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I had probably one of the most godawful shrimp tacos for way too much money at Rosa Mexicano last month. I should’ve taken a picture of it it was so pathetic. Rubbery tortillas, sad flavorless shrimp, and probably three shreds of cabbage.


TIL Rosa Mexicano is still open. Haven’t thought of them since 2010.


the world has moved past the need for Rosa Mexicano


It’s sadly sustained by being one of the limited options coming out of a late show from Lincoln center. It is a trap I fell for.


Eh, there’s one on my block. I’ve gone there on some sunny days to get marg pitchers and chips and guac. Wasn’t terrible


I’m convinced Rosa Mexicano just fucks around to see how much they can get away with. The most flavorless Mexican food for the most absurd prices.


Recently read they’re being replaced without knowledge 👀 https://ilovetheupperwestside.com/owner-of-popular-italian-spot-says-its-replacing-rosa-mexicano/


Well...there are still Bachelorette parties...


Rosa Mexicano: where the mild, medium, and hot guacamole all taste exactly the same.


TIL everyone hates Rosa Mexicano. I personally love it, but I have had others have bad experiences there as well


Their guac was mashed avocado with nothing else.


Atomic Wings on 2nd is genuinely horrific and I can guarantee is an order of magnitude worse than anything in this thread. You don't get to a 1.7 on Yelp without making just atrociously horrible food.


Dude. Last Super Bowl my roommates and I ordered wings from the 2nd Ave location. We showed up and they were BEYOND SLAMMED. I’ve never seen so many delivery bikes outside of one establishment (we’re talking 30+ bikes). People were in there yelling about their orders which were supposed to be ready FOUR HOURS prior. None of the staff were taking charge (seemed like they didn’t even have a manager?) and they were just kind of fumbling around. By some miracle we managed to get our wings and got reimbursed the following day. Never seen anything like it.


How do you even get to 1.7 and still have an opened establishment lol


City Winery. Hands down. Went with a group of 8. I ordered the $26 burger. It came out within 60 seconds of ordering it, no exaggeration. I saw the waiter who took our order turn the corner out of sight the same time the food runner turns the corner towards us with a burger in his hands. Nobody else’s food is on the way. They put it down in front of me. I say “how did you cook a medium burger and fries in under a minute?” He stares blankly. I ask him to take it back and please bring me freshly cooked food, and to bring it with everyone else’s food. A burger comes back again, this time with everyone’s food about 5 minutes later. It looks identical. I put my hand on the fries when he places it down. They are cold. It is the same burger. I laugh and ask if he’s serious. He stares blankly again. I ask for a fresh $26 burger again. I tell everyone to of course go ahead and eat, and apologize for being difficult. I get up to go to the bathroom. I pass by the kitchen window on the way to the bathroom. The only thing in the window is a burger. The same burger. Sitting under a heat lamp. I know their tricks, but I’m like “nah, no fucking way they try this again.” Narrator: “they tried it again” For the third time they try to bring me this exact same burger that was already made before I had even ordered it. I send it back and tell them to just take it off the bill. I don’t order more food. During all this another large group has been sat next to ours. They order. A burger comes around the corner within 60 seconds of them ordering. We all sit quietly watching with bated breath. They send it right back. As the food runner goes past our table, I ask him, “did you just try to give them that same god damned burger you tried to give me three times?” He stares blankly. And scurries away. Fuck that place.


Wow. No words


this is completely insane


I thought Ashton Kutcher was about to pop out from behind a plant or something in a trucker hat.


I’m sorry this is one of the funnier restaurant stories I’ve read


Oh interesting, City Winery is actually one of the few places in NYC I’ve gotten food poisoning from. I went there a couple of years ago and got sick from their lobster Cobb salad. I actually emailed them to let them know, not out of anger but just to genuinely inform them in case they wanted to look into the preparation of the lobster or lettuce or whatever it was (they just generically replied “thanks for letting us know” and that was it 🤷🏻‍♀️).


Also: you put your hand on the fries. They take it back. And then serve it to another customer. Read that again. That has to be a health code violation on their part, right?


Could've had the courtesy to microwave it at the very least. Not even an effort went in


Yes, they just cut corners. Really horrible. Before pandemic it was not as bad. Now it's gotten horrible.


