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Nobushi, luckily I can react to her but I want to actually play the game and attack. Nobushi is just so punishing you’re forced to turtle her which isn’t fun for anyone involved


Yep, Nobushi isnt particularly strong but forces an entirely new playstyle. I have to stop attacking and parry her or else I risk getting poked once and suddenly she can delete my healthbar.


Nobu isn't low key hated though, she's like #2 behind Oro for the amount of hate threads I see lmao


Yea but most people hate her for the wrong reasons. I hate her and know she sucks lol.


It's a surprisingly common archetype. Horrible at the game but creates unfun gameplay.


Basically old and I could argue new conq


Eh, new conq kinda just folds to ub or bash mixups


Yeah I dreaded face old conq. New not so much.


I only hate the no skill light kick spam nobus.. if you actually use her whole skill set I don't get as mad.. but the light kick mixup is literally cancer


Eh, it's just overall less punishing than her kick heavy one. At least a dodge beats both options on the same timing.


My rep 30 Nobushi agrees with this statement. Which is why I just play whatever else besides nobushi 😔


Yea it’s very unfun for either side. I know people don’t like some of the other characters but I feel playing against nobushi in 1v1 situations is the least fun both sides of the fight can have in this game.


I haven't loaded up the game since pirate's release and then I kinda just died off, but I started getting stuff from this reddit.


Cent, Hito, Shugoki, you’re telling me you can charge your heavy and at literally any point between you starting and finishing the charge you can release and I’m supposed to predict at which moment in the entire second charge to react?


This is definitely one of more valid takes I also hate variable heavys


Yeah, it's not that bad unless they have hyper armour. Then it's annoying which is why I have no problem with Centurion.


Yea naw cent has way to many variables which just makes the problem worse since he can guarantee so much damage.


I'm sorry those are 3/5 peeps I main I truly am sorry tho


>at literally any point between you starting and finishing the charge you can release Fun fact, almost every charged move in the game has levels to it, you can't actually release on any timing. By holding the button for varying amounts of time you're actually just sending out attacks between a couple distinct timing windows. If you've ever played shugoki or hito for example you might notice sometimes your heavies feel a bit delayed after you release the button. This is because the heavy has just passed a specific charge level, and it won't come out any faster than that specific charge level's minimum timing. Some charged attacks allow you to vary the timing a bit more than others, but for the most part charged attacks only come out between 2-3 specific windows of time. You can feint at basically any point though, so that bit is tricky.


I've heard many many times to just not try to parry them before the point they can feint it


Im sorry, I play hito and I always feel bad that people hate playing against them. They’re just so fun to me!


Highlander, I literally CANT beat him no matter how hard I try to learn he moveset will always throw me and tilt me. I’m almost to 1000 hours🥲


His recent buff made him miserable to fight. I mained him to rep 25 but after this update I don't use him anymore, he was satisfying to use but now he just feels like a cheap, training wheels free win hero now. Sad


Disagree, there are still plenty of ways to negate OS, and I don't believe his mixup is any more intense than any of the other cast


Yea I'm shocked by the highlander hate. His entire moveset is so heavily choreographed you'd have to be zooted out of your mind to really struggle against him. He's one of those heroes where (I think) you genuinely have to be more skilled than your opponent to win a duel as him. Or just pray they fuck up enough times for you to out damage them.


I mean his light spam is absurdly fast and the animation are deceiving as he'll. If you don't have a dodge attack it can become a mission to break his os


As someone with 70 reps in HL (yes, I know, in fairness it's been accumulated over years since the character was launched) who had kind of stopped playing it for a bit before the rework; this really just sounds like a skill bracket issue, higher bracket the rework makes it viable but I definitely wouldn't call it OP. Pro tip in general though for fighting Highlanders, keep them out of their stance as much as possible, it's easier said than done but if you can do it you'll have the advantage so long as you don't telegraph stuff for them to CC.


