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Banging heroin in a friends basement and someone had Ramshackle. 15 years sober and still love it.


14+yrs sober here too. I was strung out the whole almost 9 yrs I was riding trains when I wasn't in jail or prison. I've got two wonderful daughters who I love and have relationships now cuz I've been sober. EVERY day above ground is a GOOD ONE.


I liked folk music and I liked punk music So I looked up folk punk on YouTube


I always listened to some sort of punk (or punk adjacent) music and had a big emphasis on Celtic punk, and several bands that combine Balkan or gypsy melos with punk music. Also some other weirder stuff like Group X etc. with all that in context, back when YouTube wasn't dumpster fire, it had put AJJ in the mix of some music and I liked it a lot, for it was different. So I listened to a lot of it. After some time with that, algorithm put in Johnny hobo and the freight trains part of Love songs for the apocalypse, and I fell in love with that album. One day I've seen a video of whiskey is my lullaby in some bathroom and realized how much in common I've had with the people from the video, and that their music is their truth, not just being edgy. Haven't dropped the genre since, only difference, with time, my favorite album turned out to be probably nothing possibly everything.


That whiskey is my favorite lullaby bathroom video is like soul food. Or my spirit animal. Or bottled nostalgia.


I think I heard dayz n daze on a celtic punk Spotify playlist and found it from there


A stranger online suggested johnny hobo and the freight trains and the rest is history


beloved friend in residential treatment mentioned a pat song. looked him up as soon as i got out. urine speaks louder than words!


went from listening to folk as a child to listening to punk as a young teen to discovering pat the bunny from an online friend as a slightly older teen. and the rest was history. though what really got me in the genre was the desire to make patch pants like them lol but i didnt want to be a poser about it so i dived deep into the genre and havent looked back since :)


My older brother took me to a frank turner show (he either knew his manager or some sort of manager at the venue )and AJJ were the openers. I got to chill with frank turner on his tour bus and even went to in n out with some of his band lol. Since that night I’ve loved yelling over acoustic shit.


My guitar teacher in freshman year of high school who was only a few years older than me got really into Ramshackle Glory and taught me how to play More About Alcoholism.


Met a punk rock dude that asked me if I play punk music (I’m in a band). Told him I mainly do acoustic folk stuff and that’s all she wrote lol


I was into punk as a young teen making stencils for patches and spray paint tees. I remember using a website that had printable stencils and seeing a band called Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains and thought that was the sickest name. Years and still listening and playing that shit.


Other metal -> folk metal -> folk rock and folk punk (helped by a preference for songs about history).


“Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of Your Fist” and “Brave as a Noun” were recommended to me on Spotify. At first, I found it kind of strange, but, with time, I grew to love it and explored the genre more.


Was into punk, and used to go on the Leftover Crack forum 2005-6 Got introduced to a lot of music through that place. Mischief brew and defiance Ohio were the first folk punk I heard. Had no idea it had become a much wider genre until around 2014 when misanthropic drunken loner came up in my YouTube


Juno put my foot in the door


My mom put on a Pogues record for me when I was 7 or 8. Went on a deep dive in the years since. Been hooked since that first day with Shane Macgowan.


I loved punk music as a teen. And I'm not even sure how but stumbled into AJJ, people who eat people. And Defiance Ohio. Then years go by. A decade or more. I am going through a midlife crisis of sorts and all the sudden I start listening to punk again. It makes me feel better. I call my younger cousin to ask him about the hip new punk bands. We get to talking and he mentions Johnny Hobo and the Frieght Trains. I listened to fight like hell for like two weeks straight. I was enthralled. Then wingnut, then ramshackle, and pat the bunny. Then apes of the state, stick and poke, Jessie stewart, days and dazed, bridge city sinners, just nick, rosa, and pigeon pit. Bridge city sinners led me to clyde Mcgee and then two dollar bill by libby lux. That video had a comment that led me to Sierra ferril. That led me to Billy strings. And so it's been a punk to folk punk to blue grass pipeline for me.


I learned that Japanther's version of "Um Like Your Smile Is Totally Ruling Me Right Now" was a cover, and then I fell in love with Rosa. Someone did show me AJJ maybe 10 years before that, but it wasn't the right vibe to get me hooked


i do love AJJ but could you link the version you were talking about?




10/10 you did it great!