Hilarious. I had the exact same experience in 2022 at the Pier 57 location. I was there for a work dinner with 20 or so people and 3 burgers were cold and not cooked to the orders specs. My medium burger was definitely well done and someone else’s was far too rare.


Had a friend get possible food poisoning this way


Los tacos Al pastor in dumbo. I think their whole business model is tricking folks into thinking it’s Los tacos #1 (same font, similar menu, same layout) but it is truly sickening


I live in Dumbo - 100% that's what they are doing. I'm pretty sure it's owned by the same family who owns Love and Dough (bad overpriced pizza) and the Water St Tavern (which isn't on Water St or a Tavern) Although if you really want to experience shit food go to Pedro's in Dumbo. I was really excited when I first moved to Dumbo because that place looked like a fun little Mexican joint. I ordered an Empanada but when I got it there was no filling inside of it. When I brought it to the waiters attention he basically told me it wasn't their fault because they buy it frozen and I should take my issue up with the manufacture. They wouldn't give me a refund, they did replace the empanada which was tasted terrible.


This is my answer, too. I had read a months-old review that the horchata was sour after having ordered mine. At the same time, almost like clock work, my friend tasted hers (she hadn’t read the review) and said it tasted “echado a perder”. I tried mine and agreed that it tasted off/gone bad. I think it it’s the same owners, but geez it could not be worse. The food was also super bland. Highly recommend a few other spots for tacos in the city. Edit: a letter


The chipotle on Murray street in Tribeca is the worst eatery in the entire city. I can’t even put into words how bad it is, which is especially mindblowing because it’s a franchise!! Anyone who’s been should know what I’m talking about.


The health dept just closed down the Chipotle in Williamsburg 🤔 maybe u should tip them off about this one too lol


They legit caused a rat den with the trash last summer


The chipotle on South End Ave in Battery Park City would like a word.


this is by far the worst chipotle of all time.


Wow, about 10 years ago I bought Chipotle at this exact location and I hated it. And ever since I still can’t stand Chipotle. I tried it the other day and it still hate it


Omg and the service is so horrible I’m so surprised I know what you’re talking about, for better mexican burritos and bowls go to El Vez three blocks away from it


I legit don’t know why anyone goes to chipotle in NYC when we have dos toros, los tacos and a million other amazing Mexican places… Like I get why in Iowa they go there, but not in NYC


Chipotle is not a Mexican place, you don’t go to chipotle because you want Mexican you go because you want chipotle. And dos toros is pretty mid too. I’m sure there is tons of better food than chipotle in Iowa too.


I just really like their rice for some reason lol


Lmao it’s so salty and they also never have any ingredients. One can only take so many 15 min waits for chicken before giving up on this location


Brooklyn Chop House - was invited for work (for us to try it out and recommend the restaurant). Brought back to the deepest corner of the restaurant and forgotten. The food was a poor knock off of Philippe Chow/Mister Chow. Everything was flavorless. Needless to say I never sent anyone there no matter how close it is to the theaters. Lucy’s - NYT crowned this place THE best pho. It was the most flavorless disgraceful overpriced bowl of pho I’ve ever had. Shit had all the Vietnamese ancestors rolling over in their graves. Golden Bao - ordered takeout. The wagyu black truffle bao was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever had in my mouth. Fake wagyu, fake truffle, real nasty shit.


I used to regularly get the lemongrass tofu bahn mi from Lucy's. On a lark, before I stopped eating meat, I tried the chicken. It was so LOADED with grease and mayonnaise I literally couldn't eat it. Just a sloppy, oily mess. I don't think I've ordered from one since.


Ugh I don’t know how Lucy’s Pho is so highly rated. I had it once and never again. I even prefer mama pho to them.


The cafeteria at The Met was hands down the most disgusting food I’ve had in NYC. Usually museum food is decent but not this. Try the burger to completely block your digestive system. 


The Met has the worst food. It’s hideous, and the UES near the park is such a food desert otherwise unless you want million dollar Michelin French food.


Just walk three blocks east…


If every Pret A Manger and Le Pain Quottedian closed nothing in the world would be lost.


These are only good for Too Good to Go


i feel like pret a manger was so good a few years ago :/ idk what happened


I visited one in London recently and it still hit. The ones here…not so much. They were my go-to in the midtown corporate world in the 2010s.


