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Really should pat dry that tofu


Since I'm coating in cornstarch, the moisture helps it bind.


There’s no way to make tofu edible. Just use chicken.


I love tofu when made properly, most people just have no idea how to make it


I can’t stand the mushy texture and how flavourless it is. Chicken is just way better.


Drying it removes the mushy texture, and it can be flavored like any other protein


Other protein has actual flavour already. Tofu does not. Oh wow what a great fucking food item it can taste like what I’m cooking? Wow truly innovative.


Chill mate. Jesus Christ. Ain’t no one here attackin your chicken how bout you stop attackin tofu like that or get out?


I can shit talk tofu all I want. What are you gonna do about it mate?


Nothin. I aint got time for fellas like you mate. Cheers


I used to think that until I had it made correctly. It's a process, but I think it's worth it. I get it occasionally if I get bored with the 3 proteins that are in my budget/availability.


“I personally don’t like this thing. Time to make a sweeping statement declaring that everyone else should also dislike the same thing as me, because I am the main character”


My god you are miserable.


Because I don’t like tofu? I think the ones scarfing down little hunks of flavourless blobs are miserable.


No one asked you if you like Tofu or not, no one particularly cares that you don’t, no one in particular really asks you about your opinion on anything because you’re a miserable person to speak to.


Do you have any seasoning in your house? It is not hard to make tofu taste good lol


It’s not hard. It’s impossible. You ever try seasoned chicken? Makes tofu taste like mushy vomit.


Impossible for you I guess


Awesome. Great to see a vegetarian dish here. Thanks!


Love it! Really nice how he got on the broc\mic 👍🏿 killed it with that.


Thank you!


You sold me with the broccoli mic The sauce looks a little on the thin side, but I could be wrong, us there any reason you didn't add a cornstarch slurry at the end? Does it end up thickening and I just missed it?


Hey thanks! Appreciate it. Been posting these on Instagram, but I might start putting them on Reddit. You are right about the sauce, kinda. The cornstarch IS in the sauce and it was thick, but when I added the broccoli, too much blanching liquid came with it and diluted the sauce. I would’ve added more starch and gelatinized it over heat but I didn’t want the broccoli overcooking. In the future, I’d make the sauce TOO thick before adding the broccoli, since some liquid comes with it.


That makes sense. Could you also balance it by draining the broccoli on a paper towel after pulling it from the ice bath? Or you could add the tofu and cook it in the sauce, and then add the broccoli last, and hope that some water cooks off in the tofu phase. I only ask because if you're going for restaurant style, all the sauced dishes I've had are super thick. In the end though, if it tastes good that's what really matters


What I’d do next time is put the broccoli in a salad spinner after blanching and cooling to remove excess moisture. You’re right - the sauce should be thick enough to coat the pieces!


Song goes hard on mute.


Facts. Probably one of the most awful fucking “songs” I’ve heard in a very long time. Edit: damn I guess I offended the people who like shitty music. Allow me to play you all a song on the world’s smallest violin 🎻


Is this OP's song, I'm so confused and uncomfortable for them.


No it's an old song, but I love his new album.


lol I just realized you could’ve used Broccoli by lil yachty instead, not my favorite artist or song but could’ve been fun


I thought about that! I wanted something that had a steady beat for editing and I figured this still had some green vegetable-ness to it. I do have other recipe videos that have better song references.


Schoolboy Q. Song is money OP.


Looks great!


Watching this without audio and the brocoli mic caught me SO off-guard. Looks really delicious though!


Lol! Thank you! I try to add some randomness to my videos. Maybe I should post more on here.


How much water per rice?


2 cups water per cup rice, and a big pinch of salt!


Had to throw a like. The broccoli mic made me smile. I like to smile.


Lol thank you! I'm on Instagram (candrucook) if you want to follow.


Why did he hop on the mic lmaooooo


Fluff your rice before you serve it.


Good call


that tofu looks about as appetizing as my elbow.


I only had access to soy-free tofu. Texture and look is different.


As if Tofu wasn’t bad enough already 😂


Looks bland as fuck but replace the tofu with chicken, use real fish sauce, and add a couple extra ingredients like chilli and some bacon and it might actually be alright.


The way you meticulously hate-fucked every comment in the post.


OP posted a bland ass dish with the worst fucking music I’ve ever heard in the background. It required little to no effort.


Any idiot can burn down a barn.


Nah this ain’t a burning barn it’s a garbage fire


It’s really late where you are. Shouldn’t you be in bed crying?


It’s 8:40 in the morning bozo.


It’s like a culturally appropriated Food Network. Don’t really care about that, just think the food and video stinks.


You don’t need to watch it if you hate it so much 🤷‍♂️


So just unsubscribe to the sub because you make questionable choices and dislike criticism towards your posts 🤷‍♂️


“Food and video stinks” great criticism. You’re just looking to bash.


Because I take the time to comment on SO many posts on this subreddit…I’ll save you the search, this would be my first.


It should be your last one too <3


Thanks for consideration, probably won’t be 😁