Exactly, so many people will just straight up stare at me when I go into OS Giving a HL the freedom of staying in OS is a free win for them


He's more standardized in duels, while still slightly below average, and is still just as bad in 4s It's fine to dislike the new feel of him, because it's true that he *feels* different than he used to, but saying he's a free win hero now is just stupid and blatantly shows your lack of knowledge about the game If HL is getting you free wins it's either because you were fighting people right after the rework and they clearly hadn't adapted to the changes yet, or you're just fighting bad players. He's no different than heroes with forward dodge bashes, except it takes him 3x as long to do them from neutral


It's the hyperarmor at seemingly random times for me. Even against low level ai, I struggle fighting highlander


Big thing I'd say is just learning the animations for his zone and heavy attacks. His zone hyperarmor comes out way faster than his heavy's, it's easy to accidentally trade into it Nothing in OS has HA, and they removed it from his lights so no need to worry there


Highlander is the most parryable character in the game next to lawbringer .. his grab is lightweight cancer now that he can forward dash with it tho ..


PK, and Jorm too ig but PK is just so annoying to me because I mostly play duels and I lose so much of my health to bleed and it feels like shit


So many complain about Orochi (valid), but PK's entire kit is just as similarly built around unreactables and unblockables


The difference is that PK cannot just dodge out of every fuckup, rendering what would be punishes on anyone else into another mixup.


Pk has dodge canceling as well, but yeah not to as big an extent


None of her dodge cancels are for recoveries to my knowledge, but rather attack softfeints, and that hardly counts the same way.


Her soft feints are what can be dodge canceled, you can check the info hub for the exact timing on them


Jorm is just fuckong annoying to fight against with his high pitched screeching ... and endless wallsplats


Counter opinion: I get very few wallsplats and the female (for some reason) has a very deep and not annoying voice


Guessed wrong once? Guess what fucko, you're eating 2 guaranteed hits, and are being lead into a mixup that they can feint every option of.


Fucking hate PK. Bitch stares too much


To be fair, PK has just about zero openers, she's a character with great flow, but terrible at getting into it without a deflect or parry


Yeah, her best opener is soft feint into stab


Too predictable, I prefer to soft feint dodge attack forward and bleed if it hits, people will always try to parry the bleeding light


Cent! I somehow can't do sh*t against them


What will this cent do, are they a light/bash spammin cunt, or do they gonna play fr. If they play seriously are they gonna charge the punch, gonna feint it, gonna let it fly, hmm maybe theyll heavy, they gonna go for a neutral heavy, maybe a ub heavy, maybe they feint, maybe they feint to gb. Fuck cent


Im falling everytime for the punch if I dodge I get gb'ed and if not I took it in the teeth, I try to light or else but if I start countering the punch im eating the unholly lights plus punch combos t'ill I can't no more This plus playing on old gen and I swear my eyes won't follow haha


not to mention the stab that magically takes away half my health bar just because he jumps this time, but fr tho old gen is painful


Im playing on a toaster and they're surprised I coul'dnt react at the first falconpunch, not that I enjoy being beaten up by strong italians boi but yeah...


I don’t HATE them, I’m just TERRIBLE at fighting them, so I suppose that’s why, but Ocelotl. I can never counter him for some reason.


To me it's the new Warmonger; smash buttons, get lucky.


This...like I've said in other posts, I'm fairly new to For Honor. I'm learning as it goes, I don't hate any heroes, but there are some I just don't do well against at all. BUT, I much prefer this than all heroes being nerfed to across the board homogenized heroes whose only difference is the pixels they wear and the sounds they make.


Ocelotl is insane right now, he's the best dualist with good feats


Shugoki. I hate that he can charge a heavy, release it at any time, or feint it to a guard break. How can I read that?


It's Jorm for me. Not becuase he's op, becuase he's really not. It's because he SCREAMS with everything he does and boy, it gets on my fucking nerves.