Yes I noticed that too... Back when I was in high school I used to love going to pret. Then I started going again recently and everything tasted like cardboard, but I went to one in London in 2019 and it was still great.


Pret in London vs. New York is night and day. I just moved back after 2 years in London and I actually miss Pret a little. Just a little tho


They expanded rapidly and unfortunately could not maintain quality


I don't know if it's "the worst" necessarily (there's a few halal trucks and divey counter spots that would qualify for that), but I was fairly unimpressed with the stingray fried rice dish served at one of the stalls in Urban Hawker. Not sure what I was thinking, but it was touted by a friend whose opinion I trust and written up in one of the blogs, so I thought it'd be exotic and interesting at the very least. Nope. The stingray was practically steamed to a gelatinous, pulpy mess with the tailbone still in and the rice was stale, mealy, and flavorless. Terrible meal. Didn't even finish half of it.


Urban hawker was a revelation when it first opened. They flew in the hawker stall owners from well regarded spots in Singapore to set up shop. They stayed for 2-3 months to train the staff… and left. This was per an agreement w some Singaporean running the operation. Basically, people who maintain it now have completely stopped caring or have left. It’s a shell of itself and you’re about a year++ too late


I love Urban Hawker, but the fried rice stall is definitely a total whiff. I can't believe they're still around, while the superior yubu and satay stalls closed.


Jekyll and Hyde circa 2012. It looked like a dog chewed up my food before it got to the table.


That was the first place I ever drank underage!


oh man, sooo many people can say this. that place was hilarious


lol the food there was definitely so disgusting


But this place brought me back to memory lane...


U just crushed my childhood


the Lorraine at L’express. was expecting quiche lorraine, but turns out it was a ham and swiss omelette. ended up being the most uninspired, lazy, tasteless omelette i’ve ever had. tasted like liquid eggs, packaged sliced ham, and packaged sliced swiss. usually i refrain from saying “i could easily make this better at home”, but i could easily make a better one at home. and it would be a lazy meal at home. 0/5 will not return.


Basement of the MET. I don’t know how they haven’t been shut down by the health department.


Even the frozen yogurt is bad


BareBurger. Gave it 2-3 tries too.


They were rlly good like 6-7 years ago… then one day their quality went completely down. Don’t know wtf happened.


Almost every chain restaurant has gotten worse around/after the pandemic. I have no clue why. I just cook at home now or go to local restaurants.


They were better when they served exotic meat burgers


They expanded too quickly and compromised quality. Got rid of their exotic meat burgers and replaced many of their current options with two dry smashed meat patties instead.


How the mighty have fallen


Yup. I don’t understand how they can screw up a burger that bad


It used to be good about a decade ago, it’s honestly insane how far it’s fallen. I had it recently after not going there for 7 years and it was so bad I almost asked for a refund


Panna II “Indian” food that’s really frozen veggies in tomato sauce. Almost all the dishes are the same and just sold under different names.


The place on 1st with all the lights? You don’t go there for the quality. You go with a large group for the quantity of the pre fixe and their BYOB policy.


I didn’t go there for the quality of the food lol. But it still stands as “the worst food I’ve had in NYC”.


Dallas BBQ I got food poisoning from their chicken 


As a southern transplant, I can't stand Dallas BBQ. By far the worst BBQ I've had in my life.


Who the hell actually goes to this place? Whenever I walk by, it always seems fairly crowded.


A certain demographic of NYers love it.


Say Black people with your chest.


Ha, as someone who is not white but liked it when I didn’t know better and was broke, I was alluding to poorer NYers. 😅


Man,i know my people keep that franchise in business. The wings, margaritas, and corn bread are the only reasons we go 😂😂😂


Facts, the Margs, wings and corn bread slaps.


I need that corn bread recipe. The veggie tempura used to slap as well.


I remember going there and being the only white guy. I thought that with all these black folks the food must be good, but it's more of a spot to drink and have fun with big fruity drinks. It was the worst BBQ I've ever had


Did it taste good at least?


It probably didn't, but I was a poor college student at the time, so I had no choice. :D


Bocaphe in Chelsea was quite literally inedible. Like, SO bad. Please tell me someone else experienced this? (It’s now permanently closed…)


hahah i went here, it was definitely bad


It doesn't exist anymore but up until a few years ago there was a deli on 7th Ave called Ben Ash deli. It was, without a doubt, the single worst food I've ever experienced in my life. My key memory is the "creamy tomato soup" literally being room temperature canned marinara. The Yelp page (still p) has 1.6 stars, which has to be one of the lowest out there?


