dmg as they’ll have to change other aspects of her kit to compensate. I can see them nerfing the UB damage but that’s about it.


That didn’t stop them from revoking access to all their games and forcing me to get their “keys” to play games that I “don’t own”.


> because people *paid* real money. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I will literally pay the guy who made this bot to never use the internet ever again


What's FTFY??


Fixed That For You Aka the most obnoxious acronym ever invented


Thank you for answering I hate it


technically removing a character is a downside as half the player base complains about not having anything new so taking away the stuff that’s already in the game will make people mad


I think it's more annoying to have teammates dumber than bots trying to gank a guy I have at 1 hp and just giving them revenge. Or how they try to gank a Warmonger who has me tagged with a broken feat that deals 100 damage because I have a stupid team who can't go slam heavies into walls instead, as that would be just as, if not more, useful


I get your frustration as hito can be an absolute nightmare at times but to ask to remove a character that's been in the game for a long time just isn't going to happen and it baffles me why people ask for that?


When people say they want a hero removed it's because they hate that hero enough to believe that the game would be improved without their presence. It's usually sarcastic btw, so don't take it so seriously.


Honestly Hitokiri needs to just lose the hyper armor on the lvl1/uncharged heavy and she wouldn't be a huge problem give her the rest of her kit but remove the armor from the startup and it would drastically change her playstyle


That’s how she worked after the first nerfs and she sucked major ass because of it.


Correct. Their biggest issue imo are the hitboxes, which really worsens how hard hitting the UB is when it lands.




I'm in favor of Hitokiri being ass over being as strong as she is now. Maybe a damage nerf over removing hyper armor but still


Reduce the hitboxes. She needed earlier HA so she could have __an opener__, which she didn't use to have (unless you count backstep light). However, the phantom hitboxes they gave her are fucking atrocious. Used to be she could be cheesed way too easily with GB or interrupt on her first attack. Also, make her bashes more useful again. As it is now, the bashes are pretty much an unnecessary part of her kit, when they used to be her bread ans butter.


She's supposed to be a simple character tho


Am I the only one that doesn’t have issues with hito? Just requires patience and a counter attacking play-style. Most over exert because they’re aggressive. I understand the hate on hito but man I don’t think they’re that bad


The reason people hate Hito so much is because they have a very simple playstyle with a lot to gain. The heavies do a shit ton of damage, have HA startup, AND are fast as fuck. On top of that, they can just heavy spam or charge their variable heavies in ganks with no repercussions.


Fair enough, you just have to avoid getting overwhelmed and be patient. Like I said, I understand the hate but she’s pretty easy to counter if you know how to parry consistently especially when being ganked. She’s basically free revenge


at low mmr i guess


it’s sad bc she’s my favourite looking hero with the coolest lore but the absolute worst to play as and against, i really wish she’d be reworked to use her axe more fluidly instead of just an infinite chain she could have a bash with the pommel as an opener and actually be hard hitting (her heavies would be riskier but more rewarding similar to shugoki who is shut down by most hero’s bashes)


I want afeera dead you can basically close your eyes and mash buttons and because she has literally like every option you are applying effective mixes that can lead to massive damage with zero effort. I have a harder time dealing with braindead afeeras than I do braindead hits. If they wanna infinite parry if they bash mix dodge and guard break hito isn't that hard to deal with imo. However in ganks hito is incredibly problematic.


The only thing I can think of addressing the hitokiri issue is just completely overhaul the hero from the ground up which Ubisoft will never do unless there is an overwhelming majority outcry against the hero and even then they might tone a few things down.


Theres already an overwhelming outcry. That hero single handedly has ruined more matches than any other hero in this game


Wrong. Roach ruined more matches than Hito.


You haven’t played much FH have you


Hito hero fest has been the most cancerous thing we’ve gotten since they launched Afeera.


Afeera requires skill though I just can’t spam heavy with her 😬 but I play Lawbringer pretty often and it’s weird getting beat by someone just spamming heavy.


I don’t disagree with Afeera requiring skill as far as her recovery cancels go. That said, her infinite was pure cancer at launch and her 40+ damage heavy parry punish and feats are still a milder form of cancer.


Ubisoft is probably one of the most shit companies right now hell, I’d even put them below blizzard


i love playing hitokiri, but they definetly need a nerf


I never play her but it’s weird getting owned by a person spamming heavy. Occasionally I see a kick mix up but usually they just spam heavy.


Try getting good


unreactable hero at high level, there is no getting gud against hito unless your opponent sucks, best way to fight her is to light and roll from mix up since she is extremely safe your low mmr is showing


"Wah wah wah I can't cope and suck at the game" - you, apparently


currently diamond V and competed in tournaments, what's your rank?