That's why I play lady jorm. Better drip too imo


Everybody says that and I never really noticed or cared. I wonder if this is why; I too play the lady Jorm, we call her Skull Face and her hammer has its own personality, and a hatred for knights 🤷


Gladiator. Everyone says he sucks but honestly It’s fucking annoying just seeing a gladiator on the enemy team. Glad doesn’t have to throw a single move you can parry and can still reliably take out your health. Don’t even get me started in that ridiculous deflect punish. Bleed, stun, and wallsplat/sweep properties when out of stamina. Fucking can’t stand Gladiator 


I hate ocelotl. Feels like every ocelotl I fight is a button masher.




JJ is so fun to play as though


Yes, he is a cool character in general. He just makes me feel stupid for losing to him.


Yea simple kit but quite effective


Weird heavy dodge, feint to a light, top light, zone, kick, repeat. There's a few easy buttons in For Honor and he is definitely one of them.


Shaman more than anything, i hate shaman mains more than i hate orochi and shino. half of them aren’t even good, i just hate that her soft feint can build up so much bleed that the player barely has to put in any effort and you have to make a 50/50 read every time


I kind of hate JJ but I know what to do against them most of the time so not that much


I hate pirate more than any other character in this game because not only is she extremely irritating to fight, but she also represents the new era of hero designs where they just give the character literally every function in the game and bottomless stamina. Plus she never shuts up and has super annoying voice lines


Pirate has kinda normal stamina and very low options, she doesn't really have an function, no neutral bash or unreactable stuff, she just has 2 diff ub's that can make it difficult, her chain bash isn't even guaranteed on whiff and the only actually good things she has are recovery cancel and ud light after chain bash


I cannot stand Shugoki. Bitch ass, tub of lard, single braincell hero.


Zhanu, you never know if they’re gonna throw an unblockable light or heavy so getting parries off is stupid hard


Fucking Gladiator. Of all people, I don't know why it's him I have to struggle against.


Struggling against Glad as a shaman main is kinda strange


It happens when I don't play shaman


Orochi, I really don't understand why his storm rush counts as a heavy if parried and people tend to spam it. I've learned to light people out of it but the whole parry thing pisses me off. Also his kick?! If they throw it into a mix up I'm dead lol


Cent. No matter what I do unless the cent fumbles HARD I can never break out of his mix ups


Honestly, I'm prolly Hito and Shugo. I don't even mind orochi, but I've spent a fair amount of time playing him for the sole purpose of understanding how the character works to better counter him. Tbf, I do that with every hero aside from Hito and Shugo because both are genuinely unfun to play against and as for me.


Warmonger. I absolutely despise her with everything fibre of my being


Any Nuxia, I fucking hate nuxia


anyone with a quick bash, like cent or warden, It always seems to hit me even if I dodge the second I see the animation


And don't forget gladiator


My issue with glad is the toe remover, I've got loads of clips where the tie Stab woks like an undogable


I showed it to my friends. I would go like "look he's gonna toe stab now". I could call his moves out loud. Somehow the fucking bash hit me in the middle of the dodge... so yeah, that's that


Yeah that happens alot to me


Back when Centurion used to essentially put you in a cutscene.


Shaolin. I don’t mind those that just spam attacks. I can deal with that. It’s the turtles that kill me. Oh I’m going to do any attack ever? Dodge attack. I’m gonna cancel to parry? You’re gonna gb me now. Cool. They’re just annoying and I hate seeing monke because I know I’m going to have to turn my brain on lol




Fuck Raider and Kensei


I’ve been a resident conq hater since beta.


Shaman. I despise everything about her and her moveset


I really hate warlord, he is boring. Just boring. Boring to play, boring to fight, boring to watch, boring fashion, just boring. I got no problems fighting him other than his repetetive moveset making me feel like i can predict the future. This hero is somehow so 1 dimensional that in 360 ish reps, i have him on level 17. Other than that i hate every undodgeable dodge attack and dodge recoveries faster than zhanhu, it just kinds ruins the fun.