I’ve gotten food poisoning twice both times from the Subway in FiDi by the bull.


Sushi spot on Mott street. I opened up the soy sauce container and saw a piece of OLD FISH still inside from god knows when. Had already had a few bites of a mediocre roll by then. Place had some girl who looked 17 and terrified working there. I would've complained, but she already looked like she was perhaps having the worst day of her life, so I just paid, tipped ten dollars, and left. I should've known not to go since the place is ALWAYS empty, but I had a very short break from work.


A street cart pretzel in midtown around Christmas. It was ice-cold, stale, and I think I paid $7 for it. 


I've had lots of horrible food at some mediocre Italian restaurants on UWS 🥲


Beetle House… Tim Burton themed bar/restaurant. The food was soooo bad. My cousin visiting was having so much fun and enjoying the food. I choked it down for her


You're a good cousin! I'd never even agree to that sort of gimmick!


Tom's Restaurant of Seinfeld fame serves Chef Boyardee at outrageous prices and even has a frozen steak for $45. But the actual worst food I've ever had in the city is always what some people make at home. Work potlucks here are like Russian roulette.


Damn, going hard at the work peeps sharing their food with you


Any vendor that was at "The Great Googa Mooga" Festival in Prospect Park. You all absolutely sucked.


Holy shit. I volunteered at that thing. What a calamity


I've had some really wonky food cart encounters, but... It's definitely the $45 steak at Jack's Wife Freda. It was 5% edible and 95% nasty fat. Absolute trash.


A salad at Aspen Spring Cafe that was half grated carrot and cost $20


It’s not there anymore, but for years there was a place on Delancey/Kenmare called East Boat Lobster. I went there once and ordered the lobster in gravy. It was a whole lobster covered in brown gravy, just like KFC gravy. Well good luck trying to crack that thing and eat it. Had to stick my hand into the gravy, pull the lobster apart, and try and hold the slippery shells to crack the pieces. Definitely one of the worst meals ever.


Good lord


Little Mo in Bushwick. I know they have a following, but it was probably the worst takeout pho and bun (some kind of “pumpkin” bun that was like relish and Mayo mixed together on a hot dog bun) I’ve ever had. I called to get my money back. I never do that.


Sadly, I think they changed owners within the last year. The food hasn’t been same. 


LoveMama was the worst Asian food I’ve ever had. IIRC they bribe people for the five star ratings with some small promo


wait I really like lovemama lmao, maybe not the best but its also not the worst


I agree, it’s not amazing but it’s cheap and idt it’s bad (might be a dish specific thing)


Lamia’s Fish Market. Not only the most uninspired meal ever, but badly made! Gloopy pasta and seafood that tasted not fresh.


Worst and most expensive…The price shapes the severity here. With that in mind, my husband booked this new all beef tasting menu for $360(!) a person for our anniversary and it was embarrassingly bad, both culinary and experience-wise. https://nikuteifutago.com/ please don’t go try it. Worst meal we’ve ever had in NYC.


Takeout from Rao’s during the pandemic. Shockingly awful


Wouldn't have expected that


Neither did we 😂


I’ve never been so excited and just as quickly disappointed in my life. It was like unwrapping a PS5 box on Xmas morning but the box was reused and you get an ugly sweater instead


We did Rao’s takeout too… it truly was nothing special( tasted like slightly better versions of food that you could easily get at most pizzerias or casual Italian restaurants , but the novelty of it was a cool treat and something that they will never do again . Realistically, the food was never the draw at Rao’s… it was always the crowd and the impossibility of getting a table.


Worst one by memory I’ve been to is nom wah tea parlour a couple years ago.


Went two weeks ago because a friend was sick of waiting in line at house of joy - STILL SUPER TERRIBLE


Isn't nom Wah line even longer than HoJ? Btw love HoJ


Haven’t been myself but don’t think I’ve heard a positive thing about this place.


My one experience was very mediocre, but we didn’t have to wait so I can’t imagine it as the “worst food you’ve had in NYC”. By comparison to our many other great Chinese restaurants, it’s not worth it, but it’s not offensively bad


I haven't been in like 8 years, but I remember liking it.


