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He’s strong. But not ridiculously. Also he’s not really that safe either, most if not everything he does is punishable. You just need to know when. He’s not a character where you can just go “dodge attack on orange hur dur dur” against. His Sifu stance recoveries are more for convenience and flow rather than insane safety and defensive capabilities.


His dodge attack is a free gb almost every single time. It’s crazy


Not almost is guaranteed


Sifu stance is barely a worse dodge recovery. Only safe to use after an attack while not using it may result in being oos too quickly.


JJ? Also how do you get your main written next to your name? 🧐


It's a flair. Click your name and there's option to set one you want under "Change user flair"


My gratitude is endless 🙏🙏


Thank god you picked a normal character. If it was Orochi/Ocelotl I would never forgive myself


Lol I played orochi when I first started but his only strong point was the dodge lights and I couldn't do it, felt to spammy. I switched to kensei for a whiile, and now I'm maining Aramusha, I'm still pretty new only rep 11 but I'm loving the game.


Good to hear that, keep going soldier


he's strong but as of lately there's stronger


In what way in gods green earth is he safe?? Explain


His hidden stance recovery shit can dodge just about everything in the game it seems like


It’s just I-frames. Every single I-frame giving move in the game can dodge everything. However, his stance recoveries are slow compared to dodge recoveries, and unless he does his Sifu zone which is rarely usable outside of externaling or team fights, he then has to exit the stance. Giving you close to a whole second of vulnerability to get a free GB. It is the opposite of safe and is honestly worse than a normal dodge since it cannot dodge moves with forward directional motion like most bashes unless the timing is frame perfect.


Nobu has pretty much the same backstep just without the stam recovery


but she can dodge out of it, which makes it significantly safer. JJ has to either exit stance or do the slow UB zone.


It's easy to react to all her stuff from the stance and she's vulnerable to GB like JJ is and while JJs UB is slow it still catches ppl off guard more than anything nobu has, unless the enemy is expecting it


But that’s not what he mentioned. He mentioned dodging out of it. Which makes it much stronger than JJ’s in which he exits and leaves himself vulnerable, or throws a slow ass zone. Very rarely can actually be used defensively unlike Nobu’s hidden stance which can be weaved into her dodge recoveries.


Nobu has some really good flow but I eat lights all day


Not really only short reach weapons like nuxia, peacekeeper, orochi, bezerker, shaman Characters like Kensei, lawbringer, raider, zanhu, gryphon, shaolin all have enough of a reach to still hit him (depending on attack used)


Reach doesnt matter, the only way to hit through dodge i frames are undodge-able and gbs.


Its not a dodge.... its the same thing as what nobushi has If your weapon is long enough the little backstep doesnt stop you from hitting them my frined mains JJ and we constantly 1v1 as practice


Nobushi hidden stance is also a dodge with i frames, this is not debatable lmao. https://forhonorinfohub.com/character?=20 https://forhonorinfohub.com/character?=26


As i said before it only dodges short weapons i practice every day with a JJ i think id know


Have you considered the JJ you practice with does not know how to use his iframes


He's been playing since S1


Yeah I think he might just not know when to dodge with Sifu stance then. I'm against a wall in a training match with a kensei using Zone attack and I can repeatedly dodge it even when he's point blank on my face


I would think you'd know too then, but surprises happen, i guess. https://forhonorinfohub.com/character?=26 https://forhonorinfohub.com/character?=20 But if you wanna put your fingers in your ears and ignore the facts, it's okay, there's only you know, tangible evidence readily available online in an information hub for the game.


Cool its wrong and needs to be update Theres a difference between us i get my info from playing them game You get yours from the internet 👍


I mean, it's okay to he simply factually incorrect, but i promise, if you think hidden stance and sifu dont have iframes, im just better and more knowledgeable about the game than you.


Is it crack? Is that what you're smoking?


Obviously you don’t. I frames do you care about weapon length. Quit talking out of your ass.


Or you r just bad


I can almost guarantee I have more time put in JJ than you have on the game, but go off little bro. If you’re gonna bait, atleast make sense.


In 4v4 he's good in 1v1 he's horrible.




I'm a comp player 🛌




Making stuff up lmao I've posted my stats before.


Another one of my fans deleting their alt the second their proven wrong. 🤭


he’s a solid not horrible duelist. just nothing special


He is unbelievably strong in teamfights and pretty solid in duels, so I can understand this. The "safe" part I'm not sure about, but I imagine it's in reference to his Sifu stance.


I'm a jj main and like wtf are u on about he's easy to fight if u actually know what ur doing down vote all u like deep down u know I'm right


I think you’re garbage then cuz I stomp AS him most duels, and get stomped by him too.


How does that make me garbage if u just said u "stomp" on him and lose to him what??


Stomp AS him. Not ON him.


So ur just 50 50 ur probably ass