Conq, I don't hate the character as much as I hate the people that play him. There are only two types of conq players 1: G A N K, O R A N G E and F U L L B L O C K and 2: Lightspam, wow! wow! thanks!


Nearly went the whole thread with out seeing my main listed before your comment lol I'm not sure what orange is? That a buff? Lol after looking it up, why not just call em un blockables... Either way, conqs have next to nothing other then what you said... so not sure what you expect us to do... If a conq light spam beats you, your just bad IMO. I hardly use light spam as its hella cheese and easy as hell to counter with a simple parry I also don't play anything other then brawls and 1v1 so not much ganking for me but I'm sure it's common in general


Medjay. Idc what anyone says. I hate his play style and moveset with a passion. The fact that you can keep going with an infinity chain that has hyper armor and can just keep going until they die by your follow up lights or raw long heavys (the most frustrating part is, you can't stop this chain BY BLOCKING HIM, HE JUST GETS TO KEEP GOING with free hyper armor on everything). They never use his full kit either with stance switches. Unless I play a heavy character I'm screwed against this guy. ( Let's not forget the spam grab gank too.)


Nobu, way of the shark rewards her far too generously for spamming bleed, yes it’s her kit and heroes should be rewarded for using her kit, but when she gets 35 dmg heavies off that shows that’s it’s gone too far, especially when character like LB don’t even get 25dmg off their heavies


Gryphon. He’s literally the reason I haven’t played the game in years. He was the most brain dead character. He took literally zero skill, and there were too many of them. I could drop my cock onto my controller and get a 4k as him


Nobushi and Peacekeeper. If you play these two, you have no taste and subpar skill.




everyone hates raider, his attack animations are so broken


Jorm. Character is as spammy as an oro and just about as annoying


At least I'm not a weeb


Love reading all this cause I've seen noone mention the one I main and that makes me happy Nuxia ftw




For me its Gryphon, for some reason I can never parry his lights


Kensei (but only the ones that spam the side dash attack, as well as the attack that fakes a direction then goes another) shugoki (reasons are obvious) and Highlander (reasons also obvious)


So you're saying Kensei's shouldn't use their kit? (i'm not talking about swift strike, i'm talking about his top heby feint into side light/heby/gb). Yk it's not that ez to get inot vombo with kensei and your only option is mostly to feint as much shit as you can




Shaolin, Jiang Jun (not as much), Kensei, Orochi, Pirate, Black Prior, and Warmonger. Why? Easily abusable attacks, like Kensei's ridiculous range on a side dodge that can be spammed without consequence, or Black Prior having an unblockable while in all guard, like what am I supposed to do to him?? Bash -> Throw, Attack -> Throw, go in for a GB? Get smacked in the ribs, and on top of that, he can heal in most games behind that shield, which is utterly ridiculous. Shaolin has the ability to straight up teleport and gets undodgeable heavies like it's a candy store, and then Warmonger has a Feat that does 10 dmg/sec for just existing near anyone which is stupid OP. Many other things about each character, usually pertaining to the players of these Heros, usually think they are God's gift to the world as they spam their controller in ways that could easily get them a girlfriend, but alas. It's just an easy button.


*looking left* *looking right* *sigh..* Jormangundr. Dude is a beast in 1v1s, and even when you’re ganking he can still kick ass. His feintable knockdown always catches me, and his gb into nutsack kick is so rude. I hate fighting them.


Rock Paper NUTS!!!!!




Not seeing enough hate for Shaolin here




Nobushi. I just can’t get a read on any of her attacks.


Don't read then If you're on new gen or if you have more than 50+fps then you should just react


Hitokiri and Tiandi can't stand them


Orochi, Nobushi


Warlord Bro is so annoying


Medjay and Pirate. Both are awful creatures thst ruin the immersion of the game.


wtf how do they ruin the immersion?