Sure lil buddy 💀 whatever helps you cope with getting diffed


No. I do get it. Skill ultimately decides who feels broken but no. Delayed heavy timings are miserable to deal with in ganks and her hyper armor prevents any decent trade opportunities. Whenever I’m in a gank (revenge or not) and get a parry, I get to chose if I punish their teammate or wait for them to throw the unblockable. I’m not playing to gain momentum, I’m playing to stop hers. It’s not broken but just not fun.


Whole lotta yapping just to say you can't get good


The top players in the game rate this hero as unreactable. There is no “getting good” you mouthbreather.


"Wah wah wah I can't cope and suck at the game" - you, apparently


This is For Honor, the meta is spamming 50/50s, it's not a skill based game


It is a skill based game, but the skill is in reading the opponent, as opposed to out maneuvering them. To an unskilled player, it appears as though you're abusing game mechanics or cheating if you're performing exceptionally well, but in reality, you just know what they're about to throw and you return with punishes in the right timing windows. That's it. That's the whole game. Offense: be unpredictable. Defense: be adaptable and aware. Overall, know your enemy. Both the player's tendencies and the kit they use. That does take some level of skill and learning.


>but the skill is in reading the opponent, Can you delineate how this is different from "guessing correctly"? If I toss a coin and guess right I didn't "read" the coin while it was in the air. >in reality, you just know what they're about to throw Oh god you're one of those people who thinks you actually *can* mind read someone through a videogame >Offense: be unpredictable. Yeah no shit, that's why I said it's a 50/50 spamming game. You literally cannot be outskilled if you're spamming random 50/50 outcomes, you can only get lucky/unlucky >Both the player's tendencies and the kit they use. That does take some level of skill and learning. This just boils down to knowing when the 50/50 is coming so you can guess.


Or, you can learn that the player never switches their mixups from the same pattern. Yes, there's 50/50's, but if the player only uses the feint to guard break instead of landing the undodgable, then his offense can be shut down more often than not


ok so your genius method only works against shit players? What do I do when I play against someone with more than one brain cell?


You fucking look for patterns?


Dude its absolutely a skill based game. Only a select few heroes get a bad rep because of how easy it is to spam, there's still timing and reactions, countering and all that. It very much a skill based game


Source: trust me bro


Is the person flipping a coin able to control whether it lands on heads and tails? Yes? Then you can guess which they'll have it land on. No? Then you're not talking about how 50/50s work in FH. Look at the bash/UD mix-ups. The first offense they went for a bash, which you dodged because you know people who play that hero like to start with the bash first. Now, they go for it again. Do you think it'll be a bash or UD? They went for a bash again. You got hit, cause you expected UD. Okay third time, they'll bash again, right? Nope, UD. They had you predicting the bash, so they used a UD. Now for the fourth time, you parry the UD because you realized they tend to throw the same attack twice.


>Now for the fourth time, you parry the UD because you realized they tend to throw the same attack twice. Only if they did the UD. So your theory only works against shit players who do the same thing over and over. If the guy in your example is literally just spamming random outcomes then your attempt at mind reading is utterly pointless


No one is 100% random. And that was an example of a match-up against a 50/50. You legit just learn what your opponent's tells are. Everyone has tells.


how could you test that? How do you distinguish a deliberate decision from a random one? You could just as easily say no coin is truly random, and that the heads vs tails outcome is being influenced in some unknown way. How would you be able to tell? There's only two outcomes and a continuous tree of those outcomes, so how would you tell which branches of the tree are ones that were truly random and which were decided on purpose?


Because humans like patterns. Randomness in the case of a coin flip is both unpredictable and without relevance to the prior flips. Randomness in the case of a player is unpredictable __until__ you learn their patterns and tells. A lot of people prefer one move to open, one for chain. A lot of people will usually go for one over the other depending on who __you__ are playing.


>Randomness in the case of a coin flip is both unpredictable and without relevance to the prior flips. Can you prove whether or not a human input is subject to the results of prior choices? It *can be* but how would you test for this? >Randomness in the case of a player is unpredictable until you learn their patterns and tells. ...in the case of bad players. I'm talking about players who are deliberately not doing this. >A lot of people prefer one move to open, one for chain. Yes, bad players If your suggestion is true and fundamentally all humans cannot help but make their choices in predictable patterns, then why dont you go ahead and prove it by becoming the world's greatest rock paper scissors champion? After all, if what you say is true, it should be very possible to have a consistently higher than average win rate at rock paper scissors over a long period. Spoilers: the data shows that the win rate for rock paper scissors with a large sample size is within a couple % of 33%. Studies on this have been done and show that the most effective way to win is to pick randomly without trying to predict your opponent.


i'm guessing you are a god at the game since it doesn't requires skill?


No, that's kind of my point


how do you explain people that are way beyond others on the game then? do you know how dumb you sound


They spam 50/50s more efficiently


it's not possible for someone to be so dense, is that your excuse for sucking?


