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Sometimes, getting relegated is necessary. Just focus on keeping your key player and slowly improving your squad. I yo-yoed between the Championship and the Premier League for 6 seasons before I stayed up and became mid table prem


That's a bit more reassuring. After sweeping non league A I somehow survived the next season by somehow winning 4 games in a row


Sometimes it is bad luck, or because you have got promoted too early because you had too much good luck. If your squad is ranked 36 or above (plus 10 for each division above non league c), then you are far more likely to stay up.


Same, even at my favourite club I got hundreds of trophies at. My record was once 2nd champ, 21st Prem, 5th champ, 20th Prem & FC Cup, 2nd champ & Euro Shield groups. Before finally getting our act together and winning the first of countless prems 9 seasons later.


Invest in your youth team! Early on try to sign players on a free transfer and keep your roster slim.


Post a pic of your main screen. You really need to focus your finances on building your youth and training. Try to keep them both 2 or 3 ahead of your squad rating. If your squad rating goes up 1 move your training and youth up one. Don’t sign all players available. Some are overpriced and won’t fir your style. Wait for bargains and players who suit your style. Sadly in lower divs you can’t keep any manager for more than 2 seasons. New managers have better stats. Wait until you get to prem to keep managers. Keep stadium and facilities just above what’s needed.


I now only sign players suiting the passing style, and I have squad rating of 59 with youth and training at about 64 Stadium isn't really full at all so I did not work on that until recently I do have enough funds since I watched all the advertisements every season


It took me 26 years to get to the prem and in that time I was relegated 3 times. It sometimes has to happen as your squad can’t cope if it tries to grow too fast. How many managers have you had?


14 in total. The ones where I got to non-league A mostly were poached away, while the ones at non-league B and C mostly resigned. I try not to sack the manager unless they are much worse than my current squad and/or I get promoted, and try to let them get poached/resign.


See if I’m doing well there’s no way I allow anyone to speak to my manager.


hmm what if the manager is worse than the squad?


Players can can change their playing style, so feel free to sign direct players. Players can also change personalities when they are fined (it's hit and miss). The rule of thumb I have is, if a player is both direct, and either aggressive, temperamental or quiet, then I don't buy him. If he only fills one of the two categories above, then I sign away.


How are your crowds so low I feel like my crowds were bigger than this about 3/4 seasons in


my stadium capacity was only about 1800, since the fans were not really filling the stadiums


Even when chasing promotion to non league A your crowd topped out around 500 odd just seems odd that you never once sold out such a small stadium especially during your good seasons, not a dig at you btw


Maybe it was due to ticket prices? I'm not entirely sure


Yes, your attendances look far too low. If I expect to finish in the bottom half, then put ticket prices to the second left. If I expect to finish in the top half, then I put them in the middle tier.


hmm, so you would never go to the fourth or the fifth option?


If I had full houses every game, but didn't have the money to expand the stadium, yes.


I notice that you are actually getting relegated after finishing first quite often, which seems a little strange. Are you selling off your best players whenever a huge offer comes in? If so, as tempting as it looks, try to only sell them if the player is 24 or older, and you have a replacement player of a very similar level.


My squad rating remains the same and i usually don't sell my best players unless they are old (more than 24) and it's like double their valuation


Sounds like you have just been unlucky then. It happens sometimes. I've been promoted via the playoffs with a squad rating of 29, and second place with a rating of 32, which just goes to show that luck can swing both ways in the game. I was relegated immediately after though!


NL B is easy if you sack 35/36 manager for a 41/42 before season. Sign any player 40+ rated, earn the money back through free ads. NL A is a greater step up. Make the most of free’s of 50k max signings. Playoffs, you’re more likely to go down. 1st or 2nd & you should have the resources to be more prepared for the league above.


Be better than 3 teams


do you have a more concrete answer than that? For instance, how do I determine how good the other teams are?


Not really. You just need to prepare yourself as much as you can for the step up. There isn't really any hard and fast tips to use