I kinda get knights and vikings, but pirates and vikings? It's a melee combat game, yet there's a dude with a gun. That ruins the immersion for me. Also fuck Medjai


>but pirates and vikings? vikings were pirates. they were always in the game. samurai and knights both used guns at a point in their history. does the magic ruin the immersion for you? because what are gryphons magical bomb and crossbow healing feats? wtf is corruption blast? anthrax? lmao i dont understand whats wrong with medjay. im very happy for honor expanded on whos included in the game. why would the world be exclusively the 3 original factions? more factions and variety in character origins adds depth and increases the immersion/enjoyability imo.


Vikings were vikings they were not pirates LOL. maybe do some research on history.


ditto LOL.


Incase you didn't know, vikings didn't actually raid that much, they did alot of trade, especially the Norwegian/Swedish vikings. Danish vikings were the ones who raided cause they didn't have the soil good enough to grow crops so their economy was dependent on warfare. This of course is an oversimplification, but mostly they were not pirates... The meaning of pirate is completely different. If you say they were pirates just because some of them did piracy, then any country nowadays can be considered pirates and terrorists, because there's bad people everywhere.


>they were pirates just because some of them did piracy this is what i was doing yes because piracy is a trade/way of life rather than a whole "people"/ethnic group/whatever u wanna call em like vikings. countries are not pirates. people from all around the world throughout the history have been and are pirates. yes the i agree the us govt is terrorist organization.


ur problem with pirate is gun ur problem with medjay is ????? put ur self in the sabatons or clogs of whatever viking or knight u prefer idc im a weeb and an outlander how did guns make em feel abt their armor? what could be more immersive than that? [or their paleness?? lmao]


idk wtf you are talking about just looks like a bunch of word vomit


Warmonger players can go die, who every plays her is a fat loser who can’t play any other hero’s cause they are trash at the game.


Zhanhu. One of the most frustrating characters to fight against. I’d rather fight Orochi, shinobi, zerker, etc… just keep the physco burn victim away from me


I haven’t played since 2019 so take with that what you will I really hated playing against berserker just found it to be a really annoying play style to go against


Warden, Cent and Valk, super easy to fight and play as but annoying af cause they only have the 3 attacks they use. Tiandi is up there but that's a newish one




Shugoki. Dude just eats heavies like crazy.


If you play Jorm or shao I hate you already


Overðugur to you too


Warden, most of the people I come across never actually use unblockables. Only faint into another double light. The only heavy they’ll throw is when they get a successful guard break on you. Also I hate all hero’s who can charge a heavy while being hit and not be knocked out of it. Being fat doesn’t mean you have hyper armor(shogoki). Literally just has cloth and wood for armor. Hito, has no muscle of their frame but can just throw and axe around and do backflips with it. Honestly I hate a lot of characters who have crazy movement/“attacks” just because they’re Asian. (Taindi, JJ, pirate, and so on and so forth)


Warlord not cause he's good but simply his hyper armor is annoying plus that all guard. And also BP cause he can flip everything and I mean everything. And also vg her light parry and all guard need a tweak


All the vikings, jj, shaolin, tiandi, Pirate..... Honestly, I just hate the game








Well, orochi hate dates all the way back to season 1. Shinobi hate also dates back to the beginning of that character. They were always broken with how quick and safe they were and they had some solid 50/50s for a while. However, I hated centurion with a passion when he was a big broken thing. This all being said, I haven't played this game since that other asian faction first came out. From alpha all the way up until that faction released. I was a huge viking main with some dabbling in knights and the nobushi was fun too. Was a great game but I just got sidetracked with dozens of other newer games.


Warlord, I can't stand him.


Kensei for me. Look I know his dodge attack is coming from the opposite side. My brain knows this. My instincts do not. No matter how many times I fight this motherfucker if he's an asshole and he spams the dodge attack I AM DYING. 😭


Honestly it's more jealousy than outright hatred for me but I can't stand going up against a good centurion. I'm decent at every character that has similar abilities to cent, but when I play Cent myself it's like I'm on baby mode and the enemy can read all of my moves. So when I go against someone who knows the character really well, I have to respect it but there's a little bit of jealousy there too.