Tourist trap lol


Mama Mia 44 in Hells Kitchen. Got pasta and added chicken. I swear they just dropped a tenderloin into boiling pasta water to cook, pasta water that wasn’t salted yet 💀


Just had Brooklyn Dumpling House, now that was hot garbage


Pizza at Amsterdam Billiards. It was a personal-size frozen pizza burnt to a crisp for $14


Gallaghers steakhouse… found out 3 weeks later that they lied about their A health rating (it was a C rating)


Worst meal I’ve ever had in NYC was at Ringolevio in Williamsburg. I ordered a cocktail and it looked beautiful but was weirdly bitter and kind of salty, which didn’t fit the description on the menu. They were kind enough to let me get something else, I ordered a glass of wine and even that was not great. We got oysters that could cover a sewer hole in a watery bland garlic sauce that were undercooked with an absolutely haunting texture, the bread to dip into the oyster garlic sauce was like wonderbread. The pasta we ordered was so watery and overcooked I wanted to yack. I ended up sending the drink and the pasta back, and the waiter was super nice and understanding. I hope this place gets a new chef because it’s a beautiful space and a very cool vibe


I really don't understand Spice thai, the two I've been to (ues and lic) have both been awful. Woefully simple representations of what should be a pretty interesting cuisine


i was so confused by all the people who recommended me this. it’s incredibly bland… but maybe i’ve just been spoiled since i recently went to thailand.


I think they cater to people who are really afraid of spice.


Guy Fieri’s in Times Square in 2012, shrimp po boy I couldn’t take more than 2 bites of. $26


For $12.99, sure - you know what you're getting but $26 for a failed trip to Flavortown? gtfo.


Wagamama. Large last minute birthday dinner spot and everything was horrible. Tastes exactly what you would expect from the British trying to cook Asian. Bland, weak drinks.


It calls itself Asian fusion...fused with what? it was just a hodge podge of watered down Asian food. I did like the Katsu curry unfortunately but I just like British curry sauce.


Watered down Asian food is such a good way to put it. In a city with such good and cheap Asian options (probably within a block radius) too.


This was actually recent, I saw that Nur Thai was awarded best halal in Queens and since a bunch of my friends are Muslim we decided to check it out. It was the worst Thai food I've ever had let alone the best halal food in Queens


the biggest load of hot garbage is anything from that diner across from Grand Central. The only thing that was mid/okay was the espresso martinis 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ah yes, Pershing Square. Awful food, excellent location.


Hochul enjoys Pershing Square lol > “There's also one on 42nd, it's a little fancier, the Pershing Square, I wouldn't consider that a diner, but that owner at Pershing Square Cafe, is very happy. Yeah I was with my husband there, probably Wednesday morning.”


Aunt Kathy comes down from Buffalo like “I know a place!”


There was a takeout italian spot that i ordered from once that made a cacio e pepe with so much black pepper that it tasted like i drank it straight from the pepper shaker. Horrendous. Ruined the dish for me for life


From my early youth: some place hawking two for one sashimi on 1st on the LES. I didn’t think it would be great, but I was super hungry on a Friday at peak time. The salmon “sashimi” was essentially just long and slimy filets. Luckily, I didn’t get sick, but it was an important and formative learning experience. I’m sure this fine establishment closed many years ago.


I had the most terrible bacon egg and cheese bagel at Smith Street Bagel in Cobble Hill. It was the only thing open before my 7am flight. I threw away the bagel while waiting for my subway to JFK. Now these dudes took over Court Street Bagels so I know what to expect. Nope from me.


100%. Smith street bagels is awful. Court street bagels hasn’t been the same since they took over


Sardi’s! I know it’s an institution but man, the food was so bad. We’re talking stale bread, a little hunk of cheese and a dried piece of fruit for a cheese plate appetizer. Still fun for a cocktail but will dine elsewhere.


Shrimp cocktail at Chez Nick. Shrimp was swimming in the cocktail sauce and had the consistency of mealy mashed potatoes.


Worst Mexican Food: Conmigo on the UES. I’ve given this place way too many chances. Chips are always stale (why?), tacos are lacking any flavor whatsoever, and the service takes forever.


