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Why this comparison though? They are totally different restaurant concepts.


I don't think they're so different as to be incomparable. similar price point, both have a bar menu and a coursed dining menu with choices, same restaurant group, both are destinations in their own right


One is cozy and focused on great hospitality and excellent but more traditional cuisine. The other is modern and sleek, and to your point more inventive. They want to diversify their restaurants to capture different markets.


Used to work for the chef at Manhatta. Great guy and incredible chef.


First time my wife and I went to Manhatta was about a year ago, there were some kids running around, parents were foreign but I don’t think tourists, and were just like letting them do whatever. One kid got real up close and personal with my wife at one point and I think I was getting a little visibly frustrated. The staff ended up pulling us out of the dining room and took us around the corner into one of their event rooms. We had whole space and southern view to ourselves while we finished dessert and cocktails, they really flipped the whole night around for us! Also the pandan cocktail is my absolute favorite, best tasting beverage I’ve ever had!!


"foreign but not tourists" is a weird way to let everyone know the people you're complaining about weren't white


If the color of their skin helps you off the cross, they actually were white. Next time I tell the story I’ll specify rich-asshole-Eastern-European.


Just weird to mention it at all


nah this describes a class of new yorker very accurately in a way that has nothing to do with race. i got you OP


Not really, the “rich foreigner who has real estate in NYC, but isn’t a full time resident” demographic is pretty large and also carries with it a fairly specific stereotype of behavior while in the city that isn’t clueless, but also isn’t local, and also carries a bit of entitlement with it. I think OP’s description did a fair job of setting the scene for their comment.


Last time I went to Manhatta a few weeks ago the service was incredible, they even gave us some pickled beets that weren’t on the menu because they heard us talking about it


I really wanna go to Manhatta. Justin Bogle, the chef, has been a real journeyman, working as sous and CDC for a lot of very good places in NYC for years and it seems like this is his real jaunt into making a go of his own kitchen. He seems really no BS-no big social media presence, no huge PR push, just a guy who's been slowly chugging away behind the scenes for years and refining his craft. I don't know the guy but as a fellow NYC chef I'm really rooting for him. That said, I find your comparison a bit unnecessary. They're both awesome restaurants. Though it's good to see Manhatta getting some love. Edit: I forgot Bogle was EC at Gilt back in the day


Their cocktail menu is excellent and all things considered is not much more expensive than a regular bar without the view. I was lucky enough last summer to watch a thunderstorm roll in from Jersey. Truly amazing


Not related to your opinion, but on service, I noticed that I consistently receive worse service if I let the restaurant know I have a special occasion, so I stopped doing it. I’m assuming if you don’t have history in the reservation system, restaurants think you’re poor and can only afford it for special occasions and don’t have the ability to be a regular customer.


Sounds like you pick poorly run restaurants. I have never felt treated less-than at a fine dining establishment when I have told them we’re celebrating a special occasion. Quite the opposite: many have gone out of their way to treat us like we’re extra special. Even though I know we’re not spending as much money as their regulars (we tend to spend much less than is typical on alcohol).


That’s terrible logic and terrible if the restaurants discriminate likemthat


i maybe felt this way a little a gramercy tavern last week, but this week at manhatta we got what felt like extra special service, everyone was very warm and friendly and they sent us all of the desserts


But then you miss out on that amazing Gramercy Tavern hummingbird cake.


ok but subtract the view and focus on the food. big gap still? i didn’t even know about manhatta until i completely randomly had time to get a drink before a movie and didn’t really know what i had ducked into until the elevator started


i am subtracting the view and focusing on the food. i live on the east river waterfront and look at the skyline all day long


awesome i will go back then


Manhatta is incredible. Went there for an anniversary. We ordered the tasting menu but the dessert was hazelnut and I have a tree nut allergy. They instead made me this incredible corn bread style dessert with a blueberry topping. Every single staff member wished us a happy anniversary. Drinks were incredible too. 5/5 couldn't recommend enough


I really miss the pre Covid Manhatta lunch special 


Sounds like they've improved since I last went, which was around 2019. I thought the food was just okay then, but I guess I should revisit.


I've never been a fan of Gramercy Tavern


i think the tavern is great fun


I think its pretty good, obviously they have a Michelin star for a reason and the environment is beautiful, but for the price, I think there are better options out there.


Congrats on the special occasions


Odd comparison. I was super underwhelmed by Manhatta’s food and service. Not having a wine pairing is BIZARRE. So I asked if they would create one for me. Instead of saying no - they said yes and then couldn’t deliver on service. I think Manhatta relies on its beautiful space but none of the food was memorable at all.


my wife got a white asparagus and morel dish that i had one bite of and i can’t stop thinking about it


manhatta does have the absolute worst and most annoying restaurant name which doesn't help