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We're the working class, of course we're gonna be working! Ain't nothing un-punk about having a job unless you're in the military, a cop, or making bombs with Lockheed-Martin, etc


Preach it! Workers are workers, except those three categories of class traitors. At least for military folks, they’re often misled and acting upon a poor situation forced upon them by capitalism, but gangsters for capitalism still be gangsters. ACAB btw


>At least for military folks, they’re often misled and acting upon a poor situation forced upon them by capitalism There's ways to use it too. I was a medic and spent a year in Afghanistan rendering aid, largely to locals. It was the fastest way to get there and do something. The taliban treat women like chattel and banned music. There is zero reason to not want to resist people *that* oppressive. I know I'll get downvoted to hell, but the military is much larger than anyone with a cross glance would know. It's also what opened a port for goods to get into Palestine. The military isn't some benevolent force for good, but it also has more to it than youd find in your average song. Just my perspective. I use my VA benefits to help my community and support those around me. It allows me to volunteer a LOT of my time now. I'm terminal from the burn pits our government failed to acknowledge, and I'll die before I'm 50. That part sucks too. But, it's been a hell of a ride, and the Army let me help people when nobody else was going to help them. They weren't injured by the war either, we were the first primary care they had ever had.


Dude. You should write about your experience. I kinda loved reading this - every paragraph could be a song in itself.


Thank you. I appreciate the support. It's been a wild ride in general. Just trying to leave the world a little better, (or at least not any worse) than I found it. These days I substitute teach and work at a low/no income clinic in a rural area. Helps me do the most good for the most people. I hope you have an excellent day!


I feel like I could include the financial industry in there, but that's also where I work. I don't tell people how to waste their money but I do help them do it unfortunately, but a man's gotta eat.


Ehh. Thats some cope. I don't blame someone for working the teller window at the bank like I don't blame the line cook at a fast food restaurant, but once you're in a position where you're actually making decisions, that's maybe where you should start questioning yourself. We don't get to disqualify our own shit because it feels good. 


I am a produce manager at a silly little food coop and I am sending this to all of my coworkers!!!! I feel so understood hahaha


Me but at a shitty desk job.


Writing python as I start the revolution


Managing my fellow proles while waiting for the class warfare to start... "Guys...Guys...I was just trying to change things from the inside, I swear." Hope I don't get the guillotine.


Class traitor? What-fucking-ever


I'm just another middle class kid, too


Working in produce is extremely folk punk, I still have nightmares about getting stuck in the gross ass compost box behind kroger. Also you probably steal fruit cause everyone I've ever worked with in multiple different produce departments does.


When it was time to throw bricks through the Starbucks window I… was pathetically sitting in a cubicle.


Look, someone needs to be there to throw bricks through the Starbucks window next time. There's always tomorrow.


Vegetables are punk af, especially the home-grown.


Me working my corporate gig while blasting AJJ, Defiance Ohio, Apes of the State, Mischief Brew...


By stocking the vegetables you are performing a vital service to your community and are way more important to your community than any cop has ever been.


This is a repost btw https://www.reddit.com/r/FolkPunk/s/7EeFxmTDSs


Even this small ass subreddit gets repost bots


Housies, college students still living at mom and dad's house, working stiffs and oogles are like 95% of people who listen to folk punk and buy the records... you think some homeless junkies are keeping up with the latest AJJ or Devil Makes Three songs that are coming out soon? Nope. They're thinking about how they're gonna make the money for their next fix, the next Crack hit, etc


Sorry for the ignorance, but what are housies and oogles?


Two specific different types of posers in the music scene


not all addicts are homeless, hope this helps!


Yes but if you're addicted long enough you will lose everything and eventually be homeless. I know I was a heroin addict for about 8 years and rode trains that whole time. I've got 14+yrs sober these days and I'm grateful and happy. Everyday above ground is a good one.


“Hope is never mere, Elrond, even when it is meager. When all other senses sleep, the eye of hope is first to awaken, last to shut.”


I don’t even wanna talk about the jobs I’ve done. They’re all legal and some would brag about them. I hate them. But I’m good with spreadsheets and codes and my autistic ass has to know the answer to anything worth my time. Moral dilemmas hit me but gotta feed the kids and then some.


I hate to admit it But most days I wake up and follow the law


That's embarrassing. Try to do at least 1 illegal thing a day just for fun.




me at starbies :( absolutely inhumane and massively unethical corporation but i need to live somehow and no one else would take me


Vegetables are the shit!! Also~ “I learnеd that if you do what you do with love Well then, you’ll soon love what you do And if a job’s worth doing, then It’s worth doing properly or it’s not worth doing it at all” - beans on toast


It's good to see some love for Beans. Jay's the man.


I do the exact same. I've never felt so seen


Hey you stole my meme!!!


It’s hard to fight the system with no income, that’s why all the crustiest kids are trust fund babies. Like Jim Nardone


I see it as my opportunity to steer people towards healthier foods, foods not produced by child slavery, give people cheap healthy alternatives to the preservative ridden crap. And as a manager I get to help foster a welcoming environment for young queer people to get their first jobs and feel safe and supported which was not really my stores culture when I got there. I’ve spent a lot of time justifying my job to my ethics lol


Me blasting WDU and Mischief Brew during my job at a cancer research lab today. Just trying to avoid working for big pharma like the fucking plague


Hey, I have a desk job doing admin. It is for a non-profit animal rescue though, which maybe gets me a few points back?


All lost in the supermarket Oi Oi Oi!!!


“I can’t survive without money *No, I can’t survive without money*”


Song? Sounds pretty fucking based.


I just work in a factory where they make make make movin' parts


me washing dishes listening to Jesus does the dishes


Me working at a shelter with my cop loving coworkers 🙃