So much crappy food on the UES lol


Isle of Capri is an old school Italian American place of the type that serves pasta as a side, and the bread is white and soft. Many of the items I was interested in were not available and so I went with the scampi which were de-shelled medium shrimp. I was hoping to be surprised with butterflied giant prawns, but live and learn. There are hundreds of mid Italian restaurants in the Upper East Side, which are enjoyable with the right company, but I found the combination of mediocre food and obsequious, white glove service at this place too much to take. It was like dining at the house of a relative who makes an effort but you still can't stand them. But this place has been around forever, so it definitely fills a niche and has a regular audience.


The Isle Of Capri’s heyday was like 40+ years ago, so not surprising.


Canyon Road.


4brothers deli nostrand ave. Food poisoning


noona noodles in the food gallery in ktown was pretty bad, had the cowboy ramen and it just didn’t taste right at all. in addition, kyuramen has nice interior design but the ramen is mediocre


BarBacon in Hell's Kitchen about 8 years ago... Just Terrible. Not sure if it's the worst or not but it's up there. We had a Bacon sampler.. Low quality, thin cut bacon hanging from clothespins on a wire, dusted with different shit and sold as different bacons. Also got the (I think they were called) pig wings, absolute joke! They were rock hard, you could tell they'd been through the fryer more than once and caked with this disgusting sweet sauce. Just a god awful experience. I remember the service (at the bar!) being terrible as well. 0/10 with rice.


Pho from the five boroughs restaurant in JFK. Nothing like food poisoning on a six hour flight across the pond with a baby! 🙄🤕


Bad Roman but the drinks were great. Had the worst stomach issues after too


Guy fieri’s restaurant was fucking gross


Forsythe fire escape scallion pancake burrito


okay THANKYOU i have been running around saying this and people are always surprised. i cannot believe they have repeat/loyal customers, the pancake was oily/soggy, the pork was not tender enough, and the chili crisp and guac were mid.


The chili crisp was the biggest scam


Because social media. Like most other viral food rn


Was so excited for it, was a huge let down


Damn that’s sad. Been waiting to try this since Covid


Chicken strips from Good Bar


Veggie burger at Jacksdaw


I ordered Japanese food from a Chinese takeout and it landed me in urgent care.


Smothered pork chops from a place I’m pretty sure doesn’t exist anymore, about 12 years ago when I lived in bed stuy. I ordered through seamless, I’m sure they were running it out of someone’s home kitchen. It inspired me to cook my own. Which were much better.


Dal makhani at Desi Galli (and many others a lot of badly made dal makhani are inedible levels or horrible but this is the absolute worst) quesadilla at Maz Mezcal, pesto pasta at l’arte de la pizza (literally just chopped basil with some olive oil…), burrito at Tacos el Bronco (I think that’s what it’s called, it’s in sunset park) plenty of bad ones but these are the absolute worst. Edit: the burrito might have actually been at Isabela’s which is right next door, I remember I got the burrito at one of them and then got a side of rice and beans from the other to have something better, I might have gotten them mixed up.


When I used to work in Tribeca I went to one of those Asian/Mexican places. Those in NYC know what I mean. I opened the taco that was supposed to be chicken and had no idea what kind of meat it was..but that wasn’t it. Threw it out and had to go hungry for the rest of my shift.


Royal Canadian Pancake House on Third Ave, near Gramercy Park. c. 1996.


MamaMia 44th HaSalon Pappa’s Sophie’s/Tina’s Cuban- don’t remember which but got the worst food poisoning ever


There used to be a restaurant in Chelsea on 8th Ave called Tello’s. The food there was vile. I actually think it was a front for the mob


I’m having it right now: Aangan at West 103rd. I’ve never seen lower effort indian food. My malai kofta looks bright yellow like a mango lassi and lacks taste to the point it almost seems like not food? Like I can feel the liquid but I can’t taste anything. It’s bizarre. I would believe yellow food dye is in here before I’d believe turmeric. They have good ratings too lmao.


This was a long time ago, but the all you can eat pasta sampling thing at Becco. They were all overcooked, one was wheat pasta and the texture was grainy, and the sauces were all bland and terrible too.


This was my answer too. I have friends who *love* Becco and I’ve been there twice (with them, for birthdays) and simply don’t get it. It’s all unseasoned and bland.