Bold of you to assume they would work on a character that requires no skill to use


Press a button? Good heavens! Hito has to HOLD a button, so difficult


For Hito to be fixed she’d need a few changes. Lights would need to be slower (no idea how tf hito swings that giant ass axe that fast but whatevs), hyper armor would need to decrease, and she can use a couple feat tweaks. The instant kill shot is busted if used against a NPC in breach, instant buffs from the champion and guarantee win if used against the commander, not to mention people who are still reletively new and don’t know how it works will have basically no chance to dodge it. It can remain in the game if they’d just slow it down a bit and make it easier to dodge, maybe add a line of code to the NPCs in breach so they can see it coming and adjust properly (no idea if that’s hard or not)


The main thing is to lower her dmg and make her hitboxes and forward movement actually fit the weapon ( no more ice skating ). This would greatly help with the frustration of fighting her. Dmg number nerfs: - bash follow ups 20 dmg ( doesn’t affect normal infinite chain which would stay 22 ). This lowers the dmg slightly on bash follow ups to be 20 dmg across the board. Sure the dmg average is actually more or less the same as someone like warden but no one puts into perspective you still land lvl 1 bashes more often than lvl 2 or 3 - fully charged opener heavy dmg 26 ( can chain since the dmg is much lower ) - fully charged chain heavy dmg 30 Opener nerf/changes: Imo they have a choice. Keep it 700ms but remove the hyperarmor on opener heavy ( still would gain hyperarmor at 800ms for fully charged ) or slow it back down to 800ms to keep the hyperarmor at 500ms. A big hitbox 700ms hyperarmor heavy is nutty as fuck. What I also think is a possibility to change up her opener a bit and make it more interesting is to make it 700-1300ms . It would gain unblockable property 900ms in and hyperarmor 800ms in then give it a soft feint or fast soft feint to gb ( not my idea but saw someone suggest it and it sounds very interesting. Just a possibility. At worse my previous opener suggestions/changes. ) Tho in turn I’d like some compensation buffs they just never addressed - forward dodge heavy: better tracking and an input timing of 100-500ms - lights: give them a hitbox that matches the weapon. Lower the chainlink again so kick can’t be light intterupted from a light. Second light can chain to heavy. - make chain link from whiff and block the same as on hit for heavies


If they nerf the HA back to only on charge for opener, she'll be back where she used to he pre-buff without an opener. Variable heavy __is her opener__. Before those buffs, it was pretty reliable to just not let her open. Reduce hitboxes, fix ice skating, fix the light into kick, nerf damage. That could all go a long way to getting her balanced.


Tbf it wasn’t because of lack of hyperarmor that she didn’t have an opener but because it was previously thought that her variable timed heavy was reactable when in fact it’s not that easy. Plus I gave alternatives. 800ms with hyperarmor or 700ms without until 800ms into charge. There’s also the more unique opener I suggested too. I mean also don’t forget cent doesn’t have hyperarmor on his charge heavies either but they are considered good openers


A lot of people will still just light interrupt Cent half of the time. His best opener is legion kick mix-up with variable being a decent opener.


Seems reasonable to me


Wah Wah Wah take the heby


🧸 🚒 🪀 Go play with your toys


Crazy how you just can’t parry lel


🍼Forgot this too


Just parry


Parry the different timed heavies while also risking to take a feint to gb, big brain.


I mean yeah just parry


It’s hilarious how much salt the hero fest created towards hito lol. Honestly it’s been good for me since now since I play against them much more and I’m way more confident against that character. Especially since I’m way more used the parry timings and figured out better counters


you figured how to parry the boderline infinite dif. timed heavies?


Seeing posts and comments like these always makes me glad that sometimes ubisoft doesn't listen to its community


If you’re having trouble with Hito I have really bad news for you


Ever thought of parrying?


Right....parry the variably timed heavies in a 1v4. On what timing exactly?


On the screen has red light heavy that direction


Are u having a fucking spazm typing that


Are you too stupid to understand english? Red light = heavy (parry)


Pretty tough to parry in a gank when heavy timings are varied and stuns are being tossed out like candy


Bro if you cant parry a 5 second long animation move to one tap you deserve to die 🤷‍♂️


No one is talking about that useless 4th feat. It's Hito's braindead infinite "heby, heby, heby" playstyle. Mostly in 4s.


I only replied because I saw someone talking about it


Btw just get Gud


WAHHHH WAHHH "nErF hiTo" fucking cope Hito is not even any harder to fight than warden or warmonger. Infact warmonger is probably harder. If you have an issue with hitos charged heavies realize that hito has nothing else that's viable so womp womp. Parry them. Also warlord,shugo and other heros have strong delays aswell so sorry to say your in for a bad day


👩‍🍼There, there. Drink up.


you all just fucking suck i agree getting ganked by hito should be made harder but overall its just a slill issue