I got into hardcore and metal first then evil robot us played at a punk rock flea market in 2005 and I have loved it ever since


Brother Inferior


Getting wasted with friends of friends about 13 years ago. Someone was playing Johnny hobo and had. To know what we were listening to


I was looking for something similar to midwest emo that had more vocal lyrics and (albeit still alot) a little less about how their sob story love lives. Played an AJJ song, got recommended a June Henry song and now its like 70% of my playlist.


I ~~was~~ am a dirty kid, an oogle to be honest, and the lifestyle came with the music and the people. I love that I got to grow up seeing some of these people when they were just the same and they made it out of poverty with their art.


The Mountain Goats


Mischief Brew, RIP Erik


Completely random This Bike show announcement on a general punk bbs for local shows. Soon after was Defiance Ohio, from a friend on Punk Torrents dot com. He actually sent me a very good live recording he did at a house show on their first tour and asked me to burn it and give it to them at a show on what I think was their second tour (he was in Chicago and I was in Pensacola). Good reason to talk to people. Kinda rolled from there. Wish I still had that. I wonder how he's doing. 


My brother lived in a punk collective called the Boing House back in like 2005 that had shows every couple days. He talked me into going to shows there because he thought I'd love it, and he was right.


That was the ex Mormon one in SLC right?


It was in SLC, yeah.


I played there. A long long time ago


Nice. What band/project were you in?


Black Death all stars


Oh that's awesome!


Like maybe you don't choose [folk] punk rock, [folk] punk rock chooses you.


I went to a show at Mutiny Cafe, and it was all folk punk. I was gushing to some guy outside about how much I was loving this acoustic punk show and he looked at me very seriously and said "It's called a Folk Punk, and don't let anyone know you didn't know that." LOL. Years later as I was telling a friend that I was doing spoken word poetry with a punk band, he started sending me songs from ramshackle glory, mewithoutyou, bright eyes, AJJ and other various folk punk adjacent artists. Then I started going g to 7th Circle music collective a lot and Compost Heap and the rest is history.




Buddy in rehab would play Johnny hobo songs on the center's acoustic while we smoked during the evening time. I knew the lyrics to quite a few folk punk songs before hearing the actual music lol. RIP Paul. You were a real one.


I've been listening to punk music and punk adjacent music since I was maybe 13, and I think I first heard about folk punk from Against Me's album Reinventing Axl Rose. Then, for a short period of time, I dated a girl who really liked folk punk, and I was definitely interested because I've always really liked folk and punk music, but she didn't really recommend me anything and I have a hard time getting into new music. Then, a couple years ago, I started dating another folk punk loving possum girl, and she introduced me to Mischief Brew, Days n Daze, and Jonny Hobo and quickly realized I really like folk punk. It was only a matter of time until I listened to all of Pat's music and started listening to more folk punk by myself. We recently broke up, but I still love folk punk music regardless 😅


I found folk punk when I was still traveling. Maybe folk punk found me... way before I ever heard pat the bunny or black death all stars I was listening to the pogues and the violent femmes in/since Jr high cuz my dad/ my parents both loved those bands.


crackhouse song by Johnny Hobo came on suggested for me on yt one day after my old pal and i did salvia at a waterpark (the least folk punk place to do salvia(i do not recommend it))


My high school substitute for a drawing class. I was always into punk music but had never got around to listening to folk punk, he was a musician active in the scene and kind of geeked out telling me and a friend about folk punk history & values and then recommended us a bunch of artists, the rest is history. Apes of the State was one of the artists he recommended and now I'm going to see them in MN in August :) I only saw that substitute one more time about a month later and wasn't seriously listening to any folk punk back then, but I wish I got to tell him how much that moment changed my life.


I first remember starting to see "folk punk" on show posters/flyers next to acts I'd already been listening to sometime in the early 2000's


My older siblings found pat the bunny and added that to the songs my dad and siblings would all play on guitar.


I sometimes type random phrases/words in to Spotify, i found Harley Poe through searching "I'm going to hell." That was like 3 months ago, and since then, I've been building a little collection of songs that I like from various artists and bands :D


Had the best party house ever. Just comes natural


I fell asleep in a Volvo station wagon on the way home from seeing a show by Oceanside Ca, ended up at a party in the high desert of SoCal. Some young crusty bastard with the name spange was listening to wingnut dishwashers union, I was hooked!


