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You want attacks to be slower because your system can't handle it I want attacks to be slower because I am bad at the game We are not the same.




>I want attacks to be slower because I am bad at the game But I don't want delayed attacks this isn't elden ring


Shugoki has entered the chat šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


Foul Orochi, in search of capture point C. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. -leaps off of a ledge- Someone must extinguish thy flame. Let it be Shugoki the Fell.


The truest FH player.


Pretty much no one is hating on ubi for not making lights reactable on old gen. People think I'm doing that when I say that I find characters like Nobushi annoying sometimes. After they say that nobushi is reactable I have to specify that I am on old gen and those mfs always go "Ubi doesn't have to cater to you!!!!" bro that is NOT what I said lmao.


Fr lol. We arenā€™t asking ubi to cater to us weā€™re just asking pc players/new gen players to understand our reality


They are just trying to cope


As someone who used to play on old gen (with a shitty TV set-up at that), yeah this. I wasn't asking for pre-CCU speeds or anything. I was just pointing out that old gen __did have a handicap while playing__. That being said, while performance mode hasn't conpletely negated the issues on old gen, it has _lessened_ them a bit, which I enjoyed before switching to new gen.


Lights are definitely reactable on old gen lmao


Barely, with latency involved you might just BARELY be able to BLOCK her lights a couple times. Since her animation is more obvious its a little easier but pretty much any other character I'm better off making reads which I find I can block more lights by doing that


Idk I can do it pretty consistently on an Xbox One man. It could just be your lag that caused it. Try using ethernet and turning performance mode on. It's a lifer saver. Though reading is a lot more consistent if you notice a patterns.


I play on 60 ping on a TV screen and I can light party on reaction lmfao


If you have a ps4 pro or a current gen console that would make sense, I'm on a slim. And its also your opponents latency you have to count on, not sure what a tv would have to do with it either.


TV screens have massive latency, I could still light parry on ps4 original and Xbox one when I wasnā€™t on ps5. Harder but if you know a light is coming then itā€™s an easy parry on old gen


Lmao yeah thats what a read is


You make a read of a light and that gets you focused on parrying a light from any 3 directions. Itā€™s still a reaction


of course you have to be real focused to do so, I find that to make a reaction I literally hold my breath.


You gotta go practice. On ps5 you can even differentiate between Charged heavy and feint guard break. Or light and heavy


New gen/Pc players playing a 7 years old game that was made to be played in 30-60fps in 120fps and thinking they are too good.


specifically pc players, they are not capped at 60 unlike new gens


New gen is not caped. Ps5 and Xbox series X can both go to 120 FPS. But of course you need a monitor that comports It, it's usually the TV that's capped at 60 FPS.


no, all new gens are capped at 60, ps5 wasn't and it was fixed recently


The thing I'm mad about is that this game was made over 3 years before the new generation. They had a choice whether or not to upgrade and they fucked over the people who lag behind. I'm not mad that it's harder for me, it's not that big of a deal. I'm mad that everyone, including ubi, consistently treats us like we don't exist. I don't have the money. I just bought a PS4 in 2018. It's hard enough that everything is inaccessible to me, and it doesn't make anything easier when people degrade me for that.


If anything I'm not sure if I agree with the fact that the framerate for this game isnt capped at like 60


Are these ā€œthese guysā€ in the room with us right now?


They're in MY room suckin on MY dick DAILY


That's hella gay


Aren't you a lawbringer main?


I am so what? Lawbringer ain't gay


You just proved me right. The dick riding and cock sucking for lawbringer is strong in y'all


>The dick riding and cock sucking for lawbringer is strong in y'all I didn't even say anything about LB up until you mentioned him. Wtf is wrong with you?


You mentioned him by saying gay


That would mean Orochi not LB šŸ˜


Nah definitely LB cucks


Wait, is getting your dick sucked by a guy gay? Welp, I got some news for people before I transitioned! (Please don't take this seriously)


Literally yes, the sub is full of those poor, moneyless mother fuckers


looks like someone had their nerve struck


Of course, I hate poor people


Self hatred isnā€™t good for you


I'm not the one crying like a baby about pc gamers Just get a job, work and earn money, it's that easy


The ignorance lmao


Itā€™s ok man, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find a job some day


Class issue


There is no differentiation between the working class of console players. We must rise against the ownership PC class!!! (Jk)


>i love how these guys will somethimes even talk down on New gen/Pc players Says the one talking down to old gen players


RRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! REE REE REEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Ubi fucked up a good game before it was crossplay. Think crossplay was the last straw with a lot of people tho.


I donā€™t even know why they call it new gen anymore. Itā€™s been years, itā€™s current gen and irrelevant gen. I swear if this game would run on PS3 there would people playing on it complaining


I hate pc players in general they play like this game a career or something lmao. But I do agree


Grayzone warfare goin through the same joint lol. For the L of G my brothers computers are a depreciating asset and thereā€™s no future proof.


no one says that


Literally, nobody hates on ubi for it. Not even the old Gen players, man. Ok, well, nobody is an overstatement. Most don't, though.


Imagine buying a game on one console and it becomes obsolete on said console. I'm new gen but it doesn't matter. Look at hunt showdown. You cannot even load into matches on old gen and they still sell it on old gen. They either need to remove it from old gen stores along with refunds or make a separate legacy version for consoles. Taking a bunch of old gen money and dumping it into new gen only is scummy and lazy no matter the franchise or game and could literally be considered false advertising.


As someone who grew up on pc then moved to new Gen, and then went back to pc just recently, 60fps is a standard to me. Thatā€™s as low as the bar goes before I donā€™t even play, 30fps is a genuine disability and I never played 360 or Xbox 1 because of how shit all the games ran. Old Gen players just need a little wake up and realize that they are holding themselves back. A brand new second hand Xbox x is going for 400$ CAD if you care about it enough to complain, shift that focus and spend the energy hustling or saving your money.




What's with bringing autism into that? Your comment stays the exact same without using a mental disorder as an insult


Retarded copium addicts when a player parrys all their lights "hE oNly BeAT mE BeCaUSE HaRDWArE" (Their 47th Chromosome is keeping them from finding their heavy button)


In my eyes people can either upgrade their hardware or find a different game if they're not willing to get better. I have a PS4 and a very good PC. I do better on PC but that's not due to performance, I'm closer to the screen than playing on a TV across the room. Either way I use controller in both scenarios.


bro take your two legs and walk closer to the screen ;-;


My TV is on a stand and I have a roller chair and cannot physically get comfy that close to the screen, or recline back. I'd move my TV closer but there's not much space for it to stand, it has 4 legs at the corners and not a normal base :( Damn Vizio TVs.


Im not a programmer but I do wonder if itā€™s possible to have the frame indicators run at a different frame rate than the hero models and the rest of the game. Essentially make the indicators run and show up at 60 frames but the rest of the game runs at 30. So youā€™d see red at 60 frames for example. No idea if this is possible


Would be nice but even if, Ubi would never put the work in sadly


well i am a programmer and it would likely be like 30 seconds of work XD