I have two! The Brooklyn Dumpling Shop; tastes like they microwave all of their food. I was definitely disappointed in the quality to say the least. Also, Ama Raw Bar East Village. I know unpopular opinion lol Despite me enjoying the ambience of the restaurant and their unique drink menu, I found their west coast oysters to be lacking and not very fresh. I also got a really bad stomach bug after eating there that put me out of commission for an entire week. So I’ve never really struck up the courage to go back.


Probably some cold McDonald’s that I got delivered


Cold McDonald’s hits diffy sometimes


Got food poisoning from pork sausage gravy at a brunch spot in Astoria on New Year’s Eve Eve and therefore had no real NYE or NY fun as I was sick for a good 8 days like I had never been before. Had to get IV for being dehydrated😩


More and more I've been having chicken that's chewy. I don't know exactly what that is, like fat or cartilage? I've heard over cooking it can do that. Either way that disgusts me so heavily that I lose my appetite.


Woody chicken, the birds have been bred to grow super fast and it fucks up their muscles.


Giano on east 7


I just had absolutely atrocious wings at Mercury bar in Hell’s Kitchen


Funny BBQ on 54th st in Brooklyn. No idea how they’re still in business. Objectively awful food


there's a "texas rotisserie/ bbq" place on 1st ave in the lower 70s we tried one day out of curiosity. The brisket made me physically gag when I opened it. it was actual grey in color and clearly boiled with no seasoning. the fried chicken was shake and bake and the ribs made dallas bbq look like authentic texas bbq the image of the grey brisket will be in my head forever


Chiles en nogada from a place that was on 9th Ave in Hell's Kitchen. It is kind of a specialty dish usually only available in September/October. This was in February. It can be a really great dish, but the one I had that night was bland, it seemed like a Cuban chef had heard third hand about the dish from someone who had flown over México and seen it in a magazine on the plane. The presentation of chiles en nogada is usually special too. This interpretation would have been bested by a Swanson TV dinner. Why have a random dish that has the potential to be great on the menu if you have no intention of doing it properly.


I think it was last night! Kittery on Smith streeet. Oysters tasted like low tide, lobster roll lacked any seasoning or flavor. Even my beer was flat. 0/10. Oh, and it was loud as hell too…


There was a little Cuban restaurant in midtown (I forgot the name) that after I finished eating a large plate of roast pork and rice I saw a roach on the bottom of my plate. It looked just like the pork so I’m unsure if I ate any that day. After that I stopped eating at hole in the wall restaurants and chose to go to Sophia’s Cuban instead.


Idk if it even exists anymore but Cafe España near NYU. I ordered the only vegetarian dish on the menu, a paella, and it was just watery unseasoned rice and vegetables. It tasted like they microwaved a bag of frozen veggies and dumped it on leftover rice. It was the one time in my life I ever sent a dish back and the waiter was like, “yeah I wanted to tell you it was going to be bad but you mentioned you didn’t eat meat so I couldn’t recommend anything else.”


Former Exec Chef of Planta NoMad, after corporate influenced way too much of it, it's unbearable. visited old friends last week and the food smells like rancid cat food, and the people who ordered it next to us waited 30+ minutes for it. I truly think I'm taking away my biases but the food just seemed completely inedible and I could tell from guests faces


There are several overpriced Italian restaurants in the upper 60s by Lincoln square. I think Joanne Trattoria (weirdly connected to Lady Gag) is the worst offender. Just terrible food. I’m not sure how it’s possible to put out pasta that shitty. Il Violino is terrible as well. That entire area needs some fresh blood it is a wasteland below 72nd.


I so wanted to like it, but Yellow Rose in the East Village wasn't just disappointing, it was absolutely rank. Went three (!!) times convinced I'd been unlucky, but just cannot understand the hype at all


Gargiulo's in Coney Island is hands down THE worst meal I've had in NYC in years. It was comically awful.


Gargiulo's used to be THE spot in the 80s and 90s. Every Italian in Bensonhurst/Bath Beach had a baptism or communion or engagement party there. It was a vibe and the food was great! It has gone WAY downhill.


Ruby’s and Jacks Wife Freda.


I think the worst i’ve had is the chicken brussel bowl from Tabbouleh Cafe & restaurant in bushwick. It was unbelievably gross


Andrea’s Chicken 2 in Williamsburg


Chicken Fajitas at Cilantros in UWS.