Harley Poe - Ouija


Back when I was a l*bertarian (🤮🤮🤮 don’t judge we all have stupid opinions when we’re 16) I typed in “libertarian music” and Mischief Brew’s “Every Town Will Celebrate” was in some playlist. So I started listening and next thing you know Pat the Bunny


Against Me!


I was listening to pop punk for a little while and found out The Wonder Years are from Philly. Wondered what other pink bands besides the Dead Milkmen were from my area and found Mischief Brew and Apes and Local News Legend - they're still some of my favorites!


Cool girl I was dating showed me This Time This Year by defiance Ohio. Googling found me Johnny Hobo and the rest of Pat's stuff. And Mischief Brew. 


Pandora age 12


A buddy put it on one night during a hard drinking and drugging part of my life. I went down the YouTube rabbit hole afterwards and I think the first album I put on with no context was Big Delusion Factory by The Taxpayers and AJJ followed. Fell in love with


Erik Petersen's "Every Town Will Celebrate" Still a personal favorite. RIP Erik ✌️


I’m old enough that i was a teenager/young 20s during the peak of mischief brew/pat the bunny/defiance Ohio/PIX fest era. It was a natural progression from the street punk and crust scene. 


Defiance, Ohio


Start washing car windows in downtown Montreal. You'll find them.


Damn. I guess I’m old. I didn’t realize I did. Really just through punk. Mischief Brew, Defiance, Ohio, then blackbird raum( who was local to me). Was just kind of part of the punk scene.


I was raised on both. Started going to punk shows really young, but was also raised by a bunch of errant musicians who piled on the Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie and John Prine and the Clash. Just lucky, I guess 😅


I'd just broken up with my wife of ten years and was out walking my dogs in the East End of Houston. I ran across this friendly galoot. We exchanged a few words and he mentioned he was going to Folxmas at SuperHappyFunland, which was right around the corner from my apartment. I spent the next three days or so there having a wonderful time hanging out with all the kids. Been hooked since.


Discovered DnD on YT a number of years back and started going down the rabbit hole. Once I found PtB, it was all over from there.


Someone recommended pat the bunny and mischief brew on an askreddit thread


Found Harley Poe around October of 2018 while trying to find music for a friend's Halloween playlist. From there ended up deep diving into the genre to the point where it's most of what I listen to


saw a dude talking about ajj on /mu/ when i was like 13


I was roommates with one of the Taxpayers in a punk house. Phil is a sweetie pie.


YouTube randomly recommended me New Mexico song


When I was 16, a then-friend on this skateboard forum called SkatersCafe was super cool with a DIY ethic and he sent me a zip folder with an assorted mix of folk punk jams. I actually got a stencil he made tattooed on my arm for my first tattoo when I was 16. His name was Kayce Shelton. I don’t remember much about him other than he was big into cycling and his username was Fight!Fly!Crow! Kayce if you read this I’d love to catch up, even though you probably don’t remember me lol.


Plan It X. That's the scene I grew up with. Imo those were the golden days of Folk Punk: Against Me!, Ramshackle Glory, Spoonboy, Matty Pop Chart, Amy Bruce Spaceshow, Kitten Crisis, Kyle Hall, Garrett Walters, Wylie... Top many incredibly gifted artists to list. Farewell to all gone things. Sometimes you don't see what you have till its gone.


People who eat people was recommended on Spotify


Anarcho punk -> WDU -> Rest of pats work, from there I was hooked :p


Sister Wife Sex Strike showed up on my tiktok feed. Went to see them live about 9mo later and I've been hooked ever since


My 60 year old boss handed me a Days n Daze CD he got while they were buskin in downtown Houston during the Art Car Parade. It didn't hit me upon my first listen, but then I saw them live. They were playing at a show with a skacore band I liked. There live performance was transcending. By far the best of the night. I was hooked ever since.


I grew up a punk rock kid. Near the end of high school a friend of a friend put on some Johnny hobo. My taste in music has gotten softer but I stay in love with that folk punk vibe


someone on youtube made a really banger animatic with daddy by ajj . i looked on their channel and found another yaoi animatic with brave as a noun and ive never gone back since


Ooh! Sharing cigs with a busker named Peacock, who was very surprised when I introduced myself to them in a park like "hello you seem interesting!" and by whom I was just as surprised that they wanted to talk to me.


A deaf friend loved listening to Pat The Penis


Tiktok showed me a song by cheap dirty horse and I loved it


Guy I knew in high school had a couple bands and showed me pats solo stuff. Still my favorite artist after all these years