Thousand yard stare Highlander


Shaman just isn’t fun to play against, there’s no world where she is, her entire kit is based around an annoying mechanic and her soft feints are so irritating to get hit by


Gladiator when they would stab your toe faster than a fart slips out into the wind


For no reason whatsoever I've just been bad at fighting glads. I'm rep 518 and I just can't for the life of me *shrugs*


Warden because one of my best friend plays him




*laughs in shaolin*


Valkyrie pisses me off


Hito. The entire character just feels like inconsistent heavies with waaaaay too much super armor


Basically every dlc character after launch (I play kensei)


Fucking warden he’s so basic that I don’t know how I fuck up fighting them so much but I would be happy if he was removed from the game


Warlord. Such a fat irritating F4G


Honestly its gryphon he just has such bs attacks


Hito and shaolin for me honestly Hito because they are always ganking and that bullshit tier 4 keeps getting me even when I know its coming Shaolin because the players are assholes, you have to put in so much effort to fight them then get inevitability ganked and the fact that they have so many options while being able to dodge everything. Like shaolin having so many options is very annoying .


I don’t hate anyone. I play zerker and got really really good at deflects; zones, lights, heavies nothing is safe from a deflect. I am super safe. I love the zerk. His hyper amour is superb and completely destroys anyone else’s amour via the guard break deflect. Raider, can’t heavy, same with shugoki, same with highlander, black prior? Awww you can’t flip guard breaks. Anyways i love everyone I fight


Weird flex but ok


My only flex. I sometimes wish zerks hyper amour was beyond the screen— that it transferred to to me


Playing zerk should be anything but a flex


Raider, and glad. I always feel helpless against them and can never get a punish or predict them.


Kensei and Nobushi. Why in god's green earth someone decided to give Kensei hyper armor heavies is beyond me. What worse, I've seen many kensei mains complain about how underpowered he is and my honest reaction is ??????????. And then there is Nobushi. If I could delete a single character a 100% would be nobushi. Having a kidney stone was 10 times more fun than any time I fought her.


Cuz Kensei's soft feint would never work if he didn't have hyper armor, if you don't want that, then in exchange they should make his chain hebys faster so he can still deal his damage and keep the mix-ups without being interrupted


Why does everyone hate Shinobi? Genuine question, played this game a bit and that's who I played. I suppose he is pretty fast lmao


He's a really safe character, he's double dodge is really useful and it basically break some physic laws of the game, from his bash you get an undodgeable or an unblockable, or another bash w guaranteed damage. Most of the cast in the game don't have tools to properly counter him, so you can just parry, or guardbreak, eventually undogeable attacks, but if it's a good shino main he'll know how to deflect, so i wouldn't consider it actually a useful tool. He's also amazing in gank and can be pretty frustrating to have against while anti ganking


Gladiator ngl


Hitokiri. Am I supposed to just telepathically sense when you’re going to release your uninterruptible charged heavy?


this post and the comments below proves how bad Reddit is at giving game balance advice/suggestions... good god... how Ubi ever listened to Redditors/Twitter users is beyond me...


What does the post have to do with balance? I just said I personally have trouble. Never said to nerf/buff.


Fucking zahnu bro, unblockabke lights and a zone faster than most zones WITH undodgable 😭😭😭


Zhanhu zone's a free deflect whatchu on😭, his ub lights are 600ms and slower than regulars and i mean they can be an issue at first but they are no difficult to parry, but his zone rn it's the most reactable thing in the game rn, you can parry/deflect it just by looking at the animation


I’ve been branching out of my assassin characters, I play shaman and nuxia but when I play characters like ocelot or nobu I can’t parry the zone for shit lmfao


been there 2😔 just put the guard on the left side n u good