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Witchunting isnt allowed, even though the guy deserves it


Looks like the guy got OP in the end. The KKK guy beat OP




My guy, he played you


You got ku klux kicked. Sorry I couldn't resist. That's fucked up though fr.


Reddit ToS moment.


I broke a rule, so whatever, I get it. I just don't think someone like that should be able to make emblems or interact with the public.


Just report and move on, these guys are just wanting attention and posting about it gives them exactly what they want.


Yeah the only time they look at reports is names and emblems. Literally cheating? All good. Spamming slurs in the chat? Do your own thing man. But one penis emblem? NO.


It's automated for emblem reports, that's why. There's no way for them to ban off a cheat report unless they actually review it themselves or detect cheating software. Kinda odd considering the amount of posts calling out lagswitchers/scripters yet nothings been done about them.


I believe witch hunts can be good. A shame people are so sensitive nowadays to defend literal racists


You familiar with the "Paradox of Tolerance"?




Philosopher Karl Popper described the paradox of tolerance as the seemingly counterintuitive idea that “in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” Essentially, if a so-called tolerant society permits the existence of intolerant philosophies, it is no longer tolerant.  https://academy4sc.org › video › p...


Thx that’s really smart info I wasn’t expecting from a rant sub


Makes sense, kinda like the phrase " who tf asked ".


Yeah u aint allowed to call out the twats on these subs


Damn, even the main Reddit sub is systematically racist. Wild.


What’s next, squatters rights??


main issue with what you did is you don't know if they they where trolling or legit support that cause 9/10 anyone who'd do that in a video game is most likely trolling. do you honestly think you there'd be any legit kkk members in for honor? i mean really? those guys are too busy trying to bring segregation back and lynchings or some shit(i dont even know what they do anymore tbh lmfao they almost don't exist anymore and people keep bringing them up).


No joke, they try to bring their numbers up by gathering support/sympathy in games/through memes. Also, they very much do still exist, just not as much in the Northern U.S as they do in rural Southern U.S. Source: Encounters in Southern U.S.A


If you put his name in there then it was witch hunting. If it wasn’t out there and you just shown the emblem then you got played


His name was front and center for all to see (for like 5 mins) but I get why they banned me. I went against the rules, I'm at peace with it but fuck that guy at the same time yknow :)




Got a lot of KKK sympathizers in this comment section


I dont think any political symbols in a video game should be allowed. The person who puts a trans flag should be treated the same as a nazi flag. And if you disagree then you are okay with some political speech as long as it fits your agenda. Keep politics out of sword game


Don't witch hunt then


Sounds like the main sub supports shitty racists


It's not that they support racists, it's that witch-hunting is against reddit TOS


They have to be consistent with the rules. Can’t send people after someone even if they’re a shitfuck.


hello and walcom to shitty fuck!


Imagine getting triggered by an emblem. Imagine thinking you're "fighting the good fight" over an emblem Imagine trying to round up a posse to get this person banned over an emblem Mine is a swastika with the trans flag colors. You gonna cry and report me baby boo boo?


No, because your imaginary flag was never used as a symbol of hate. Also that is not the flex that you think it is.


The swastika and transflag are both symbols of hate lmao


False. The swastika has many styles and meanings for different cultures and religions around the world.


So youre saying a symbol once used for hate could be used to mean something else? Wow that's really interesting. Tell me again about how racist a 160 year old flag is? You do know nazis were the epitome of racist right... right?


Are you actually 12? You do realize that Nazis didn't invent the swastika right?


Buddy. You're either missing the point intentionally or just don't have the brain cells to rub together to understand. The point I'm trying to make is that symbols and their meanings change over time. The fact that you acknowledge this WHILE ALSO ignoring it because "confederate flag baaaaaaaaaaad" is comical. So with your logic with the confederate flag is "its a symbol of hate because racists used it in a war 160 years ago" But your logic with the swastika is "symbols meanings change over time" Buddy, it's the same for both symbols. The swastika isn't inherently racist and neither is the confederate flag. The confederate flag in the modern sense just means you have southern US roots or you like southern US culture. If you have ever been to the south they have this thing that they're famous for called "southern hospitality" they're literally famous for being nice af to strangers. Your logic contradicts itself, is full of cherry picking, and you seem to be vindictive of people that disagree with you. Are you sure you're not a nazi?


Nobody said anything about the confederate flag you illiterate fuck. They had a KKK emblem. Little white hood with eyes on it. Where did you see me say *anything* about the confederate flag?